Silenced: The Radio Murders


A chilling wave of murders sweeps through Little Haiti, a Miami neighborhood that is home to many Haitian exiles. The victims are radio broadcasters, using the airwaves to demand democracy at home. Little Haiti is up in arms, calling for justice for the fallen heroes, but the investigation stalls. To this day, the masterminds remain free. And rumors persist … about cocaine trafficking, CIA assets, and transnational coups. Ana Arana, who first investigated the crimes thirty years ago, teams up with Oz Woloshyn to find answers to a case that continues to haunt her.

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  • Ta2dMnky
    Good, but…
    I lived in El Paso got a time just across the border from Juarez, so this topic has always intrigued me. These days, those border towns are just a savage land, but in the 80s /90s, it was very different. It’s easy to write it off as just more cartel violence but this was definitely something else. All that being said, I have an aversion to anything true crime when someone with a British accent is involved. Not sure what it is but they just never carry the same feeling that makes me want to be engaged. Sorry Oz, you did great work, I just need you to be a lot less European for me to give this 5 stars.
  • Paellie
    What is this robot voice
    Cannot listen to this ai
  • theblackmariah
    Terrible ads take away from important content
    The podcast (season one, specifically) is very good and covers a topic that needs critical attention. However, the ads are unbearable. A ad for nicotine? Are you insane? Is this the 90s? Nothing takes away from serious investigative journalism faster than an ad hocking nicotine. I get you can pay for ad-free listening, but this production completely sold out. The thing I remember most about this podcast, is its ads, and wondering why any podcast would want a nicotine product advertised or associated with their work.
  • DJ Orejon
    A fascinating series!
    This series gave me a lot of insight into events that took place in my own neighborhood in Miami, of which I was woefully unaware. The Haitian community and its contributions to Florida along with several major US cities, have long gone overlooked. Their culture, history, and current political context have a great impact on both the broader Caribbean, as well as the United States’ own economic, immigration and international affairs conversations.
  • Goodlife8
    Interesting, In-depth, important stories unsilenced
    I’ve been living in Miami for almost a decade. Until recent years, Little Haiti appeared to be just a “dangerous” place that one tries to avoid when driving South. Now it is becoming a much-coveted real estate area; it’s up-and-coming as art and design businesses centralized in Wynwood have begun to expand. Beyond that, little is known about the Haitians in Miami. I am glad to have found this Podcast, and the stories that real journalists have unearthed, real journalists because these are stories based on professional investigation, the voices of Oz Woloshya and Ana Arana bring me deep into a world full of rich human-interest, carefully told stories that inform, move and invite reflection. These stories happened in the past, and yet eerily they seem to be happening right now. Just like news stories, they are inconclusive, waiting patiently for a closure. The podcast somehow provides that possibility. I like this podcast; it fills the void that mainstream media no longer cares. I also like the music in the background and the writing. Kudos to you guys, who have made this possible! Can’t stop listening to it.
  • Tootsibeenie
    Great investigative journalism and timely since there is currently a backlash against reporters. The hosts are professional. Arana and Woloshyn teamed up to produce a fascinating podcast. They both sound awesome.
  • Foothill Hut Lover
    Oz is great. Other Host not so much.
    Sounds like the other hosts are being interviewed or narcissistic and their voice is more important than the story. Oz needs to push co-hosts harder to be genuine.
  • Zohnonnny
    The Radio Muders
    I’m so happy that someone picks up those Haitian’s stories.
  • JJ_Lemieux
    Too many ads
    It’s just ads on ads
  • Villvent79
    Having grown up in Juarez/El Paso, season one has left me for a hole in my heart for the place that I once called home. The systematic sickness that runs in our cultures against women is something that must be reported on and denounced at the highest of levels. Congratulations on such a great, in-depth, non biased reporting, and for have given voice to all those women who have been victims of corruption at the highest of levels. NI UNA MAS!
  • Chelsea diet
    Thank you
    For telling the stories that need to be told and for honouring these people and their families. The work you do is brilliant and important. Bravo.
  • RescueMomCg
    This podcast is wonderfully done. It’s UNBELIEVABLE to me how little is done (by the “police” and the like) to help these families see any Justice for their murdered and missing daughters. It’s heartbreaking & infuriating.
  • tlt222
    Thank you for your work
    So beautifully put together. I have faith that this can and will make a difference. You honor the lost women and broken families. Thank you.
  • Sizemore24
    This is why the military should be used
    The cartels are a direct threat to American security.
  • Xmnxfcx
    As odd as it sounds, this is a beautifully put-together report. I am awed. As a Mexican National, I was not aware how bad things were. It makes ma afraid for every woman out there. I am so thankful for this podcast and for putting it all out there. It is needed. Exposing these s.o.b is what we need. Thank you!!!
  • Avonmomof4
    Extremely high quality research, reporting and production. Thank you for bringing this to peoples’ attention who were unaware.
  • abedwrn
    Of course America is to blame
    No one in America is forcing the cartels to murder women like animals. Yes, American officials are corrupt, complicit, etc. Yes, America has a drug problem. However, most of the blame should go to Mexican authorities and the cartels.
