Start With This


The creators of Welcome to Night Vale Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink believe the only bad writing is not writing. Start With This is a podcast gone creativity playground designed to put your ideas in motion. Each episode centers around a writing topic. Then they give listeners two short assignments: something to consume and something to create. Make something—anything. Then make something else.

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Recent Reviews
  • v marko
    Its here when i need it most
    This podcast is a constant source of creative inspiration and comfort for me! Ive been suffering from burnout and i open the podcast and behold! an episode on burnout. The exercises are creative and the insights are so helpful and intuitive. You’re not alone on a writer’s journey!!
  • Allegedly_Ben
    So we’ll done!
    I’ve been following Nightvale for a couple months and absolutely love the show for its randomness. I heard an ad at the end of that show for this. As an aspiring writer for the past 30 years, THIS show speaks to ALL the thoughts and fears and emotions artists go through. Thank you guys so much for your contributions to art and the world around you. Thank you for entertaining, teaching, and inspiring others.
  • Bwholeton
    Love this podcast
    That’s it. I just love this podcast 🥰
  • A Faceless Young Woman
    changes ?
    now that Joseph is gone I hope that we'll have some episodes of just Jeffrey monologuing for forty minutes
  • xpyxd
    Is this book that you like already?
  • gabe likes things
    helpful, eye-opening, and entertaining!
    Not gonna lie, I started listening to this because I’m a huge Night Vale fan, but this has easily become one of my favorite podcasts! I don’t write as a job or anything, but as someone who often uses writing as an outlet, this is super cool to listen to! Hearing what these two have to say about a variety of different topics has been really interesting, and it’s helped me figure out ways to improve and experiment with my own writing. Plus, it’s solidly entertaining to listen to. Go on, give it a listen!
  • stormyweather714
    Get ready
    I finally listened. First one: 5 senses. This is what I hoped this podcast would be. Thank you for the ideas. You guys are doing the world a service. I am going to start writing. Thanks
  • 11Leonora1
    So helpful and inspiring!
    I’ve loved Nightvale and Alice Isn’t Dead for ages. Getting writing insights from the geniuses behind those works has been insanely helpful. Every writer, podcaster and artist should listen!
  • JoeMcCauley
    Terrific Insight On the Many Kinds of Writing
    I’m a big fan of Night Vale and now a big fan of this show. The hosts talk intelligently about a wide range of topics related to creativity and the writing process, and they do so very well. I highly recommend this podcast.
  • meowitsraygun
    So great for any creative!
    I love this podcast not only because I get cool insight into how night vale is written but also it just gets my creative juices flowing. It’s great when you have writers block or feel complacent about art because just listening to these two guys talk about creating gives me the bug!!! Also I’ve learned so much about different writers and playwrights that I had never heard of. SO GOOD!!!!!
  • MBerry15
    Start Somewhere... in the car, even!
    Fantastic commute podcast! It's a concentrated advice-chat that not only leaves me thinking about the topic of the episode, but about how I can apply that to my creative projects. I love that the writing experience talks about everything from novels to short stories to live-shows to theatre performances to podcasts. If you're a creative thinker who wants a fresh way to look at your own projects, this is one for you.
  • K80fab
    This is getting me writing!
    What a brilliant podcast! I’m finding inspiration, practical tips, and prompts. This is simple, friendly writing advice. Enormously helpful. Fun! Thanks!
  • Criswell Weatherman
    Welcome to your creative writing class
    The problem with thinking that writing is hard is that it keeps you from actually writing. Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, the creators and writers of Welcome To Night Vale, pick a subject, dissect it, then give you two assignments: consume something and create something. The create assignment is a prompt, which gives you a starting point to create an idea. I always thought that writing involved complicated plotting and outlining. Now I just write what comes into my head, and it's so much more fun.
  • wlizard
    There is something so refreshing and inspiring in the way these two talk about art and writing. You can tell they care a lot about what they create and that’s why their advice holds so much weight!
  • Ananicholsss
    This podcast will grow any artist!
    Such an incredible show. As a writer, it has grown me so much. Each episode teaches me so many lessons and gives me so much clarity on vital topics. I love that the focus is not on growing a following or “making it” fame wise, but on growing on our craft. This is the first podcast on the topic of writing that I’ve listened to that really teaches and resonates with me. These hosts LOVE their craft and deeply want others to grow. Can’t get enough!
