The Doctor Who Audio Dramas


The Doctor Who Audio Dramas is the world’s longest running family friendly production of Doctor Who. Started in 1982, this series spans eight Doctors, a host of companions, and over 200 stories. Thousands of episodes are downloaded every month. New episodes appear on iTunes two weeks after they premier on the main website. Note that, due to the age of some of the material, quality will vary. or

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Recent Reviews
  • Carol Marvellette
    It’s a pretty good show, but where’s the character work? Where’s the love The Doctor feels for his companions? Where’s the connection that should develop between him and his companions? The Doctor has two hearts; he has so much love in him, and I just don’t see the love that he should feel for his companions. Remember Nine and Rose? That sort of developing love and affection they grew for one another? It wasn’t the action that drew me to the show, it wasn’t the intrigue or the mystery or the explosions; it was those real, human connections, that love that’s so strong, it goes on even after someone leaves. Just a little tip: Always remember how much The Doctor loves his companions, loves them to the point where he’d die for them, and how much his companions love him back: undeniably, unabashedly, unashamedly. Doctor Who has always been, and will always be, about love and loss and pain and hope. Keep doing what you’re doing. Allons-y!
  • Kcouh
    ❤️ love
    I love this
  • Totally not a dalek
    I love this it is amazing and it is one of my favorite Doctor Who stuff to listen to
  • Bubblespop99
    Phenomenal !
    This podcast is so well written and fun - I also appreciate how long each series is, so the plot and characters are really allowed to grow, even more so than usually happens in an hour long TV episode...
  • nmcro
    Love this DW podcast
    I’ve listened to several DW productions and this one is my favorite. Segal productions does a great job creating an alternative parallel universe to the BBC DW. It’s so much fun listening to this podcast from the early episodes to the present.
  • charles keltner
    Doctor whoAnd the real Ghostbusters
    This on Doctor Who and the 1980s Cross with the ghost busters
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