Free Podcast Course with John Lee Dumas


This is a free Podcast course brought you by the founder and host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, John Lee Dumas. Learn how to create and launch your Podcast!

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Recent Reviews
  • MooreMomentum
    Awesome podcast, keep up the great work!
  • BassCaster Bros.
    JLD Ignites How to Podcast
    I have been podcasting for over 4 years, but I still like learning new information about how to launch and grow a podcast. I signed up for JLD's Free Podcast Course email series, but I never had time to sit down and watch the daily video. After a receving all the emails and only watching a few of the videos, I decided to subscribe to the Apple Podcasts feed. Even though I have been podcasting for a while I have learned some important new information. JLD stresses how important creating an avatar is, and that is something I competely skipped over and wouldn't have competed if I didn't listen to this podcast. I also like how he starts from the beginning on "what is a podcast?". I recommend this podcast for anyone who wants to start or improve their podcast. -Josh
  • Ghwriter1976
    A Must-Listen for All Who are Serious About Podcasting
    I'll admit that I hadn't heard much about John Lee Dumas until AWeber's Beyond the Podcast Summit. After hearing his segment, I immediately sought out anything JLD-related that can help me with my own podcast I'm preparing for an October launch. I not only absorbed all 20 episodes of this Free Podcast Course, but I made sure all episodes were downloaded to my phone so I can go back to them again and again. Thanks to John, there is so much I now know that I didn't before, and I would have made one mistake after another if I didn't hear this. So thank you AWeber for the summit, and thank you John for all of this amazing information. I can't wait to not only ignite my own podcast, but all the others that my friends and I are planning for 2019 and beyond...
  • Tosin Agboola
    This message is all I need. The fire that sparks in me.
    As a guy interested in creating great content, this podcast is a blessing for me. I listened to this podcast at least 3x daily, taking notes. Thank you so much. John, you rock bro.
  • imdamianlopez
    John has an amazing podcast! Just recently heard him it has immense value love it!
  • Tdmz3
    Such an amazing podcast! I’m so happy I started listening. It’s amazing that he gives away this much content for free! I can’t wait to put all of this into practice. Thank you for the awesome podcast JLD and also thank you for your service to our country!
  • Husby31
    Love this
    We started a podcast and listening to this helped improved the little details in what we were doing.
  • Boltski
    Loving this!
    I am just getting into blogging and podcasting. I keep riding a rollercoaster of getting fired up then discouraged. As soon as I started listening to these podcasts my motivation went into overdrive! Today I created my avatar and now my vision is clearer than ever. I can’t wait to see where my path leads!
  • Trauma Monkey
    Simple and easy to put into practice
    Just wanted to say thanks for this podcast, I watch the Youtube videos as well. I love the audio otption so I can learn while I'm driving or running. As a fellow veteran your inspiration helped me quit procrastinating and finally launch. JLD your name isnt listed as an author on our Citizen Heroes Podcast, but it should be. Thanks again for the motivation.
  • Genretty
    Excellent instructional podcast
    I heard JLD on a different podcast and subscribed to EOFire. As I got more interested in podcasting, I noticed that John also had this podcast available. After listening to all the episodes in this series, I can definitely state that this is a MUST listen. I provides a great structural outline of what is needed to have a successful podcast. A few of the episodes I have listened to numerous times just to ensure that I captured all the important aspects. The outlined steps are also small enough for you to take immediate action. This is a well crafted podcast and definitely worth the listen.
  • Tithe4Days
    I Love This Show!
    I would consider myself a intermediate podcaster for the last 3 years and I just found this show while at Podcast Movement 2017 in Anaheim. Such helpful content for me but more importantly it's a great reminder of WHY I podcast. It's like a Vitamin B shot for me! Thanks again John! Matt
  • Kdmintz
    This course has been so helpful! Mr. Dumas' teachings on Imposter Syndrome and creating your avatar have already been massively helpful for me as I prepare my first ever (!) podcast Launch: "The Sacred Drawings". Thank you, John Lee Dumas!
