Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast


30+ year veteran Hall of Fame pro wrestling journalist Wade Keller from Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter and PWTorch.com discusses the top stories of the week in pro wrestling with top-level guest cohosts and interviews pro wrestling's newsmakers each week. 640160

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  • gornyson
    Triple H stooges
    Don’t expect any integrity from these senior citizens. They’ve been getting scoops from Papa H for decades.
  • 64rj__
    Ads Everywhere, Horrendous Callers
    The show is all ads. I’ve never seen a podcast so incessant on annoying their free listener so much with the intent of getting them to pay for VIP. Each podcast opens with 6-7 minutes of ads. I’d wager 45-50 minutes of each show is ads. There are ways to get people to subscribe to your Patreon or subscription service without such a antiquated strategy. It’s off putting. This goes without mentioning how often Wade refers to free listeners as “free loaders.” If there’s so much dislike for your non-paying listener, just make a full paywall. That would seem to satisfy everyone. Wade is obviously knowledgeable about the industry and does have various co-hosts who are interesting. But it can often be very dry. Any kind of interesting conversation of the day is withheld from show reviews - so on days of major stories cracking, we’re subject to just hearing about every Raw segment in order. There is more analysis on the “blue” show (why does he separate them?), but again, it can range from mildly interesting to a complete bore. Callers are all old, so as someone in my 20s, I don’t feel I belong here whatsoever. Lastly - I’m over Wade peddling neoliberal hot takes in Summer 2022. Every podcast is referring to Russia as a war state, discussing a “coup,” etc etc. It’s misinformation - if you want to be political, discuss the warmongerers at NATO. Discuss the billions and billions of dollars of American taxpayer money going to a war regime in Ukraine while Americans can’t fill their gas tank or buy groceries. Maybe instead of focusing on the last president who wasn’t in office - focus on the current president who doesn’t wield power in any way, and who has subsequently chosen not to defend abortion rights. Maybe read about the deal he’s struck with Mitch McConnell. Which many should find as a betrayal. Wade is very “vote blue no matter who” which at this point is the blue equivalent to a red MAGA hat. I’m just tired of it. You’d think someone who fancies themselves as a history buff in their own industry like Wade does would surely understand the complexities of these complexes more than what Stephen King or Palmer Report tweets. I’m sorry, at a point, it’s just off putting and shows your complete lack of knowledge on the world around you. So don’t discuss it.
  • Kipmoney
    I’d rate it zero stars if i could
    Dude posted a show last night and touted it as “Ad free” only to begin with 15 + minutes of adds. Not only that had adds all throughout the show, I’d say more than ever. Somebody please pay for this VIP crap before he starves. Geez!
  • tjmaga1
    Another social justice warrior wrestling g podcast.
    Keep your sjw hot-takes and shut down.
  • Justin "Mannchild" Mann
    More of a pro vegan than a wrestling podcast.
    If you like commercials and being fed vegan propaganda then you’ve found your podcasts. Just got to ignore the big of wrestling talk and you’re all good.
  • Rickyfighters
    I love Wade and his cohosts . They are really thoughtful and entertaining.
  • k2the e
    Too many ads
    Just kidding- there’s this little button where you can easily skip the ads if you can’t afford $10 per month to go ad free.
  • PKBuzzard
    We Dislike Wrestling Podcast
    Welcome to the “We Dislike Wrestling Podcast” (apologies to Mike McCarthy for stealing his gimmick). I was a PW Torch VIP subscriber for years, and then I just started to dislike wrestling. So I canceled my sub and to my surprise my enjoyment of wrestling came back. I started to listen to this podcast and realized that the conversation, while journalistic and professional, was mostly geared toward the negative elements of the wrestling genre. I’d advise mixing in something like Sam Roberts “Notsam Wrestling” if you plan to make this one part of your regular rotation.
  • Matt Costigan
    Boring and not objective
    Always doing whatever they can to sell for aew is pathetic.... it gets old listening to infomercials each week
  • Metal_2006
    Ad ad ad
    Every 2 seconds there an ad and self promoting his vip crap.
  • Rogermania
    Awful. Why Bruce Mitchell is given a platform is one of the worlds greatest mysteries . Keller can be tolerable when he’s not rewriting promos and imitating wrestlers .
