Over the Road


Over the Road is an eight-part series that gives voice to the trials and triumphs of America’s long haul truckers. Host “Long Haul Paul” Marhoefer, a musician, storyteller and trucker for nearly 40 years, takes you behind the wheel to explore a devoted community and a world that’s changing amidst new technologies and regulations. Over the Road is a podcast from Overdrive Magazine and PRX’s Radiotopia.

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Recent Reviews
  • Matt Iliffe
    One of my favorite Podcasts! Please bring it back!
    I spent hours driving my family all over the US to sporting events in our RV listening to Long Haul Paul on this wonderful podcast telling stories of the amazing people and places that provide the back bone to America! Please bring it back!
    Love this show!
    Please consider coming back. I think it was the weirdness of 2020 that disrupted what was the start of a unique and compelling series.
  • 12345awer
    Thanks Paul
    This is literally my favorite podcast… Wish there were some more episodes . Started driving when I was 21. I’m 55 now. Paul’s songs and stories sound like my life. Thanks for all the great episodes and songs.
  • george85286946375
    Excellent podcast about life in trucking!
    I am a 17 year truck driver (age 54) and this podcast is a joy to listen to. The episode titled “Brief history of trucking” was deeply moving, an amazing tribute. I decided that I must write a review. Paul’s thoughts and stories are a joy. Even Paul’s co-hosts are fun because they are NOT truckers and they provide and entry point for people who are curious but are in unfamiliar territory. Great job!
  • trucker_277
    Wanting more
    I have listened to this series at least twice. Some episodes more than that. Hits pretty hard for anyone who has spent time on the road. Paul does a great job presenting the diverse people and perspectives of this industry. I feel like I have made a friend that I have yet to meet. I would love to have more episodes.
  • Happytrucker6121
    I’ve been driving since 78. Several of the episodes really hit home. Going Home or whatever the title was hit hardest. I’ve always told the family when I walk out the door I’m already heading home it just takes a while to make the circle. It’s been a real love hate thing over the years. My kids thank God have all grow to be decent hard working people with families of their own now. I can’t take a lot of credit for that. After my ex left in 95 (not because of my trucking) I got custody of the kids. My mom happened to be staying at my house temporarily while she was trying to find a place of her own and 12 years later she left when my youngest of 4 graduated. It was a God thing. Your interview with Lacey and her brother brought a few tears hearing the perspective from the kids point of view. Shoestrings story of the truck stop party reminded me of a weekend I spent at the 76 in Tampa back in the mid 80’s. So many memories came flooding back as I have listened to your podcast. We have never met but no doubt have crossed paths on the road. Stay safe my friend and when possible drop another update if you will. Us old schoolers need more or your stories.
  • novazx3
    Not bad
    Need more of your stuff
  • produce_dude
    We need more of you..
    This is the first review I have ever written, and a reaction to your Eulogy episode. We all need more of your voice and stories in our lives, my friend. I am in the produce industry, and rely on the hard work that you and yours do to keep the fruits and vegetables getting to the people every day. You are far and ahead the most compelling story teller I have listened to in my life and I relish the opportunity to hear from you. So very sorry for your loss recently, and I want you to know that a random human just cried his eyes out feeling the pain your friend went through. It takes a special person like you to share stories of others and make them feel so true to our own challenges and plights. Thank you, my friend. We are all in this thing together.
  • stever1954
    Wow, Paul, that was so fine. Thank you.
  • Jo Animal
    Sorry for your loss
    Thank you for the beautiful song. So sad the circumstances, but it was wonderful to hear From Long Haul Paul. Maybe there is more podcasting in his future 🤞🏻
  • Thaddeus J Whoopee
    Curious about insight
    Loved listening to this podcast back when it started. Plenty of good stories and interesting people were involved in this thing. Checked in recently to see if there might have been some insight into what recently took place up in the streets of Toronto.
  • applezmoi
    Solid podcast!
    This podcast from Overdrive Magazine and PRX’s Radiotopia is an eight-part series about long-haul trucking and the people who make it happen. Host, “Long Haul Paul” Marhoefer, opens the curtains for us to peer into the inner workings of what goes into getting everything we want in our stores and on our doorsteps. It’s not really a spoiler to say it isn’t magic. Personally, I was amazed by giant long trucks when I was a kid but really haven’t thought of them much since. I feel like the same goes for a lot of people who, like myself, take them for granted. This show is an honest educational look at a community hidden in plain sight with grade A storytelling. Marhoefer’s voice is gravelly and comforting. I really like how inclusive the short series podcast was. We hear from women, people of color, as well as people who aren’t truckers but that the industry depends on, like waitresses. Apple Podcasts has 4.7 out of 5 stars and 1,100 ratings. Episodes should be listened to in order and are about 43 minutes long. The music throughout the show is great and a lot of the episodes feature songs that are by Marhoefer himself. I would have never guessed I would enjoy a podcast about trucking and if you think the same, I insist you give it a try. Trucker culture is so cool! No trigger warnings for this one. Similar Pods: Ear Hustle, The Moth, and the memory palace For more reviews check out @themastercast on instagram and @mastercastpods on twitter
  • clovergraves
    god i love this podcast
    i have no ties to trucking but the stories and the tone of the narrator really hook you in. fave fave fave
  • CMONG11
    Season 2
    Please do more in a boom truck driver and love listening while trucking down the road to my next job! Very entertaining!!!
