Election College | Presidential Election History


Join us as we take a fun and informative look at the history of Presidential elections in the United States of America as well as all sorts of topics directly related to how our government and elections work!We also delve into the reasons and policies (Constitutional or otherwise) behind exactly what makes the highest offices in the land tick.

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Recent Reviews
  • brooklynhistorianLars
    Vote for election college
    It is awsome so good re-listening to some awesome episodes. Also where did the episodes go
  • JCfromJKT
    Based on title and synopsis I thought this would be interesting and informative. Wrong on both counts. The hosts attempt at humor is awkward both individually and when one tries to play Ed and the other Johnny. The both couldn’t have sounded less interested in the recent episode on Benjamin Harrison if they had tried. Unsubscribing as these guys just don’t click with me.
  • Bohawk2008
    This Is THE Greatest Election Podcast on God’s Green Earth
    This podcast is informative and funny simultaneously. If you have the slightest desire to learn more about our nation’s history through the lens of elections then check out this podcast! You can trust my opinion. I listened to all 320 episodes to ensure it was worthy of a review.
  • relof
    Great podcast
    Awesome podcast. Definitely my go to for American history.
  • kevmor45
    Great podcast.
    My only complaint is that our two heroes (the hosts) seem to have forgotten to make an episode about the life of Benjamin Harrison :(
  • Alex Garts
    History & Cheesy Humor
    I absolutely love this podcast. Jason and Ben deliver a wealth of information in a reasonable amount of time. I’m a history teacher and use this to brush up on that days lecture on my way to work and I’ve used clips in class, too! Kids like it (as much as kids will enjoy a podcast) and the cheesy humor makes it all the more better! I’m happy they kept going after they ran out of elections. The special topic podcasts are great, too. Highly recommend!!
  • Salo Wolf
    Awesome stuff
    I genuinely enjoy listening to the both of you! SaloWolf
  • arc716
    History Nerd Approved
    As a self-proclaims history nerd and with a degree in politics science, I am always looking for a good podcast on American history. I stumbled across the Election College episode on Abigail Adams and ended up loving this podcast. I started from the beginning and now listen to this podcast everyday during my commute. I highly, highly recommend this podcast to anyone who loves any aspect of American history. You won’t regret it!
  • DrewBear87
    Great Show, in 1.5x
    They really express their love of Presidential history in a non-bias way. I have a side job doing odd jobs and I discovered this podcast a year ago, started binge listening every time I worked, 3-5hrs a day a few times a week. About 3 weeks in I realized that the Podcast App I was using was set at 1.5x speed, and when I started listening at normal speed...what a surprising difference! The cousins like to small talk for a good amount of the podcast, but still a great listen, love how they have an episode for every 1st Lady.
    Love the topic but...
    I would love a podcast focused on each election staring with context of the major events leading into the election, the nominating process and course of the campaign. Listened to the first few episodes hoping this was it and it was kind of brutal. Hoped it was just because the hosts weren’t in a groove yet and assumed as it went on it would get better. It really didn’t. These guys are probably really smart but they make themselves sound like laymen. If I wanted a layman’s view of elections, I would go read Wikipedia. There is a significant need for an academic look at elections in the podcasting world, not two guys who sound like middle school history teachers without a plan and way too many ads to plug. I really hope these guys take another stab at each election going far more in-depth. You may not think there is an audience for more academic election talk but I guarantee it’s there. People do not want to be talked down to, especially by guys who don’t exude a ton of confidence of what they are talking about. Two stars because I really have hope that this topic will be better covered one day.
  • Jas1991
    Great concept for a podcast!
    I wanted to know more about American history but didn't know where to turn. Election College provided me with the layout and material I was looking for. Their content is great, covering a range of topics from every presidential elections to the story of each president and much more. I look forward to new episodes and hope to see this podcast reach 1,000 episodes!
  • Mtneer9
    Great listen!!
    A very enjoyable podcast on Presidential politics, including the individuals who became president, VPs, First Ladies and others. I came late to the podcast, but have now listened to the first 300+ episodes and highly recommend that you start from the 1st episode. There is a nice mix of humor and facts that have kept me listening. I waited to write this review wanting to see if it would last longer than the fortune cookie podcast! Great job guys!
  • RandyLane66
    Election College
    Very interesting and informative. The length of the podcast is 30 minutes . It is difficult to listen to a podcast for an hour or more. Jason and Ben are excellent speakers!
  • MattLaszuk
    Aaron Burr Aaron Burr Aaron Burr
    One of my favorite history podcasts. They take a fun view on what would be an other wise boring topic by sprinkling fun facts about those involved in the founding and shaping of this country. I originally listened to just the presidential election episodes and came back a few months later after realizing the quality here is higher than other American history podcasts. Most importantly they give a truly unbiased view.