  • InnerFirePod
    This Podcast Course is On Fire!!!
    I've been getting increasing requests to start a podcast off of a blog I've been writing. This is happening, and John shows anyone how they can get it done. If you're curious how it's done, then listen to this course and you'll probably be ready to ignite your own podcast. Thanks so much for all of this free information. The free Podcast Course by John Lee Dumas is definitely ON FIRE!!!
  • DrTompkins
    Love this!!
    Thank you so much for helping me get my podcast off the ground. This is the best!!
  • gto2552
    You've GOT to listen!
    As someone who has been doing podcasting for a while, I can honestly say that John Lee Dumas has easily and succinctly made one of the best action plans for new and experienced podcasters alike! You owe it to yourself to take advantage of this excellent resource to grow your audience and become a better podcaster. Highly recommend!
  • CatrinBlair
    Free Podcast Course
    As always, John Lee Dumas more than fills the bill with a comprehensive, easy-to-follow course about creating a successful podcast!
  • Jdcasey88
    I just wanted to thank you for making this course. This has helped me get started on launching my podcast and prevented me from making many mistakes I'm sure I would have made. I really hope to have you on as a guest one day!
  • tmoindustries
    Actionable and Useful
    Awesome course John! You practice what you teach - lead with value (for free nonetheless). Super actionable and useful content. Especially enjoyed Ep 7 with your personal story, lessons and insights. Thanks!
  • WordyAllen
    Awesome Stratospheric breakthrough
    Perfect for anyone who wants to get fired up to take proven steps on the fast track for your unique business breakthrough! I'm an experienced business owner. And I had been waking up in the morning thinking "Enough with the slogging, already! I love what I do. I am willing to do the hard work to build trust and truly connect with the people who need me. I want to have more fun doing what I am doing!" From the very first episodes, I feel on the fast track with a plan to achieve my dreams for business growth, fueled by my passion and expertise. John's podcasts are high energy, practical, organized, generous, and based on his own quantifiable, documented success. He gives you the checklists that he has already debugged, shares his struggles and aha moments, and demonstrates exactly how to build trust with people who have never heard of you so that they are ready to engage. I am extremely reluctant to become anyone's camp – follower. I am very cautious about getting involved in anybody's tribe. But I have also been feeling stuck and frustrated as a business owner, looking for a way to harness all my passion and reignite my energy to help others and to grow. This podcast, and John Lee Dumas' other resources truly re-ignite my courage and confidence for my own business breakthrough, and to make that kind of success a reality for others, too. John, thank you for your service. You served in the military, and now you are serving all of us who are seeking the energy and tools and support for our own unique path to success. Judy Bradt, CEO Summit Insight Federal Business Breakthroughs 703 627 1074
  • This podcast series is amazing
    Nelson Math Academy
    This podcast series is outstanding. Prior to listening to the Free Podcast Course with John Lee Dumas I knew almost nothing about how to create a podcast. I now feel I have a great understanding of how to create my own podcast and am ready to start this amazing adventure. Thank you John!
  • RossWickman
    Pity party is officially over!
    I have been listening to EOFire since episodes way back in the 100s. I've been fighting to figure out how to do my own thing for years and every day on my way home from work I listen while I have a little pity party about how I just can't get something started. Finally, after listening to Free Podcast Course I launched my first 3 episodes and it is already generating multiple avenues for future income. Just create already! Once you start, you literally will not be able to stop. Thank you John!
  • CoreyCorpodian
    Awesome tips to creating a podcast!
    This was an awesome podcast. Split into short and to the point episodes. It was very helpful to be able to listen to this information and then combine it with the FREE email course to help get me ready to launch my podcast! JLD you are awesome brother. And I can't wait to launch my podcast and share it with you! Thank you!
