The Nateland Podcast

Comedy #66Improv #3

Hosted by Nate Bargatze, Brian Bates, Aaron Weber and Dusty Slay.

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Recent Reviews
  • xxxfor_Petes_sake
    Nate’s SNL appearance is best I’ve seen since Season 1
    Your George Washington football skit is the show’s best in 50 years of SNL. Thank you!
  • Ricky089
    Hey Bear
    Big fan. Watched most episodes. Listening to the smell episode. You guys are talking golf and hear Blunderbuss say he plays with John Crist’s balls. Aaron and dusty broke down laughing. I done a u-turn a few times just to hear him say it again. Thanks for everything guys.
  • Joshua501947918474929284
    Future Nateland
    This show is so funny and such a good thing to throw on in the back while I’m doing work! Nate, Bojangles, and Aaron are such a good trio and work so well together and I hope the podcast is still going strong when I get to the new ones! P.S. I’ve seen one of the new ones and think Dusty is also very funny, didn’t want to leave him out!
  • mamabee12
    Long time listener
    Hey bear- My husband and I have been listening since the very beginning. Thanks for all the laughs and we are loving the growing brand of Nateland. Thanks for introducing us to new (to us) comedians! We we have gotten to enjoy you all in person at Bridgestone, at the Opry, and at our hometown of Evansville, IN.
  • Patricia Harper Byers
    I enjoyed hearing positive comments about respectful treatment of other people. I hope you all are “leaven” for American culture. Patricia Byers Chevy Chase , Maryland
  • ahakdhskakaj
    No leanne plz!
    Love everything about the podcast except john crist and leanne morgan! I try to skip past morgan talking but then i skipped half the episode…
  • Matheson Johnson
    I am a pediatrician and I’ve started listening to your show over the past couple months. I find myself laughing in the car as I drive and wonder if people see me and think I’m crazy. After listening to your episode on senses, I wanted to explain why more men than women are colorblind. The gene for red-green color blindness is on the X chromosome. Men only have one X chromosome so if they inherit the bad gene they are automatically colorblind. Women have two X chromosomes so they have to inherit 2 bad genes to be colorblind, one from their mom and one from their dad. That’s also why men can’t pass on their colorblindness to their sons because they always pass the Y chromosome to their sons. Just wanted to let yall know! Thanks for the laughs!
  • Pam Trox
    Fantastic Show!
    What a highlight of my week! The chemistry between these 4 ‘regulars’ and all the guest comedians is truly incredible! Thank you for bringing fun and belly ache laughing to our world!
  • SGruberry
    Let’s go Folks
    I love that Dusty just assumes that Dr Pepper is a MD and not a DDS or DMD. Dentists are doctors too.
  • Alicia Ruth
    I think that hashtag is hilarious but I actually think Greg Warren brings out the best in everyone. It really feels like a comedy podcast when he’s on with you guys. Way more cuttin up and way more laughs. This is definitely one of my favorite podcasts and I fully endorse more Greg Warren.
  • Faithld0525
    My Favorite Podcast by far…
    Why aren’t BAD listed as hosts? lol Aaron is shown as a guest and even then he’s listed 6th in line! I always watch on YouTube so I’m just noticing this.
  • brandonplowe
    Senses part 1
    Hey bear- I was really waiting for bugle boy Bates to interrupt the ad read from Dusty. He talked about getting his pants wet and them drying so quickly, from the airport bathroom! He either really dropped the ball, or exercised the most self-control I’ve ever seen.
  • 10$wreck
    A suggestion
    Hey bear! I suggest acquiring the Book Pile as your next podcast, I think Aaron could use the mental exercise of a book or two :)
  • bigred7810
    Hello folks
    I think it is so funny and stupid that dusty believes that a narwhal is not real, next he will be saying that a dog is a government spy. No hate though dusty you are very funny and so are the others keep up the good work folks!
  • Bighomieslugger
    Episode 213 Ohh the irony and the reason I love this podcast
    I love this show and everyone on it but the fact that Nate was asking Aaron what he does with a fun fact like they were useless meanwhile this entire podcast is essentially nothing but fun facts about random topics. I love this show keep up the great work!
