Sales Questions Show - Brutally Honest Answers - B2B Sales answers regardless of what you sell from saas to private jets


If you have a Sales Question please submit it via LinkedIn and I will answer it. If you like The Advanced Selling Podcast and other Sales and Selling Podcasts you will love this.

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Recent Reviews
  • Orlando montanez
    A show filled with a wealth of knowledge.
    If you are just getting started or are experienced in sales this will still help you. Give it a listen. Recommendation: Please, Please, please change the review / proof at the end of the show about the contractor who’s chatting on LinkedIn with a customer and he’s getting photos of her family also had lunch scheduled with her. Thank you.
  • Ashton❌Krahenbuhl
    Has impacted my sales career by….
    Being apart of my daily routine. This pod and the others Brian takes the time to share are pure GOLD. His philosophy and sales strategy I would gladly spend my hard earned money to benefit from. BEST part is it’s all completely free! If you in sales in any capacity of home services, give this podcast and the other 2 he makes a listen and actually IMPLEMENT. You will see growth. Godspeed
  • gfvieth
    Great Information
    I have been listening for 2 weeks learning a lot. Great to learn from someone that is practicing and using the process.
  • BuffyKlos
    Best sales podcast
    Brian has a great feel for blending what is tried and true in sales with what needs to shift today to get results. Plus he is consistent and has walked the walk (still in the industry working) so he uses all the methods he teaches. I feel he is genuine and not full of hype and ego.
  • RichardBinder
    Great guests and better content
    Brian gets it! To those mad that he is plugging his course... I am a 20yr sales veteran that has always had the attitude to learn from anyone at anytime! Having said that Brian’s courses truly will increase your meetings/closes easily by 20-30% put a $$ on that... His course will give you a return on investment with in 6months!!! Even an old sales dog like myself has seen increases in my meetings.... It’s like Brian says it may not be the content that’s not working however how you are delivering it... He’s plugging his course because it works!!!! Brian truly wants to help our sales community and it’s obvious on how he discusses our ever changing industries!
  • NotaLiberal
    Dissed Gary Vee
    First episode I listen to, 5 minutes in, and this guy disses Gary Vee for being all for 80 hours a week of hustling. He obviously hasn’t listened to Gary much. Bad taste in my mouth.
  • ATXed
    A Great Sales Mentor in 15 minutes a day
    Think about all the places where you have 5 to 15 minutes of time to listen to motivating tips & ideas on improving yourself in the area of sales & relationships. I listen to Brian's podcasts while driving, on planes, in airports, and while excercising and his nuggets of info are pure gold. One thing about Brian's podcasts is that they are easy to listen to and he truely can capture your attention by the way he talks and the inflection he uses. It's entertaining and informative. The sales game has evolved over the years and Brian has it down pat. His podcasts are a 15 minute mentor every day. They are highly recommended. Check out Brian on LinkedIn too. You'll find him at
  • Step29
    Great podcast
    Super helpful and great advice.
    Love this podcast
    I listen to it on my commute to or from work almost every day. It is great to get 1-2 ideas to prime me for the day or help me reflect on the day. 50+ episodes in and it is only becoming more helpful.
  • Lazarus2099
    Stop whispering!
    The content of the show is terrific, but this is the quietest podcast I’ve ever heard. He needs to speak louder, bring the mic closer to his mouth, or boost the volume in production.
  • Jmartinbal
    Great B2B Sales Podcast
    I love how Brian focuses on working smart instead of working hard. A lot of useful sales advice!
  • Duke Merickel
    Must listen
    Brian does a fantastic job providing applicable, easy to understand content that helps provide valuable insight into the sales profession.
  • hkaggie
    Speaks to what’s actually happening in the field!
    I have been in B2B sales for almost 7 years and have learned a lot of the ropes the hard way (trial and error). This podcast is right on the money about so many challenges in the sales field, I wish I had listened to it 7 years ago!
