The Rich Froning Podcast


Podcast with 10x CrossFit Champion on Earth Rich Froning.

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Recent Reviews
  • L3X
    Good content. A few tips though.
    Great content and discussion overall. I don’t mind the ranting but people talking over each other is annoying. Audio quality is great. Maybe have a more specific agenda. Show takes twists and turns. lol
  • Ekatlong
    Favorite podcast
    Love all of it! So glad they are back, keep the episodes coming. Really enjoy behind the scenes stuff about competitions and what is going on at Mayhem.
  • Stash&Guns
    Hunting and Fitness
    I love the hunting. I love the fitness. And I hope they continue not being overly politically correct. I hate PC culture.
  • AggieKrista
    Where are the other friends?
    What happened to Elly and Jim and the rest? Glad you’re back at it. Looking forward to more In To The Storm.
  • nickname12345678912456
    Good Dudes Having Fun
    Love the new format! I’ve been listening since Froning and Friends started, glad it’s back. Three friends talking about their passion and having fun at the same time! Awesome! Only complaints is the ads, volume comes in hotter then the rest of the show. Rich sounds a little like Ron Burgundy when his cue card was written in all caps.
  • codysmith5
    What happened.
    Was a incredible podcast! I liked just getting to hear from this crew each week even if there wasn’t a set agenda. But it’s just up and vanished with no new episodes unless I’ve missed something?
  • Monsterfully
    The show often has fun entertaining content and interesting especially when they are gearing up or recapping competitions, but other times it’s nonsense. Like a lot of other listeners I find Elly difficult to listen to, and I could do without the screaming children in the background of a bunch of episodes, it’s really hard to hear the conversation and it’s just annoying. I get that you have kids but a podcast pays you money like a job so treat it like one. Whether you love kids or not, it’s not enjoyable to listen to them scream into your ears for half an hour on a podcast.
  • Joe (USAF)
    Appreciations for Positiveness
    For those seeking spiritual & honest conversation, I can recommend no better podcast. Rich and his friends are true Americans, Christians and truly good people. It’s a joy to listen to with so much negativity surrounding us. Subscribe to this and you will not regret it. Joe, Oceano, CA
  • beckwoodtp
    Volume control
    I do enjoy this podcast a lot, I just wish the audio quality could improve. Some people are so quiet that I turn the volume up only to get my ears blasted out by the next person.
  • Ben Ranew
    Just Go
    “Just Go” applies to more than just CrossFit. Keep up the good work, your podcast motivates me every day on the way to class!
  • @thatcoo
    Age is a number
    Not a metric. Started my fitness career the year Rich was that going for me. Fun episode as always.
  • racer77
    Sometimes pretty entertaining hearing stories about CF and Rich and the thought behind training. No real structure, so hard to know what you’re going to get episode to episode. The copy for the ad reads is terrible and throws off any momentum in the conversations
  • BlakeBellamy82
    Easy 5 stars
    Great people that have interesting and entertaining conversations. I always learn something new and have a good laugh listening to them. Definitely going to have to get some Froning Farms merch!
  • Runmom26.2
    Not afraid to speak up!
    I am impressed that the Mayhem team is not afraid to speak up about their Christian beliefs. It is so difficult in our current world dynamic to reveal that you are a Christian! Thank you for the weekly Bible study and the always interesting health/exercise resources. Upon Rich’s recommendation I have used a couple of the companies he endorses and I have not been mislead in their capabilities. Rich speaks truth in Scripture and health and that is to be commended because it solidifies that he’s not selling out for an endorsement.
  • roolfly
    Is fantastic that the GOAT of CrossFit is doing the into the storm podcast
    Hey guys is you playlist public on Spotify
  • 0904sm
    Better without Elly
    I really enjoy the episodes, but Enjoy then the most when Elly isn’t on the show.
  • Freakmedic
    Froning and Friends Into The Storm
    I’ve really enjoy listening to your weekly Bible podcast. It hits home. I’m deployed now and having a chance to listen to a podcast of bible reading refreshes my soul. It brings me closer to my relationship with God. Thank you! Please keep it up.
