Striking Gold: A 49ers Pod


Striking Gold is dedicated to covering the San Francisco 49ers. Rob Lowder of Blue Wire gives down-to-earth analysis of the five-time Super Bowl Champions.

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Recent Reviews
  • LowbridgeJ
    Good stuff
    I found this podcast a few months ago and it’s become one of my must listen. Enjoy the insight and commentary. Heck even learning about radioactivity 😂. What more can you want in a Niners podcast! As far Garrett - being huge niner fan and being a Brown’s season ticket holder for a 25+ years - I would hate to loose Myles but would be over the moon to see him in SF. He deserves an opportunity and the Browns have once again botched their future. One thing to consider he’s not getting traded with in the division so Bengals would be out. Finally not sure where the web page got those nicknames but no one calls him that 😂😂. His fondness for dinosaurs has led to Jurassic Myles or T Rex. Keep up the great work!!!
  • akespo
    Best Podcast!
    Rob does a great job at keeping things interesting each week, articulating what’s current, and he’s always entertaining to listen to (has a sense of humor, too). Hands down my favorite podcast.
  • Eric Encarnacion
    Love the show
    Love the show Rob! Whenever i listen in, its like im talking to a friend (yes i talk back when you make a good point) unlike some other pods that put me to sleep. Keep up the great work!!
  • steveremo15
    Hardest working teacher
    Appreciate Rob grind these out. Super reasonable takes that are quality.
  • ajra21
    Striking … Out
    This guy needs a co-host more than tires need air. The version of Crocker when he was part of the podcast, wasn’t good but simply being part of it managed to make it semi-OK. Now, it’s a lot of nothing. With just Lowder as host doing the show, it’s kinda painful. It’s not quite the worst kind of fan run podcast but it skirts that edge way too often.
  • MattyY49
    Great Pod
    Been listening since the KJ days and Rob has only been an upgrade. Sure it’s nice to have a back and forth like you used to crock and KP, but what I like about it is Rob’s genuine fan perspective and insights. Plus he’s funny and self-deprecating in a good way and isn’t full of himself like Grant Cohn. Keep up the great work, much appreciated by this lifelong niners fan from Upper Peninsula Michigan
  • Cockrell13
    Great Pod
    Long time listener, I started listening when Crock was on the show. Striking Gold stays in my rotation!! I enjoy your takes and the knowledge I gain from listening. Keep up the great work and Go Niners!!
  • calimom39
    Fun 49ers pod
    Enjoyable… thanks :)
  • OskiBob101
    Kyle Posie had some of the most inane comments about the draft. Both guys also boring. Unfollowing
  • Acesandiego
    Friday 3/31 episode
    Holy cow Rob. Best podcast ever. You nailed the decision process involved with the Niners. Everyone I know agrees with your take on events. The only people that don’t are podcasters. I listen to them non-stop rewriting history. I saved this episode beautiful. BTW love your take on final subject too.
  • Droors76
    Fun pod with great perspective
    Solid pod I always make a point to listen to when a new one drops. I think Rob could use a cohost (again) to provide more analysis. Rob is great, but he gives observations from a fan’s POV, which I enjoy, but would be great coupled with an analysts. Some pods think the Niners must be perfect in all facets of football, and don’t understand there’s another team trying to counter. Rob is fair in criticism and praise, which I think is a healthy and enjoyable way to watch the game.
  • McVay56
    One of the best 49er Podcasts
    Rob is a great voice for the show. He always makes the show entertaining , interesting, and mixes in his own humor that relates to the fans. Thank you Rob for always bringing it on the Blue Wire Network and making my drives to work more compelling.
  • Himynameiso.j.
    Great stuff as always Rob!
    This is a definite 5-star podcast. Rob always brings the energy and information of the 49ers, brings great pop culture/movie references, and does it all by himself. I’ve been listening since the early days with Crock and the owner of BlueWire. The quality has always 100. Also, this 5-star review should counter balance the 3-star one.