  • Jakevanderburg
    Great show for anyone looking to build career
    Brian shows exceptional knowledge on how to help young and aspiring sales/ business people reach out, connect, and influence clients in the 21st century. Great show for anyone working in b2b sales or looking to
  • NG PFL
    Love it!
    I’m new to sales and this podcast is GOLD! Great explanations and plenty of realistic examples. I’d like to see more on how to handle the competition from the first call on. Looking forward to future episodes!
  • Scott Rickman
    Best Sales Podcast
    I’ve been in Sales for two years and every time I listen to an episode I learn something new. Thank you!!!
  • Great podcast listener
    Great stuff
    Really well done.
  • Stukemyster
    Very good thoughts
    I enjoy this podcast because he gives very clear short thoughts for the world of sales that are very easy to digest and use in a variety of situations. Keep up the good work!
  • Adam Stonehocker
    Real answers to the hard questions
    Really like Brian’s no nonsense attitude. No fluff here. You may not like his answers but they are correct! Looking to expand your skill set in sales? This is the podcast for you.
  • vito bratta
    nothing beats what briaan put out, his heart and soul is in every podcast
  • Lagunners
    Great Podcast
    Great and informative modern day sales podcast. Larry
  • Monk Sharpe
    GREAT Sales Podcast
    There are a lot of resources for sales reps, but no one else that I've found gives it to you like Brian does in Brutally Honest Answers! It's straight-shooting, No BS real world advice. It's clear he's lived life as a salesperson and gives you the benefit of his experience, not ivory tower theory. Plus it's fun to listen to. If you want tips on day-to-day survival in sales, THIS is THE podcast to listen to.
  • Adam Rashtchian
    Listening Experience
    The content reasonates very deeply with me as I'm in a sales based role. Brian's podcasts are engaging and fill with a lot of great guidence! Keep it up Brian! AR
  • Epab04
    Sales questions
    An excellent, thought provoking approach to handling real sales issues such as whether salary or commission, how can I bypass the application processes and also some considerations on books that can make you a better salesperson. The short, simple episodes are easily digestible and actionable. The answer to your question " should I subscribe?" is YES!
  • rbwalch
    Something great every episode
    Lots of great tips and tricks. All in short, entertaining episodes!
  • Ironbaden
    Very helpful
    This show has answered questions I didn't even know I was asking.
  • chitownsales
    A critical tool
    I love this podcast and consider it to be a vital tool in my business. Everyone can get better and refresh the questions that you are asking today. This podcast does exactly that
  • Matt Neilsen
    In B2B sales? Then welcome home
    Brian's three podcasts are invaluable sources of information for sales professionals in the B2B space. I love listening to the "Brutally Honest Answers" podcast because it's incredibly relevant. This isn't some guy tlaking about the theory of sales. Rather, it's practical, reality-based advice that is drawn from a life spent selling. Highly recommend this podcast.
  • RevTed
    Triple Crown for Sales Podcasts!
    Add "Sales Questions" to "The Brutal Truth..." and "The B2B Revenue Leadership Show" and you have an excellent trio of ways to gain inspiration, learning and practical advice. Thanks for sharing all that you do, Brian!
  • BrentB58
    He will really answer your question
    Its worth to reach out to this guy and ask him a question on linkedin. He really will answer your question. He answered mine a couple weeks ago. If he did this every day I think I'd probably send him a question every day. I sent him a question and he responded with some great thoughts. Many times I just have a question that if you need a 5-9 minute response to get pointed in the right direction. This is a great place to get that done for sales people.
  • Andrew_Kappel
    Invaluable resource for those looking to grow their career in sales
    The sales questions podcast is the go-to-resource for sales industry topics & questions that sales professionals have.... but may not be comfortable getting from their manager or other colleagues or internal resources. Brian relies on his decades of B2B sales experience to share answers in a concise fashion that is honest, practical and actionable.
