Up First from NPR

by NPR
All Genres #13News #2Daily News #2

NPR's Up First is the news you need to start your day. The three biggest stories of the day, with reporting and analysis from NPR News — in 10 minutes. Available weekdays at 6:30 a.m. ET, with hosts Leila Fadel, Steve Inskeep, Michel Martin and A Martinez. Also available on Saturdays at 9 a.m. ET, with Ayesha Rascoe and Scott Simon. On Sundays, hear a longer exploration behind the headlines with Ayesha Rascoe on "The Sunday Story," available by 8 a.m. ET. Subscribe and listen, then support your local NPR station at donate.npr.org.

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Recent Reviews
  • zackdaddy85
    I remember when NPR was trustworthy news. That is clearly no longer the case. Gross and dishonest.
  • Fooofooocuddlypoops
    Incompetent and pathetic
    How do you compare a terrorist attack from an apartheid state detonating pagers to a James Bond movie? Pathetic excuse for journalism.
  • Katie the Pest
    Referring to an indiscriminate mass bombing attack in civilian areas that killed and critically injured multiple children as “something out of a James Bond movie” is nothing short of grotesque. If any other country or group besides Israel had committed this attack, we’d be calling it what it is: TERRORISM. Seriously NPR is nothing but State Department propaganda slop. Totally disgraceful.
  • New York Democrat
    Banning Tik-Tok
    Brain dead morons think banning Tik-Tok is against free speech rights. Banning a foreign owned app is not stopping you from speaking your mind. It’s just greedy content creators selling out to China because they either don’t care about America or are too ignorant to understand the situation.
  • TennTex
    Over and out
    Have listened and enjoyed for well over a year now. I didn’t always agree some word choices that were used, they felt very left leaning, but when you put the biased in the title I can’t continue to support NPR. What is the intention of saying “apparent” assassination except to manipulate your listeners? I get it, but I can’t support it.
  • Motivated moviegoer
    NPR is anti-American and anti-free speech
    Paid for by your tax dollars.
  • katalinalawrence
    Pls pls pls pls have less annoying voices on the weekend shows.
    Too brassy and unprofessional
  • AJW812
    Ads galore
    I do love Up First to get my news fast, but the ads are getting longer and longer in the beginning of each episode. Three minutes of ads in an 18-minute news segment is a bit much.
  • lboncek
    Great. But one thing…
    Longtime listener here and love the daily updates on the things I need to know. I’m just so confused by Leila Fadl’s name pronunciation: Fall-den like she says, or Fah-dell like Steve says?? Why do they say it differently?!
  • terry:2024
    2024 Debate Bias
    Sadly your left leaning bias is showing. I’m looking for real unbiased news. I’ve given you many opportunities. I give up.
  • OH Moderate
    What’s Easy Isn’t Always True
    I am a long time listener. As a moderate with a conservative husband I think I always get a good perspective here. However the most recent episode has put me over the edge to - this is clearly biased. As someone who lives the next town over from Springfield, Ohio, I would love to see you do a deep dive into what is happening in that city as someone who has seen these “conspiracy theories” with my own eyes. What is an easy assumption is just not always true. Looking forward to welcoming you to Springfield for a deeper dive into our very large immigration issue that you so easily dismissed.
  • bjones3618
    More editorializing than reporting
    Listen to Becky Sullivan’s biased reporting on the cop who arrested a defiant Tyreek Hill. Either hasn’t seen the video herself or is just ok displaying her bias. This is what NPR has become.
  • Balanced Vue
    Voice of the host
    Sorry, but Ayesha Roscoe has a voice that I find so grating that I cannot listen to any of her podcasts. Please do not make this an issue about ethnicity or gender. I watch CNN and MSNBC, and have no problem listening to all hosts on those networks.
  • sarahreviewbrown
    Unabashedly left Left LEFT
    What happened to unbiased news? Why is the government paying for this left-wing propaganda?
  • Eclectic Music Lover 123
    Leftists period
    All this “news” organization does is attack Trump and Republicans and conservatives. There is no open minded journalism and reporting of the news. NPR is compromised by a left wing agenda and cannot be trusted to give you straight news and let you make up your own mind. Do not trust this company. I’m sure my review will be censored just like they censor opinions and facts every day.
  • GoTigers478
    Great in Non-Election Years
    I am a long time NPR up first listener and the podcast does deliver on its basic premise. It offers a good selections of the days news stories in a brief format. What I found truly allowed NPR to rise above its competitors in the past was that it offered fairly non-biased news, offering an only slightly left of center position. However, as we have gotten closer to the election the stories have gradually become much more partisan and it feels like every episode they are trying to convince you to vote for Harris. This is done is mainly through topic selection and wording that focuses on Harris(and Biden before her)‘ victories and on Trumps flaws. I will return after the election and I hope to find the NPR of yore.