  • Dr_Mary_Crowell
    Offers how to and motivation for creativity
    Every time I think another episode of Start With This is going to air soon I start refreshing my podcast app over and over. I’ve listened to all the episodes multiple times and have done all the assignments. The podcast has concrete and specific information about the act of creating art. The assignments and patreon community that go with the podcast have already created a vibrant community of people sharing and discussing art with each other and there are only four episodes so far plus a Q and A. The fifth should be dropping anytime now. I’m waiting eagerly.
  • ms_t225
    Got me to pick up a pencil
    Life is busy. We don’t have time to do all the things we *need to do, let alone those we would *like to do. But the “likes” are important for keeping us sane, so after listening to this podcast, I was encouraged to carve out time for that Someday project. I’m a visual artist, not a writer, but I still find the discussions of the creative process applicable to my own efforts. Plus, the conversations are well-planned and solidly produced. Not one of those podcasts where the hosts babble aimlessly into scratchy microphones for an hour. This one is good.
  • trikeman
    Good, But Not For Everyone
    This is an interesting little show on creativity by some great creators, but it’s definitely targeted strongly at writers. If you want some outside motivation for writing practice, this is a good show, but creative practice in other media is not much of a focus
  • pseudoclever
    This show consistently gives me the motivation to sit down and work on a creative project I’ve been putting off. It’s calming and measured, and the advice helps remind that a creator needs to trust in themselves. A good anchor for anyone who wants to make things.
  • Notmakinganickname
    Was excited after the first episode, but the second was a let-down. I kept zoning out. Seems like they’re just rambling rather than talking about actual creativity/inspiration...and this doesn’t apply to everyone
  • apolloinfurs
    The best cure for hero worship and the built in self doubt that is being a creative. Hearing your inspiration talk about the true reality of creating reminds me I can do this. The best master class.
  • Nitrate Nether
    I’ve been waiting for this podcast
    I’ve been looking for this type of podcast all over and I found this podcast finally. The conversation they have is so relevant and is so true to everything I do and think.
  • sarahmo21
    Great for artists of any kind
    Excellent show for writers or artists of any kind. It’ll remind you how much work it takes to get where you wanna go—and that’s so necessary to hear sometimes. (A lot of the times.) We forget how much practice it takes to express ourselves artfully. These guys aren’t reinventing the wheel or anything but they do a great job at motivating you to keep going.
  • jennydecki
    Great right out of the gate
    I've just finished the first episode and am really excited. The tips were relevant and helpfu. The idea of something to consume and something to create at the end? Absolute genius. It helped me keep the podcast with me once the episode ended. A great way to take the tips and start creating. Of course instead of creating right away I wrote this review instead but it's just a tiny detour. Plus, writing is writing so this counts in *some* small way, right? No? Well I say it does. Enough arguing. Listen to the podcast. You won't regret it.
  • Chachina
    Unexpectedly delightful
    Excellent pod for anyone in a creative field (current or aspiring!)
  • Sydnaaaa
    Thank you for this podcast
    Listening to this was so inspiring. I have been struggling with acting upon my ideas and transforming them from thoughts and dreams into an actual draft or piece for my entire life and I have just recently been able to stop being so discouraged when everything doesn’t turn out perfectly. I have just recently had the motivation to create and to continue working on my ideas. It meant to much to me to hear this struggle put into words and to be able to relate. Will definitely continue to listen. Thank you 💕
  • iLoveInuYasha
    Feels Good!
    I like this so far! Glad to begin an art advice/inspiration podcast at its start. Can't wait for more!
  • Dirt city
    I love this!
    I am so excited to hear more. What a great approach to creativity!
  • Happy anime fan
    Nightvale presents has never once disappointed me and that’s still true today! This is incredibly motivating and I’m excited to see more of it!
  • cassidraeannafrost
    Um get it
    This podcast is the best podcast I have ever heard. It is so inspirational! ♥️
  • samllama27
    I’m telling my creative writing professor about this! I’m really excited to listen in on two of my favorite authors and get inspired.
  • Sepp GW
    Good future
    I’m so excited for this! I have a feeling it’s going to be an absolute blast.
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