

Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. It is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.

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Recent Reviews
  • HofstadterButterfly
    As someone who mega-loved this show, it’s sad to see how things have changed now
    Radiolab “old testament” is something I deeply loved, identified with, I listened to each episode multiple times, wrote poetry about, shared with family, friends and strangers, and would break into a radiolab story at the slightest provocation. It was science communication at its finest, the pure unadulterated joy of discovery funneled through the headphones in my junkie brain with a side of hearty Robert Krulwich humor. On a personal level this show uplifted me from a period of severe depression and helped me find my passion towards a career in science. I can not relate to the new version of the show anymore. I have tried hard but I dont enjoy the shift that happened after Jad decided to make Radiolab about social complexities. We live in those complexities and that’s enough for me, I used to come to Radiolab for a different purpose: the simple wonder of scientific discovery and curiosity, told with stories that had heart and humor, and, not to mention, impeccable sound engineering. I miss that unique essence of Radiolab, which can be found in some of the new stories by Molly Webster still, but the show has lost its core meaning to me overall. I know I am cranky and old, and I don’t want to dismiss the hard work of the Radiolab team, but I do dream of a dedicated old-timey science spinoff by Molly and others.
  • doglover337
    The best!
    I’ve been a fan for years, love the show, please keep up the good work!
  • christodamor
    Interesting but hurts my ears
    Radiolab is a standard in pop science radio. They cover so many fascinating topics and distill the information into consumable little 1 hour bits for idiots like me. That said, it is edited in a way that both makes it sound like a commercial for Malcom in the Middle and belies the hosts’ inability to refrain from interjecting while someone else is talking. So yeah, that’s annoying to the point that I nearly turn it off every time. But then I don’t. Because I am a masochist.
  • all the cool nicknames taken
    2nd Amendment
    I’ve listened to your show a few times, and this episode was too woke for me, I stomached other episodes on your leftward leaning, but sorry you’re off my list.
  • Radiolab reruns
    Radiolab has been my favorite show for years. Since I am a self employed gardener I often listen to your podcast while working and I have listened to almost all of the episodes. It seems recently that you mostly play reruns from the past usually shows I have already heard. I am craving new content!!!
  • gatoguero
    Is there actually any original content with this podcast?
    This podcast was once the gold standard for radio shows and podcasts alike. Nowadays, they should rename it replay lab. I understand that the changing economies of podcasting has made it far more difficult for podcasts to survive and managed to pay their staff from week to week. However, other podcasts seem to do just fine at creating original content. The only reason that Radiolab is continuing to benefit from subscriptionsand other related revenues currently while presenting us with old replayed content at least 80 to 85% of the time is because it was once such a gold standard. Resting on your laurels is clearly an understatement for this flagging and anemic outfit.
  • Helloacboy
    Political garbage
    Used to be a great show. Hot leftist garbage now.
  • Holzmeow
    Show has really lost it’s flair
    The show has really gone downhill since I first started listening (and it was one of my favorites!). Original episodes are few and far between as many new episodes are just replayed old episodes. The new hosts are just not that interesting and actually feel like they would be more interested in being anywhere else. I would love to see them step up their game but sometimes I wonder if they might be trying to sabotage it on purpose ever since Jad gave them the reins. If I play the show for friends I’m only choosing old episodes. Which, I guess is the same as the current show runners.
  • Bunnylou Wolf
    Jarring Sound Effects
    I have been a fan of the show from Day 1… the most engaging and fascinating of the many podcasts I listen to by far….but the background sound effects are SO LOUD that they dominate the entire podcast. Do we have to hear the actual recording of a baby screaming for minutes at a time to convey what a crying baby sounds like? Ouch!
  • < 2 cents
    Hollow Sequel
    Jad and Robert created a show that was rich, and deep, and fascinating. All that’s left is a hollow imitation. I’ll still listen for background, but I used to listen to learn.
  • Reviews by RT
    Not what it used to be
    I’m annoyed every time I decide to listen. It’s either a re-air or sister podcast highlight. I love NPR and donate to the cause but this show has wasted too much of my time. Don’t bother.
  • sjjdnehdi
    Something else
    I think it’s time to retire the show name. This isn’t the same, it isn’t as good and and it isn’t as engaging. Jad provided an unique presentation and Robert gave some seriously insightful, and sometimes profound reporting. I haven’t felt that for a long time here.
  • Anytime now!
    A Disappointing Evolution for Radiolab
    Since Jad and Robert left, the content and production has suffered; so many recycled shows with hardly any new content. I used to look forward to this podcast…not so much now. Time to say goodbye.
  • That'sAnOpinion
    Good episodes behind paywall
    The classic episodes, the ones that where the only mission was pursuing truth and feeding curiosity, are all lock behind a paywall. The folks who took the reigns ought to be ashamed of themselves for riding the coattails of a once truly great podcast.
    Thinker? Get it in your life!
    Feeds my quirky intellectual curiosity!!
