Over It And On With It


Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.

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Recent Reviews
  • FooF654
    One big advertisement. 👎🏽
  • Erinls3
    Dear Christine, I have been a avid listener of your show for a very long time. Today I am called to write a review in regards to your latest episode on the brain. This episode was at the heart of what is wrong with society today. Nuro diversity is simply a different way for the brain to work. We need to quit framing disability as something that needs to be fixed. Society is built around everyone being the same and it is wrong. I am a teacher of special education and have been so for the last 20 years. My job is not to change or fix anyone instead to give strategies so they have access to the same information as everyone else. This this episode is the poster poster child for ableism. Thoughtfully Erin
  • Lucy M.P
    Love ❤️
    I love Christine’s calm and grounded presence. She clearly knows what she’s talking about and brings so much wisdom to her episodes!
  • Abbbbssssssss
    So many aha moments!
    It seems that every episode is filled with exactly what I needed to hear in that moment! My go to podcast!
  • Jodi-P
    She was my entry
    I credit Christine for my entry into life coaching and personal development. Her podcast has been so helpful through different phases of my life and I just LOVE the guests she brings on Coaches Corner. Definitely follow her!
  • Mora MK
    Direct and liberating ❤️
    I’ve been a fan for Christine since my first breakup in 2017. She has been a great inspiration and her podcasts have helped many many people including me. Thank you for all you do. ❤️ inner child work is a real deal.
  • sunflowerpreston
    This podcast came to me at just the right time - I had been asking for freedom from “my story” and to be open to a different way of being in and living my life. This pod cast has opened a door to work I never really understood or done. I have done all the “other things” diet, lifestyle, meditation- spiritual work but still circled around the same patterns and occurrences in my now 45 years of living. This work is really allowing me to walk back thru my life and address the beginning patterns and emotions that built my foundation of who I am. So I can truly change my story and therefore my life.
  • deansnanny
    Opening my eyes and heart
    I have binged listened to your episodes . I must admit that my way of thinking was destructive to myself , my life and most of all my emotional state. Your words have opened my eyes so much. Looking forward to the inner child work shop . Realizing now that my depressing issues and my dark view is because of my childhood . I’m starting to see the light thank you Christine !
  • Jezz B (cause Jess was taken)
    Free Therapy
    Wow! This podcast is my new obsession. Her voice is so calming and compassionate. I always feel more loved and emotionally repaired after listening to these episodes. I am so happy I stumbled upon this for my healing journey through trauma and inner child wounds. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with the world. You truly touch people’s hearts on a heightened level. My deepest appreciation to you! @jbeards86
  • kelly_88
    Nourish Yourself
    I love the Over it & On with It Podcast! Christine is compassionate, insightful and engaging in her conversations. She has wonderful topics that encourage us to be more intentional and present in our daily lives. Soul-seekers… this podcast is for you! Christine really dives into healing & spiritual growth. A must listen!
  • Snaperpea
    Valuable wisdom!
    Have really loved the clear, compassionate and deep understanding Christine relays to her clients. Learning so much!
  • nursemello
    You have the same Birthday as my beautiful Virgo daughter and that explains so much to why I love you and your show. You are a sweet, honest lady and I always get something from every episode. Keep it up mama🤗
  • Cece_Que
    Amazing, fan for years!
    This is a must podcast to follow. I found Christine’s podcast over 5 years ago and have been a loyal follower since. She brings so much wisdom, honesty, love, and inspiration! Truly a fan and share her podcasts with so many✨
  • Opal5274
    Former huge fan
    I generally really like Christine’s podcast episodes, but her more recent ones seem a bit disjointed and lacking in clear focus. It often seems like her shows are more about making a point rather than helping her guests. I miss the integrity of her earlier podcasts.
  • RoadRunner2021
    Gaslight Queen
    Stop gaslighting your couples therapy guests. The last series was cringy!!! And what’s with the baby talk!
  • Forbes93
    Healing & Accepting all parts of myself
    This is the BEST podcast among the many that I listen too… I’ve been a listener for a few years and Christine has a gift with her coaching perspectives. I often take notes and jot down her amazing, breakthrough teachings… it has helped me more in life than my cognitive talk therapist. love her soothing voice too. Grateful to the work you do. Thank you.
  • MeganElizabeth25
    So many gems
    One of my favorite podcasts! Genuinely excited to listen to each weekly episode. Thank you Christine for sharing such insight and practical steps.
  • Alicegrey12
    Stop eating while recording very disrespectful to listeners
    Please stop annoyingly eating while having a conversation it's so disgusting and disrespectful I'm on the verge of unfollowing!!!
  • Anhel369
    Great podcast!
    I’m a weekly listener. I love Christines wisdom and the guests that she brings. Thanks for all you do Christine!