  • Moneil P
    Says the players full names far too mucb
    You could have a drinking game for the amount of times he says “jimmy garappolo”. Youd be drunk in the first 2 minutes. Stop it.
  • Twin49er
    Been listening for awhile now actually started listening before Crocker left still listening to your show and it’s still fire keep doin you’re thing man
  • AnnieAlexander
    KP has ruined the podcast
    Sorry Rob. I think you're great but KP doesn't add a thing. KP, get a headset mike. You sound like you're at the bottom of a well, and your volume is different than Rob's so I need to keep changing the volume when you each speak.
  • Trick Magnet B Valentine
    Croc da Man
    Croc drops real NFL wisdom from playing the league - his words are real and believe him and follow him for sure. I’m down with picking Justin Fields at #3 to the Niners too!
  • Nui's Momma
    2015 podcasts
    You might want to remove the older podcast where you talk about racism and teenage sexting. You lost any kind of respect when Kevin Jones said he would be okay with his daughter sexting if she was hot. I’m a die hard 49er fan. There are better and more respectful podcasts available.
  • utefanjustin89
    Great podcast about they 49ers
    Love to listen and hear the in depth analysis these guys give on the game of football and the 49ers!
  • OMARandhis3G
    LT Simple Jack is the GOAT
  • Me86544678
    Awesome podcast
    Rob and Crocker are amazing. Kevin needs to stay off the pod - don’t enjoy his content or his constant interrupting and talking over the others. Love the Rob and Crock pod!
  • Acampa559
    Great content ZERO fluff
    These dudes know football I’d love to see them broaden out to an whole NFL approach. Speaking on 49er football is their specialty. They have sources close to teams and know the ins and outs of the game. I’d really live if they would do more than one show in a week. I have to remind myself quality over quantity. Rob and Erick are great podcasters!
  • Butchy Ben
    Love the Eric and Rob episodes.
    Eric and Rob provide a great product in which I truly enjoy listening. Kevin’s episodes are mostly just him talking about his podcast network and how real he keeps it/how great his analysis is. I find it it truly mind numbing content.
  • John3801
    Eric Crocker & Rob Lowder
    Love Eric Crocker and Rob Lowder. Kevin Jones not so much.
  • bobibouche
    Kevin Jones is terrible
    Also, cancel Andy Liu, that mouthbreather is horrendous. Esfandiari might have a future
  • James from Sacramento
    Genuinely Mediocre
    I’m crazy about the Niners so I have to listen, but most times I walk away thinking “I got no analysis and way too much stream of consciousness about things that everyone already knows...” Rob and Crocker do offer bits of analysis between the verbal cluttering, but it’s sometimes a chore to hack through it all for the gems. They seem like cool dudes- I’d love to get a beer with them, but when it comes to actual analysis or discretion of the gameplay, you’ll have to look elsewhere. I hope this is taken as the constructive criticism it intends to be. I want to see this pod excel. Go Niners!!!
  • Matt from Beaverton
    KJ is the man and I’ve really enjoyed Crock and Rob. Love the looks at the short term and long term for Niners. Keep up the great work.
  • Inzanechronic
    It’s great!
    Rob and Crock are great I love the longer podcasts it keeps me entertained for sure! Love what these guys are doing and the energy they have keep up the great casting boys.
  • bryantjp84
    Podcast rocks
    Hey guys love the show. I think the long episodes are great! I get disappointed when I listen to other 49ers podcasts and they are like 30 min. So I say keep it up. We only get to hear you guys once a week, so tell Kevin to chill.
  • jackkkk.....
    Great show
    Love the quick recap then more in depth episode. Let Rob and Crock go as long as they want it’s great content.
  • 302Lee
    I love every other episode
    Rob and Crocker are great. But Kevin Jones is terrible. Never liked his old podcast and can’t listen to him here. Dude talks with his hands and smacks the table 50,000 times per episode. Hopefully Rob and Crock do their own thing.
  • leper measiah
    Great Podcast
    Rob and Eric going over 1 hour is really awesome! I love that you guys go long. I would listen all day. Eric Crocker’s insight is the most honest and insightful out of ANYONE in the media. ESPN and the other stations don’t have anyone as good as Eric Crocker!