  • Your Mom's my Dad
    Can’t wait for Lulu’s hiatus! Consider not being on the show anymore? Ok great, you are obnoxious
  • JGKny
    Like, how many times can someone say “like”?
    Hi there. Love the subject matter as always but dang. Is it really necessary to say “like” over and over and over again? The Aphantasia episode is one example. I know you can’t control the way the guests speak (like, like, like), but good grief. Sindu peppers literally every sentence with the word, often multiple times. Yikes. Latif does it, too. Makes you sound like inarticulate teenagers. Like, what’s the deal? Srsly, go back and listen to the episode. (Don’t read the transcript. Some smart transcriber edited all of the likes out.) I keep hearing this on NPR shows. It’s almost as irritating as that other verbal tick: interviewees punctuating virtually every sentence with “Right?” As if it makes them sound hip and cool. (It doesn’t.) Thank goodness most hosts and reporters don’t do this. Or they do it to a lesser extent. I don’t know why the like thing has become a thing — it wasn’t the case with Jad and Robert, at least not that I recall. The deteriorating ability of your hosts and producers to speak intelligently is disappointing.
  • marvelpharmd
    A fan for 13+ years!
    First heard of this podcast during a freshman Biology class at Oregon State University, have been enthralled ever since! Favorite episode was detailing how HOV crossed over from apes to humans. Chills!
  • technique over topics
    I miss the sonic artistry
    I sometimes miss the content and editing style of the old reporting from Jad and Robert. I pay some money a month because I think the questions asked and pursued are often wonderful but often lean far too dark of late. The lightness yet thorough reporting of the old stuff (less the animal experimentation and when the current show revives similar subjects: distant moons, bugs, curious brain science etc) is a delight.
  • linnsally42
    Just really enjoyed this podcast!
  • raystrife
    Not that great anymore
    Classics only
  • twyla_dance
    They play advertisements for Blackrock
    This show has changed a lot over the years and I don't like it . For instance, they are now playing not one but two advertisements for Black Rock. Also, for the record I had a life insurance policy as a child and so did my sister. When my children were born, I paid for the life insurance policy for both my kids. This is something that people without a lot of money routinely do and $10,000 is routine. Having two men on a show question a family for getting a life insurance policy on an infant shows your privilege.
    Recent episode cuts off
    Recent ep about Alfred plea cuts off randomly at the end. Incomplete story
  • Sillyvalley
    A podcast like no other
    Radiolab has a unique format that always makes me think. Some times it is a wild ride. Some times it is a deep dive. But every time they show me solid journalistic work. Every time they engage me emotionally and intellectually. “How have I lived for so long and have not known this?” Just like they say in their advertisement.
  • Mom10101010
    Thank you to everyone at Radio Lab
    I love RadioLab. Thank you to everyone who makes this amazing mind opening podcast. I see the world in whole new ways thank to you.
  • Joshim
    Not what it used to be
    Used to be such an amazing show
  • I Love Democracy
    No Longer What It Used to Be
    Radiolab used to be my favorite podcast and public radio production. Unfortunately, since Jad Abumrad left (and Robert Krulwich before him), the show has degenerated into a juvenile, trivial, self-indulgent platform for the hosts and producers. In fact, the new content can sometimes be downright idiotic. (See: Small Potatoes episode). Radiolab always had an irreverent element to it, and I appreciate that content must evolve or risk going stale. But Latif Nasser and Lulu Miller have basically turned this once great show into a frivolous Gong Show. What a shame.
  • AntoinetteFowler
    Old episodes are mostly great.
    New episodes are mostly woke. For example, they think square dancing is racist. Sigh. Like it or not, everyone learns square dancing in elementary school. (Yes, even black kids.) That means more Americans know how to square dance than any other dance. Get over it.
  • K.S. in the PNW
    Better than 5 ⭐️
    This is one of those informative, quirky, “there are at least a few episodes to fit everyone’s taste,” wonderful podcasts. I enjoy listening to previous episodes, as well as current, and find the questions they ask are insightful and timeless. If I could give them a rating higher than five stars, I would.
  • theunknown21
    Sad slow death to all-time great show
    I left a five star review about ten years ago. This was one of the original great podcasts before the explosion of podcasts. Latif and Lulu have done some really good things before taking over the show, but the show has seriously suffered since they were given the reins. It’s just not good or it’s recycled content.
  • Kovvez
    Once great
    Lulu absolutely single handily ruined this show
  • 12222018
    What happened ?
    The show was my introduction into podcasts back in the day. I love it! Jad and Robert were magical together. But now…. I have a hard time listening to this . It’s not interesting . Please get it back on track .
  • Vlytvinen
    Yes!, then not so much.
    When it started and for many years I would tell everyone that it was the best storytelling/learning podcast I’d ever heard…I still believe that and listen to the older episodes again and again…I’m so very bummed to say but honestly(and with love) want to share that I do not feel that way anymore with the new hosts…the stories/education now is not compelling, does not bring us along with energy and anticipation, and is not contagious in the way it is with jad and robert.
  • Hsbsbsbsnsn
    What happened?