  • RN Sheila
    Mind blowing!
    I’m a 59 yo woman that just found you and I love this! Thank you thank you thank you!!
  • mrlizarde
    Perfect blend of practical tools
    I have had the opportunity to work with professionals who have lost their way and are seeking to find their authentic selves and a clear path forward. This podcast has been incredibly helpful on that journey, and I'm excited about the possibility of being a guest in the near future.
  • flowerchild304
    Christine does an amazing job relating to her listeners and providing topics that allow us to tap into a more fulfilling and authentic life. Highly recommend!
  • spokaslm
    I am a business coach and personally invested in my own self development. Christine’s intuition, guidance and ability to really listen makes her an exceptional coach. I always learn something new! Thank you for this creative idea and for helping people around the world. Well done!
  • Jillian416
    Potential for Dangerous Advice
    From the research I’ve done, I cannot find anywhere that shows that Christine is a mental health professional, only that she is a life coach. In the episode I listened to, Christine advised a woman who was very clearly someone who experienced childhood trauma to IGNORE parts of it and focus on the good stuff. WHAT?! As someone who is going through ACTUAL REAL therapy with a mental health professional, you should NOT ignore the trauma or the feelings associated with it. This is dangerous and harmful advice. I can only hope the woman on this episode went and received medical advice and not just that of a life coach.
  • abercarvjkcsgnkfskllllll
    Love this podcast - so therapeutic
    I recently discovered this podcast and have been binging on episodes. So many episodes are relevant and listening to Christine’s advice and words of wisdom is so helpful. Highly recommend for anyone on the self help/ healing path to add to your toolkit.
  • JayPeercy
    Absolutely Amazing
    Christine has helped me so much with my personal growth and healing. I first heard about her from an episode she did on the Joe Rogan Experience. Her story resonated with me as I was dealing with similar circumstances. I bought her book “Expectation Hangover” afterwards and it has helped me immensely. I’m so grateful for everything she has taught. Thank you for spreading your light Christine.
  • Danielle Eyman
    Inspiring & Life Changing!
    I came across this podcast not knowing anything about Christine or her work, I can thank God for that! I am not one who believes in coincedences, and after listening to only one podcast, I was HOOKED. She is patient, kind, spills out pure love and the type of coach, mentor, and inspiration we all need at this time. Christine relates perfectly to the topic, her calls and coach's corner are beyond life changing. She lives and breathes what she teaches and I am so grateful I stumbled across her. I patiently wait for her each week and and am soul filled as I listen. Thank you, Christine!
  • less_is_more
    Grateful for this enlightening podcast
    It is my hope that in my lifetime I can touch even just one soul the way Christine has touched mine. Listening to others share their heart on this podcast has been eye-opening and has paved the way for more self-awareness for me, as well. We’ve never met but I feel like you see me and you’re talking directly to me, Christine! How do you do that? Thank you!
  • darkeydstraynger
    Life Giving Insights and Advice
    I am not sure how I didn’t find this podcast sooner but thankfully a friend sent it to me and I am so grateful. Magic.
  • pthreemac
    Look forward to each episode!
    I don’t know how she does it but each week it’s like she is speaking directly to me! Maybe it’s my guides or something but I never miss an episode! You have changed my perspective and giving me such insight into my self and my relationships! Not too mention TONS of car therapy 😂🤣 Thank you for what you do! ❤️
  • Grateful 967
    Favorite podcast
    Encouraging, empowering, comforting, and inspiring. I listen in the morning and again as I nod off to sleep (I want this goodness to seep in to my subconscious!) Christine’s warmth and authenticity, coupled with her ability to identify the real issues and cut to the chase is coaching at its finest. How she navigates this while being simultaneously gentle and kind is remarkable. So many great episodes but her interview with IFS Founder Richard Schwartz is my favorite podcast episode of all time. Tune in. You’ll also feel like you have a new friend who gets you.
  • mentor s c
    I never would have thought I would get hooked on this podcast. I can’t wait for the next episode 👏
  • VvvvvOrban
    Relationship coaching series
    I love this podcast and get so many golden nuggets out of it but my favorite has been the 3 part relationship coaching series. How beautiful, vulnerable and mind-blowing that was. Thank you for doing that and I’m so grateful to that couple for being willing to share about their relationship challenges. More of that please :)
  • goodnic823
    Love this
    Thanks for doing this podcast. You are smart and amazing. I can’t believe how intuitive you are. So amazing. Thanks for producing this content and taking the time. You are an amazing person and I appreciate you.
