

Mickstape is the preeminent Basketball Podcast ever of all time. Trill Withers and Coley Mick bring you the most correct takes about all things basketball and culture, from the parquet to the playground and beyond. If you're looking for advanced stats, facts, or things of that nature, you've come to the wrong place entirely. This is the Rasheed Wallace of podcasts. The Allen Iverson of podcasts. The JR Smith of podcasts. Go ahead and smash that subscribe button or be mocked ruthlessly by your friends and family for years to come.

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Recent Reviews
  • Doin city
    Rip my sweet prince
  • Mdelf271
    Miss this. Please come back Trill
  • Poppa Djshhcskckjsjcks
    I need this duo back in my life
  • Freedomlax08
    If I ever hit the lottery I’d write a blank check to bring this back for everyone’s sake
  • Col. Rick Flagg
    RIP Tape
    The closest of personal friends
  • WeDon'tSayThatAnymore
    See ya
  • Confused but whatever
    Thank you.
    This podcast was one of the highlights of my week for the past 4 years. I still go back and listen to old episodes just to laugh at the jokes and quips. Thank you guys for being a continued source of scorching hot takes, and endless laughs. Love you guys.
  • Ikzimmer
    The best podcast of all time. Miss you guys.
  • papastrenke
    See ya pals
    Best podcast of all time. From actual good basketball knowledge to level headed ethical takes about social justice to random rants about liberace. GOAT podcast and I can’t wait to support Trill in whatever venture he takes next. Lotta good podcasts I said it. But none as good as this one. Update: Trills got a patreon if you miss this show as much as me you gotta subscribe. Link is on Tyler’s Twitter @TylerIAm RIP Mickstape long live trill long live Coley
  • pursh10
    Thank You
    This show was like having my pals with me in the car on the most painstakingly depressing and lonely days, and it helped me survive my darkest days. I’ve never enjoyed any content more than this show. Thank you guys
  • Dajalepeno11
    I am sad I miss this :(
  • alaskaiskool3
    Constantly redownloading episodes after I finish them again. Rip thank you coley and Tyler
  • Kcbaseball18
    The greatest thing since sliced bread
    I will always be subbed to this. I miss this more than anything.
  • ESPNisthendevil
    Wokestape is bad
    Get off Twitter and off your superior high horse that twitter app is rotting y’all’s brain has you shooting off some insanely uneducated takes. Hope all goes well in the end but I’m outty🤪 Ahahahahaha wokestape lasted a nice 2 months
  • BrownBear32
    The Greatest
    I’ll always be subscribed because if they ever come back again I’m not missing it for anything!
    Thank you Tyler & Coley
    For the countless hours of mindless listening and jokes. Best of luck to Tyler in whatever his next chapter holds. Can’t wait to see what piece of content Coley throws himself into next. Long live the Mickstape podcast. RIP Tom, Porter, Bo, Aiden, Kobe, and Dan. And for god sakes, fix flints water supply.
  • skerpdawg
    I am so sad
  • Johnny Freebandziel
    I’m gonna miss the laughs, the knowledge, and everything else you guys brought to the table. I fully support the decisions made by the both of you and wish continued success. Love you guys
  • Big_daddy39
    This blows.
    This blows.
  • snsdtobe
    Just when I thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse. Gonna miss you guys so much. Best podcast ever. No hat.
  • minksandfurze
    Fun levels at all time low
    The last piece of barstool that still entertained me. Only two people I looked forward to listening to for 6-8 hours a week. I’ll be subscribing to Tyler wherever he goes.
  • 23170530?:$),)&$
    Thank you fellas
    my heart hurts
  • Jfauci84
    The Best Podcast
    The goat i’ll miss y’all :(
  • NotoriousSEC
    Trill Should still be there
  • Vaj Slayer
    What a shame . Goodbye Mickstape. A basketballish podcast
    Will miss the 4 hour pods. Gone but not forgotten . Gunna do a deep dive into the early episodes
  • Jared Prenda
    A bittersweet farewell
    For the past two+ years I have listened to every episode of this show. It has made me laugh, think in another way, and has changed how I view a lot of the world. Not bc Coley and Tyler we’re scholars, but because they were real people living in the world with real experience. From debating metaphorical animal fights, to Dana and Marty causing a train wreck, and Coley sharing my love of all things Marcus Smart this show has been a part of my life. I’m sad to see it go but I know both of you will accomplish great things. I look forward to listening to coley more on section 10 and Tyler, all of us will support you no matter where life brings you next.
  • krh43030
    Thank you
    The GOAT podcast and there isn’t a close second. Going to miss you guys.
  • marknchakrbf
    A perfect show if there ever was one
    Thank you boys for the memories. I’ll keep spinnin the hits forever.