  • 45 40 Pavlo:
    Great and excellent
    I enjoyed listening to every episode I even shared it with friends I think you should do another one or start a series in them because a lot of us really enjoy listening to other drivers talk
  • Trucker4Life0485
    Loved and very sad
    Ever episode was one I listened to with great anticipation. Now I feel abandoned and no idea if there will be another episode as I don’t recall anything being mentioned about no more episodes. Thank you for the memories and for the trips down the eternal highway of life.
  • Squidney124
    Incredibly thoughtful story telling with an amazing voice
  • Interested bystander
    Excellent podcast: I miss it
    This is well produced and interesting. Great writing and stories.
  • Hammer5397
    I wish this podcast would continue
    I looked forward to this podcast every week with great anticipation. I wish Paul continued to do this podcast on at least a monthly basis. It gives a look into a world many of us see but don’t know much about.
  • Sinner0429
    I’m a truck driver
    N thank you for this podcast its really nice to hear your colleagues n going thru the memories on the road... we move the world 🌍 around n is not a easy job but is it one of the best jobs there is n I love ❤️ being part of this industry
  • fig stick
    Left Hanging
    The only reason for four out of five is because no news about any season two other than that five star all the way love the show
  • With wephone
    I never knew nothin bout truckin, I’m fascinated peeking into this lifestyle. Outstanding listen!! Hey truckers: know this chic in the grey Toyota Corolla has nothin but great respect and appreciation for you and what you do. Thankyou for this 5star podcast!
  • J_T_W
    One of The Great Binge Worthy Podcasts
    I listen to a lot of Podcasts but I don’t often leave reviews. This Podcast is worth a shout of praise. Who would have thought that a Podcast on trucking would be so moving. This is a story of people and places with a little bit of trucking technical knowledge thrown in. Trucking is the the back drop but the story really features the drivers, their families, and the places around the country that serve the drivers. Long Haul Paul, the Podcast host, will bring you to the verge of tears at times the way he brings out the personal stories from his guests and himself. His voice is welcoming and comforting. Surprisingly, his music is quite good and catchy (all the music is original by him and others). I was impressed by the whole series and leave this Podcast having a greater respect for those that make a career out of trucking. I know that I’ll be making more of an effort to respect these men and women on the road because of the sacrifices they have to make so that I have the convenances of buying food from a grocery store, lumber from Home Depot, and get packages delivered by Amazon.
  • actonmj74
    Green Vegetable podcast
    This is like healthy food. It’s good for you because it helps you understand people you may not otherwise. But the privileged old mostly white people complaining abstractly about technology and regulations as concepts just made me want to stop listening. It’s cynical and pathetic. I only finished out of duty and because it was limited to 8 full episodes.
  • Am2645
    I’ve thought about trucking...
    And I absolutely loved this podcast and Paul. We need your full time dedication Paul, let’s have a weekly podcast please!
  • crimeladyinmn
    I never thought a podcast about trucking could bring me to tears. The stories of men and women sacrificing their personal lives to bring us everything we need to live a healthy, happy and pampered life made me so grateful for their dedication, and their families sacrifices too! Amazing stories! Truckers, thank you for all you do to bring us softies our toilet paper and twinkies!
  • mr. happy pt. 2
    I love this podcast, it was well put together. Great trucking podcast. WTH happened? May 28th was the last? I WANT MORE !!!
  • MichiganJay
    The Best
    I will go on any journey Long Haul Paul wants to take me. Please don’t stop
  • jeaneem22
    Road trip gold
    My best friend and I listened to Over The Road while driving from Chicago to Seattle. Long Haul Paul feels like our new best friend. We learned so much and started noticing trucks in a way we never have. Didn’t think I’d get excited seeing a reefer or noticing a kid or dog in the passenger seat, but here we are! We’re going to call in because we have so many questions and are dying for a season 2!
  • Tfayter
    Radio topic does it again!
    I loved this series. It explores a fascinating part of life we encounter on a daily basis - so interesting and really helps me respect and feel more empathetic toward truck drivers. I’ve always thought they were cool, but now I know more about their lifestyles, challenges, hopes, fears...just a fantastic series!!
    The real deal
    I first heard long haul paul's music on the way to the truckers for hope show out by Williamsport PA then met long haul paul and later that night he found our group and played a show just for us and the people around under a single street lamp it was a really amazing time and the music hit me it's the trucking lifestyle in musical form. But to put it simply I'd share my bank account with Long Haul Paul just outta respect.