  • Sacto-Paul
    Great pod! LOVE the longer episodes!
    Both guys are really informative and create excellent Niner content. I love when they go long because it’s usually because they are breaking things down. I can’t get enough
  • TaylorE13
    Great pod!
    Love Rob and Crock. Crock’s DB/receiver analysis is top notch. I love the longer episodes diving into last week’s game and looking forward to the next.
  • LV Faithful
    Keep it up fellas!
    Thanks Kevin, Rob and Crock! Love your views on the squad whether I agree or not. I’m like Kevin...probably owe Lynch an apology cuz I questioned the secondary going into this season. I do like the longer podcast when Rob and Crock do a review of the previous game and preview of the upcoming game. Y’all make my Friday! Red and Gold til I’m Dead and Cold!
  • Kaptainater
    Favorite Pod!
    Rob and Crock are amazing! I love the longer pods that you guys have been putting out. The knowledge and you guys just speaking your mind is amazing! Keep up the good work guys. Go Niners!!!
  • Ishberg
    Love the POD
    Love listening to Rob and Crock. The fact that they talk for 60-75 minutes is all good with me, I dig the dialogue and breakdowns and don’t have to worry about the quality content ending after 30-45 minutes.
  • Iceman8808
    Top Notch Analysis
    Excellent podcast. A must for 49ers fans and I make sure I never miss an episode. Crock has elite analysis from a former player’s perspective. Love the longer episodes too (that’s what 1.5X speed is for)!
  • Jesse Caron
    Rob and Eric were fantastic!
    I like the content that Rob and Eric provide. Might skip around with the other pods.
  • Renagade209
    Liked the long episode
    Enjoyed it. That was my first time listening to this podcast. Felt like the perfect length of an episode. Kind of disappointed they are usually shorter than that. Either way I enjoyed it. Gonna be a regular listener. 👍🏼
  • Bleep Blorp!
    Audio is awful
    Tried to pick up this podcast on a recommendation, but I couldn’t make it 10 minutes into today’s episode. The popping audio on the hard consonants was too distracting and annoying that I couldn’t even focus on the analysis. Trying not to jump to conclusions, so I’ll try more time and edit my review based on that. Hopefully it’s just a one off bad day.
  • magooch10
    Go niners.
    Crock and lowder are great to listen to. KJ knocks the pod from 5 to3 stars. He’s just not informed or knowledgeable.
  • Chi face
    Great for 49ers fans
    If you want a 49ers focused podcast look no further. Great content with a unique point of view.
  • wwechamps say no
    Rob and Eric great
    Love crock. kJ seems like he is not up to date on information and uniformed about how the nfl works. They need to split up the podcasts and crock can get the five star rating he deserves. kJ, I would unsubscribe to.
  • lakers___
    Great listen
    Rob Lowder and Eric Crocker are great. Not a big fan of kJ:( sorry
  • Changing format no good
    Since changing host I can’t get through a pod anymore bring Kevin back
  • Linnie425
    New Hosts, Old Host Loved the First Rebranded Podcast
    Rob Lowder and Eric Crocker did a great job on the debut of this restructured, rebranded podcast under the BlueWire Network. Kevin Jones is always great. So happy you guys are back and I look forward to listening twice a week going forward.
  • Irmam08
    Unfaithful podcast
    Was an amazing podcast but he seems to make statements for click bait.
  • KongStrongson
    KJ makes bold predictions based on proper assessment
    KJ has reasoned opinions that tend toward ‘bold’. Unlike the other hot takers out there KJ will admit when he’s made a mistake. Also, KJ doesn’t ramble now is he too brief to sink his teeth into a topic. My fave sports pod.
  • Catterbury
    Trade question
    Didn’t answer the last guys question during WR episode about AJ Green but still a great pod. Maybe you will answer mine. Hypothetically, would you stay at 2 and go Bosa OR trade down to 6 and grab Bosa and with pick 17 take best player available on your board?
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