  • morning2x4
    Leans more left over time
    This podcast used to be balanced, fair, and factual but over time it’s become more left-leaning and driven by emotion. You covered how Rich Men North of Richmond stokes extremism and how it normalizes conspiracy theorists… are you kidding me? Elites DID visit Epstein’s island and none of his clients have faced charges. That’s a fact. You just hate it because it speaks the uncomfortable truth, is liked by conservatives, and represents the specific set of working class people in America the left doesn’t care about and looks at as lesser. Why did NPR hold Trump accountable for “putting migrants in cages” that Obama started but you don’t mention Biden at all when discussing the complete lack of resources given to the migrants at the southern border now? This latest episode put the blame on customs and border protection instead. I had you at 2 stars for you bias but dropped you to 1 for the silly intros. I don’t care about the ice you eat or your new ice maker
  • 👍🏻👍🏻ch
    Three episodes, you prioritized the event at Arlington Cemetary, yet you never included what the actual families who invited Trump said. I do not like Trump—I am no Trump apologist. But I do appreciate fair news. I have to make myself listen to your podcast—I want to hear both sides. You cover the Left’s narrative quite well. (I say with a sarcastic tone).
  • A snorer
    Perfect! News quick hit
    Great way to hear the headlines in the morning and stay current on news and listen while getting ready, making coffee or commuting!
  • copster4
    Great except for the banter
    The banter at the beginning of some episodes they’ve been adding is super cringey. That’s not what I’m here for. Please spare me.
  • db0695
    Biased News
    I used to think up first was unbiased, but going into the election it’s coming out more and more. So hard to find an unbiased news show these days.
  • eyesofblue20
    Far left
    This government propaganda show is interesting to listen to. Anyone who thinks this show is center is showing their bias
  • Auderpop25
    Great way to start the day
    Top stories delivered in a succinct and digestible way.
  • fjskft
    Listen with a open mind
    Current daily news but very one sided.
  • emaheg
    Nobody’s happy
    Hilarious that this podcast and NPR generally are both too liberal and not liberal enough, depending on whose writing the review. So I think I’ll keep listening.
  • Emmasears
    Best Morning News
    I listen to Up First every morning. It helps me move into my day feeling like I know the important news of the day. Thank you.
  • 0192848583
    Left wing bias (publicly funded)
    Don’t waste your time.
  • L0Gi-Bear
    Fantastic News Show with a Slight Left Lean
    NPR Up First does a wonderful job of blending together the important stories of the day. All of the “1 star” reviews that claim NPR is “extremely biased” are likely written by individuals who are themselves extremely biased. NPR is primarily central, with a slight left lean who employs hosts that lean slightly right as well (i.e. Mara Liasson). In doing so, they add diversity to the ideas presented and allow listeners to get a great overview of important happenings. I would recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking for good, unbiased news.
  • HouseHeredia
    Needs work on rounded view
    Needs to work on a more rounded view. Too much bias. Try employing more broadcasters and producers with a view on the other side of the aisle. 50/50 each side would be a good move. You’re too far left and you’re supposed to be public so shoot for the middle.
  • contractor134562627273
    Lost its way
    Not the NPR I grew up with. Just spinsters and talking nasally librarian heads.
  • Kcjxnsjjskns
    Up first
    I listen to this podcast for the news, not their dumb banter they include sometimes at the beginning of the episodes. This is supposed to be an efficient way to hear the news, I’m not here because I think it’s entertaining.. I find that there are certain reporters that are more biased than I would prefer. Nonetheless it is generally a good way for me to hear the news everyday in <15 minutes.
  • gatogordot
    Some things cannot be both sides
    On the 8/20/24 podcast Steven Fowler says democrats are weak on national security and immigration. You can do better
  • Jseav401
    Why I will boycott NPR until Maher goes
    I saw Katherine Maher’s TED talk and was shocked. I counted on NPR as one of my primary news sources. I can’t do that if the CEO does not believe in truth. Hearing her talk about the “Wikipedia model” was galling. Is she serious? Wikipedia is fine but not a source for facts. If the new goal for NPR is to become like Wikipedia that is devastating. I hope NPR can get her out before she does too much damage. Until they do, I will be avoiding anything NPR. Adding to my previous comments I tried to give NPR another chance today and was disappointed beyond words. Exactly what I feared would happen had happened. Covering both sides of the presidential campaign as the same is abhorrent. What happened to the journalistic ideals that used to make NPR great? What happened to facts? Well I guess we know. Facts can be alternative apparently. Good bye NPR. It’s a sad day.