  • NJD316
    VIP Membership Plug-fest
    The content is okay. I agree with Wade some of the time, I disagree with him some of the time. My issue is that the plugs for this show, plus Wade’s use of filler words “uh”, “er”, “you know” adds easily an extra hour onto the show. It’s hard to focus on the content when every 3 minutes you’re reminded of how you can skip ads and get back issues from 20 years ago. Also, surely Wade has notes and rehearses this Podcast a little. The amount of filler words is reminiscent of a 5 year old giving their presentation at school, not a long-standing ‘journalist’. Think before you speak, son. I’d pay for a VIP Membership if he could edit out all of the “um’s” and “er’s”. Maybe that could be his next plug?
  • Killer2789
    Clearly biased commentary
    I haven’t listened to this show since they criticized Roman Reigns for his return from cancer promo. Instead of celebrating someone beating cancer they spent the whole show bashing him. His guest are better and bring a more unbiased opinion then him. There are TONS of wrestling podcast better
  • Agent4eva
    The best
    My number one source for all wrestling news. What is Todd Martin talking about...lol. You guys are the best. You too Todd
  • Matt Red Crimson Kohler
    Great to terrible
    One problem I have with this is it feels like the first 15 minutes is advertisements. I’m usually okay with ads but it has become absurd
  • Drewski1971
    Over rated self plug podcast
    This guy is a terrible interviewer, cuts his guests off mid sentence, is not funny and loves the sound of his own voice. His ad plugs are absolutely absurd! One every 2 min. You simply wouldn’t want to pay to hear his annoying demeanour so why listen now? If you do - hit the fast forward as 3/4 his free spot is him saying over and over again... PEEEEE DOUBLE U TORCH.....PEEE DOUBLE U TORCH..
  • drewsviews
    Too many adds
    The content is really good but the adds and plugs for vip are too much and ruin what’s an otherwise great podcast
  • Deo316
    Todd Martin
    He is the worst so negative on wwe every time I see him on pod I will delete download
  • Joe M Johns
    Really good
    A well done podcast on pro wrestling. Yes, there’s a lot of commercials but that’s where the easy fast forwarding helps. So all in all, really insightful discussions with varying cohosts.
  • ?!bbb
    Enjoy it, but
    Way too many commercials. No justification for it.
  • batts01033
    I don’t know who wants to listen to terrible interviews from five years ago three times a week but I’m not one of them.
  • scotty2cocks
    If u like commercials this is the podcast for you!!!
  • Friarfanatic
    Decent but biased podcast
    I’m already sick of all the AEW is good but. . . . crap but then not painting NXT with the same brush. NXT is also a good show but there have been many flaws that this podcast refuses to acknowledge. Rich Fann was on with Wade last week and started pointing out the flaws in NXT but then Wade quickly pivoted back to AEW?? Are they afraid HHH won’t let them in on the next conference call if NXT is criticized?? Frustrating!
  • wwe hall of famer donald trump
    Good podcast but with all the advertising plugs it ruins the podcast experience for me. I get that you’re trying get subscribers but the ammount of advertising is annoying to most of we are all honest which caused me to hit unsubscribe
  • Delay30666
    This guy is preposterously annoying
  • Tom_
    Good pod, too many ads
    Good pod, love the content, but waaaaay to much advertising.
  • Rese28
    Too many ads
  • dubeieeeee
    The ads continue to be half the show and it’s awful. Sigh.
  • ChristopherLRobinson7
    So many commercials
    The little bit they talk about wrestling is solid but you have to fast forward SO MUCH it makes it not worth your listening. Literally 13 minutes of wrestling talk in the first 33 minutes of the pod I listen to! If you have your hand on the FF15 key, it MAY be worth it but the commercials are excessive and make this unlistenable.
  • Justincred1ble
    Holy adds Batman
    15 minutes of ads at the beginning. Then another ad every 8-10 minutes. It’s out of control, absolutely do not recommend this podcast.
  • Tankmarston
    Ad podcast
    This is a nice ad podcast with a little bit of wrestling thrown in. The only good part is that once you fast forward through all the ads the podcast only takes 10 minutes to listen to.