  • Berson
    Thank you
    I have listened to Froning and Friends since episode 1. As a Christian, I really enjoy this podcast as well and just want to say thank you to Rich and everyone for sharing the gospel. I thoroughly believe God will bless you and give you a special jewel for your crowns in Heaven for using your fame/platform to share His word.
  • Jmr_2413
    Finally bringing faith to the forefront!
    So glad you’ve started these into the storm episodes and are using your platform for god’s glory! Also not trying to be too negative and I’m sure Elly is a wonderful person buuuuut... the podcast was much more listenable while she wasn’t on it... just speaking the truth in love lol
  • Milestown
    Great stuff
    I think my favorite part are the ads now. I remember listening to the 1st RP promos and how uncomfortable Rich sounded, and now he sounds professional and the segues are great. Really though, all you guys are fun to listen to. Nice and friendly visits about all things! Thanks for the entertainment.
  • Smith720
    Weekly Devotionals
    Keep them coming! I love feeling like I am in a small group Bible study. Thank you for using this platform to spread Gods Word!
  • Steve Loudy
    In the Storm Samuel 3
    I love these episodes. Such good reminders in this one to practice quiet time with God. Constant noise can produce so much fear and anxiety, which often leads to bad decisions. But, turning off the noise and getting in His Word is the best way to stay centered and in His will.
  • Rahmbo5
    Scripture episodes
    I normally really enjoy this podcast but the scripture episodes are my all time favorites. Thanks and keep doing them.
  • NRandall1984
    Mid-stream ads?
    What’s up with the middle of the podcast interruptions? I understand the need for reading ads, but the PSA toned interuption is annoying.
  • Jkarlbaker
    Excited about the new podcasts
    I have always wanted a Faith based podcast that was down to earth. I am excited to hear yours I feel like it is exactly that. A relevant down to earth talk about faith and God. I especially loved the end of the last Froning and friends episode when you and him talked about being dads that was super powerful. Thank You!!!
  • Seax
    Dig the new format!
    Love the faith approach you have taken with the podcast! People are more receptive now to Jesus than they have been in a generation or more. Thanks for being a light in a dark world!
  • Pam B-IL
    Into the Storm Ep.1
    I look forward to all episodes, but I really enjoyed this episode and scripture discussion. Please keep them coming! Thank you! Stay safe!
  • 311Travhew
    Fantastic show.
    Love the show, love everyone. I love that the content is light and touches on crossfit. I love the stories and activities they talk about. Makes me want to move to cookeville!! Thank you all for the show!
  • Bryanadam007
    Hey guys, I’ve been listening since y’all started. I was stationed in Savannah, GA and recently got stationed at Fort Campbell. While in Savannah, my wife was plagued by an intestinal infection and the only option was a fecal transplant. She had to have that done 2-3 times. She has Crohn’s Disease and is a fighter. I thought that it was weird at first but it actually did help her a lot where medicine couldn’t. It does come off as strange, but for some people it’s their only shot. Thank you guys so much for just being entertaining and informative for an hour at a time. God bless!
  • NikForn
    Buried Alive
    I finally caught up on my episodes. I originally started listening to this podcast to learn more about CrossFit and what the elite athletes are doing. Some of the podcast do talk about that, but it is so much more. From humor to great life advice, this podcast covers everything. The conversations are entertaining and never have a dull moment. I recommend it to anyone who likes a little entertainment in their life. .... I think Rich Froning’s fear of being buried alive is mentioned more than anything 😂
  • Madamba_mamba
    Such a funny experience! Hearing Rich and Elly bickering like brother and sister makes me relate to the how my relationship with my brothers when we argue about who’s wrong or right! Hilariously awesome!
  • moot177
    Such a great group!
    Such a great group, they make me feel like I’m part of the family after listening for so long! All the wisdom Jim has and the movie quotes from Rich and talking about being a dad and realize they deal with the everyday life things like we do!
  • Nickname9097
    Please stop the cackle.
  • GoW 3 2011!