  • Alejandracpena
    Life has forever changed bc of you 💟
    I started listening to you when me and my ex husband parted ways.. this podcast helped me throughout my divorce process.. and now 4 years later, I still listen to you and continue to unfold new things about myself. Thank you for serving us and guiding us. You are a true angel. Forever grateful for your voice and your passion for us 💓
  • Iz2008<3
    Good intentions but has gone down the new age/disinformation rabbit hole
    I’ve historically found value in a lot of Christine’s episodes, but I became so disappointed in how she started talking about Covid, vaccines, the 2020 election, and the global/American turmoil that has been happening without pause since Covid started. She seems to have taken a “neutral” stance on major national/global affairs….or, to my knowledge, hasn’t talked about most of these issues at all. Around the 2020 election, she said something to the effect of not understanding why Biden and Trump supporters can’t be friends anymore on a podcast episode??? This isn’t a debate about pizza toppings. One candidate actively desired to subjugate most of the population—anyone who’s not a white, Christian, straight man—while the other, while by no means perfect, espouses women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism efforts, caring for the environment, etc. I’ve become so disillusioned by the “spiritual”/ personal development teaching that “there’s no such thing as right and wrong,” which Christine seemed to support, though maybe I’m wrong about that…or that it’s not “spiritual” to take sides. Actually, there IS such a thing as right and wrong, and, at some point, if people with influence aren’t willing to speak up and take sides (for example, mass shootings in America, Roe, etc.), that silence is implicit support for the oppressor….they’ve chosen their “side” even if not announcing that publicly…that’s how I’ve started to view almost all the leaders in the spiritual/personal development space. Most of them don’t seem to be willing to take a stand and “rock the boat.”
  • DawnElizabethEllis
    I’m Grateful
    Christine, I want to thank you for all you do. When I found your podcast, I was deep in the pain from leaving a 35 year abusive marriage. I had spent a lifetime trying to lift the fog of the gaslighting, attempting to heal my “little me” wounds through a marriage to a man who’d continue to wound me. I listened and I learned and I used your content to improve my critical thinking skills around my experience. I journaled and took your podcast topics into therapy and Grief Recovery. I continue to do so, and I cannot thank you enough for shining your light into all my dark places. You’ve shown me my part in it, you’ve lit the path to self-forgiveness, and inspired me to create a heart space for self-love. Dear Lady, thank you. 💚
  • Lemons&Love
    Life changing
    Its like God has taken me on a life / self exploration curriculum through the podcasts that have come my way over the last couple years! First few podcasts in this “podcast syllabus” focused on fundamental personal growth ideas like thoughts vs feelings, bringing me now Christine’s podcast which just feels like that grad level course, going so deep and putting to work everything I’ve learned thus far! Thank you for your work Christine!
  • Sister2017
    Smart but Not a great listener
    I’ve listened to a few of Christine’s podcast episodes and had to unsubscribe. I noticed that during those interviews, she over-talked the interviewee. It’s weird as she was either completing their sentences or jumping to conclusions before they were done talking. While I believe she has good intentions, it also seems like Christine has a “know it all” style of coaching (at times).
  • BraSher1422
    WARNING: Dangerous advice ahead
    It’s clear from the onset that Christine has good intentions, and she asks good questions to get to know the people she is looking to help. She is articulate, and speaks in such a way that welcomes her guests to be vulnerable so she can deal appropriately with hard truths. From what I’ve heard, how she proposes the guests deal with those truths will likely have permanent negative consequences. Take the couple she speaks with about religion. Two thirty-something’s dated for about 6 months, religion important to both of them, however they are of different faiths. Each emphasized the importance of raising their children consistent with their background. Christine’s advice was to ignore this issue for the time being, and just be happy with one another without the pressure. “You are young, you have time,” she said. She then asked each of them how that advice made them feel. Where to begin. 1. A woman in her mid thirties that wants to have kids biologically does not have a lot of time. It takes months (at best) to meet a life partner, months to get to truly get to know them to make sure they are a good fit, then most people want to have kids after marriage, which means there needs to be an engagement. Start this clock when the woman in question is 34? The soonest she will be pregnant with her first child would be around 36, delivering around 37, then delivering the second child around 39. That’s best case scenario, if she breaks up with the guy today and meets Mr. Right in a matter of months. Not many are that lucky. Technically, any pregnancy after age 35 is considered geriatric in the medical community, as the risk of miscarriages and complications grows exponentially. Telling a 34 year old who wants to be a mother that she has a lot of time is false, and that approach would likely prevent her from having a family biologically. 