Sara Gonzales Unfiltered


Sara Gonzales, everyone’s favorite spicy Latina, brings a no-holds-barred take to news and culture.

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Recent Reviews
  • CuckooBio
    Antidote to liberal groupthink
    Fair, balanced, and entertaining. Love the guests and Sara’s impersonation of Pelosi is worth a listen all by itself :)
  • Consumers First
    Love The Show/ Still Hate The Weird Indian Music.
    I have loved listening to Sara and her great guests for years. Like the old music better but the new Bollywoodesc music just does not fit a real Texas style conservative podcast. We know that you don’t care what your listeners have all said about this music because you continue to disregard what we think by saying so! You have become very successful because of your talent and Your guests! Disregarding all the people who listen to you is insulting. Still love the information I get by listening every day. Please don’t get obnoxious like Bill Oreilly did by thinking he was too smart for his listeners and not to attend to their opinions on something they certainly have a right to have an opinion on. I fired Bill OReilly years ago because of this attitude. By the way I am a retired educator and listen to your show because you have always been intelligent and I learn new things about politics. I hope whoever reads your comments shares my concerns with and you at least try to better respect the opinions of your many listeners. Thank you Will Aiken Lawrenceville, GA
  • C1audia23
    Garbage takes
    Right wing propaganda. Embarrassing.
  • mshmeek
    One of my favorite shows.
    Honest and accurate news source.
  • scart225
    Sara is always worth the time
    I don't go a day without watching Sara Gonzales. She always brings the news in a truthful, fun, and amazing way! Thanks
  • Mmhmcv
    One is as bad as the other
    I love your show Sara. But spouting the evils of Disney while vacationing at Universal is a bit hypocritical. One is as bad as the other.
  • CMarol
    Great show but I’m confused
    Is Sara - Bari Weiss? She sounds just like a podcast I subscribed to that Bari is the host. I didn’t subscribe to this Sara Unfiltered show but it magically appeared that I subscribe so I’m assuming there was a change I missed. Can someone explain or is it uncanny that she sounds just like Bari!
  • Dot Dev
    Tan Man
    Orange Man good! Tan Man BAD! Keep up the great show!
  • wife of many years
    Sara, I was not a fan of the new music, I generally only listen on Apple, but when I watched on the Utube and saw the accompanying video, LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I appreciate your good work and the great panel you always have! I listen everyday. Enjoy your Independence Day break!
  • InkedKatLady
    Sara is my daily news!
    Love the new set. Still my #1 news show! Love Sara and the guests she brings on. Can’t miss a show! Awesomeness! 💞
  • i watch it on youtube usually
    Guest idea
    One episode you should have Jesse Kelly and Jason Buttrell. I think they would become best friends.
  • Cartoonlover1999
    Love the show !!!
    Stu took a week off. I was frantically trying to find something to keep updated on current events. Already listened to Pat Gray earlier and Glenn… love him but sometimes he makes want to drive into the River. I found your show to watch while waiting for Stu to return. Sorry Stu. She’s got me now ! You shouldn’t have taken a week off ! Sarah stole me ! Love you all ! Keep on Blazin !!! Russ from Portland
  • Sasha Spencer
    And Disney thinks it’s less racist 😂😂😂
    Love your pod cast, and was dying laughing hearing your part about Disney Land changing splash mountian to less racist……. While meanwhile 50 yards in front, every cast member of Tom Sawyer Island that is rowing a canoe is of dark color, possibly representing Indian heritage…. Weird…. I took a few pics and sent to them your instagram, I just wish I would have taken more… Anyways keep up the good work , your 100% my favorite podcaster!
  • robtdog
    Weapons of truth
    This is coordinated to destroy America
  • Peanut 43
    Sarah is a BOSS!!!!
  • BossHogg81
    I found Sara through watching Eric July 3 years ago and I have not stopped watching since. Keep up the good work!
  • Thayanor
    Screw Michael Moore
    Sara is awesome! Rating so that Michael Moore doesn’t catch up. Thanks for all you do outside of this show. Your example inspires us all.
  • lizzy 54
    Sara your show is something I look forward to each and every day. I like all of the guest you have on, they all bring a lot to the table with their perspectives on every subject. Keep up the great work.
  • Critiquererssorry
    Tone it down a bit?
    We have watched the news and why it matters for several years now. And the new Sara show. We agree with Sara’s views. But as of recently not quite how Sara presents her views. Let me explain. We were spending time with a 53 year old white female somewhat liberal cousin this past week doing a building project. Sara‘s podcast came up on. We were excited that our cousin would get to hear a conservative woman’s views. However on this particular podcast Sara started out quite negative and upset, no doubt understandable, using such foul language calling Biden Satan, etc… that our cousin spoke up and asked wasn’t Sara a Christian woman? Why was Sara so negative, projecting her “mind controlling”, opinions etc. And why was the sponsor an alcohol company? Unfortunately our cousin was completely turned off by this episode. This made me think to myself; Can’t we get the same conservative/ constitutional points across not using such worldly foul ways? I hope this corrective criticism/ encouragement does help Sara. Righteous anger is good. But foul words acting like the world, not so much. Joann
  • Fred the doctor
    Idiot vote
    I also would like to cast a vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as idiots of the day but knowing them that this election is a crime to the country democracy Fred Bol Let’s GoBrandon With these two illegal’sthr stealing beating cops and killing and just breaking the laws. Would the Government let us break the law by not paying our taxes since our taxes are going for causes that we didn’t ask for like Ukraine and for the illegal benefits for the illegal Immigrants. Sara you were right on today Trump needs to win this election or we’ll become a communist country I hope Trump doesn’t get the same prison as Jeff Epstein
  • no&ks
    R u kidding me?