  • #theSpeaker
    Grateful to have found this podcast
    Thank you John for this podcast, I am just getting started into podcasting and have been searching for different shows, Google, and YouTube and I found my home place. Thanks again looking forward to listening to all the your podcast.
  • mjssa14
    You NEED to listen to this to start a podcast!
    John Lee Dumas guides you through every aspect of starting a podcast perfectly! I went into this thinking it would be helpful, but I didn't think it would be CRUCIAL! I can't thank John and his team for the hard work that clearly went into this course enough.
  • Bakr Haltam
    I've listened to this 4 times!
    I love this podcast course, it has inspired me to start recording my own podcast (future orange) which will launch soon and continues to inspire me to this day. Thank you man!
  • 5starrrrrrrzzzzzzz
    Just Getting Started, Already Love It!
    I have been interested in doing a podcast for about the past month, and have been trying to figure out the best way to go about it. It looks like I have found the right resource to get started!
  • Venturingtaino
    Learning SO SO much!!
    I cannot explain how helpful these podcasts have been so far. Not only am I subscribed to the podcast course, but I am subscribed to all of John's podcasts. There has not been any other resource I have found in comparison. I cannot wait to take my idea for podcasting and igniting this world!
  • MickiMickiMicki
    EXCEPTIONALLY Professional Content & Delivery
    With consistently positive energy and flair, John Lee Dumas delivers “FREE PODCAST COURSE” using every tip and technique that he introduces in the guide. In other words, in addition to providing a step-by-step how-to for developing a podcast from the floor up, “FREE PODCAST COURSE” is a living, breathing example of everything a podcast should be! Thank you so very much, “Johnny Dumas”!
  • David Steven K
    Another hugely inspirational Dumas podcast
    Entrepreneur on Fire is a great podcast for general inspiration and has truly changed my life. I'm so glad that Dumas chose to make another podcast focused on creating your own content. Great material, presented with passion and optimism.
  • CaffeinatedToday
    I'm on Fire!!
    I've been curating a newsletter for months and have been thinking about a complementary podcast. Well, I am thinking no more! This podcast has given me the roadmap I need and the confidence to make it real. Thank you JLD!
  • Valuesys
    Deal Talk Podcast says thanks
    John's information and help was instrumental in my start. It's free stuff on steroids! Thanks for the help.
  • avibeach
    I can't believe this is free!
    From Amy Porterfield to John Lee Dumas, I can't believe the awesome community of mentors that I've found and the unreal abundance of value and actionable trainings they offer for FREE! If you're thinking of Podcasting! This is the place to start!
  • Trenton Larkin
    Thanks for everything John!!
    Dear John Dumas, I wanted to thank you for having the Free Podcast Course. I have listened to it several times and it has been my guidebook to podcasting. I had no direction or understanding of what to do until I started listening to this course. I always knew from the time I was a young boy that having a radio show/podcast was always something I wanted to do someday but I had no idea what it would take to make this dream come true. You have given me the constructs, tools, and great ideas to help give structure to someone who knew nothing about podcasting. You have given me everything I need to launch my own podcast. Thanks for all you do. I will be launching my own podcast in the next 6 months. Right now I am finalizing the structure of my show, getting my logo designed, and my theme song created. I would have gone the wrong direction without your info to guide me. Thanks for everything you do and for inspiring me to pursue my dreams.
  • Getting There Radio
    Simple but Comprehensive Training for PodCasters
    This is outstanding material and it is free! Highly recommend for all those interested in duplicating the success of John Lee Dumas’s EOFire podcast.
  • Dr Bill in O.C.
    Everything you need to know about starting a podcast IN a podcast!
    This podcast is a must-listen for anyone either just starting their own show or wanting to ensure they haven’t missed key strategies to make their show ignite. There are specific do’s and don’ts and John Lee Dumas covers them all in an easy to follow format. What’s more, you can also sign up for his free course that includes helpful videos and step-by-step instructions- everything you need. Thanks John--Dr.Bill Dyment & Dr. Marcus Dayhoff, authors of Fire Your Excuses!
