Malicious Life


Malicious Life by Cybereason tells the unknown stories of the history of cybersecurity, with comments and reflections by real hackers, security experts, journalists, and politicians.

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Recent Reviews
  • yopoctopus
    One of the best! Great stories!
    This is one of the best storytelling podcasts out there! There is a lot of room for improvement with the audio quality, especially for guest audio and impersonations.
  • Slayer123491
    Great Story Telling!
    This series has been extremely fun to listen to and for someone who has interest in cyber security it gives great insight into the history of cybersecurity why it’s needed today while providing a great story along the way!
  • Bradg001
    Love this show
    This is a well done podcast. The stories are captivating and keep me entertained while exercising or driving. I look forward to finishing the series.
  • Beeeee424242442424
    Audio is soft
    Audio is uneven and it’s hard to follow unfortunately
  • The Silent Observer
    Amazing cyber secuirty podcast
    This is an amazing cyber security podcast.
  • t00thp4st3
    One of the best cybersecurity podcasts
    After listening to couple of the most recent episodes I decided to go back and start listening from the beginning this is one of the best podcasts for people whom into cybersecurity. Thank you :)
  • luck268
    Love the stories
    I am new to cybersecurity and during my latest class I was tasked to listen to a few different cybersecurity podcasts. So far, I like this 1 the most because it’s informative about topics that I’ve always been curious about. The host does an excellent job of building the plot and then explaining the subject matter at hand.
  • VicTOErE
    Excellent Podcast
    This podcast is a must listen for those looking to learn more about how cyber criminals think. The host does a nice job of framing the stories for the audience and does an excellent job of breaking down the many of the nuances of cyber security.
  • globott
    Can't download
    iTunes won't download eps anymore. I love the podcast! ITunes changed somthing back in May 2022 and it's hit and miss as to which podcasts will download. WTAF iTunes?
  • jj wx
    Very worthwhile and informative
    I always look forward to listening to this podcast as often as I can because it is transparent and it is presented by a host who has empathy with the audience and who sees many dimensions of the issues and problems.
  • Canceledcat
    Love the intro keep up the great work
  • drj3141
    Excellent CISO Topics
    I love the style of this show. The topics are varied and interesting. The host has a pleasant voice.
  • Squiggy Boom
    Great, but.....
    The stories are absolutely fascinating, but the voice changing pitch is SO ABSOLUTELY awkward. Don’t try so hard to force voice pitch variation. It truly makes it hard to listen to. These stories are so good, but awful on my ears. Just talk a little more smoothly. WAY too forced. Dark Net Diary is a phenomenal podcast with an interesting voice pitch and tone. (I recently found both of these podcasts)
  • Focusdivine
    Enthralling Analysis
    I subscribe to five cybersecurity podcasts, but I wish this was my first! I am late to the series, but I enjoy this the most! By the time I got to the three part series on Stuxnet, I knew I would put the rest of the podcasts on hold until I caught up with Malicious life. The interview excerpts bring the points of reference to life and make this podcast even more engaging!
  • fit_pagan82
    Great podcast
    I love the in-depth stories and happenings given in this podcast. Very informative and entertaining.
  • linux 66
    Great podcast
    I love the stories and back ground information.
  • JenDevilKitty
    Great information & expose on our world!
    Great real life stories that help explain stories around us that journalists don’t report
  • listener#13
    Interesting but dry.
    Good show. Very informative and the stories are interesting. Host is kind of hard to listen to though. He’s a little monotone and dry like a college professor.
  • hackasaurus
    “The sauce “
    You like the sauce ? Sauce is good yes ?
  • OneRogue
    Great content, narration is annoying
    Great writing, good research and interesting stories but Ram reads like a bouncing Christopher Walken impersonator. The unnatural voice fluxes and random enunciations make it beyond annoying at times and sometimes beyond comprehension.
  • MaximusMillions
    One of my favorite technology podcasts, keeps me well updated (& entertained) in the hacking space
  • hdghjtedjitfhgeewfjufcvj
    Great show
    This is my new favorite show, currently listening to all the episodes from oldest to newest. This show has the perfect amount of information weaved in through storytelling to keep you interested.
  • P.S.III
    Love the cast!
    I can’t praise this podcast enough! Lots of interesting information and history!
  • Jp94C8ol
    Top 10 podcast ever
    Love the info and the story telling way!🙏🏽🫡 super interesting things are discussed 🫶🏽
  • Tony The Investor
    Wealth of information
    I listen to this podcast every morning!
  • RobzApps
    Fun podcast minus the annoying way the host speaks
    This podcast is a lot of fun if you’re into cyber crimes, hacks and cyber warfare. The thing that’s getting to me more and more that’s making it close to unbearable is the way the host speaks. He hanged his tone and pitch up and down over and over in every single sentence. Once you notice this it’s impossible to ignore it and becomes extremely irritating. So much so that I have a hard time even following what he’s saying due to this. For this reason, I can only listen to the episodes that have guests doing most of the talking. If he’s doing the entire story, forget about it. I just can’t. Hopefully those of you who find this podcast interesting aren’t irritated by this issue I find intolerable because it’s otherwise an excellent podcast (minus the pro Israeli bias due to him being Israeli himself).