  • distractedknit
    Love this show
    I was fascinated by this whole series. Thanks!
  • jeremywinter91
    Great storytelling
    Having no particular interest in trucking myself I still found the stories compelling, well told, and production was awesome.
  • WinterBeach
    An Incredible Telling of Everyday Stories
    I have always annoyed by trucks on the road, but I’ve found a love for these truckers because of this podcasts. Incredible stories, and masterful telling. I wish there were more episodes coming!
  • K E Rose
    An incredible podcast
    I’ve been working through the pandemic in healthcare, and needed something to listen to that was just completely different. I was transfixed by the stories that were told, and by the music.
  • Ely7792
    Beautifully done!
    I have listened to many many podcasts, but hands-down this is one of the best podcasts I have ever heard. Makes you want to get on a truck and just go. Thank you I enjoyed every single minute of it and hope there will be a next season.
  • Kanecam
    His voice
    Great idea, probably would be a great show if Paul wasn’t trying so hard to sound like what he think a trucker sounds like. You can here him talk when he isn’t narrating and he talks like a normal human
  • NatMerch Fan
    A Welcome Surprise
    A glimpse into another world that you never thought much about, but now don’t want to leave. Real people, real stories, leading real lives. Thanks for the ride Long Haul Paul!
  • Ddischner
    Very informative and enjoyable
    What a fun trip. I could listen to long haul Paul spin stories all day long. The only negative to this is that they don’t plan on continuing. I’m sure there’s more stories to tell, I want to hear them!
  • Mr. Lyon
    Favorite Podcast
    I never thought I would like a podcast about trucking, yet here I am. Long Haul Paul tells stories in a way that I just get sucked in. I hope there will be a season 2!
  • Miss Ginger 58
    The most entertaining and thoughtful podcast I’ve listened to this year. Outstanding. I can’t wait to hear more from Paul.
  • 726282&292&
    A Gem!
    This is a really well done show! I hope they will consider doing more with Long Haul Paul in the future
  • lyonking76
    No! Don’t stop these awesome podcasts!!!
    Ok, I’m not a trucker, I don’t even have a CDL (yet) but I’m a huge fan of Paul, his music and this podcast that I stumbled on looking for some meaningful content while traveling across the country. I’m mid 40s and working on a second career. His calming and soothing voice, his demeanor, his positive attitude....I love it, and we need more! You’ve got to keep it going!! He has so much to say and so many good stories that the world deserves to hear. I grew up traveling in a “four wheeler” with my parents across the country. By age 5 I could identify the semi truck brand as far as the eye could see based on the red oval badge or diagonal grille line or big square red badge mounted high and proud. I got pretty good at giving the pumping fist asking for an air brake honk. It’s been fun and I could see myself in the drivers seat someday. Thanks for the ride!!
  • Dotee
    Love this!
    I have looked forward to every single episode of this wonderful podcast. Thank you for taking us into the lives and experiences of others with so much respect. Imagine how we’d all behave if we had the opportunity to get to know what the lives of others actually looked like if we were able to hear it in their own words. Thank you for bringing their stories to our ears!!! I will miss this!
  • tuiggf
    A Great Trucking Ballad that’s not sung
    A fine example of great editing. The lack of bulk let’s the descriptive narrative settle straight into the brain as ones own memories (a potential hazard perhaps if I should get mistakenly climb behind the wheel of a tractor)
  • inlander12
    Great podcast!
    This is my favorite podcast and I always look forward to the next episode. Long Haul Paul has a broadcaster’s soothing voice and years of experience on the road. Listening to him is like coming home. Thank you to him and the entire production team.
  • Kevin Shoe liverpool
    Never thought I would like a trucking podcast this much. I guess you can make anything interesting with an amazing host and production cast.
  • llancour313
    Great Podcast
    I am not a trucker but have great respect for the profession. This podcast is very interesting and sheds a true light on what it is to be a trucker. I find the podcast extremely interesting and entertaining. Great Job!
  • Matthew Gronholm (Moose)
    Thank you
    I’ve been in warehousing since i was 17, i’ll finally be 40 in August. I’ve had so many conversations with truckers and they’ve always been one of my highlights. From over-the-road guys to the commercial guys. The over-the road guys and gals have always had the best stories. And i’ve listened while unloading their trucks, and it’s nice to hear them out here for the rest of the world to hear. Thank you for the podcast. For giving little guys a voice. Everyone involved in trucking from the loader to the driver can be forgotten about, and it’s just nice to hear that voice. Love the music as well. Thank you for this.
  • Pear2019
    Episode 16 - had enough
    Yes there is a disclaimer at the beginning of this episode but partially listened anyway until the young pregnant girl put on display. No content better? Unsubscribing.
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