Oz 9


It's Spring 2142 (a Tuesday), and Gated Galaxies has launched its 400 Oz-8000 ships, each carrying 50,000 "resting guests" to, hopefully, a new home on a shiny, brand-new planet. Except this whole "terraform and take over" idea isn't actually the plan; the real plan is far more nefarious and involves a great deal of cackling. But those aboard the ships don't know that, so off they toodle (those that make it out of Earth's atmosphere, at least), all shiny and optimistic. This is the story of one of those ships – the Oz 9 – and its tiny crew of hopeless incompetents. So far, they've been in space half an hour and several hundred people are dead. So... bright future, clearly.

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Recent Reviews
  • killmonger442
    Bring back the albatross
    Love this show absolutely amazing cast please write the albatross back into the story Colin deserves to be happy after all that’s happened to him lol
  • Splott74
    Oh oz9 I love you.
    You seriously got me through the worst of the pandemic. Hilarious and silly and weird, such a wild ride on the crazy spaceship that seems to have infinite depths filled entirely with the absurd! And at no point in the last three years, do I see a gap of more than a month, no more than a month without you bringing a little joy and fun to my world. thank you so much.
  • Sakurablossom87
    Hilarious and captivating!!!
    Omg the twist and turns and the shenanigans throughout the series has me held captive like the pods on the Oz 9, and I am only on season 3! I cannot get enough and had to share with family and friends. I hope to finish this series by the end of this week. Great show guys. Very well made and every character is amazing.
  • Peahenbell
    Sets A New Bar
    This podcast is the funniest, most creatively written show you will ever enjoy. I tell everyone I meet about it. Clever word-play, dad jokes, hysterically ridiculous plot-line, and a gaggle of characters, including a brawn-tosaurus who speaks a little oregano, standard-issue shipboard assassins, a Dickensian AI with an attitude, an invisible man (mostly) with beady eye lasers, a narrator who creates his own drinking game, and a rookery of rabid egrets and some alligrets (totally merchandisable). Once caught up, start it over again. And again. And again. It is that good.
  • pchan101
    I can’t stop Leet-ing my life!
    Love this show! Humor is spot on for me. My daughter and I can’t stop narrating daily tasks as Leet, “heroic running,” or “ripply sandwich stacking”
  • Gurlhattan
    Holy cross overs McGraff
    Wonderful show
  • ghrifhebs
    Get ready to laugh
    Very rarely do I laugh out loud and nearly start to cry from it, but this podcast has me hysterically ROLLING to the point where my kids think I’m crazy. I’ve loved every moment of it. I’ve truly fallen in love with the cast, have mourned with them, and have found joy in the changes as life and time have progressed.
  • laughingcloudstudio
    Silly and fun
    The show makes me laugh and roll my eyes too. Overall good fun.
  • Khazeray
    Good fun
    Very enjoyable. Thank you
  • Amf0719
    One of my favorite genres is “idiots doing stuff” with a little mystery and absurdity sprinkled in. And this is just that. So glad I found it.
  • DC National
    Laughs in Space
    This show is a surprising gem and deserves to be getting a lot more attention. I recently discovered it even though it has been around for several years. I am totally hooked. It is thoroughly ridiculous but so intelligently written, such a great cast and excellent stagecraft (first-rate sound special effects). You can sense its Seattle roots — absurdist but big-hearted — and it pokes fun at just about every conceivable nationality. I am a fan. My compliments to the team behind this one.
  • Dutch 9mm
    Good stuff
    I like this
  • AntsRLife(;
    Super Funny!
    I love the story and think the people did a great job doing the voices! P.S keep up the good work!
  • Tulips21
    Hilarious 💥
    Can’t stop laughing right out of the gate🔥🤣🤣🤣funniest thing I have heard lately right down to the “ads”. Can’t stop binging, highly recommended❣️🙌🏻
  • Samisomsam
    Couldn’t “put it down”
    I listened to the first four episodes back to back because I couldn’t stop, it is so good! Within the first episode I was already invested in the characters and the great storyline!!
  • spbennie
    So much fun!