  • LilySanabria
    So Excited to Learn...
    I just heard Podcast #1 with John Lee Dumas…how exciting! Anyone serious about creating their voice should subscribe and revel in John’s generosity!
  • Stan Pearson II
    Right On Time!
    Thank you very much for the incredible information & value John! This is the perfect kick-off to getting everything kicked off! I look forward to working with you in the future!
  • Amy Smalarz
    Exactly what I needed!
    This is a great program and thank you John Lee Dumas for putting this together! Sharing your insights and tips were so helpful and make it manageable for me and my team to tackle the exciting task of creating my Podcast!
  • DreBaldwin
    JLD is a Value Bombing Machine
    Just started with EOFire about 4 months ago. JLD is great at two mediums everyone is jumping into: webinars and podcasts. This course is a great primer for anyone who is thinking about doing a podcast but hasn't done it yet - how to start, why, what to do and how to do it. As he has built a reputation for, JLD gives it all to you on a platter served up!
  • Pluthb
    Zero to podcasting through this course
    I feel confidant that I can pull off a podcast and get my message out to my ideal avatar! Thank JLD!
  • The Tech Fitness Chick
    The best podcast hands down!
    So i've been hearing a lot about podcasts and was curious. John's podcast series not only excited me about this opportunity but gave me everything I needed to know about creating my very first podcast. I'm stil working on busting out of my comfort zone to post but am forever thankful for this mans course and everything he had to share. His journey is amazing and am glad to hear that i'm not alone in starting entrepreneurship from the ground up.
  • RyanJerome
    The podcast course to end all podcast courses!
    Thank you so much JLD for providing this Free resource. This was THE course that got me to effectively launch my somewhat popular podcast! I couldn’t have done it without you man! On fire, burnin’ beer bellies, ignite!
  • Bay Business
    Great value for new podcasters
    I'm loving this easy to listen 20 podcast tutorial course. I'm in the process of launching my podcast and have already learned that I'm doing several things wrong, mostly around my "avatar" and marketing / branding the podcast. Definitely check this out if you want to start a podcast!
  • iDoc9787
    JLD knows what’s up!
    In this podcast series, you get your questions answered. More importantly, you get answers to the questions the you forgot to ask. John takes his time and breaks each step of the process down in detail and from various angles. If you are looking to start a PODCAST, look no further. At the remarkable price of FREE, John has the best resource for launching a podcast right here packed away for the listening.
  • Dr. Brandon A
    John's Enthusiasm is Contageous
    I discovered EOFire last year and really enjoyed hearing all JLD's guests, but this takes it to a whole other level because it is all JLD. He is enthusastic and engaging. His advice is practical and actionable. I'm in the functional medicine business and I cannot wait to put these useful tips into practice.
  • Jayson Sacco
    This is it!
    Use this podcast to walk you through what you do and do not want to do for starting a podcast! Listen and learn from John!
  • Very Educational!
    I can’t believe this is free!
    This is wealth of extremely valuable information. The fact that it is free is incredible to me. Not only it is informative, it is highly motivating and inspiring as well! I HIGHLY recommend for any aspiring podcaster, no matter what your niche!
  • Beef Bouillon
    A Giver
    JLD gives so much to help people new to the entrepreneur game, I highly recommend anything he offers!
  • RossBrown
    Great Series!
    I'm launching a new podcast in early 2016. I'm completely new to podcasting, and this series did a great job of showing me the ropes. It's exactly what I was looking for. Obviously I'll learn much as I gain experience, but listening to this series before putting my podcast together gives me a HUGE "leg up" as I dive into my new venture. THANK YOU JOHN for continuing to offer great value to your listeners!!
  • Jeremy Slate
    Jeremy Ryan Slate
    This podcast has helped me SO much in the creation of my own podcast. I took a course, but there was so much I did not learn. This podcast covered EVERYTHING I was missing.
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