  • miss dannon
    Great podcast telling a dark story in much more detail than I have heard before. A lot of information is presented and I listened to a few episodes twice. I am concerned about the reviewer who doesn’t like the Untouchable episode and hope they listen again more closely to the entire show.
  • Herrow herrow how low
    REMOVE the “Untouchable” Episode
    This Podcast was incredibly touching & compassionate about victims’ stories… until the “Untouchable” episode destroyed ALL credibility & journalistic integrity. Why include an unverifiable outrageous conspiracy, fueled by pure gossip — that contradicts literally EVERYTHING the actual investigation uncovered; by platforming QAnon conspiracy theorist, Diana Washington Valdez? Dear Podcast creators: Read my entire review, then try justify WHY you put allowed this episode to air. FIRST: all involved in making this podcast (listeners as well) need to listen to this extremely relevant episode by the QAnon Anonymous Podcast (ANTI-QAnon podcast) on this very topic: **Episode 159: QAnon VS Butterfly Sanctuary** You’ll see MANY parallels to Diana Washington Valdez’s unfounded conspiracy theories in the “Untouchable” episode, where she arbitrarily blames the Juarez Femicides on an “Elite Cabal of foreign Businessmen kidnapping young girls for illegal sex parties” (surprised she left the “ritual” part out… prob sounded too “Satanic Panicky” to include). The episode I recommended above explains WHY & HOW people like Diana are weaponizing real victims’ stories to pedal Satanic Panic/Blood Libel conspiracy theories; destroying countless innocent people’s lives in Texas bordertowns; all in the name of “building the wall — while giving the real culprits a free pass to continue these Femicides! In “Untouchable”, Diana was allowed to posit absurd claims without any pushback, that these Femicides are the result of alleged “sex parties” thrown by CEOs/Executives of major UNAMED corporations that apparently own factories in Juarez. She holds responsible an “untouchable Elite CABAL” (gotta appreciate how Diana subtly throws in those Antisemitic dogwhistles with surgeon-like percision) whom she believes travel to Juarez (of all places when these corps own hundreds of factories in over a dozen countries…) to commit sex crimes. CEOs need to go to Juarez to commit sex crimes? Ok lady. The REASONABLE explanation for the correlation between victims & their employment at that sweatshop factory (which you never even called out as a SWEAT SHOP during an entire episode dedicated to the working conditions & horrible pay) — is called MIDDLE MANAGEMENT. Ya know, the same local male managers who’ve been known to abuse their power & sexually assault female workers at sweatshops worldwide since the first one opened. To go from first-hand witness accounts building a valid explanation for the Femicide, to unfounded heresay that Diana conveniently blocks the host from verifying stating, “if you know whose involved, they’ll kill you” — MAKES NO SENSE. Did you want your podcast to be salacious or honest? Was your intention to turn grief into hate? Because everyone knows that’s the end result when you post an episode like “UNTOUCHABLE.” Now, once you listen to the Podcast episode I suggested, you’ll see how Ms. Washington has played a major role in destroying the lives of anyone living near the border in Texas that dares to want to keep land, run a non-profit organization, and/or is opposed to “building the wall.” A family owned Butterfly conservatory has been permanently closed due to death threats, violent attacks, stalking, hacking, theft, and assaults on the family by QAnon & MAGA supporters who falsely accused them of being involved in “sex trafficking” and “helping the cartel smuggle Mexican migrants into America” simply because their privately-owned land sat too close to that “Border wall” that was allegedly being built. The same exact “wall” project that sent Steve Bannon to prison (before he was pardoned), for defrauding donors (mostly Mercer money made to look like individual donations via GoFundMe) — by stealing the money & never building anything. There was no Eminent Domain filed to legally obtain this family’s land — just out-of-state right-wingers scare them into abandoning it… or straight-up killing them… so this non-existent “wall” that was going to “fix everything” Diana Washington went on and on about, could be built by a private corporation on the take. I have to question WHY an ethical Journalist would include ANYTHING that can’t be verified & lacks any documentation or evidence to speak of. It destroys the entire case—and effectively demoralizes listeners, activists, survivors, and desecrates all of these victims. It fuels hatred, keeps women in danger, and is literal DISINFORMATION. Please consider revising this episode, or removing it entirely. Now that you hopefully see the real world consequences of Ms. Washington’s propaganda you platformed, hopefully you will have compassion for all the innocent people being destroyed on both sides of the Rio Grande. Regardless of what you knew then, you knew her “testimony” was of absolutely NO JOURNALISTIC value, and should’ve been left on the editing room floor. I’ll revise my rating when you at least address this problem to listeners. Until then, it pains me to rate this anything but 5-stars — all because you put lives in danger & misled listeners with that pointless irresponsible episode.
  • Rvrr
    Missing in Mexico
    This podcast touched something in me that is completely unsettled. My father went missing in Mexico in June 2014. No one cares. 💔💔
  • Aw322
    Amazing pod cast.
