Sex With Dr. Jess

Sexuality #80

In Sex With Dr. Jess, Dr. Jessica O’Reilly, Toronto-based sexologist, author, and media personality, shares tips on how to enhance your sexual life to improve the quality of your relationships. She interviews guests with questions ranging from how to deal with jealousy to getting down in the bedroom, as well as hosting thought-provoking episodes centered around compatibility and strengthening relationships.

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Recent Reviews
  • andrathegreatt
    The BEST Podcast for Sex Education
    I absolutely love this podcast! About two years ago, I spent my 45 minute commute to and from work listening to Dr. Jess, her husband Brandon, and awesome co-hosts like Luna Matatas. Listening to the psychosexual education and vulnerability of the podcast made the drive feel short and I looked forward to listening everyday. I learned so much about myself, was able to communicate needs to the people in my life more efficiently, and was able to make better connections with my partner at the time exploring our “core erotic feelings” and “elevated erotic feelings”. In undergrad and graduate school my focus was relational and systemic intimacy— how people build connections with themselves, each other, and their environment. When I started the podcast, I was working as a therapist at a group home for at-risk teenage boys and focusing on building intimacy because they lacked positive connections, but frustrated at lack of the agency to change their situations. On several occasions I was shut down when encouraging the boys to have a healthy teenage social life, including consent, assertive communication, boundary setting and enforcement, and prevention of unwanted pregnancy or STIs. Boundary setting was the worst received because staff did not believe the teens deserved age-appropriate transparency, evidence-based knowledge, safety to disagree with staff, and reciprocal respect in the group home. It was disheartening to know that people would rather maintain fear-based control with the teens than foster intimacy and connection-based compliance so the teens have healthier relationships as adults. When I listened to Dr. Jess’ episode about how she came into her work as a sex educator, and how it started from seeing a need and providing the education to meet that need, I was inspired to make a change. I realized how much of my career choices were led by fear of stigmatization about pleasure-focused intimacy instead of meeting the need to increase the probability of healthy relationships and connections in adults. So, I switched from children to adults focusing on relational and systemic intimacy, addressed my own fear of sexual shame and relational vulnerability, and started exploring an idea for an intimate network for building intimacy called Building Blackhearts. Now, I’m sure that I want to be an intimacy educator, coach, and therapist for adults working hard to make the connections that mean the most to us.
  • SexMedNP
    Smart and sexy
    Dr Jess offers super smart support for great sex. So many detailed tips and information to take your sex to the next level. Love listening for the specific details and great recommendations most of all.
  • Nickey56
    So annoying… the doctor kept nervously laughing.
  • Louis Gloin
    On my top 3 to recommend
    The conversations between Dr. Jess and Brandon are endearing, illustrative, educational, and entertaining. Dr. Jess will share the studies behind the topics covered. And, refreshingly, will acknowledge where she is curious to do more research. Listen to this podcast if you want practical mixed with good research and nuance.
  • overpriced shipping
    So funny!
    Omg her husband doing the British accent and Arnold, I had to re listen ten times!! So funny!! So glad I found this
  • Keaton C.
    I love this podcast. They have started a lot of conversations for my wife and I.
  • kjcultivates
    Trustworthy and Inclusive
    Dr. Jess knows her stuff and is so inclusive and thoughtful. I trust what she says.
  • Andres32
    Good info, but I can’t stand some of the silly language…
    I listened pretty regularly for over a year. The information is good and interesting, but at this point I’m tired of hearing the hosts tongue-twist themselves with gender-neutral pronouns and other language silliness! In an effort to be inclusive towards a small minority, they are diluting their points and throwing away the power of their knowledge. May I suggest: just use standard-gender wording and say (just *once*, in the intro) that the points apply to other genders, preferences, labels, etc. Wouldn’t that be easier?
  • Steph Anne S
    Great information!
    The information that Dr Jess shares is invaluable… love her and her hubby’s personal take on many issues we face. I learn something on each episode… one of my top 5 shows to listen to!
