Worst Year Ever


2020 isn't going to be fun for anybody, left, right, or center. What many call the Most Important Election of Our Lifetime is going to be exhausting, ugly, angry, and probably at least a little racist. Listen as Robert Evans, Katy Stoll, and Cody Johnston try to keep level heads covering the election while traveling the country, from the Iowa Caucus to gun shows and anti-vaccine conventions, finding out what Real America really wants and thinks during the, “Worst Year Ever.”

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Recent Reviews
  • DrThrowDown
    Dead podcast
    Podcast is dead and no longer updating
  • GrumpyUncleNick
    Miss this show
    I assume the worst year ever ended, but even so the podcast is great and will hopefully be a great time capsule for 2020, 2020 part 2, and early 2020 part 3.
  • TheIrishRed2001
    Where are the new episodes??
    I’ve been waiting on a new episode since the Bernie Sanders one, where is it??? Why no new ones?
  • Dilectus
    No new episodes in like 2 months.
    I guess the worst year ever finally ended?
  • Tarnished Chanukiah
    Another muppets did 911???
    Been reading/watching/listening to these people since the days of the website which shall not be named, and boy was I a sad man-child when I realized there would be no more of my favorite pop culture deep dives and dorky sketch comedy. My only warning for the end times was a sketch so outlandish and offensive and provoking of corporate interest, that no one could have possibly kept their jobs after making it, the aptly named “Muppets did 911” sketch. Only after waiting fruitlessly for a month did I realize MD911 was their final send off. Please don’t do this to me again!!! I feel so grateful to have found y’all again, and I would hate to have to lose access to your charm and wit under similar circumstances, so I hope sincerely that “Bernard Montgomery Sanders Shot JFK” is not another final death wail! Hoping to hear quite a bit more from you in the years to come. Don’t go gently!
  • itwasntmesir45
    Insecure sad
    These guys are so insecure they are mean about everything. Acting like HUGE d@cks won't make their tiny ones bigger. I'm embarrassed for them.
  • PatagonianRat
    Like hanging with friends, for better or worse.
    Really quality and insightful stuff when they’re not talking over each other like coke heads hatching a plan.
  • yeettherich
    The content we deserve
    Flo Rida Eurovision 2021 ftw (22nd place ain’t bad)
  • mbishdirndd
    Has potential but needs a lot of improvement
    I was excited to discover WYE at first because I was looking for a clever and left-leaning podcast as an alternative to Rogan, who has become intolerable. However I find the lack of focus and unstructured conversation makes it really hard to listen to. Also Robert and Cody’s heavy dependence on sarcasm and blasé irony to convey all their points gets tedious. The conversations about Ukraine have also been really frustrating to listen to - I don’t get how you can be so flippant and jokey around an atrocity that’s happening now. Also, as a long time progressive and Russian native, I find the isolationist and cynical tone that the left has adopted lately to be ill informed, naive, and just kind of sickening.
  • kplmjlmv
    I feel you a Sophie!
    I have PTSD and hate trying to sleep. My anxiety always ramps up. I found the hands on heart/abd 4 square breathing on my own and loved hearing it is a “real thing!” Thanks for this ep.
  • jennaypeaz
    I’m glad we have Robert in these times with Ukraine
    I’ve been listening to this podcast (and the others too like More News) since episode one pre-pandemic and primaries, it’s BOY O BOY it’s been such a journey. The opening song still makes me chuckle with bittersweet irony, especially with the episode that just came out on 3/3/22. I’m not a fan of the Ben Shapiro stuff, but everything else has really carried me through some of the hardest political turmoil we’ve all had to endure as citizens of the United States. And though y’all still kinda talk over Katie (STOP IT! Lol), knowing we have Robert who has such a great depth of knowledge on global politics and military structure is super comforting because he does an incredible job of de-mystifying and explaining it though and through. Thank you all for your hard work- it greatly makes a difference and deserves all the recognition.
  • JoeKen19083
    Was good 😕 not anymore
    Started off good but strange financial players got involved & screwed it all up. Find other pods on the left that support folks instead.
  • Ballsout9999
    Make a Ben Shabeno book review show
    Looking at the other reviews, it seems like we, the audience, is split. To be honest I only listened to the episodes of WYE with Ben Shapiro book reviews. They’re hilarious, but I can understand if some don’t prefer it. Just make a separate show, cause I’d listen to it. Otherwise the show is fine, but why are y’all complaining about the book reviews? They have like 3 other podcasts and a YouTube channel (Some More News) all covering current events.
  • lastreghina
    Never enough Ben
    Praying for Truer Allegiance to drop so we can have more book club
  • pete dunzo
    Woke trash
    I’d love to see you have a conversation with Ben Shapiro.