  • Belen_
    RIP Mickstape
    Thanks for all the laughs guys. This show got me through a lot in these 4 years. I didn’t realize how attached I was until now. Appreciate the legends while they’re still around
  • tjw247
    Thank you both
    Just guys being dudes. Im gonna miss it😞best of luck to Tyler 🐐
  • DietrichRyan20
    Sad Levels Through The Mantle
    Going to miss this pod. There, I said it.
  • mickstapelover999
    Thank you
    Tyler and Coley have had such an impact of me as a person, and I’m proud to say that those impacts are positive. This podcast came out during October of my freshman year and I’ve yet to miss an episode, and frankly this show was one of the few constants in my time in high school. I know Coley and Tyler probably won’t see this but thank you for everything and love y’all ❤️
  • Asap yackie
    RIP Add this show to the outro
    Respect Whiskers right to resign, however leaving a company that gave you the largest platform to say literally ANYTHING you want because the boss is “racist” is weak af. I’m f be lying if I said I didn’t lose some respect for Trill. And Coleys acting so incredibly melodramatic about the entire situation is upsetting.
  • Gothamknight88
    Can’t say enough great things about these two. A must listen the entire 3 years I’ve tuned in. Cheers, fellas
  • crytex
    Thank you guys for everything
    Love you guys
  • wShep13
    Best podcast out there
    Thanks for everything.
  • Adhouse
    Thanks guys
    This is been my favorite thing to listen to since you guys started. When my dad was going through chemo, I would throw this on in my headphones while I was sitting next to him during treatment. Some of my favorite parts of the day came when I started laughing hysterically and I would have to pause to try and explain to my dad why I was laughing. He didn’t understand a single thing that I told him. My final pick is rats and eagles and I will hear no other opinion thank you. Love you guys. Hope to hear from you someday soon.
  • VondleG
    #1 Andrew Wiggins Podcast
    The greatest podcast that has ever graced these ears. The only podcast where I’d be upset if the episodes were under 3 hours. Thanks for all the laughs.
  • Malik Logan
    Thank you
    Thank you boys for all the years of great memories. I’ll miss Mickstape
  • Vic Vinegar 420
    Y’all got me though unbelievably hard times. I fall asleep listening to old episodes. Will continue to do so. The loss of this podcast is devastating. We love you. Forever.
  • Here for JoJo
    One Love
    You guys did more for me, and thousands of others, than the both of you will ever know. Appreciate the hustle & laughs the last few years. Best of luck to the both of you. Gd shame..
  • dom_boi8q_
    The boys felt like family for the better part of almost 4 years. The Tape™️ will be missed, but we all love you, Tyler. Looking forward to what comes from you next 🖤
  • VegasBlazer
    I keep typing something out but end up deleting it. All I really can say is thanks for the last 3 years
  • Kolbster17
    Thank you
    I’m going to miss this show a lot, but thank you for being a positive influence in my life. Will follow both of you wherever you go❤️
  • Willie Colonoscopy
    Barstool falling apart. Sad.
    Thanks for ruining this podcast Willie and garbage black Brandon. I hope the best for Trill
  • jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
    Thank you for endless enjoyment. RIP
    This was one of the funniest, thought provoking, occasionally basketball oriented podcasts ever. Trill and the Mick man were always fantastic. Sad that it’s over.
  • krh5355
    Thank you. As someone who has listened to this from the beginning, spent countless hours with you. My close friends. And a black guy who has followed barstool for 5 or so years, I get it Tyler. I know how you feel. Disappointed. Thank you Tyler and coley. I appreciate you all more than you know.
  • jejeof geh
    Please don’t goooo
    I love this pod. It’s been my favorite for the last two years. I’m white and have gained so much insight into black culture/feelings by listening to Tyler and Coley. Of course, they are both side-splittingly funny, but I’m most sad to see this fence couldn’t be mended. I’ll continue to follow Coley and Trill, and maybe they can start the show again via a different platform than barstool. I really hope to hear you both together again and thank you for so many laughs over the years. One love.
  • podagis
    Shaq and Penny of Podcasts
    I’ve listened to every episode of Mickstape multiple times and plan on starting from the beginning again. Something about the genuine friendship and fun Coley and Tyler have just lightens my mood and makes me laugh. I wish both Tyler and Coley all the success in the world and I’m sad to lose my all time favorite podcast. Thank you both for the days and days of my life that I have spent listening to you two. Tuesday’s and Friday’s won’t be the same... RIP to the greatest duo since Shaq and Penny
  • Lucasdee33
    Thanks for the funniest and biggest smiles, Mickstape. Y’all meant a lot to my days.
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