  • Avary M. Wennergren
    Avary Wennergren
    I live for every time that Nate ruins Banana Boat’s day it makes me happy. Thank you. Also good luck Nate reading my last name :)
  • Pricey boy5
    Prince Bodine
    What’s good folks and hey bear. When Brain Trump had his comment read I imagined bubble bates lookin like Donald trump. The mental image of bubble with orange skin and a Donald trump side park is so funny to me.Then when dusty said he goes into a tanning bed naked had me laugh so hard I could barely breathe.
  • Col988
    I love it when dusty is not there and either John or Greg warren replace him. Love dusty stand up just don’t like him on the podcast. But I am trying really hard to like him since he started and will continue to try.
  • Sheff Boyardee
    Data or Data?
    I have listened to every episode and have belly laughed at some point in each one! Thanks to Aaron, I now hear his voice in my head saying both data and data when I hear someone else it one way or the other. Fortunate enough to have seen both Nate and Aaron live in Charlotte. Anxious to see Dusty and Bobblehead live soon (Bobblehead fingers crossed) Thank you all for the laughs!
  • Jack Bartgates
    Charitable Idea
    I love the podcast and all the guys and I’m planning on seeing all of their shows in the next few months starting with Nate in the Quad Cities and Dusty in Houston. Love the new set also! Just curious, but given your servant hearts, have you considered, with the new set NOT in Nate’s home, auctioning off opportunities for Folks to come see you record live? You could pick a favorite charity and give them the proceeds. A very popular morning show here in Dallas does it once a year and they raise a lot of money. Thanks for all the entertainment.
  • Jjen2t
    Brian swimming
    Great podcast today about change ...... I feel for Brian and his story he told today about the kid swimming in the pool. We did a Spartan race and I was passed by a blind man 🤣..... you can't make this stuff up.
  • Riss_1845
    Always entertaining!
    I love the podcast, thank you for always keeping it clean!
  • Shannon Mossbarger
    Huge Fan!!!
    Hello! I just want to say I am only on episode 19 as I just started the podcast last week. I am a letter carrier and listen to you guys all day as I’m delivering my route. My co-workers and customers probably think I’m crazy when they see me laughing and not a single person close to me. You all crack me up and look forward to hearing every show!! Thank you guys for providing me some entertainment and laughter while working!
  • SamuelSlade
    Comment Challenge
    Hey Bear! I’m 29 years old, working a basic 9-5 corporate job in Utah. But it’s been a dream of mine since I was kid watching my Dad do standup to do it myself. I have a saved note pad on my phone full of jokes and stories over the past 5 years. Nate is my favorite comedian and Dusty’s show at Wiseguys is the hardest I’ve laughed at a live show. I even have his “We’de having a good time” sticker at my office desk to this day. So I’ve decided that if my two favorite “public figures” end up reading this this it will be my sign to finally get over the anxiety and do an open mic. Thank you for all the laughs over the years!
  • Garrett McG
    Aaron is right
    Oh My Goodness! I heard it for the first time today when Dusty was reading off the list of where to send in your comments. he said “NatelandT!” How have I never heard it before, and now I hear it in every word that ends with a “D”. However, it’s not every word. I am a classic over-analyzer, so now that’s all I can pay attention to until I figure out his speech pattern, and I have come to the conclusion that it usually comes at the end of a sentence or where there is a pause. Dusty over emphasizes the emphasized syllables of most of his words, which takes a lot of breath to do, so as he is pausing and there is a “D” at the end of the sentence, he is exhaling which gives a more defined sound to the “d” causing it to sound more like a “t”. Aaron was right, once you hear it, you can’t help but hear it every time after that. Thanks a lot Aaron, because of you pointing this out, my life will never be the same again. I guess this is my new normal! Garrett McGee
  • Tombo1273737
    Nate wrong
    I have never heard a dumber comment about cruise ship waste then what nate said an easily searchable fact cruise ships be dumping i. The ocean and the whole industry needs to go bye bye or at least completly evolve
  • Monk127
    First off my kids, whenever they hear me playing podcast, they ask if it’s the funny guys. Really love the show. I’ve been obsessed with trying to decode how dusty pronounces words that end in T and I think I’ve figured it out. If he wants to say, it was really great, he pronounces the word great as if it has two syllables. it becomes it was really gray-t. T becomes its own syllable. And he really just does it at the end of a sentence to punctuate it. So if he wants to say, it was a really great spot, it becomes it was a really great spo-t. Keep up the great work, from Alex in Prescott Arizona. by the way Prescott rhymes with biscuit.
