Off Topic


The lads and lasses of Achievement Hunter congregate each week to discuss the important questions in life. Plus drink beer. Watch LIVE every Thursday at 3PM CT on Rooster Teeth Live. Watch the free video version at

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Recent Reviews
  • aleifit
    No longer interesting
    Used to be filled with talents I watched knew and liked. Now it’s filled with alphabets who feel the need to share every aspect of their social life that isn’t interesting or entertaining. If original cast are on I’m in but currently it’s about as interesting as a non political show that tries to talk politics.
  • communitynewspodcast
    just listened to 3 of your pods
    New to me. I like it. I would love it if you brought on my favorite podcast Community News by Paul and Sasha and talked to them on your show. Five stars.
  • Willmurwin71
    Trash. Too much talking over each other
    I don’t want to listen to 4-6 people talking over each other for over an hour. Maybe you guys could shut up and listen to each other every once in a while. Achievement hunter has quickly gone down hill and will no doubt be run dry soon. I’m surprised half of them still have jobs.
  • A-Velazquez
    Has become a dog podcast
    Been RT/AH fan since 2011, and have listened to every single Off Topic but whenever Alfredo is on, it just becomes a podcast all about Gabu… I love dogs but at some point the Gabu worship going here is just too much. It has made it unbearable to listen to in my opinion.
  • Mandoog006
    Was good.
    I remember when I thought Austin was the only sane part of Texas. 10 years ago. Now I get to shake my head as the city slowly strangles itself. Just like this company. I hope you get what you wanted RT. I always liked Jack’s whiney b**** a** the least.
  • Fooster321
    10 years and counting
    Been watching/listening to AH since I was a freshman in High school I’ve on 2 deployments and I remember anticipating the next port visit to download the newest episodes of what ever happened. AH is a big part of my life and Off Topic solidifies the cement in my love of AH content.
  • VAlfisi1016
    Love the podcast but
    Love this podcast and listen or watch weekly, but it’s time to take Ryan off the list of hosts. Please and Thank you. Don’t know if you or ITunes has control of that but someone please make that happen. He shouldn’t be getting credit for this anymore.
  • lazerqueen
    Brightest part of the day
    I look forward to listening to this podcast so much and whenever I do it makes me so happy! I love that they’re able to discuss their lives and serious topics but in the same episode be able to talk about cow memes. I love all of AH so much. This podcast just makes everything better, I don’t know what I’d do without it ❤️
  • Sebastes spp
    When Jack isn’t on it’s very entertaining
  • Not bm
    Imagine coming here to complain about people talking about an insurrection in their own country. Y’all need to take a step back and relax. Great podcast. Michael kills it every time.
  • ajcamero
    Audio Friendly
    Never heard a more audio friendly podcast that’s always well planned out and respectable. 11/10, plan to listen again. But since this is a five star system, give them five stars. Edit: Bet there’s gonna be a lot of angry reviews after another mention of real life. But screw those people. Off Topic can talk about Barnyard memes, domestic terrorism, babies, or whatever they want. If you don’t like it, either don’t listen or better yet: grow up.
  • Funtel94
    Love the AH crew
    I love this podcast, keep it up
  • whitetiger22
    Episode from 1/9/21
    The crew decided to discuss recent events which is fine. The problem is they talk about the fact that they are open minded and don’t understand opposing views. They team up and hype echo each other on all the political points. I remember a little while ago this podcast was screaming if you vote different than us stop listening and go away. They proceeded to now educate listeners how it is easy to be in a political bubble. With this it is easy to see they have created their own bubble but blame others for it. I hope if they wish to talk politics they at least bring someone on to oppose them or at least prove their open minded ness because I haven’t seen it yet. I love listening and like that they talk about recent events. But get a little opposition in you bubble guys please.
  • TrustyLicious
    Great podcast
    The no holds bar of this podcast is great. They are hilarious and entertaining to listen to. And I prefer that they get “political”. It’s nice to get a different opinion on current events.
