Our America with Julián Castro


What the heck is happening in America? Secretary Julián Castro, as you’ve never heard him before, helps listeners understand how to make sense of a non-stop stream of headlines affecting our daily lives. Joined each week by his long-time communications strategist, the unfiltered Sawyer Hackett, plus a collection of political leaders, journalists, and operatives from across the country, Julián reveals insider perspectives and witty hot takes on the issues troubling Our America. New episodes every Wednesday. Our America is funded in part by The Marguerite Casey Foundation.


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Recent Reviews
  • Chaim K.
    Repetitive woke pablum
    Julian one of the most privileged people on the planet wants to pull the ladder of success up behind him/zir all in the name of ‘equity’ not equality. Disappointing
  • ndndkddjj
    Excellent podcast!
    This is arguably my favorite podcast, maybe ever. Secretary Castro’s authenticity and genuine love for our great, but woefully imperfect nation is palpable. His interview style is laid back and conversational, yet he’s able to probe such that the topic is covered with excellent depth and breadth. His appreciation of and respect for his guests is apparent, and his humility and servant leadership orientation integrates extremely well with both the content and his guests. Looking forward to new episodes!
    Stay informed
    Great podcast that addresses issues and root causes.
  • NathanBunch
    Julian & Sawyer!
    Just great podcast mechanics when it comes to cadence, length, and balance of each episode. Love seeing Julian being able to raise his profile through this. Sawyer is a natural and doing great work!
  • Ann Marie in TX
    Wonderful podcast!
    Thought-provoking topics and discussion. Give it a listen!
  • MeOnEharmony
    Kindness compassion and love is our America. This is the only way to combat hate. Thank you!!!
  • WLMH
    Good political chat
    Always enjoy listening to Julian Castro and his guests discuss today’s political topics.
  • Nazgael
    Perfect balance of informative and easy to follow
    This show is great for anyone wanting substantive news updates without the anxiety-ridden vibes of today’s news cycle. It’s a good mix of going in depth on issues and being substantive without being oppressive or heavy handed. It’s really cool to get to hear this all directly from someone who’s been on the inside.
  • EliK173
    Season 2 has a great refreshed vibe
    Love the banter, the deep dive on fresh news, and the great guests. Thoughtful analysis on the country’s most pressing topics.
  • tiredmama1234
    Welcome back!
    Such an informative conversation but also funny and entertaining. I like the insider POV and excited to tune in each week. Thanks for coming back. Your voice is so critical!
  • cawfeemom
    So glad this show is back!!
  • usahozierfan2019
    Love the new format
    Season 1 was great and I’m laughing thru ep 1 (and outraged and informed) already. Who knew Julián had jokes
  • StarHDK
    Love the dialogue
    Best news show out there
  • owlsowlsowlsowlsowls
    So glad it’s back!
    Yes! So excited to listen again, and love the new format.
  • Mom in NYC
    Great Lineup
    The all-star lineup of activist/experts for each of these topics is so impressive and so helpful in understanding such a wide variety of important issues.
  • backpackerdad05
    Love the New Format!
    This season has such a great format. If the sneak preview show about all the crazy stuff happening in Texas is any indication, this is going to be my go-to place for getting news every week once season 2 drops.
  • JHole12321
    Great show
    Learning so much from this series!
  • razz67890
    Great podcast
    Such an important, thoughtful podcast
  • 5.5hole
    Like his campaign, Julián Castro’s podcast is focused on the stories that don’t always grab headlines, but affect Americans from all walks of life every day.
  • MBCal85
    Great and relevant conversations for our times. Love the variety of guests, especially regular people. Plus no intrusive commercials. Let’s hope Julian Castro runs for office again.
  • marthsteve
    Like the podcast, but....
    Really like the guests and conversations, but can not stand the music; PLEASE LOSE THE MUSIC it doesn’t highlight, but distracts and annoys.
  • TX Cathy
    Great podcast
    Very informative! Thank you for educating us! San Antonio represent!
  • @jwmtalley
    A Latino Voice We Need
    Julián is a Latino voice we need from this generation and it’s great to hear him talk about his perspective on these very specific problems that transcends racial barriers and just talks about people.
  • pateh03
    Our America Julian Castro - Luxury of Sick Leavr
    Fantasy episode that sheds light on the struggles of Latinos in America. I live in AZ, so hearing about Martin and his deceased wife Tomasina’s fight for better wages and health benefits was both sad and eye opening. More episodes like this are needed to educate this country on the real plights of people of color ☺️☺️
  • AdventureSarahB
    Informative and Motivating
    This podcast is informative and motivating. The interviews, highlighting all of the challenges we have in America from racism to homelessness, are enlightening and thoughtful. Julian Castro is showing us that there is hope and it’s so heartening to hear from people who are working so hard to make a change in their community. It’s definitely motivating me to seek some sort of volunteering where I can at the very least pitch in. Thank you Secretary Castro for always speaking up and for sharing these conversations.
