Our Miss Brooks


Our Miss Brooks starring Eve Arden Who played the fun-loving but sometimes frazzled English teacher at Madison High School, Our Miss Brooks . Probably the most famous teacher ever on radio, Connie Brooks was a wonderful combination of sincere and smart, and Eve Arden played her perfectly. From the very beginning of the radio run in 1948, Our Miss Brooks became a favorite of women, high school kids and parents across the nation.

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  • 🌻🌻🌼🌻
    Wrong names on episodes
    One thing keeps me from me from giving it 5 stars…some of the episodes sent named right. Radio Bombay is an episode I love to hear but can’t listen to because every time it’s uploaded, it’s a different episode than what it says. “Radio Bombay” was uploaded a few days ago and it’s just a replay of “The measles” makes me upset
  • scoopsimm
    Love this!
    I’m only in my 40s but I absolutely adore this show and I’m so glad to have access to so many episodes on this podcast! This show is charming, witty and hilarious - and a wonderful escape from the realities of the world we live in.
  • monique schulz
    Arden is an icon
    Eve Arden is an icon. My generation knows her from Grease, my parents’ generation loves her from Our M. Brooks.
  • daddy top dom
    Best Written Show
    Eve Arden is without doubt best comedic radio actress. The writing is wonderful. Lovable characters, funny plots, terrific acting, and great voices. Classic.
  • uuuuuuuuuuudu
    love this show
    Came across by mistake; now listening to all eps
  • socool__1248
    Our miss brooks is awesome
    I absouloutly love this show me and my mom used to listen to it when we were young I’m 15 now but I still love these episodes
  • J.R. holi
    Love it 👍
  • FrankTampa
    Still hilarious after all the years
    OMB really stands the test of time. If you haven’t heard it, or listened to it recently, download a few episodes and try not to laugh!
  • kelleybriggs
    I love Miss Brooks
    I’ve been listening to Our Miss Brooks for years. The show helps me relax. Gale Gordon always makes me laugh. He makes the show as far as I’m concerned. And this has nothing to do with the show, but the guy who hosts this podcast says “DVD” like a robot. It’s really weird. Love it. Keep up it up.
  • ryleigh_coyote
    I totally love Our Miss Brooks! I am 14 and my family has always listened to old radio programs. I love how these stories are hilarious but they aren’t crude or have bad language. 5 stars!
  • chiparoo
    Our Miss Brooks
    A few years ago I stumbled across Our Miss Brooks Staring Eve Arden if you’ve never listened to old time radio programs give this a try. the comedy is funny you’ll love Osgood Conklin Gale Gordon as the principal at Madison high school. Many other lovable characters So your next homework assignment is give our Miss Brooks will try I think you’ll like it very much .
  • dai1955
    Better then Lucy
    If you listen to the two shows on radio Eve Arden is wonderful and hands down better at her craft. My Favorite Husband , which became I Love Lucy, is and I hate to say this is annoying. I believe they had the same writers but Lucille Ball I found to be shrill and the show didn't work. I'm surprised they wanted to take it to TV. My hat is off to Desi they needed each other plus he filmed the show. Our Miss Brooks must have been on kinescope because the tv shows are grainy. If your a fan like I am read Eve Arden's autobiography that came out in the '80s. It's called The Three Faces Of Eve. The two women were in Stage Door and knew each other but were completely different. Eve loved her life, husband home children and there traveling all over the world. For Lucy it was about work. That came first before everything. Very different women. Listing to the radio shows are funny warm respectful. Wonderful mr boyton wouldn't have lasted so long today. People would have assumed he was gay as Connie Brooks was a babe! You'd think they would have gotten together. If you haven't heard The Magic Christmas Tree in a dream Mr Boyton touches the tree and kiss's Miss Brooks. The audience goes crazy! A great moment to a great radio show
  • Likethisshow
    We love MIss Brooks!
    I found this show by accident and fell in love. My six-year-old son and I really enjoy the characters and the crazy situations they get into (and it's hilarous to hear him quoting Mr. Conklin, too.) Miss Brooks really is everyone's favorite English teacher--if you're a fan of old-time comedies, you'll enjoy Our MIss Brooks.
  • the bird lady
    I listen to this each day.
    The character development and wit in this show are tremendous. The voices are good as well. Even though the environment is a school in the 50's,the subjects are still topical,although they do not include drugs,sex or violence or obscenities. This is just good,witty dialogue involving regular people. I downloaded one of these shows as an experiment but plan on eventually listening to all of them,not missing one of these funny episodes.
  • jantcrguitar
    Such a great show! I am so hooked, this along with The Great Gildersleeves is my favorite!
  • amyro
    I love Miss Brooks!!
    I have to say, I found this totally by accident and I'm hooked. I was looking for something funny and I found it!! I just wish they would add more episodes!!
  • PACK4
    I just found this by fluke and am addicted. Found a movie version on Netflix. Thanks for putting this out there!
  • ♥toriEb
    LOOOVE IT!!!!
    Im 15 and i loooooove our miss brooks!!!!!!! i was raised with all the old dramas me and my family love it thanx a bunch for making it FREE!!! my whole ipod is full of it =) Tori
  • Goldenera Gal
    I love you Miss Brooks!!!
    This radio show is one of the best comedy ones in radio history! Eve Arden is perfect as Miss Brooks, witty and smart alecy, you'll immediately fall in love with Miss Brooks and her crazy antics! ( and also how she's trying to get the biology teacher to notice that she's a woman) GET THIS PODCAST!!!!!!!
  • redheaded_dude
    So, I'm guessing I'm not the typical listener to this. I'm male, 39, and really like this show. There are parts of it that are really ahead of its time. She's like the Mary Tyler Moore of the 1940s. You should check it out.
  • Huge OTR Fan
    Please keep these coming!!
    I love this show along with My Friend Irma and Thhe Bickersons - Please keep bringing them - They are all such a great escape!
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