  • kylekyle99
    Blue lives matter. Trump supporter. Bye!
  • bigwest713
    Couldn’t deal with the political rants today
    I hate politics. Especially when everyone simply thinks in left or right and then proceed to flood my ears with their agenda. I refuse to fester in that narrow mindset.
  • Briguy18
    Get rid of Jack
    Get rid of the extreme leftist, snowflake child rapest
  • JKBessant
    You Need This In Your Life
    It’s the best part of Achievement Hunter. Everything is born here and everything dies here. And the kingdom shall have no end amen.
  • DocMartinAcevedo
    Great podcast
    This is a great podcast for gaming/hanging out vibes. It's nice to have on in the background to make it seem like you're still out and about. They rotate the crew in and out enough to keep it fresh and engaging
  • TravelingDarren
    They don’t want you to listen
    The producer, Erik, came on the show and berated the audience for listening to the PODCAST rather than watching it. If they don’t want me listening then why would I stay subscribed? I got several years of entertainment from the AH crew though, I wish them the best.
  • Mexican Drifter
    Great addition to my collection.
    I'm a fairly new fan, having just found AH and RT this past year (I did watch them back during RvB days when I was a teenager) and I love them. I found them with their interactions with Super Best Friends/Castle Super Beast. Now I've added their podcasts to my weekly listen list.
  • Mark Nutttttt
    Awesome Podcast From My Favorites!
    The podcast has always been awesome even the other ones that aren’t AH are great! It’s fun to listen to them although this year currently it’s still at home recording but when they get back in the studio space they’ll be like nuclear bombs bouncing around the room. I’m a huge fan and I don’t see why people are on here complaining about politics when at most it’s a small conversation not some full episode topic like you snowflakes want to make it seem like, if you worship Trump any harder you might have to change y’all’s names to Don Jr. But aye watch the podcast it’s awesome and if you’re so triggered by a few minutes max out of a 2+hr podcast then maybe you shouldn’t be using podcasts unless they’re from Breitbart. If you people who are gonna call jack a pedo just for being more liberal you do realize Ben Shapiro has a podcast, there’s Limbaugh, and all the other wackos you can gladly go join. It’s not that bad maybe Vag neck shouldn’t be such a controversial figure.
  • RipMarkNutt
    Typical hypocritical liberals. Act so innocent but always love to bash anyone with the slightest differing view. They preach peace and virtue signal constantly. Used to be good in the beginning, achievement hunter and rooster teeth are fading.
  • Bison jess
    Jack pattillo, child rapist?
    Jacks pedophilia continues to show up in every show that he is in.
  • sbbeiifienfvu
    Somebody shut jack up about politics, every time I try to listen he goes on a rant, it’s not why I listen to this podcast
  • Bald Apo
  • mr165206
    Jack, please Get Off Your Soapbox
    I still listen from time to time but I think the show has started to go downhill. Whenever Jack starts going on a political tirade that no one asked him about I just end up pausing and deleting it. Keep up the good work everyone else.
  • jeffreygoode
    I’m quite disappointed.
    It’s a really funny podcast and I have been a fan for years. But since they are choosing to be so political and attacking certain people I can no longer listen. I understand even talking to certain degrees, certain topics. But now they are being vile, rude, and vicious over one political party. They could just make fun of one or two areas but instead they rely on group hate. Only targeting one whole side of the spectrum and pushing everyone they don’t agree with into that spectrum. I still am working through this pandemic. So I tried to get away from all the politics by these podcasts. So sad to see them bashing “my” political party so they can feel good about themselves. I do believe in the 2nd amendment and free speech. So If Jack and them wants to bash me it’s their right. I just won’t support them anymore. I hope we could have all just worked together and put differences aside for the better of opinions. But to each there own. I’ll check them out in a couple years if things happen to cool down. Or if there is serious construction on there self beings and hateful criticism of others. Till then I really do hope the best for the company and you guys. Keep making people happy. Just hoped you could have been more respectful towards all and not just a few.
  • Oblivions_hero
    Long time listener, no longer listening.