    Listened for too long to innumerate. Loved every show. So well researched and produced. Now the episodes are half old Jad/Robert shows and half idk. I’m so sorry but I can’t keep trying. Y’all gotta figure your stuff out. Won’t unsubscribe, but I’ll wait for you to make sense of the magic and find your wind. Maybe humble yourselves and ask Jad back.
  • LadyofAmalfia
    Please stop with the mixtapes and poems, more interstitium
    Man-it pains me to write this. I’ve been a RL listener since it started. But recently I couldn’t with the mixtapes episodes. I gave them a listen, hoping it would be more than what it appeared to be but it was not good. On the other hand-there have been amazing episodes, such as the interstitium. I sent that around to so many folks bc of how incredible it was. I said it needed to be awarded a prize! So while I do miss the old hosts-I think the new hosts can and do make great episodes. However, as a creative person, I BEG of you to keep it to science-not science ish or philosophical takes on scientific history. Finding out that the Walkman was brought on board Apollo was not groundbreaking not actually-even very interesting. It was just an uninteresting anecdote. Please stick to the science, interesting research and interesting anecdotes related that relate to science. It’s really killing me. 🙏🏻 And for all the consistent YEARS of amazing episodes prior more recently history; thank you for that.
  • Minnesota Noice
    Terrible podcast experience
    Gave it a go. The episode was from 2007. Sucky quality: the voices are low, but the sound effects are ear-piercingly loud. No trigger warning about out-of-nowhere violent themes.
  • b.Obe
    Always Exceptional
    Always great content and always so well produced! Just finished listening to Mixtapes from the Moon. The description of Michael Collins flying alone in the dark, cut off in complete isolation, knowing he was the only return home for Armstrong and Aldrin, and the three of them thinking they had a 50/50 chance of a successful rendezvous, was just poignant.
  • lailamitchell174
    Story Lines -Mesmerizing, Thoughtful and Authentic
    This is my first review because I felt it important to give these folks credit where it’s due. Narrators have a knack for building a compelling storyline while also remaining sincere and they are analytical and ask the kind of questions that are not typical fluff. Every Radio Lab prompts you to ask yourself questions. Is this okay? How do I feel about what they said? It’s wildly removed from the mundane political banter. If you are a free thinking analyzer of what is or appears to be, definitely give this podcast a listen.
  • KEM woof
    Used to love it
    This show just isn’t the Shane since Jad and Robert left. There are far more reruns than new content. Hoping they can get it back on track.
  • painter311
    Ruined by new hosts
    I can’t believe how bad this show has gotten. The new hosts have really run it into the ground. Please, NPR, do something to save it, or cancel it. After 10+ years of following the show I finally unsubscribed today.
  • RandomNickname00
    First Time Skipping an Episode
    One of the best shows out there. The Small Potatoes episode was banal to the extreme. I couldn’t take it after 20 minutes and I really wanted to like it. But it made me glad that I don’t financially support the show because if I did, I would’ve pulled my funding. I can’t believe actual money was spent to talk about a guy’s toothpaste habits for 20 minutes. Radiolab is at its best when it’s fascinating. Please keep to that. Thank you.
  • Kate122821
    I miss radiolab
    Radio lab has been my favorite for years. I used to get stuck in my car, sitting in the driveway until the episode was over. Jad and Robert were the best. I just want some fresh episodes that are as creative and fresh as the old radiolab.
  • skyHighness
    Still interesting, but not so great anymore.
    This used to be the best produced and most thought provoking podcast out there, since new management took over, the depth, quality, diversity and regulatory of the show has been going downhill. I hope they get better soon!
  • A. Aron
    Remember, when Radiolab wasn’t just reruns of earlier episodes?
  • Dave315xxx
    It’s been better
    This show used to be one of the best, if not the best, podcast. The stories and journalism has taken a severe nosedive in the last few years. I used to be so excited for every episode but now it tends to be only for rewind episodes, which far exceed any new originals.
  • leshipp
    New hosts ruined a great show
    New hosts have mangled what was once a work of art. Latif mansplains and there's an immaturity about the show now that's incredibly irritating. Jad and Robert, come back!!
  • CardiffMary
    Annoying sound effects
    I love your content but your sound effects are annoying and distracting and I often don’t finish listening to the episode.
  • Kooberstein
    the new voices are a little much
    it’s excellently produced and love the old episodes but the new people they have on that are talking a little more are a little too much to bear now. old episodes are great but the new ones have a lot of giggling and annoying parts. so basically like a lot of the other podcasts out there. great content but broken up by a panel of people laughing n giggling here n there
  • Possumtheopossum
    It’s all facts and science delivered in a entertaining and engaging way, it’s hard to describe how amazing this is
  • aspang
    My first and favorite.
    I loved Radiolab before I knew what a podcast was, listening to it on public radio, I have been, in turn, fascinated, inspired, moved, astounded, comforted, challenged, and constantly amazed. Currently in transition, I can’t wait to listen to what’s on the other side! 🖤
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