    I love your new music!
  • Joel Sanchez
    Not for sensible humans
    Not rocket science if you’re sensible this show is 110% not for you that’s all
  • nowhere man5
    Great insight
    I love your insight on current events. Especially your comments behind the sound clips you play.
  • abarnxc
    Great show for work
    I don’t watch cable news and avoid news on social apps. I love listening to this show because Sarah gives a great update on current events and I love her views.
  • tripkick
    Awesome show!
    Me like show. Me like Sarah. Me like the Blaze.
  • jajridjeuehfhiejc
    Go Stephen
    The greatest talk show host yet to enter the ring. All the texts lol when you were DC hah! Also I am indifferent about the music choices.
  • LBD7778
    Sara, Girl!!
    Absolutely love the new show. Glenn’s theme music was definitely NOT the better fit. Please let Jason know Matthew Marsden is tied for my new Blaze crush. Matt’s blue eyes and oh, that ACCENT. lol Keep it up, so happy for you!!! — Laurie Effin D
  • :"2477,!:
    The guy was Mcarthys #2, when they fought so hard against Jim Jordan that told me everything. Jim was the man for the job and they didn’t let it happen! Why do you think there’s all these rumors about 5 more republicans resigning? It’s the swamp there compromised and or and making money off it! It’s going to be the same ole same ole. When a man the doesn’t want the job steps up you hire him! Not one thing is going to change with this one. Some how he’s duped Trump and that I didn’t see coming. So Trump gets the fact the communist Jeffries will end up there or Trump is making a mistake this time. I like to thing the latter. Deep state! This guy changed all his positions after he met with the intelligence community. Hmmm I wonder?
  • Kidologist
    Sara is a Mind Reader!
    One of my absolute must listen to podcasts! Sara reads my mind, and then expresses what I’m thinking and feeling about our beloved country with such passion and zeal that I am cheering her during her opening monologue. Everybody should listen to this podcast as she speaks for the millions who LOVE this country and are deeply concerned with the direction we are headed. It may be called Unfiltered, but you can tell she is still holding back what we know she wants to say. But it’s OK - we are thinking it with her. Go get ‘em girl!
  • alsatian13
    Have loved it for years!
    I’ve been watching/listening to Sara for years, and her show has gotten better every year. She has interesting content, great guests, Eric July, Chad Prather, Jaco, and the two Matt’s are incredible. I look forward to her show every weekday, and it’s one of my 4 news shows/commentators I watch everyday. She is total common sense about what she says and also has great sense of humor.
  • Arkteryx
    Good show!
    I enjoyed the panels from News and Why better. Sara is certainly smart and can produce long rants against stupidity, but I just get more angry now when I listen to her show, so I don’t listen to it as much anymore. I think the News and Why was a little less angry. Still, this is a good show! Still… 5 stars is the “appropriate” amount of stars!
  • Red VEW 2
    Sara is awesome!
  • Farthest North Movie Buff
    Sara is the best!
    Favorite part of the day is listening Sara!
  • ROMAD1C4
    18 Apr show
    I agree with so much of what she says except todays show about supporting Ukraine. Give them Military aid to fight the fight but no monetary assistance until we can put money in securing our border
  • Woods826
    Love this podcast!
    Sara is amazing and one of the funniest people I’ve ever listened to. Her impressions are hilarious. Love you girl ❤️
  • MrsJackson20
    Sara is my favorite
    I don’t usually listen to your podcast because I watch your show on The Blaze. You are my favorite Blaze host. We can’t have Michael Moore anywhere near you in the ratings.
  • V.Ales
    The best
    Sara is the best. She is bold and beautiful, she doesn’t back down and always speaks the truth.
  • Jesusmrscl
    Wonderful Show
    Do not know why I am reviewing the show? I love this show! Listen to you as often as I can. Thank you, for what everyone brings to the table. Jesse Mariscal
    Keep Fighting
    Stay strong Sara never give up your doing positive and meaning things on your podcast.
  • Leo1heart
    Hard Core and to the point!
    I absolutely Love Sara’s approach and style! Keep up the good work Sara!
  • Tigertame4
    Excellent Host and great guests
    A very insightful show and excellent review of the news of the day. Sara is an intelligent young woman who doesn’t hold back fighting the woke culture.
  • gwags989
    Favorite podcast
    I enjoy your podcast more than any other. Megyn Kelly’s show I would say is a close second for me. Ah, don’t worry about Michael Moore!
  • houston weaponx
    Best News show, hands down
    Wonderful and trustworthy way to get your daily news fix.
  • RhonLewis
    Great show
    I love Sarah’s honesty and down to earth speaking of what is going on in our world!!!
  • Melschel
    Love her content!
    Funny and smart. Content is always entertaining and informative! Keep up the good work.
  • KingAbbottsucks
    Snowflake Substitute
    Yea I’m a substitute in a very large local district as one of my Bidenomics 3 jobs. This substitute in question needs to be shown the door, they are not cut out for the world of education. Much like Covidiocracy this is another example of the weakling “adult” being put way before the student which runs counter to the entire educational credo. Love the show Sara!
  • Sasquatch-Cougar (BYU)
    Love the New show
    Same Great Sara Spicy and speaks truth with passion! Love the new show.
    5 star
    Love it, just discovered her on Deace, found her podcast, am hooked!
  • App KO!
    Love it
    Love Sara Pelosi It’shh undocumented but shhaying illegal ishh not a big deal 😂
  • Luckybishop (aka Blue Antaeus)
    Excellent New Format
    Excellent step forward with an always informative show. The new format is just better and the topics more timely.
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