    I’ve been watching and listening to this podcast since the beginning, it’s mostly been great fun and it’s great to listen to so you can pass the time. This year though, it has been pretty icky. If you want to listen to comedy to pass the time and have some laughs, I can’t really say this podcast is good for it now with their political propaganda. Some new ones are great, it’s when certain people are on and dump politics into it that it gets frustrating, especially when the politics are fear mongering and just false statements. As much as I have loved this podcast, I can no longer support blatant lies that they promote because of their personal political bias.
  • Tigersfan202
    Hasn't been watered down by Barb yet
    Love the podcast, everyone is a solid crew member. Title says it all...
  • KnowMeAsNothing
    Keep it going
    Long time listener, to this day my favorite podcast by far.
  • RWBYbumblebee4eva
    Not a moment of dead air
    Great podcast if you’re a fan of Achievement Hunter already. If you’re not then it’s probably not for you but don’t let that stop you!! Would love to see Michael in more content.
  • oribba
    I honestly don’t know what to do with myself now that off topic is on hiatus. Y’all were keeping me sane during quarantine.
  • What are coins for
    Stay strong
    Love you Lads Love you Gents Love you Ladies Love you all
  • Chris Manchester 88
    Jack is the best that is the review
  • Trj123
    Jack is the worst That’s it that’s the review
  • unniphilip
    Good Podcast Very Off Topic
    Can’t hate. It’s a good podcast
  • (Me) lol
    Very professional and inspiring!!!
    The Off topic crew leaves its listeners with great knowledge and understanding. They enrich my life with great ponderings and thought provoking conversation. Myatt!
  • Zattresse
    If I could, I’d rate it a Rimmy Ten.
    That’s it. That’s the whole joke
  • Jkbrown0116
    Constitution Saving Throw. DC:40 (rolled a 1)
    This is some of the most incomprehensible droning, shouting and laughing I’ve ever heard. Compared to the RT Podcast and Always Open, their series always sounds like it’s being recorded in a well filled with a drunk wedding dinner party. They somehow make a room with 6 people in it sound like there’s 60 separate drunk conversations going on at the same time. I LOVE THIS PODCAST!
  • BrinyTen
    I love AH but honestly hard to listen to.
    So I’ve been watching AH since 2009, I love Geoff, Michael, Ryan, Gavin, and even Jack. I’m not crazy about the new guys but my rating isn’t lower because of them. I only have it 3 stars because personally the episodes are to long for me, the RT podcast’s 1 hour 30 minute runtime is perfect for me. Also to many things going on that you have to be watching the video for the show to understand what’s going on. Oh, Fiona isn’t funny at all and is extremely annoying.
  • xBlacKIcEx73
    I pooped listening to this
  • MLP Walker
  • Zikit
    Too Many Visual Gags
    Podcast is great and has its moments, but there is a continuing dismissal of constructive feedback when it comes to remembering what works for a audio medium. Make a separate show for the visual gags.
  • woddy133
    Fire jack
    I can’t make it thru a episode with jack cuz no matter what the topic is he will stop and start talking politics I listen to this podcast to avoid politics and he won’t shut up about them
  • itsjustgavinman
    Makes my day when I listen
  • Let's get caffeinated
    What an amazing podcast!
    I am so happy that this continues on!
  • on ig
    If you don’t know these guys, READ THIS!
    If you are not familiar with the YouTube channel “Achievement Hunter” this podcast is not for you. I see tons of negative reviews who don’t understand this isn’t your typical boring podcast. These guys are personalities people follow and love. We listen to these guys because we love their video content. What you hate in this podcast we love. These guys are YouTube gamers whose main goal is to entertain teens and young adults.
  • n8iveg4m3r
    Love listening to you guys
    I’ve always been a fan of random facts and you guys hit it on the nail every time
  • Tinksgirl
    Weird Perfection
    It’s a perfect blend of random that helps me get through my day. I don’t care what they’re talking about as long as they’re funny. And they are. I love these guys so much, and I hope this lasts a long time.
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