  • ToadKooper69
    Great Show
    This show is awesome. Ben Shapiro is a butthead. Katy was right about how shows should only have an intro or a recap. Pizza should be dipped in pho broth.
  • devilsidlehands
    i love the ben writing roasts
    i had to take a break from my regular concentrated news consumption bc it gets so depressing, and it’s cool i can get all that in one place. thanks for microdosing real life garbage things with the funny real life garbage writings of america’s Most Special Boy™️
  • C94286
    It’s enough Ben
    Used to really love the show, but for the past month and a half it’s just stupid readings of Ben Shapiro’s books or stories and it’s lame. I liked the show for their news and interviews with people. Just take the holiday off if you don’t want to do the regular show during it.
  • modellcocktail
    More book reviews!
    Think about it, so many more awful books to review from so many more terrible authors.
  • kk "black lives matter" slider
    yes, ben shapiro is a bad writer
    Please no more, I can’t take it.
  • eggplantlord
    No more Ben Shapiro content
    Please stop with the Ben Shapiro content. It’s insanely obnoxious and so tired and repetitive at this point. It’s not like there isn’t news going on. I get that y’all need the ad revenue and wanted to take a holiday break, but I’m bout ready to stop listening at this point. It’s a shame because this show used to be really entertaining and poignant.
  • InhaleI
    I love the Ben Shapiro reads
    Just want to throw my 2 cents in that I love the Ben Shapiro reads, and I love this show in general!
  • tommyoutofwork
    Stop with the Ben Shapiro book reads…
    It’s past the point of humor now, the act was stale shortly after it started, and has been boring and pointless ever since. You keep dragging this dead horse around again and on top of everything else: just stop. You made your point six months ago, it was kind that of humorous when you began the schtick, we get it, he’s a bad writer. Now move on!
  • Nervespark101
    5/6 stars, minus one for Ben Shapiro not knowing what a plow is.
    That’s a -tiller-, Ben. The “newfangled,” “queer” machine Jimmy was making to aerate the soil- it’s just a tiller. A plow is a single or dual blade carving implement. A tiller has tines that rotate and claw at the ground to chop it up. That technology is more or less at its zenith, and incidentally is not even the first tractor attachment you’d pick if your goal was simply to aerate the soil without completely destroying its structure. I hate you, Ben. I hate you. You and your big, meaty hands.
  • shel_s
    Some constructive criticism
    I like everyone on this podcast, and usually agree with most of what they say. However, I feel that the quality of the show has gone down hill lately. Robert, Katy, and Cody still have good chemistry and rhythm sometimes but most of the time lately, they talk over each other WAY too much. The talking over each other and cutting each other off is so bad sometimes, I have to stop listening. They often seem unprepared for the pod, which used to be charming and funny but is sort of annoying now. It honestly feels like they’re just struggling through and still pushing out an episode every week for the ad revenue. With all the other podcasts in this network, this one has sort of become unnecessary, unless they reassess what their intentions are, restructure, and recenter. The theme song still slaps tho. :)
  • pageturner627
    They keep spoiling stuff!
    Give a spoiler warning before you go and spoil movies and tv shows!
  • Ms. Elizabeth
    My relationship with Betty White
    My relationship with Betty White is that when I started my job five years ago, my coworkers all said that I was like Rose from the Golden Girls. I had never seen the Golden Girls at the time, but after having watched several episodes I have come to agree with them. I’ve now been given a great deal of Golden Girls memorabilia, including a beer koozie that is holding my bottle of lotion at work.
  • TheJareth
    Must listen
    Really interesting analysis of current events. Also silly fun banter
  • Datorum X
    This podcast helped me through the pandemic
    Love this show so much! It really helps me get through the worst year ever. Katy, can you please practice Kyrsten Sinema’s name? You’re mispronouncing it. Everyone deserves to have their name pronounced correctly, even the people we don’t like.
  • Rawk999
    News is funny
    Katie Stohl is an elegant forest faerie.
  • poink88
    Love the show, one issue
    Weekly listener of this podcast, they cover the topics that matter to me in an entertaining way. Just one issue is how often Cody and Robert talk over Katy. I know that’s often how live podcasts go, but it could rub listeners the wrong way as Katy is definitely the person most often talked-over by her male counterparts rather than vice versa. Might be something worth unpacking. Otherwise great content, great humor, great takes.
  • Ja0Bal
    Great premise that I wish they would get back too.
    I loved the inception of the show, where the idea was to visit events and experience the different types of political activism and draw attention to issues in electoral politics. I feel like this is sort of just becoming a current events show. It seems like this show is everyone’s 3rd job that just kinda comes together last minute.
  • RobpertRaymond
    Can’t listen anymore :((
    I love Cody and Robert and think that they are both brilliant, but I’ve had to stop listening because I really can’t handle Katy and her irrelevant interruptions and lack of knowledge on a lot of the topics being discussed. It’s a shame because the show could be so good but she really detracts from it to the point where it’s unbearable.