  • llcoolg
    Absolutely awesome content
    I’ve been poking around for sex/relationship podcasts and have heard a few, Dr Jess being one that I stumbled upon. On a recent 2-week solo road trip, I fired up the Dr… and quickly fed in ‘love’! Dr Jess’ perspective is very genuine, open. I love listening to her and hubby Brandon discuss the week’s topic, getting both of their points of view. And, she brings on some of the most amazing, fascinating guests! I wish there was a 6-star, cuz I’d smash it for her. I’ve been listening to more of the recent episodes (past 6-8 weeks or so) but my all-time favorite is June 3, 2021 Compatibility (aka Communication). Dr, please don’t stop - you’re my new sex/relationship guru <3
  • reggeee
    Vocal Fry
    Used to love this show. Can’t listen anymore. Dr. Jess has developed a bad case of vocal fry and it’s bad, really bad.
  • JMOB04
    I was more curious when I came across this app and didn’t think I’d get much out of it, I was wrong! It’s so interesting and helpful and I really enjoy listening to the back and forth of you 2! Thanks
  • Brooklyn (Bee's Nest)
    I learn so much!
    Having parents that didn’t teach me much around sex and sexuality and coming from a restrictive religion and upbringing, this podcast has greatly helped me learn. I’m grateful for the candid conversation around relationships, communication, and straight up sex! Thank you Dr. Jess and Brandon 🥰
  • Yaaaaaayy
    You two really get me thinking! Loved the eroticism daily episode and just the back and forth between you I am in a partnership(just realized a couple of months ago) for over half my life. Partner sexually abused by family members, been to countless healer and therapists, things peek up then fade again. She has basically declared herself somewhere between celibate and totally asexual! It’s been 5.5 + years with just a peck on lips once or twice a week. She has given permission to see others consensual nonmogamy “if sex means that much to me!” This episode spelled out what I really miss... Small town on big island, retired science teacher, so know everyone... hard to connect with someone who doesn’t know “is.” I love her as much as ever, hence why when you said you and Brandon are WAY different, it resonated. Malama Pono, Mike Any advice or episodes to listen to appreciated Please keep it up! Love you and Brandon! Just listened to dirty talk episode! Fun and funny! Sorry Brandon your parter could say almost anything she said and I would become mush!
  • RachelBrouzes
    Life Changing Podcast
    before listening to this podcast, i was stuck in an unsatisfying relationship, going through the motions and avoiding pleasure at all costs in fear of judgment and ridicule. this podcast has helped me overcome that, encourages put myself first more often, and to truly by myself in my own skin. Jess and Brandon have definitely made a huge impact on my life, not only just sex related but all in all. THANK YOU!!
  • Ktlyster
    Love Dr. Jess!
    I’ve learned much listening to this wonderful podcast ❤️ They are is so open and accepting of everyone. It’s very refreshing!
  • jrut1968
    Love the podcast
    Love Dr Jess and the podcast. Always very informative, sex positive and I look forward to taking away something from every episode, no matter how big or small, that I can incorporate into my relationship or start a conversation about with my wife.
  • Hjantis
    Great show for anyone to learn about many topics
    My husband stumbled across the episode about eroticizing daily interactions and sent it to me. For the last month and a half I have been absolutely drinking in this podcast. I can wear headphones at work so I am listening to multiple episodes almost daily. This podcast has expanded my knowledge, openness, language, and perspectives regarding sex, relationships, emotions, mental health, social issues, etc. I have spent a lot of time in the last several weeks considering my sexual and relational interests and attitudes. I’ve had countless discussions with my husband about these things as well. I really enjoy listening to Jess and Brandon discuss such relevant and interesting topics as they are funny, thoughtful, and well informed. They bring great guests on who provide an additional level of expertise. I’ve further listened to some of their guests content and learned about related topics. This podcast is fantastic. I didn’t expect to get so into it as I’ve never found listening to podcasts enjoyable but I guess I just hadn’t found one that I was interested in yet. I really recommend this to anyone whether coupled, single, or otherwise. If you allow yourself to be open, it’ll broaden help you to deepen the way you understand yourself, your partner, sex, life, and more. Thank you so much to Dr. Jess and Brandon for creating this life changing podcast.