  • brandon Nau
    Great podcast. Lover listening along when on my long commute.
  • hwym
    Fun & Educational
    This is a fun and educational podcast. Just long enough to share the massage and not lose interest
  • Craigery the Great
    Fun and Informative U.S. History
    This is such a great podcast for anyone, but particularly for high school and college students who may only get a “survey” course. This takes a more thorough look at the people and events that make up the unfolding story of our collective past. Great work!
  • hbmdco
    Patience is virtuous
    I am certainly late to this political party. The first dozen or so episodes were not to my taste and I almost gave up. My patience paid off as they eventually started going into high gear during the middle of the 19th century. The overall low-key tenor may turn some off, but this is like listening to two knowledgeable cousins banter about the elections. Oh wait, it is. A great podcast and I am enjoying catching up. I am only 56 episodes plus the recent ones into the series.
  • Pghpickles
    Learn and Laugh
    Easy listening and learning abounds at EC. The cousins have a delightful banter throughout each podcast. Keep it up!
  • millardchillmore
    Manifest Bestiny
    I stumbled upon gold with this podcast. I take pride in being a weirdo who binge-listens to presidential podcasts, and it didn’t take me long to make it through episodes once I started. From His Rotundity to Eugene Debs, Ben and Jason do a great job of entertaining listeners while providing great background and info on elections and important people. My favorite part is that they bring obscure historical figures out to the spotlight who deserve more attention. 5 stars all the way!
  • Zaney10
    You sure make learning fun. I’ve just started at the beginning and haven’t caught up, but I love all of the nicknames for the historical figures.
  • President Taft's Bathtub
    Incredible work. Really interesting and engrossing.
  • Mike Z - 1776
    Makes learning history fun
    I always wanted to learn about past presidents but never had the time. I found these guys back in January 2018. I downloaded a few episodes before I went on a trip so I could listen on the plane. Well I got hooked and now it's May 2018 and I'm up to episode 207. I know you guys are not experts in history, but you do your research on the subject and make it fun to listen to. The only problem is now that I'm about to catch up to your recent episodes, I will have to cut down from the dozen or so I listen to each week to the 2 you put out each week. I'll get withdrawal symptoms. Maybe you can push them out faster ;)
  • Lucius Goose
    These guys are great!
    I’m a big history nerd, so I really appreciate that they have not one, but two episodes on John C. Calhoun!
  • Muckdog Pat
    Love it!
    I am a former podcaster and Presidential historian and I’ve kicked around the idea of doing a podcast on presidential history. The good news is, with this podcast, I don’t have to! I found it a couple weeks ago and have blown through the first 100 episodes. I love the length . It’s perfect. I love that it gives an overview, if I want more info, I’ll do the research on my own. The podcast peeks my interests and gives me the opportunity to look for more info for myself. Great to binge and can’t wait for more.
  • MoreIdeasFaster
    two thumbs up
    Well-researched podcast with a good, narrow focus on how presidents have chosen to run for office and how they've gotten elected. Also, the hosts are cousins, which explains their great chemistry, plus one of them is a real-life American mayor!
  • Blackshafen
    Great Podcast
    I started listening to this show sometime during the 2016 election and I am still interested more than a year past the election. It offers a good mix of politics and history, the hosts also strike a great balance between being casual, entertaining and informative that prevents the podcast from falling into one of the common podcast/radio pitfalls of being directionless, boring or inauthentic. The episodes are short but many subjects are revisited in later episodes turning a cursory examination into something deeper and within the pacing of the show placed in a greater context. The hosts are also largely silent about their own political opinions but do so in a manner that doesn’t seem evasive and instead feels focused on history. The sound quality is also almost always good, a problem which has been a barrier to me enjoying some other podcasts. I would recommend this show highly.
  • B. T. Newberg
    Stuff I Know Little About
    I like this show because it fills in a lot that really is very poorly known by the average American, including myself. While the hosts could inject more energy into the show, they do a good job on the history and fill a niche.
  • gwatson67
    Entertaining and educational
    Two guys who obviously care about American history review presidential elections and the people who ran in them along with other interesting people you may not know about.
  • Tarcsmith
    I personally love the nicknames
    Coming from a person who once yelled “F*#$ History” during a round of History themed catch phrase. I love this podcast ( I’m on episode 117 right now). I have zero problems with the nicknames, in fact it makes History more approachable. My favorite part is that it provides a non biased view of our nations history during a time when everything feels SO very messed up politically. Also, I’m going to see Hamilton next week and have loved listening to the episodes around that topic.
  • Madrona1415
    Educational yet fun!
    I enjoy listening to these guys while driving around town. Much better than the radio.
  • Jackie Uchiha
    Love this podcast! I always listen to it during school and home. Keep up the good work!