    This pod cast was well written, spoken, and informative. It will pull you in and keep you on your toes.
  • mcveezu
    Annoying voice
    The female guest speaker in the beginning of episode 9 has the most annoying voice cadence. I had to skip past because it sounded so awful I couldn’t even digest the information. She definitely needs some coaching if she’s going to be conducting these interviews so she can sound professional.
  • Archy with a Y
    Thank you
    Thank you for touching this Midwestern white women born in privilege and affluence. Stories like this one are incredibly important for enlarging and diversifying my perspective. I hope I can share this story with many more people so that the lost women of Juárez are heard. Thank you
  • circuitD
    What a story, this is a must listen
    Great job to the journalism in this story. Very important to cover these issues and spread this true stories
  • Dee7437
    This story leaves you praying on your knees… for the women and the girls, mothers, sisters, aunts and cousins.
  • brandlet
    Investigative journalism at its finest
    Such a thought-provoking and well-researched account of a story that’s both heartbreaking and infuriating. As a mother, I can’t begin to fathom what Paula has endured, but her strength and resolve are so admirable. Thank your for sharing her and Sagrario’s story and the story of too many other girls that were stolen. I know I won’t forget them.
  • MBasile80
    Enjoyed this podcast… it brought me much awareness
  • John Cato
    Best podcast I’ve ever listened to!
    This is hands down the best podcast I’ve ever listened to. I’m really hoping for another season!
  • Frost217
    Really Great Reporting
    The story is great, this might be super weird to mention but the ads are TERRIBLE, ads for “cool sculpting weight loss” and other just cringey stuff. Luckily we can skip them but it really put me off at first. I have zero complaints about the reporting, story or narrators, just wish you would have vetted your supporters a little better.
  • Rlment
    One of the best podcasts w a story that needs to be heard!
    Great job on your work! The story is so sad for all the families, you did a great job navigating your way through the horrible journeys these families went through.
  • Mo Beach Mom
    Very thorough, researched, impressive journalism. But I’m waiting for more! This is a binge worthy podcast that will leave you wanting more answers. I can’t wait until they continue!
  • Ladycakes13
    Absolutely incredible storytelling. Oz and Monica do such a comprehensive tour through the history of these murders, taking extra care to amplify the humanity of the victims’ families. Gripping. A story even more insane and awful than anything represented in fiction.
  • Demo Safety
    Binge listening
    The events are sad but their story is being told with accuracy and respect for the countless victims a d their families. Shame on the Government of Mexico for allowing this to not only happen to the women of their land but also for framing innocent individuals. The corruption is ongoing and unfortunately for the citizens it may never change.
  • Advocating for Human Rights
    I’m only on episode 3, so this could be a far stretch, but my theory is that this involves more than just a criminal organization or a couple of psychopaths who rape, kill and tours young women. I think this involves a sophisticated network comprised of organized crime members, government officials from both Mexico and US and locals, in which they recruit, transport, harbor and traffic young women for sex trafficking. The clients could be high-level government officials, politicians and/or wealthy men, who once they are ‘done’ will kill and dispose of them bodies — fabricate a crime scene to mislead the public to identity the true client/s.
  • kylemelody
    Binged it
    Eye-opening and heart-wrenching. Incredibly produced podcast; sound engineering is outstanding.
  • devvyb7
    Great job reporting and putting this altogether. I cried hearing the stories from the mothers. I hope there is more awareness so these murders will stop.
  • curustena
    Great series
    This series talked about the problems in Ciudad Juarez and how corrupt and impacted crime has become. Great job I love the narrator. And I love how mad Americans are at this podcast LOL
  • GKKtfKD
    It was very intriguing listening to the speakers and how involved they were in the investigation.
  • Whale Blowhole
    I wonder what this is
    First episode and literally nothing has been presented but…An American Did It. Lovely
  • NancyMe123Yeah!
    Excellent podcast!
    This was a great show! Drew me in from the start. Well done.
  • The Voice Fry….
    One of the best!!
    One of the best true crime series! First hand information.
  • desnbut
    Eye opening, well told
    Incredible stories. Really opened my eyes. Highly recommend.
  • luckymermaid77
    A must listen
    I will listen to again & again.
  • texassocialworker
    Important listen
    This is an important story, told with captivating storytelling and resources for extra information. Recommend for all listeners.
  • Janis Rivera
    Thank you
    Is there going to be a new season? It’s an amazing story, listing to this and being from Ciudad Juárez it’s heartbreaking.
  • Marymack7
    Wonderful podcast
    Great podcast. So many people interviewed. So heartbreaking.
  • Faefea
    Finished this podcast a while ago and forgot to review it. It’s informative and emotional to learn about the reality that these women have to face.
  • Wazzzupp
    Fantastic Series
    This podcast series is excellent- so well researched!
  • PeachySpeechy
    Wow. What a journey. Great reporting - thanks for caring about these lost women.
  • AMSG2020
    Disappearing Women of Juarez
    If you listen to one podcast this year make sure it’s this one. This is a well researched, documented account of the murders and mutilations of hundred of women on the border city of Juarez.
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