The Record


Host Bill Radke leads in-depth conversations about what matters today in Seattle and beyond.

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Recent Reviews
  • đź’•brener
    Too bad
    Boomer navel gazers Hasn’t society suffered enough?
  • flymiester
    Great news source for American hating leftists
    Biased coverage on a daily basis. Shoving degenerate transgender lifestyles as the norm, corrupting families by stating they should embrace their 4 year olds transgenderism. Now pushing pedophilia as a normalized sexual orientation, redefining these people as MAPs “minor attracted persons”. Never ending leftist lies and propaganda.
  • pamelainseattle
    Biased coverage
    Biased coverage
  • Andante'
    Bill Radke Seattle and Beyond
    Very good show. Thank You
  • sashay9
    Love it more with Ms. Yandel
    Listen to The Record for local politics but sometimes irritated by the kinds of questions Radke and Reynolds ask. They seem kind of oblivious to their privilege in a lot of ways and awkward in conversation with their guests. They don’t connect with their BIPOC guests and ask questions that really show they don’t get it. As a Latina, I think if you really want the record to appeal to more women and BIPOC folks, you need to change the hosts. The questions are often way too cringeworthy. Jeanie Yandel has a really good rapport, more inflection and is more interesting to listen to than the usual hosts. She also is bringing more women and BIPOC voices to the shows. To be honest, I usually use this podcast to fall asleep but with her as a host I’m actually interested and curious and it’s much much less dry. I hope they keep her and give her a lot more opportunities to host.
  • fishnfiddle
    Please restore the full show option!
    I can’t be messing with my phone to start or stop segments! At least, restore a full show option please! Larry Telles Indianola
  • Gwynn
    I can no longer listen
    This used to be my favorite, must listen podcast, but I no longer can because of the broken up, segment format. I usually listen to podcasts in environments where I cannot be constantly fiddling with my phone, like driving, and rely on long podcasts that I don’t have to touch for forty-five minutes to an hour or longer. Once or twice it seems like both the segments and the full episode were posted, which was ok though it left me with a lot of deleting to do. Since this new format began I don’t think I’ve listened to the show more than two or three times. Bad, bad decision KUOW. I hope you reverse course on this or you can count me as a listener lost.
  • Efbrazil
    Segment format is appreciated by some!
    Opinion is varied in these reviews, but I really like being able to choose segments to listen to. That way I can listen to local news and avoid KUOW’s ultra liberal echo chamber as best as possible. I get it, I’m liberal too, but a huge chunk of KUOW programming just wallowing in identity politics or bemoaning national politics. Stick to local news where you can add value!
    Cancel duplicity
    I enjoy the long shows on the Record, but do not like to weed through the short shows that are most often included in the long show. Because of this I find my listening is less and less as my listening time is limited. Thanks
  • Areyoubillyidol
    No funding for Nazis
    KNKX will be receiving my funding from now on. I don't support those who give Nazis a platform to normalise their hateful agenda.
  • Corey Krosting
    Content of value but filled with duplicate shorts shows
    The full shows themselves are great to listen to. The over abundance of 1 minute show snippets from the show make this podcast feed too much hassle to deal with
  • inhale exhale do it again
    Happy with piecemeal podcasts
    I stopped subscribing to the Weekday podcasts (or listening to the live show), both because the program was becoming a shadow of its former self, and because I had to wade through and listen to so much content that I was not interested in. The ability to listen to, and easily identify, the content I'm interested in is terrrific. I see that The Record seems to be better than I anticipated, MOSTLY because of this feature.
  • mike_mcmullen
    Too small
    I loved listening to Weekday and was looking forward to subscribing to the Record. But when I saw that I had to download so many 2 or 3- minute podcasts, I decided against it. Please issue just one or two podcasts for each program.
  • Justin Fenton
    bring back normal podcast episodes please
    picking and choosing through 3 min segments is not user friendly.
  • Eternaldrifter
    A 2 minute podcast...really?
    Why not just make the podcast available as a whole instead of each individual clip? Or at least separate it by hours like The Men's Room podcast from KISW. It's a 4 hour radio show and separated into only 4 pieces daily. I would end my subscription with them if they listed each 2-7 minute clip of each and every topic. I hope you consider that.
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