  • PNW History Geek
    Fun and interesting history podcast
    I enjoy history and listen to many different history related podcasts. This one is my favorite - it is very informative yet light and fun to listen to each episode. The nicknames they give the American political icons are hilarious - The Q, Andy Jack, Marty, etc.
  • cconner42
    Great Show
    This show has gone from being a good podcast to being a great podcast. Their work on the actual elections was a little superficial, but once they started delving into the characters, orginizations and issues that gave elections their character, I think the podcast got a lot better.
  • #AOTT PoliSci
    Love the show, although...
    Hey Ben & Jason! I have been listening to the show for quite a while now. I am a current poli-sci major and history minor about to finish school & I love to delve into the history of our country, something you all do very well! While I find you guys' commentary extremely informative and quite humorous from time to time, I must say that every now and again when some of the more controversial issues pop up (which is bound to happen when discussing our nation's history), some of your comments can be a tiny bit insensitive. I would never peg you all for racists or anything of the like, however I do think that when discussing issues such as the Civil Rights movement, Pres. Jackson's Indian Removal Act, African Slavery, forcing out the Chinese etc, it wouldn't hurt to be cautious that some of your more comical remarks don't come off as insensitive to those who may be descendants of these peoples and take the plight of their ancestors to heart. Other than that one tid-bit, I love your show! I've donated a few times, and I hope that you all keep up this awesome podcast because all of my AMHistory major friends really love it down here in Virginia. Keep it up!
  • Robert Logier
    Bite sized
    A great way to fill in little gaps of American history. Gives you a greater sense of the narratives in the White House. Toes a good line between detail and not getting bogged down. Love it. Great job guys.
  • erika____
    awesome podcast!!
  • Justin Gentry
    Insightful and Fun
    Jason and Ben share the facts while having fun. Subscribe to the show to walk through history in a new and fresh way! -Justin Gentry from LeaveTheGrindBehind.net
  • SNLH123456
    I expect a happy dance
    After 200 episodes, I finally decided to take the 65.897 seconds to leave a review for Election College. I listen to A LOT of history podcasts. Many are hosted by PhDs or other experts, and although they are chocked full of information, they can be a bit dry at times. There's something about two cousins having a conversation that just works. And I even get to learn a bit too. Plus, the guys are great at interacting with fans on social media (trust me, I've tweeted/posted). Overall, a great podcast and another that has been added to my "must listen" list. Keep it up guys!
  • shellnet
    Dudes who are legitimately interested in teaching history
    They make the history of the U.S. political process interesting. They found away to move beyond presidential elections and cover U.S. political rises, falls, tragedies, deals, and follies. Love it!
  • @kenfin5
    Learn while you laugh
    Election College feels a lot like Ben Stein meets Jim Gaffigan - a great look at the history of the United States through the trials & tribulations of our forefathers with enough light-hearted fun to make each episode a must-hear. Thanks, guys, for making US history tangible & enjoyable for American history buffs! Vote Henry Clay in 2020!
  • Rust_is_a_must
    Great show
    Started listening to this show a little while ago and it's quickly become one of my favorites. Interesting and informative topics. The hosts are a great couple of guys.
  • The pug life
    Love this!
    This is a great podcast! If you love drunk history you will love this! However I don't think Ben and Jason are hammered???
  • TuneJunez
    Great lessons Learned
    Patiently awaiting the next phase: VPs, First Ladies and Sec of States. I'm pressured into leaving more 5 star reviews.
  • Bbobette
    Humor and History - 2 times a week - what could be better
    If you like history, but don't want to slog through a boring lecture, then you should listen to Election College. They have brought their irreverent humor to American History. They bring your boring US history class back to life. So listen and enjoy!
  • RufusNY
    Get smart!
    This podcast should be required listening for everyone who votes. You know what they say about history repeating itself . . . let's make it stop. Well done, serious and funny.
  • James Early
    Fun and Informative
    This podcast presents a lighthearted look at all of our presidential elections, as well as the lives of key figures in American history and significant events. It both fun and informative at the same time. Everyone who wants to learn (or brush up on) US history should listen.
  • JonathanZGreen
    Great and entertaining history lesson
    This is quite late but I've started listening recently, this a great podcast, very informative and funny. Well done!
  • Eashooh
    Awesome Podcast
    Shows American history in an unique, fascinating, and comical way unlike any other podcast. These guys rock! Keep up the great work!!
  • He that follows instructions
    great show!
    This well produced, throrgoughly researched, and humorously delivered podcast. Is the best example of a podcast. Seriously, I am a big history and this podcast is perfect my commute they are perfect far as timing. Everyone should listen to Election College I tell all my friends to listen as well and then we debate it later at work its awesome.
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