  • Seth Cheddar
    I’ve listened from the start and this show always brings some relief and can lighten the load. I lost my house and everything in it to a house fire this week, and for a little while forgot while listening. How about Fire for a episode topic? Could be hot conversation!! Seth T.
  • GingerAl13
    Catching up
    I started listening to this pod in November and have been steadily catching up. It’s nice to have a clean podcast to listen to at work. The members of B.A.N.D. always keep me chuckling. Bravo to Bereavement’s segways into ads, Nate’s off the wall rants, Aaron’s sometimes not true fact-dropping, and Dusty’s ability to mention conspiracies without diving too far down the rabbit hole. Dusty’s imbedded podcast should’ve been named “Dusty Acres”. Seems like a perfect trailer park name to me. I look forward to catching up completely and hopefully seeing all of the band at shows. Thanks for the comedic gold.
  • Ks2531
    Love the Show
    Dusty needs to pull Nate’s “Man Card” until he can sit down and watch Tombstone and Shawshank Redemption. You don’t have the requisite credentials of manhood without 2 of the best movies ever made!!
  • DanLin24
    Love this pod cast every week!
    Been listening for over a year. Went back to the first episodes to get caught up then started skipping around a bit. When I first heard Dusty in the car (Appliance Episode?) I pictured a 70 year old gentleman. I was shocked when I saw Dusty on an episode on YouTube. Dusty- hope this didn’t hurt your feelings. When I first heard Fortune Feamster on Netflix is a Joke radio with Tom Papa, I pictured in my head a 24 year old black girl. ( ie. Sam Jay). Keep up the great work! I laugh out loud during my commute times.
  • DaveIsNotHere
    The ConMan
    I always wanted a ConMan Dad.. Gary was a great guest!
  • The dud33
    Great pod
    Love it! Keep it up
  • PWag64
    Nateland Folks Riding Shotgun!
    Ya’ll were my front seat passengers for eight hours today as I navigated I-10 from Houston Texas back to Sweet home Alabama! Thank you for bringing on the funny and bringing me home safely. Wishing ya’ll continued success & bountiful blessings. Pegi Wagner
  • gaga 2 five
    The most
    Love, love, love! I wish it was longer. They completely make my day so much brighter.
  • Bgreene0311
    Oldest to new
    Took my wife to Nate’s tour in Birmingham, AL in May, 2024. She had never heard of Nate but she loved it. Since then I started this podcast on episode #1 and the absolute randomness and cutting up between Nate, Aaron and Belvedere is great. Between Nate not being able to read, Aaron and his Irish no-it-all knowledge, Brian’s just being an old man, the combination is great. Working my way to current shows, on episode #21 as I type. Keep it up!!
  • Coleman M.
    A word for Nate to pronounce
    Love the show Nate,dusty, Aaron, and bongo drum. I try to listen every week and have seen Nate’s and Dusty’s specials.i would love to hear Nate pronounce a word - pneumonolultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniosis
  • Ms. Bookfan
    Amazing chemistry
    Hello folks! hey_bear! I never leave reviews but had to do this! Botox, Nate, Aaron and Dusty have brightened my mood so much…I’m battling Stage 4 breast cancer and it’s awful but I’m winning! I’m stable with no progression (the best I can hope for) so keeping me laughing is a big part of how I stay in this fight! Thank you Nate and “others” for taking the most silly, mundane topics and turning them into hilarity that has me laughing hours and days after the podcast is over! Love you all, Kathryn
  • Justawanabe
    Why did it take me so long!?