    Interacted with these folks on Twitter and have started listening from the very beginning now!! So good and so much fun. Fan for life. 😁🙌🏻🍺🎙
  • '!me!'
    Very entertaining
    Great show! I think it’s hilarious and creepy that they were talking about “the event” in the live show bonus episode on Dec 4th 2019 right before *2020* happened lol ominous…
  • Nico J Rodriguez
    Really fun story!
    I’m only halfway through the first season and I’m already loving the show! The characters are super well written and the acting is amazing. The balance between comedy and mystery is perfect as well! Definitely worth a listen
  • 1m2e32328274
    You’re required to listen
    This is the best dang show out there. Hilarious, symmetrical, and educational to boot. Go listen! Now! Go! What are you doing? Go listen!!!
  • Yavrularii
    Wonderful engaging light hearted audio drama
    I love thrillers. I love shows where everyone basically dies but I am also severely depressed and anxiety ridden at the moment so those shows make me feel even worse. Oz 9 is light but very well written and acted. I am invested emotionally but I don’t have to worry about everyone I love dying. It keeps the tone light even in more somber moments. I love it. I listened to all 3 seasons and it stopped me thinking about more depressing stuff for the most part. Would highly recommend in general but also especially for people who can’t handle any stressful things at the moment. Wish I had listened sooner.
  • infamous IA
    Well worth the listen
    Should have been more popular but most people are idiots so no real surprise
  • CamaroGirl
    Hidden gem!
    So surprised this hasn’t gotten more love - such a fun story, good acting, creative & funny. :)
  • Nick Haskins
    One of my favorites!
    While I have a gripe or two with the show- namely the accents which can be a bit much at times- Shannon's writing and the comedy are HILARIOUS. Some of these characters really grow on you as well, and just when you think it can't get worse for them, they somehow make it worse. The narrator's biting commentary about their peril only makes it better. It's truly a wonderful show made by people you can tell are very passionate about doing it.
  • EmansDad
    Listen up Space Monkeys!!!
    Lost in Space meets the Naked Gun! This pod cast is delightfully silly and a great escape from all the things that make up today’s world!!! The cast of characters continues to expand and the collaborations with other like casts has expanded my listening pleasure into other areas. Reviewer Out!!!
  • ColdProcessWeatherwax
    Simply the Best
    This is the absolute best Space Comedy around today. Nothing makes me laugh like Oz-9. Every positive review you've read is absolutely correct! This show is the best and yes you should be listening to it!
  • MouthDork
    A Bold Frontier
    This podcast is a must listen. It’s an absolutely fascinating concept. The conversations are entertaining, engrossing, and inviting. Start with episode one and go from there. Stop reading this review. Just click subscribe. You won’t be disappointed.
  • hufflepuffpride05
    it’s so much fun to listen to. And this podcast got me into listening to audio books. so YES YES YES!!! I love Oz 9! It’s funny, mysterious, and just a great podcast to listen to
  • LisaAnn L
    Genius level understanding of the ridiculous
    OZ-9 is a ridiculously-brilliantly ridiculous podcast. If you ever wondered what would happen if Douglas Adams obtained genetic material from The Monty Python Characters and The Red Dwarf Crew, mixed them together with a pinch of Mr Bean, threw them in a 1960s sci-fi ship and launched them into space...give OZ-9 a listen. It appeals to intellectual humor, sarcastic humor, slapstick humor, and 8-year-old boy humor. Something for almost everyone. If you want scientific accuracy and genuine accents, move along. Otherwise, sit back and be prepared to laugh your bum off. :)
  • Around there
    Polished! Straight enough to the bend
    So well done. Best for the Q-time moments of dwell. From the writers to the blend of mikes to the excellent acting. Thanks for the wonderful time. And as everyone else, I too would love some more. 👍👍👍👍👍
  • Burtoe86
    PLEASE PLEASE make more!!! I can’t find any others like this podcast to tickle my fancy as much as this did.
  • moppet_mi
    It works
    Ridiculous, silly humor of repeated one-liners, horrendously overacted accents, and ok sound design shouldn’t be funny...but it is - really, *really* funny. I haven’t laughed this hard in ages. Thank you so much! You had me with, “Alarm...” Hahahahaha!