  • JokerOnTheSofa
    A good listen
    It’s sometimes rough to listen to the subject matter, but that’s pretty much the point. Deal with it.
  • audiopolitick
    I’m done with listening to Robert dismiss Katy to make truly unfunny and cynical jokes. Seriously seems misogynistic to do that while a woman is speaking on the abuse, murder, and disappearance of women. I hope Katy does another podcast with a woman someday. Done with Robert and all his projects.
  • King Tux 401
    Katy is annoying sometimes
    She’s a bit of a kill joy, but I otherwise love the show
  • I want colored birds
    I feel like you guys have stoped researching things before you make episodes.
    This show used to feel like you knew what you where talking about. I just listened to the only fans episode and it really felt like no one knew what they where talking about. It was just a lot of BSing and speculation. At more then one point people where actively googling and reading articles during the episode. This not being prepared has been a growing trend. It’s all fine i guess but i’m over it. I can google things on my own. Robert is good. He has a large enough knowledge base that he can make interesting observations on situations.
  • chrisnickname5678
    Desalination, not desalinization.
    Just, you know…
  • BenDjinn
    Trying desperately to be the smartest people in the room
    Good grief Trying to seem edgy and the come across smartest folks in the room. They make stereotypical assumptions about genders and races and don’t even realize it. These are the folks you try to avoid at parties and family reunions. Lol
  • brennabear123
    You lost me
    I have been an avid listener for over a year and a half but the NOlympics episode disgusted me and permanently turned me off from this show. To claim Sha’Carri Richardson got kicked out of the Olympics for “arbitrary racist reasons” is just factually incorrect. While I don’t agree with the rule, she knew the rule and she broke it. How is that arbitrary? This entire episode was hosted by and included people who were NOT elite athletes and didn’t take that perspective into account whatsoever. As a retired elite level athlete, I was disgusted to hear this episode and truly disappointed by these hosts that I have looked up to for months now. They made valid points, and the focus should be on the corruption of the IOC and how it affects low income areas where the Olympics are picked. Instead it came across whiny and nit picky. Excellent athletes deserve to be celebrated. While there are a lot of problems surrounding the Olympics, athletes deserve to have this level of a chance to compete.
  • ratlish
    Please don’t normalize Israeli apartheid
    Love you guys, just wanted to say, even if your friend is a chill guy, please don’t normalize that’d an “team Israel” stuff - Israel is an apartheid state built on stolen Palestinian lan
  • kerbop
    I love this show but, Katy is annoying
    I used to love listening to this show but as time went on Katy is just annoying. She.. has to…. you know… talk like this…. and then…. totally…. grinds the show….. to a….. halt. She interrupts very interesting guests to ask questions that have nothing to do with the topic. She once stopped the whole show while talking about homelessness, to talk basically say oh everybody listen I have a point to make and then had nothing to say. Her takes are all really bad and she does nothing but slow down the show and make awkward hipster jokes.
  • dakthecub
    Good and funny and rad.
  • monrasmu
    Bad jokes are ruining the podcast, no substance
    Long time listener, but I’m going be lame and say it—the explicit jokes are really, really not that funny. We don’t know you guys personally and the inside jokes are just gross and boring filler. I started listening to the podcast for a take on progressive politics (so few podcasts out there doing it well!), but now it just feels like shock-value jokes and dorm room talk with no fact checking. Getting tired of them throwing out claims that it seems like they just read on a Reddit forum somewhere. No longer news and no longer politics. Has completely lost any substance.
  • Jako O
    Cringe inducing jokes
    Who ever Cody is, he needs to stop trying to make jokes and just read facts monotonously
  • Libo zibo
    I like it
    Good pod. Anti vaxxers may not like it and nobody has to cater to y’all. Good in depth coverage of Palestinian struggle. Overall good
  • AustinLvr88
    Big Fan—Thank you!
    Listening to you three read the RuPauls Drag Race All-Stars ad made me decide to leave a review. My worlds have collided, and it’s a beautiful thing. Next thing I know y’all are gonna pop out the woods behind my house. I can’t wait! Seriously, thank you for variously holding my hand throughout these last years. I’ve laughed and cried, sometimes at the same time. I appreciate y’all and love this pod.
  • sabrina6789999
    Love the episode on Palestine
    Really informative and straightforward. I appreciate that the hosts didn’t whitewash what’s going on like MSM does.
  • drpepper421000
    Get rid of Katy Stoll
    The host is great but his sidekick Katy Stoll adds nothing and just interrupts good podcasting. Five stars when she is gone.
  • EllyHB
    Antisemitic Trash
    A completely ignorant and anti Semitic take on Zionism.
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