    I only learned about Nate Bargatze about a year ago and have NO IDEA why it took me so long! I am a Christian and conservative and need this in my life...the positivity, the cleanliness, the laughs, the amazing outlook on life in general. Thanks to the podcast for the introduction to Aaron and Bangarang and their hilarity as well. Love you guys! (Listening chronologically btw)
  • Boboguard
    Whidbey Island
    Hello, from Whidbey! Nate, Aaron, Dusty and Beethoven have great chemistry. Would love to see a MST3K type video with you guys. P.S. You should do a episode on the history of Whidbey Island. Even though you already did one about WA state, Whidbey has the perfect amount of almost interesting facts that would make a great Ep. Cheers Cambo
  • Bdrizlee
    Dusty’s playlist
    Had to check out Dusty’s Spotify playlist and it did not disappoint. Got stuck on TG Sheppard’s I Loved Em Every One which was made 100 times better when I repeated We’re Having a Good Time in Dusty voice throughout the song especially at the musical end. Hey Bear Brian Risley (that’s Rizlee Nate)
  • Jon Stachowski
    Everybody is in LA
    Big fan of Nate and the crew. Been listening from the beginning of the podcast. As a fan of comedy I try to check out everything I can. I was excited to see Nate on everybody is in LA with John Mulaney. Those were some pretty sharp shades. It did kind of appear that Nate was a little uncomfortable when the cursing started. I’m curious to find out what it was like doing a live Netflix show like that. It was different and I enjoyed it.
  • Klayton 12445678856
    Five star
    I loved when I went to see the be funny tour and loved it so much that I watched the whole thing
  • Bropitt
    Best podcast in the history of podcasts
    If you appreciate good banter, hilarious mispronunciation and general hilarious thoughts from a great crew that mostly know nothing about what they are talking about, then this is your show. Every episode is an escape from daily stress served up by Breakfast Bar, Nate, Aaron, the singular voice of reason and Dusty who is everyone’s crazy conspiracy Uncle that you find fascinating. I started 180 episodes in and gone back and binged them all.
  • Hillery Yus
    More Than a Podcast
    The milestone episode was great. Bryan deserves some recognition. His loyalty to you three and the show comes out every week. Your milestones and accomplishments seem more important to him than his own. One might argue it’s because he doesn’t have any, but we all know that’s not true. Your friendships are just as inspiring, if not more so, than the countries laughs. Carry on:)
  • Sydstag
    My husband is your biggest fan…
    Hi! My husband and I are big fans and have been to see Nate’s comedy show twice in San Diego over the years. We started listening to you during a roadtrip back in 2014. We’ve seen all your specials more than once. My husband Zach has listened to the podcast since the beginning and has heard every single episode. Often times I’ll hear him in another room in the house giggling. I used to always ask him why he’s giggling, but it’s happened so many times now I know he just has his headphones in and he is listening to Nateland. He turns 34 this week and if you wished him a Happy Birthday this week (5/24) I’m pretty sure it would make his entire year! His name is Zach Boyer. @zach_boyer
  • Inchrist3
    Captain Fall - Brian?!
    Hey Bear! Big fan of the pod and enjoy the banter between all of y’all! I may have missed this but there’s an animated show on Netflix called Captain Fall about a humble character who kind of naively works his way in the middle of a crime syndicate. I cannot help but see Brian as the main character and the voice sounds a lot like him as well. Definitely check it out.
  • One of the good Karen’s
    Been listening from the start and I love Nate,but have to say the funniest episodes are when it’s just Aaron, Brian and Dusty!
  • Alisha Holder
    The best !
    I tried for a LONG time to get into podcasts. Literally couldn’t get into anything for very long. Started binging Nateland after a TikTok had me dying. Now I’m hooked ! I love each and every one of these guys! THEY’RE ALL COMEDIC GENIUSES! Thank you for making our Wednesdays much more fun and keep it up guys !!
  • AriPetal
    I could not agree more about Nate’s thoughts on Hollywood!!!!
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