  • JHFMoon
    Recent Find
    Only recently found the show, wish I had a long time ago, great content, delves into details on things I only know topically due to interests. Love learning new stuff in a fun and interesting way here. Keep it up! 👍
  • Nroddy99
    Great Security Podcast
    As a Security Intern, not only do I learn a lot from this podcast but I also thoroughly enjoy listening to it while I work or handle incidents at work. It’s even great to listen to on my commute. Can’t recommend this show enough!
  • General 313
    5/5 - Absolutely recommend
    Outstanding podcast… The information is intriguing. The interviews are great. And Ran is a great storyteller.
  • wwew2s
    It was Great
  • listener 9999
    Very interesting but speech is annoying
    This is a fascinating podcast, with great content and is very well written. However, the host’s speech cadence needs a lot of help. It’s hard to listen for more than a few minutes. A speech coach would help.
  • That One Lady E
    I learn SO MUCH
    Sort of late to this party as I just started listening about a month ago after hearing this mentioned on ‘The Darknet Diaries’ podcast. Ran is concise and easy to follow. He breaks things down and explains any tech language. I have a greater respect on how to protect my and my families’ personal information.
  • 8375283
    Great show!
    This is a great show. It is kind of like a history/current events of cybercrime that includes solid analysis. They generally keep it high level and that makes the show approachable to a variety of audiences. I also like that the episodes are a reasonable length. The content is packaged to provide good understanding but doesn’t ramble on with unimportant details. Therefore, they make sure my time commitment reaps a good reward. Keep up the good work!
  • Areusweare
    Nice and informative show. I am hooked.
  • QualityControl79
    Great podcast
    Great podcast with great content! Easy to listen to.
  • 10339821
    Been a long time listener.Just have to say that guest Sherri Davidoff is terrific!
    I just listened to your interview with Sherri Davidoff talking to Nate Nelson about the state of credit card security. She is top notch. I'm extremely happy that you are able to find and host such interesting presenters. The quality of this presentation helps us all who work in IT. It is informative, fast paced, and holds my attention (which is extremely difficult). It is presented at a level that most businesses or "somewhat technical" people will readily understand. She's a fantastic speaker with an ability to quickly describe technical details in a simple manner. This is hard for me to say, but I've participated in just about every level of IT and consulting for over 40 years with over 2 million miles traveled. So I know a pro when I hear it. Anyhow, I love her insight and cadence in presenting her knowledge. She's very prepared and passionate about what she speaks of. I would enjoy her return any time - the more - the merrier. Thank you for your great podcast - one of the best out there. Best wishes, Jeff USA
  • Husky62108
    Very Interesting Podcast
    I work in the IT field and have been looking for a new podcast. Most IT podcasts are dry but Malicious Life is sexy. It has suspense, drama and comedy all rolled into one. This is my new favorite IT podcast.
  • Uncle Flavio
    Annoying Narration
    Interesting but personally can’t stand the narrator’s voice and accent.
  • NewbyDood
    Top Notch Podcast
    Ren does a fantastic job telling interesting stories. This is one of the podcasts leading me to creating an Apple ID just to say thanks for such a great podcast. Keep the hits coming!
  • Uncleduke911
    Unrestricted Warfare
    Verified accurate from multiple sources, open and not.
  • Macconco
    Far and away my favorite podcast.I love thatYou brought back the B-side concept. Keep up the great work!
  • Normanras
    Great addition to my rotation
    I thought I had run the gamut of cyber security podcasts. Some I am still subscribed to and others have been let go. But as I was looking for some more episodes on stuxnet, I discovered malicious life! I’ve now binged 5 different episodes of theirs and I can’t wait to listen to more. Well done and keep up the good work!
  • Blorpal
    Good but stop upspeaking
    YOU yell every OTHER WORD at the END of EACH sentence INDEED
  • backtroban
    Amazing podcast!
    Great material and well organized content!
  • El__Papi
    Can't stop listening!
    After having binged Darknet Diaries, this is the next podcast that has really hooked me. The material is great and it just gets better as it progresses!
  • Listener89504
    Want T-shirt
    Want t-shirt
  • Jay Kid
    Favorite tech show
    Always catches my full attention, and if it didn’t then it’s Nate’s fault. Thanks for the follow by the way 🤙
  • Bing Bong the Circus Monkey
    Entertaining and informative
    Have listened to the first half-dozen episodes and have enjoyed every one. Each episode feels just long enough to be packed full of great content and no filler. Really interesting to hear about the early days of the Internet, the invention of worms, botnets, viruses, DDOS attacks, and much more. Would highly recommend this to anyone interested in computer security, varying levels of Internet naughtiness, or just technology in general.
  • AloofButFunctional
    Incredibly easy to listen to and follow along. The speakers have a sense of humor and are very good on delivering information which allows the listener to make an educated decision on topics.
  • Not fun anymore853378
    I love it
    Great info love the history!!!!!
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