  • Jriz94
    Biased Reporting
    They should pull all funding from NPR and it should go extinct.
  • frustrarted
    NPR has lost their way
    I have held NPR is high regard as a neutral source of news. Sadly, they have lost their way. Their ‘reporting’ is far from neutral and clearly shows an extreme bias with their word choice and sentiment. As much as I appreciate a short news synopsis, this is sadly no longer news… it’s a biased opinion podcast. I am done. Unfollowing.
  • mc dilly 22
    Great start to my day…
    It’s news, so more often than not, it’s not fun to listen to. But my favorite episodes are the ones where the hosts share a moment of humor prior to the opening. I am not sure who makes me smile more; Leila always has a great line or two, Steve usually drops some great Dad jokes, and A is just plain fun. Please keep including these. It’s like a wonderful, unexpected treat before being served some miserable updates about our world and politics.
  • empireofroman
    Great Coverage
    “Well, before Musk, Twitter’s executives really made it a priority to not put their finger on the scale politically” 😂 I didn’t know you guys were trying to compete with satirical news shows…
  • Mangos2416
    First thing...
    I appreciate this podcast for giving me a summary of the news that’s quick, but not too quick. The hosts are terrific. They ask a nice combination of obvious and insightful questions. I think it’s just the right amount of background information to inform my news search for later in the day. The new-ish addition of pre-show banter is entertaining and makes me feel like I’d like to run into them at the coffee shop.
  • holdenolive
    So cute
    That NPR is concerned about Musk and X being openly partisan. Any self-awareness, NPR?
  • brooklyn seb
    So sad about what’s happened to NPR
    Avid listener for years, but I simply can no longer accept the biased slants in the reporting. Deliberate word choice, tone, and editorial preference have spoiled what was once the best source for objective journalism. Shame.
  • Mariecurious
    More news, less bias please
    Used to really like and trust NPR… sad to see such bias and a focus on the woke “news”. This is coming from a Dem, but come on. Lost my listen.
  • Miche11eeee111
    Biased reporting. Unfollowing.
    Biased reporting. Unfollowing. Why can’t you just be neutral ?
  • 69Bird
    I have been utilizing this source for a synopsis of the world news for years and have been notably satisfied as of late. Very clear that majority to all political coverage is highly biased to the point it is upsetting , if this source of information ever reverts back to being balanced and providing accurate facts on all accounts will gladly change my rating and opinion to 5 stars.
  • BBurger777
    This is not news. This is emotional radical liberals “feelings” about the day. It’s mostly false. Gross.
  • bailss12
    I am a moderate & frankly do not care for either presidential candidate, but the biases from these reporters is very obvious. Can we just report the news & not call one candidate “combative & angry” & the other a “fresh & positive light”?
  • WeGrokMore
    Used to be great!
    Used to be great but lately I can’t count on them releasing the show with any consistency. They come out extremely late and only for “Plus” listeners for who knows how long. Please fix and I’ll be happy to put back at 5 stars
  • CherishesSwan
    Not covering some major news and liberal
    I know this is a liberal news source but they act like they are in the center. But I use it for left wing news. Also a few days ago Britain maybe kinda burst into flames with some riots. Well they didn’t cover it til august 7th. If there was a anti-Israel or homophobic protest you’d know that they not only included it in the newest episode but probably get a episode by itselves In the words of your “great” and “heroic” and “inspiring” president Biden “come on man”
  • Arthurus,RexQuondamEtFuturus
    Not covering major news
    Today (5 Aug 2024), UpFirst focused on Harris’ VP candidate selection and the Olympics. No attention was paid to the riots in the UK, the global stock exchange turbulence, or the looming war in the Middle East (at least in any substantive way). NPR is biased and miopic in its coverage. It can no longer maintain its brand and best selling feature—successfully pretending to be sophisticated and cosmopolitan.
  • jmighdoll
    Words matter
    Glorifying Hamas militants who planned the entire Oct 7th attack is horrific. Barely mentioning the fact that Israel was responding to 7,000 rockets from hezbollah. Not to mention Israel won the Golan heights in a war of self defense and so how after 50 years is it occupying when everyone who lives there are Israeli citizens. Just obnoxious anti Israel rhetoric
  • aiden chen harry potter
    really like this podcast, the hosts are great, really useful, gives us the news for each day, great podcast!
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