CoolGames Inc

by Polygon
Improv #73

Griffin McElroy and Nick Robinson created a new video game every week with your help.

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Recent Reviews
  • Wolf13554675489
  • Pwshouts
    Make friends fun again
    Set the world right again and bring this back
  • 115bwm
    Could have gone on for years
  • Oats1234Pie
    Beyond great
    My worries sink away as the music fades in and two familiar friendly voices enter. The aesthetic of this is on point and the humor is too. This just makes me forget everything, I drift off to sleep as I listen to these two guys talk about games that I’m furious don’t exist. I am quite disturbed by the controversy surrounding Nick, but I believe ignorance is bliss and that’s why all I know about it is sexual misconduct and that’s all I’m willing to know. I’m upset that this podcast is going over, but at least it left us with 71 episodes in its wake, not including the CGI JRs.
  • mad646464646464
    Holds a very special place in my heart
    I started listening to this podcast in 2016 while going through a very dark and lonely time in my life. It was one of the few things I had to look forward to. Every episode would bring tears to my eyes from laughing so hard and I had a hard time stopping myself from giggling even while listening in public. 5 years on and I’m happy to say that I’m doing MUCH better, but I still turn to this podcast when I’m feeling anxious or lonely or stressed. I’ve heard every episode more times than I can count and they never get old. Griffin and Nick are both very funny individually but together they are an absolute comedic powerhouse. I don’t know much of the details of what Nick did to get fired/receive so much backlash. I’m not qualified to say whether it was deserved. However, I also don’t believe there’s such a thing as ideologically or morally pure media. So, I understand why this podcast ended, but I’m still sad about it and I will always be deeply, deeply fond of it.
  • rabbeseking
    a monument
    If you’re just landing here; sorry. The show is dead. One of the hosts ended up being a weird sex pervert & the other moved on to thirty seven other podcasts with his brothers/wives. It was a fun & unique show that will now sit here forever, a monument to wasted potential.
  • LiteralTrashFire
    In memorial
    Wow nick ruined a lot on his way out. See how being a creep can spiral into hurting huge amounts of people?
  • Yo mommmmmmmmaaaaa
    Awesome, hilarious podcast!
    It’s just a shame griffin mcelroy has to be in this 😒
  • ExceedingBlaz3
  • bcoster315
    Wish it could continue in some way
    Every now and then you find content that matches your humor and interests to a tee. I found it here and have so much fun with every episode. I know Nick has departed from Polygon, but if there was a way to reboot the show I would be ecstatic. Either way, great fun!
  • Kirbywasright
    I miss it
    I really enjoyed the dynamic of Nick and Griff. Very funny stuff and a great concept.
  • Kjsfjjsbfbabfe
    Griffin is the only good part of this
  • babingi
    i miss this cast so much
    this podcast was easily my faveorite in general, and now its gone
  • Cheer Dickson
    I miss this
    Too good for a garbo website like polygon Nick Robinson WILL LIVE FOREVER
  • BuddhistDad
    Good good podcasting here, ladies and gentlemen and all others. You will enjoy.
  • Mrcool631
    Good podcast
    But they talked about homestuck once 0 stars
  • Persianjuliet
    Got me into video games
    It seems like a weird way to go about it, but i was never into games until after listening to CGI. I always go back to it when I need a laugh.
  • Boss1000
    This show was amazing until one of its hosts wasn't.
    CoolGames Inc was one of my very favorite podcasts, taking two hilarious people from Polygon, giving them half-baked tweets of game ideas, and letting their improv comedy chops form those nuggets into something amazing, if not ever practical. But then Robinson was outed for predatory, creepy behavior online, and the show was abruptly stopped for good reason. It's a perfect 3 stars: amazing and wonderful while it lasted, but now I condemn it. It makes me sad thinking about it.
    Uniquely great podcast; RIP
    I cried my little heart out when it was revealed that Nick was a creepo, thus killing my favorite podcast. There's more good content to be had, though - Griffin's on My Brother, My Brother and Me, as well as The Adventure Zone. You probably already knew that. I just wish I could find something to fill the void in my life for a game design podcast that's also funny as heck.
  • JOeNo01203
    God Dammnit Nick
    I use to love this podcast; but thanks to Nick Robinson being uncovered as a serial sexual harasser has made mw loose all interest in this show.
  • Falconaxego