  • CZ26!
    my music has taken a backseat lol
    Dr. Jess is so amazing. I have been listening to her for quite some time now. I am a new sex coach and trying to get all of the information I possibly can and I have become addicted to her podcast. They are very fun and enjoyable to listen to but also very easy to glean information from as a A newbie or lay person. They have helped me educate myself in so many topics and ithas improved my own relationship so much.
  • SJM122492
    I love this podcast
    I really enjoy this podcast because Dr. Jess has such a soothing voice and covers such an array of relevant sex topics. I feel like it should be required education for everyone.
  • disinterested77
    Great, invaluable content but...the audio!
    I love this podcast but when the guests are inaudible and the hosts are blasting my ears I give up on so many episodes...
  • Michael Castleman
    Sexuality journalist
    Totally delightful to be interviewed on Sex with Dr. Jess. Both Dr. Jess and Brandon are charming, articulate, and very well informed about sexuality issues. I wholeheartedly recommend not just my episode, but all their archived podcasts. Two thumjbs up!
  • podcastfordayz
    Cool podcast. Could your producer address the sound? When you all speak, the sound is good. However, the music spikes up when it plays and well, it’s obnoxious.
  • Dr. Maha Sexual Healing Doc
    Great information in a fun and personable way!
    Dr. Jess always provides up-to-date, useful, and educational information regarding various topics in sexuality and relationships. As a sex therapist myself, I constantly learn from her podcasts and highly recommend them to listeners! It’s a fun way to get some really good sex education.
  • Dr. Rachel Needle
    Dr. Jess & Brandon are amazing!
    Dr. Jess and Brandon are so personable and refreshingly real! I loved being a guest, spending time and chatting with, and learning from them!
  • Keep Austin Kinky
    Smart, Real, Talk About Sex and Relationships
    Dr. Jess offers a fun, brilliant, and loving way to engage in challenging conversations. I love her use of research and self in diving in to topics.
  • Orenthal
    Helps with Relationships Even if you are the only one who listens
    You can only change yourself. Start today
  • Mildly handycapped
    Why so concerned with how you smell?
    I have noticed in a couple episodes you talk about being concerned with you smell prior to engaging with a partner sexually. It was addressed in the face sitting episode that you should shower before playing and then in a recent episode you and your man talked about hooking up after being at the gym but only if no one smells. Does your partner find when your bodies natural pheromones fill his nostrils unpleasant? Is the idea of smelling something other than axe body spray and perfume on someone who your attracted to really that repulsive ? I find it triggers a very animalistic energy that taps into something very primal. It’s hard to trust any person who claims to love women but doesn’t bow down and worship everything about their perfectly amazing holiest of all the holes. It’s perfect in any condition.
  • J. Barshop
    Authentic & Empowering
    Dr. Jess and her wide variety of knowledgeable guests share extremely relevant info how to get on the right track to an invigorating, intimate and mutually rewarding relationship. The great content and advice she provides, combined with the relatable way in which she delivers it had me hooked from the very first listen. Thanks for putting out such a stellar show Jess - keep up the great work!
  • @HOnMyChest
    Communication Communication COMMUNICATION
    I’ve listened to this podcast for about 4 months or so and Jess & Brandon present information that teaches me how to be a better communicator in dating/relationships. Communicating my own needs and creating space for my partner(s) to communicate their own has been a game changer for me.
  • nynjluv
    The Best
    Simply the highest quality sex-positive podcast ever!
  • blake.kirven
    Great podcast about sex
    Great podcast with so much information. Wish that you’d get a new mic but other than that, love the episodes. Thanks for your advice and help.
  • tlstone!
    Jess is great - so positive, open and inclusive. Episodes are fun and I always learn something new!
  • BayAreaGal415
    Great Podcast
    Sex with Dr. Jess is a great podcst that explores so many different topics relating to sexual health!
  • CarlosCavazos, LPC
    Must subscribe!
    I first saw Dr.Jess on youtube and was blown away! The way she presented information was smart, fun, stylish, informative and flirty. These podcasts are just as great. So glad she decided to do these
  • Tubby Geek
    I was first exposed to Dr Jess when my wife and I would watch Swing. We always found her insight into what couples are looking for refreshing. It wasn't just about sex, but something more. Her podcast gives that same feeling. It is always pleasant to hear and I look forwar dto more from her.
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