2. These two people clearly care about each other. Christine asked them how they would feel if they were to break up, and both said it would be terrible. Christine gives the advice of the two of them “giving it a year” to see if besides religion, they feel compatible. Well, they called her because they both feel strongly about salvaging their relationship. They’ve been dating for 6+ months, which is plenty enough to see if you get along. The point being - we already know they are compatible besides the giant obstacle in their relationship they are calling her about. “Pretend the issue isn’t there” is one of the most immature pieces of advice I’ve ever heard. Part of being an adult is facing hard truths and making difficult choices. “But wouldn’t it be great if. . .” Is a game teenagers play. It doesn’t matter if it would be perfect if they were the same religion, or if neither cared about their religion very much. These two called Christine because they are having understandable difficulty navigating a difficult issue others probably relate to: you feel strongly about a person, but there are serious red flags. Christine’s advice? Ignore the red flags for now. I don’t envy Christine’s position, it’s a difficult question. Her advice in this instance was lazy, dangerous, and frankly pathetic. It was akin to saying “don’t worry about it.” Not because it’s not a serious issue, but because, And this is where I’m editorializing, I think Christine wanted to end on a positive note. So she took the easy way out - put the serious issue to the side. Let’s focus on how beautiful of a home this is, and not pay attention to the raging fire in the basement. 3. This bothered me the most. At the end, after she shared her advice of “give it time” and “ignore your relevant and serious obstacles for the next year”, she asked each of them how they felt about that advice. Can you imagine if parents used this method to ascertain whether they were exercising good judgement with their children? Imagine a common scenario: a child misbehaves, and a parent must choose between letting it slide, keeping the child happy and likely the parent happy in the short term (ignore the issue) which condones the behavior, or disciplining the child, making for a rougher hour or day for all involved, but teaching the proper lesson (the adult thing to do). Now, imagine if the parent asked the same question Christine did to measure whether the advice was good: “how do you feel right now with what I said?” You let it slide, the child would feel great. That doesn’t mean it’s the right decision. It’s the definition of being short sighted. Again, it’s lazy, immature, and pathetic. How someone can claim to be a life coach, and use how their guests feel in the next 5 minutes as a barometer as to whether the advice is sound or not baffles me. Last minor point - several times while giving advice, Christine discounts her own opinion, by saying something along the lines of “I’m Not sure if this is right” or “don’t make a decision because of me.” If she is going to market herself as a professional, she needs to own what she says. I’m not suggesting she be responsible for other peoples decisions, but taking the “but what do I know” approach is, I’ll say it again, immature. I feel sad for the two that sought her counsel that they couldn’t interact with someone who wasn’t afraid to be an adult. I think Christine has good intentions, and the one thing I agree with her on is I hope people don’t follow her short-sighted guidance.
  • clare1414
    This podcast has helped me so much!! Christine has a wealth of knowledge to share and so much compassion. Listening to this podcast has changed the trajectory of my life. I have learned so much and will forever be grateful for being able to learn from Christine.
  • jiminy crickey
    Antivax, right wing, another New Ager bites the dust
    Used to like Christine, thought she was smarter than this. Unfortunately, she’s shown her true right wing colors during Covid like so many others in her New Age world. What a shame.
  • 😄👍👍👍
    THE BEST! I cry and heal with every single episode!
    This is an amazing podcast show! I can’t believe how amazing and healing it is hearing others experiences! I praise and thank everyone in this beautiful community! God bless your hearts for opening up and healing yourselves!💜💜💜
  • Packing rainbows
    The catalyst for transformation
    I was recently a guest caller on Christine’s show. In just 30 minutes she helped me release YEARS of deep shame and guilt and embrace a level of self-love and acceptance I’d never accessed before. It’s only been a few weeks since my call, but my life has already transformed in some AMAZING ways. I am forever grateful ♥️ (Also I’m thrilled to know that my journey will now help others in theirs!)
  • 7097556EL3 Computer File 93
    Changed for the better
    Christine’s podcast has changed me for the better in more ways than I can count. If you’d like to better understand the person you see in the mirror, listen to Over It and On with It. Thanks, Christine!❤️
  • Yvdgbbufds
    Love love love
    My favorite podcast by far, I listen to multiple a day. Christine has such a warm energy & this podcast has helped me in many ways and many parts of my life. Just ordered her journal & meditation package too so I’m excited to try that out!
  • Melissa Masala
    Powerful Life-Changing Content
    I just discovered this podcast and listen to at least 3-4 episodes a day! It’s like I’m interacting with a compassionate, gentle, friend.
  • farm.haint
    Life-Changing Insight and Action Plans
    Wow. I have learned so much from Christine! This is more valuable than 30 years of talk therapy. I feel so blessed to get to hear this podcast.
  • MichiganMonica
    Life changing
    Stumbled across this podcast and started listening about a year ago. I can’t even share how much I’ve learned about myself. And I absolutely love the practical applications that I can (and do) use. Thank you Christine for all you do - my life continues to change for the better. 💕
  • ACMomChef
    My Favorite
    My favorite podcast for sure! As a coach I look forward to every episode. The value & content is top notch. Christine is such a beautiful soul. She is fearlessly truthful & ever so compassionate.
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