    Love this podcast
    This is a great podcast and I'm sad it's on an indefinite hiatus due to some issues beyond their control. I hope it can come back in some other form.
  • hscreditsweretfb
    It was good while it lasted
    I'm sad this podcast produced solely and only by Griffin Mcelroy had to end. Although it was strange that he seemed to respond to no one, he did provide good ideas by himself.
  • Carth077
    Would be perfect if Nick Robinson wasnt a garbage human all along
    A month ago this was my favorite podcast on the planet. Now unless they get a new co host im never listening to it again. Sorry Griffin
  • GM Creepy Demon Guy
    Hilarious initial episodes ... so so after that
    This podcast has some great initial episodes. The second episode is especially good. But after that they start to putter out and just become ... so so.
  • tehgoad
    When is nick coming back
  • ~Articuno~
    was an alright podcast until Nick Robinson turned out to be a creep
  • Lundgrenn
    Absolutely not
  • chuuface
    Edited: It's unfortunate that this really good podcast is now tainted by the fact that one of the hosts harassed some women. If it continues without Nick I'll definitely continue listening and change my rating back to 5, but I wouldn't blame polygon or griffin for dropping it completely. RIP.
  • Tutteroo
    This was one of my favorite podcasts, but at this particular time in our social history I can't ignore the allegations of harassment leveled at Nick Robinson. I dug deep because I wanted to find a reason to keep listening, but all I could find were reports from the alleged targets who were being dragged by a bunch of men who 'couldn't believe it.' As a survivor who wasn't believed, until Polygon can release a statement with some supporting evidence from Nick, I have to unsubscribe. ✌️
  • Aaahahahahhah
    Considering Nick is no longer with Polygon, is it safe to assume CGI is cancelled?
  • ThomasaurusPDX
    Why Nick are you such a gross creep. I'm very disappointed and will take a very long time before I can enjoy anything he makes again.
  • Ben664(!!6!$9
    Used to Love
    Can no longer recommend
  • ZoraMikau
    Love this
    Nick and Griffin are hilarious together and I can't get enough of them. It's great to listen to while at work, while playing a video game, while doing anything as long as it's safe to laugh.
  • Blackcatninjam
    Cool Games, CoolGames Inc.
    Cool stuff. Love these boys.
  • Sprinkles305
    Nick and Griffin have an undeniable comedic chemistry
  • Ironicallyintovore
    Very very great
    These boys are amazing at everything they do, so this podcast is great. I love every minute of this, would buy these games.
  • drm00se
    This is one of the funniest shows on the tubes. If you like video games, you will definitely enjoy hearing these boys make their good jokes.
  • S4ltKing
    This podcast is so funny
    That I had to turn it off while I was listening to it on my quiet morning train commute because I was laughing out loud, making a fool of myself.
  • Buuurrrrrrr
    I'm Also Gay
    I'm also gay and I love this podcast -Dean
  • tsubasanoumi
    Hilarious and entertaining
    Nick and Griffin have helped me get through some pretty monotonous days at work with their wacky game ideas.
  • pepperjacks
    no problem funs
    this podcast is the aural equivalent of having a slurpee that's just the right slurpee temperature poured into your ears. or something like that that is equally good
  • TheBoyTimes
    Spinning Listener Suggestions Into Golden Goofs
    Join Nick Robinson and Griffin McElroy as they take listener submitted videogame ideas and spin them alchemy-like into delicious videogame goofs. They throw hilarious suggestions back and fourth throughout the show until the land on the Nug for episode. These sweet soft boys develop videogame ideas that are outrageously hilarious and make you wish these videogames actually existed.
  • EscarolePatrol
    Can't stop listening.
    Someone super glued ear buds to my ears buds! Help it hurts.
  • Cwusjfrvhqoxk
    Great podcast
    These good boys are always putting out great content. It's a joy when a new episode comes out :)
  • Kenni.O
    I want to play all the games they make
  • weexplode
    I Played Cook For Cube And It Ruined my Marriage
    please give me my wife back the cube took her away from me I'm sorry helen please come back
  • MakoMemelord
    10/10 IGN
    My first podcast... My favorite podcast.... You guys just hit it out of the park. You make me so very happy. Thank you.
  • Jackadacka
    Funny and Nice
    I like this.
  • Tibblez
    My favorite game making boys
    Hey you know how things can be very good? This is doing that
  • Sillios
    Smells Good
    This podcast smells good.
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