  • Nizoki
    Best Ad listening simulator I’ve ever seen
    Podcast is 60 minutes long... 55 of those minutes are ads from Home Depot
  • Novac24601
    To many ads
    I am not going to keep listening it just has way to many ads
  • Johnnyb_24
    Good interviews but…
    The interviews on here are very good but the ads are insane at least 5 ads for the same thing we never need to hear about spider veins again.
  • Naj91
    The content of your show is compelling but the ads make no sense at all, why exactly do you need to play the exact same cable ad back to back and then 50 times overall throughout the whole episode?
  • Lord Valley Lloyd
    Keep Pounding
    Keep up the good work. Love all wrestling podcast and it does not matter about the ads, I enjoy professional wrestling.
  • mox fan
    So many adds!!!!!
    So many adds and every few minutes the same add! Way too many to suffer through to hear anything other than big big topics After the 1st add I thought about subscribing but by the end I had been convinced not to. I think the idea should be to provide content you want to pay for instead of pay not to be punished with the adds
  • draven619
    Too many ads
    So many ads, first and last time I am listening to this
  • BigPoppaBurch
    Good Job!
    Love the podcast(s) Wade keep up the good work! I’d complain about the ads like everyone else, but they don’t bug me since I know this is the free version and not the VIP version. Keep it up!!!
  • Justin 316
    Let me jump on the old band wagon and just say, why so many froggin ads. Seriously it’s unreal and I know you want us to pay for premium but podcasts are supposed to be a free medium. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I have never ever heard so many ads. More ads on this show than there are on terrestrial radio. FWK
  • Bthehofster
    too many ads
    No content just ads, 15 minutes before an introduction then five minutes and like 3 more minutes of ads. I think he might have a nice idea and I know he needs to make money but don’t make it so painful for listeners to listen. Shame.
  • bazinga great dane
    Ads are fine
    People complaining about ads without paying for subscription are ridiculous. How do you expect him to pay his bills without ads or subscriptions? Sure that where they work are not giving their products or services away for free.
    Dude, no other program I’ve ever seen or listened too has this many ads. I can’t even tell if I want the premium option with no ads, because I can’t even get through one show to know if I like it. I should have known from your appearances on Stone Cold’s podcast that half of the show would be ads.
  • RichardRoss101
    Overwhelmed by ads
    Way to many ads. Too much explaining of tiny details that aren’t important. Terrible booking ideas
  • Samantha Karasek
    Too many ads and introductions
    It takes forever to get to the actual interviews. I had to fast forward 15 minuets just to hear the first Jon Moxley interview and 20 minutes for the second half. Then once listening there’s even MORE ads. Literally half of the interview is ads. I get people have sponsors but that’s ridiculous, it’s killing the content. Honestly his other podcasts are like that too with an over kill of ads, it’s a waste of time. I don’t get how anyone can subscribe. If Moxley wasn’t in this interview I wouldn’t have even bothered skipping through all the ads every ten minutes. I won’t be listening again.
  • Deadpool7491
    Too many ads.
    I downloaded the Jon Moxley interviews so I could listen to them at work. The first 14 minutes of the podcast were just ads and plugs. Once the interview started, it was interrupted every 5-10 minutes by even more ads. The ads make it nearly unlistenable in a work setting where you can’t pull your phone out to skip ahead. I will not be listening to this podcast again and I highly recommend against anyone listening to anything other than the Moxley interviews. Very unsatisfactory.
  • mrkuck
    Ads are overwhelming
    Unsubbed because too many ads
  • Zigsta13
    Ads are overwhelming—stick to Talk is Jericho
    Way too many ads! I seriously can’t even get through the first Mox interview because I’m sick and tired of hearing the AT&T ad on loop. Won’t be listening again.
  • Heliavila1975
    First and last
    I get it!! You have to play ads to generate an income. I’m okay with it. But you take it to another level! There’s way way way too many adds. There’s more adds played than on a network tv show. It really hurts the show in my option. I know I can pay not to get adds but I’m a casual fan. There’s really no value for me personally.
  • Robin lives
    I’m glad someone posted the transcript recap of part 2. An ad every 90 seconds makes this unlistenable.
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