    Froning Farms Remembers
    You come for Rich Froning but stay for Elly. It seems like a really casual podcast too but Jim Silver will teach how how to be a better you and a better athlete. 10/10
  • stepheng14
    Authentic and motivating
    I really appreciate this podcast! Authenticity and transparency breed authentic and transparency. It’s great how your main goal is to use this as a platform to workout your own thoughts. Very inspirational.
  • jet9810
    Not bad
    Most episodes are great and give you an inside look into their lives. Love it
  • Mdjiboto4
    Great show
    Sitting in Cameroon, Africa listening to your podcast and loving the heart of it all. Keep up the good work and giving the credit to Jesus. Love!
  • Lil Sqeezy
    Love the casual conversation about some of my favorite topics (faith, family, fitness etc). Also includes great guests.
  • acunae89
    Awesome Sauce!!!
    I drive a lot and got to the point that Im tired of music to listen too. This is my new go to. So bummed I just found this! This is awesome can we get some more of Josh Bridges and maybe some Mat Fraser!!
  • Mal Money$
    Y’all are inspiring and funny lol. Easy to listen too, love it keep it up. Cheers xoxo
  • Jeana Sue Beal
    My people
    I love me some Elly!! She cracks me up-!! I’d swear she is a genius! To me, at pushing 46 years old and still overweight but having already lost 60 pounds, CrossFit is my jam!! CrossFit isn’t just about the work out-the serious stuff, it’s about the family and fun and that’s why I love these podcasts so much. I get all of it. Knowledge, fun, family and I get to know all my most favorite athletes’ It lets me know they’re human. I need more Mayham podcasts in my life! CrossFit Ape says Hey-!!
  • workaholic04
    Fun, but hard to listen to at times
    Listening to Rich, Elly, Kristin, and Jim Silver is entertaining if nothing else. This isn’t a “CrossFit” podcast as much as it is a few CrossFit athletes just talking about what is interesting to them. The guest episodes are always fun, and I would recommend starting with those episodes. I give this podcast 3 stars because Elly can at times really be brutal. She often yells into her mic, talks over others, and rambles on about nonsense while someone else is trying to tell a story or make a point. Nonetheless, this cast is fun and I enjoy the podcast.
  • Zoey 101 :)
    Froning and Friends podcast
    Thank you guys for keeping me entertained, educating me, making me laugh and helping me survive my drive from Mobile, AL to Chesapeake, VA and then back to Mobile!! Your podcast are great!!
  • BFox1311
    Easy to listen to when you’re doing other stuff. I like it for the most part. First episode I listened to was with Mat Fraser and Rich and the other guy and they pretty much bashed on Elly the whole time. Would’ve been cool to hear more from the guest. Overall still good.
  • Drewby1321
    I started listening to this to learn a little more about fitness; however, it has taught me a lot about myself and global thinking.
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast!!
    Rich, host of the Froning and Friends podcast, highlights all aspects of fitness, health and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • billtruett
    Best Podcast Available
    It’s a pretty simple formula, but it can’t be replicated by anyone else. Rich is the Fittest Man in History and his no-nonsense approach to life is refreshing in this overthought world. He is juxtaposed by Elly who is an impressive athlete in her own right, but has a tendency to race down rabbit holes (incredibly entertaining). In between, Jim “Silver” Hensel whose life experiences and deep insight provides the intellectual depth on morals and ethics that, when mixed together, produces a source of information that could be labeled as “must listen” curriculum for all. Light and heavy at the appropriate times; can not be beat!
  • kelbel_8_0
    Off on a tangent
    There doesn’t seem to be any structure to the podcasts. I listened to an entire hour and I still don’t know what the point of their conversation was. Also, laughter is great but a constant loud laugh into the mic that drowns out the conversation is frustrating. Disappointed to say the least.
  • Mariana1212
    NOT good at all
    I gave it a try just because I like rich and Ellie. but man this podcast sooooo anoyinng. Just not my cup of tea
  • Crossfit Kevin B
    I look forward to the podcast each week. I enjoy the “banter” between them. The information they share is useful and relevant (mostly....except some of Ellie’s fun
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