  • LenaJones77
    Thank you for the amazing interviews
  • Loves no traffic
    Real stories!
    I love the real stories & how complex policy and politics in America is. These are everyday problems we deal with and they are so complex. It takes real committed folks & organizing to do real meaningful work. I feel Secretary Castro talks about these everyday issues from a people’s perspective and how that can shift policy. I love the story telling happening.
  • Cubby1951
    Hunger in America
    Riveting, the epitome of compassion and pure humanity.
  • ramos1215
    Inspiring Episodes
    Every episode has been nothing less than excellent.
  • FrEmDawn
    Stories that need to be told
    This is so heartfelt and insightful. I’ve loved hearing people share personal stories situated within a bigger structural context. Thank you Julián Castro for being so thoughtful in the way you structure these interviews
  • zxzxzxzxxcxx
    Great speakers
    Great conversations interrupted by twinkling, annoying scene setting music. Please, please no more cue the tears music!
  • Reviewer1964198420042015
    Nevertheless, she persisted
    So uplifting!The end of this episode nearly brought me to joyous tears!
  • msmjruane
    Wonderful podcast
    Julian is the most thoughtful, caring, down to earth, all around good human. I can’t wait to hear what comes next!
  • Rebeka49
    Food Bank episode
    I loved this episode especially food taking you back. Thank you Eric Serna for all you do. Thanks Julian ;)
  • SA Horned Frog
    Flint water crisis
    Excellent podcast. Share your reality. Speak truth to power. Listen and seek to understand. Only when we listen, acknowledge and decide to act to heal those in need, pain and who have been marginalized and forgotten will we truly grow and flourish as a nation.
  • Lorraine_in_TX
    Love these first few episodes!
    These first few episodes are really high quality; touching; and authentic. It’s a marvelous and deep dive look into Secretary Castro’s life in his own voice and through his eyes. Can’t recommend enough!
  • CaitT2205
    Love it!
    I was introduced to this podcast via getting curious with Jonathan van ness and after only two episodes, I’m NOT disappointed. I love hearing people’s stories, especially ones of perseverance and activism. Can’t wait to hear more!
  • Naomi Hillyard
    A Must Listen
    I know I’m not exactly objective because I stan Julián and supported his presidential run but this podcast is exceptional. I appreciate the lens bu which he views the United States. He is so much more positive about things than I am so listening to him talk about issues and policies in an effective way sustains my hope.
  • ZFP_1808
    Hopeful and Informative!
    This show is shockingly good. I was expecting a basic interview show with politicians and celebrities - which I was fine with because I love Julian. But it’s so much more than that! It’s actually really sincere, engaging and more about storytelling. The first episode was great, but I was totally blown away by episode 2! It means so much that they would go back to Flint, especially in the midst of everything going on right now with covid. I can’t wait to see who else is featured on the show.
  • ShaunRVA
    Awesome Podcast!
    I learned so much and will keep listening!
  • hubcitynative
    La familia
    This was a great introduction to understanding the lens by which Julián Castro sees things. I enjoyed listening to the bond between the brothers and hear them speak of the influence of their mother. Can’t wait to learn more about America!
  • DaniYogaTT
    Kindness and authenticity
    I love Julian Castro. He cares!!!
  • Woddle321
    You make us proud!
    Thank you Julian for this! I met you on your first visit to East Los Angeles while campaigning for president. I approached you and asked that you show the world the truth about us (Chicanos). You have and continue to do so... THANK YOU!!!
  • alyrich_1869
    Speaking Truths!
    Loved this first episode. Your story is so relatable and heartfelt and genuine. Can’t wait to hear more from y’all !!
  • Gerent7
    Thought Provoking Congratulations on this Podcast
    Enjoy the podcast and looking forward to future podcast. Listening to this first episode, it took me back to my younger days growing up in San Antonio. I’m a twin as well and the Castro Brothers speak about growing up it brought back many memories. Discovering that my brother & I have a lot of the same life experiences as the Castro Brothers. I would advise everyone to join and listen to this podcast.👍🏽Representation Matters 👍🏽
  • RumbleAliRumble
    Amazing Podcast.
    I listened to the first episode where he spoke with his mom and brother and the conversation was so refreshing and inspiring about their upbringing and their struggles to go from the ghetto on the west side of SA TX to Ivy League educations from Stanford and Harvard law.
  • Anatolia1952
    Hope and dreams.
    You are our voice.
  • Doctora Sylvia
    Julian Castro honestly and empathetically shares what it is like growing up in our America as a Mexican American growing up in the west side of San Antonio. Listening to him inspires and gives hope to immigrants and people of color across as well as all cultural, racial and ethnic groups. SI SE PUEDE!
  • CMABK23
    Julian’s voice is what our country needs at this perilous moment. Great podcast!
  • julio082
    Nice podcast
    I enjoyed it. I like here there poor of view, I hope they focus on real issues and this leads to Julian getting back in the political ring
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