  • Ala amr
    Great questions
    I really follow up these questions and also put them up in my sales meetings, so people can benefit from them. I find them really good and to the point and straight forward. I hope that you continue with these questions rather than interviews.
  • Big_Tee_Mac
    Old dogs can learn new tricks!
    I have been listening to Brian's podcasts for about a year now and have learned a tremendous amount. I wish knew 35 years ago what Brian has taught me this past year!
  • SoCal Cards Fan
    Must listen - so much value in 5-10 minutes
    Once again Brian Burns delivers on an excellent podcast! I am an avid listener of the brutal truth about sales and selling his other podcast as well as the bead to be revenue podcast that he also host. Unlike those which are a bit longer and usually have guests that are interviewed this one is packed with great information in a quick 5 to 10 minutes of answering sales questions and also as a bonus book reviews which I love. If you are in sales and not following all of Brian Burns materials you are missing out.
  • TonyPepp
    Very Tangible Content!
    Great podcast for getting sales questions answered in a quick, tangible, and easily digestible format. It's a great compliment to his other podcast Brutal Truth About Sales and Selling.
  • DKatWine
    Avid Listener
    I love listening to this podcast; it's very helpful for those that have windshield time. In my industry; which is outside sales of wine we are learning in the field hands on. The topics are very transferable and I've shared the topics with my boss / sales team. I'm a fan:)
  • ScottTrunda
    Download this podcast
    Brian, gets it and it shows in every podcast. I have been in sales for over 15 years and have found somebody (who's not even in my vertical) that understands the nuances of sales better then anyone I have come across. This is a five star review for a reason - his podcast will make you better and more money at sales.
  • Amy679227894
    Yup. This is good stuff.
    Brian Burns' podcasts -- he has three! -- The Brutal Truth About Sales and Selling, Sales Questions and Brutally Honest Answers, and The B2B Revenue Leadership Poscast are all AWESOME and expansive sources of relevant, expert sales info from an experienced sales leader doing what we all want to be doing -- making lots of money! What I like the most about Brian's podcasts is the fact that it's no BS. It's real talk that feels like a conversation you would have with a friend, not carefully scripted or censored talk. That said, he also stays on point. It's a relief to hear sales advice free of sugarcoating or answers that apply "in an ideal world" because as we all know, this is the real world, an we are all human. Finally, if you just found his podcasts, he's been doing it long enough that the feed is full of past episode topics that let u get help right now on something specific, or binge listen without having to find something else to listen to for awhile. Last, u can ask him questions cuz he loves to answer them.. AND he's funny! Thank u Brian. Keep doing what you do.
  • high2100
    There are more beautiful podcast from other.
  • gini201
    Great podcast!
    One of the great podcast of the year
  • Rum runner - 42
    Best ACTIONABLE Sales content
    Brian's content is excellent for keeping us sales people moving forward. It's actionable advice, strategies and specific examples to make sure that we are on track. If you think the sales is easy this is not the podcast for you. If you know sales is hard and you want to get better at it anyway, this podcast is the one to start with and end with.
  • Jamesm192
    Quick listen w/ great advice!
    I've been listening to Brian's podcast for about a year now. As someone who jumped straight into sales out of college this has been a great learning tool. Would highly recommend!
  • MartyParty
    Always learning something new...
    Brian is a very relatable and experienced sales pro. I can't stand listening to self-proclaimed sales gurus who have never lived and fought in the sales trenches. Brian's advice and answers are real and honest. Sometimes the Truth hurts!
  • sscheitel
    A can't miss for any sales rep...
    If you are in sales and need an edge then this is a must for you!! Questions answered honestly and openly. You will learn something new every time you listen. Great podcast from a guy that's been in sales.
  • RickW262
    One of the best sales podcasts out there
    I've been listening to Brian for close to 2 years now. His podcasts have been invaluable for my career and professional development during that time
  • JenniferGold
    Another excellent Podcast from Burns
    If you liked the brutal truth about sales and selling as well as the B2B Revenue show you will love this podcast.
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