  • Epic Film Guys
    Wonderfully Absurd!
    The wide array of characters with distinctive personalities is just great. Sometimes the over-the-top accents can get to be a bit too much, but this is a talented cast with a well-written show and excellent production value. LOVE LOVE LOVE Oz 9.
  • ArtGeekMom
    It doesn’t get any better!
    This is by far my favorite comedy serial out there. The show is hands down fantastically amazingly AWESOME! 1 billion stars easily
  • Spudhero
    Major Hitchhikers Guide Vibes
    The Jokes. Never. Stop. Coming. It’s truly amazing how they can fit so many jokes into this show. (I’ll never look at night vision goggles without giggling again). It’s wonderfully absurd and I have so much love for all of the characters.
  • Geeksplorepod
    An excellent short-format sci-fi comedy audiodrama.Man, that is a lot of adjectives. Oz-9 is well written and performed. The sound design is generally good, though sometimes the sound effects can be a bit grating. I am only about 19 episodes in, but the story so far is engaging and the characters are great. Especially Oliva. I love Olivia.
  • SciFyGeek
    A Light Hearted, Laugh Filled Show
    I have gotten more odd looks from laughing out loud at work from this show than any other. The cast all do a great job. None of them take themselves too seriously and that's great, it's a comedy! !fwip!
  • Karenslist
    What a hoot!
    This podcast cracks me up. The narrator is priceless. The funniest part is I can imagine this really happening. Healthy funny break from the norm. I find myself visualizing the crazy characters.
  • Grand Rapidians
    Space monkeys!
    Funny space farce, brilliant plan to rid the earth of unwanted problems, but this is the story of those problems after the earth was rid of them
  • Lexicon Halbird
    This has had me laughing since I started listening, good job!
  • DSBoston1
    Ze Funny Accents
    This was a bit silly but with very clever writing overall. I'm now up to episode 23.5, and I have to say, it's becoming mostly people trying to talk in absurd overdone accents. I guess that's OK for one or two characters, but when most of the dialog in an episode is that, it's hard to listen to.
  • Originalyeti82
    Simplistic design Deepened by clever comedy
    There's a few technical glitches here and there in the sound design, but that only seems fitting in what's essentially the AXIOM from WALL-E's first sordid adventure into space. The writing is what really shines in this, and with some time and effort, it's gonna become one of the greats.
  • FanGurlEden
    The Most Fun I’ve Ever Had with Earbuds In My Ears!
    Catching up on Season 1 is my #vacationgoalz and sharing the word about the awesomeness that is Oz9 is my mission. Please check it out if you enjoy cleverly conceived and exceptionally well produced silly sifi and even if you don’t. My brain does a fangurl dance every time it hears Bonnie Brantley!
  • AlixYJ
    So funny!
    This podcast is such a treat! The characters are fun, and usually dumb as hell, but in a strangely lovable way. I'm so unvested in these idiots! Also I am constantly laughing. The show is so well written, the comedy is amazing, and the character interaction/chemistry is great! I've been recommending it to everyone because it seriously brings me joy!
  • awbrooks19
    Depth and Comedy in Space
    Very creative and sarcastic space comedy. Great character development and a fun roller-coaster storyline. Best incompetent A.I. of future comedy podcasts, Caliber of Wolf 359, Crescent... great sci-fi entertainment and top 10% of sci-fi story podcasts.
  • Done Full Stop
    “It’s not my fault.”
    that I like this so much. Any show based on quirky British radio plays is sure to have plenty of mayhem, in a storage closet, without A/C, and an ironing board. Who needs a towel with this lot?
  • Abpfinance
    Fun pod
    This is a unique pod with many entertaining parts, give it a shot guys!
  • Austin luedeke
    Very funny and well made
    This story is unique and has a great mix of humor that is much appreciated. They have multiple plot lines going too so never a dull moment. I did binge this in a day but plan on re-listening soon.
  • Shaushau
    Love this sandwich
    Please more!!! This is a very funny podcast give it a try.
  • skylarkishome
    Quirky and bizarre fun
    This is my favorite podcast next to Welcome to Nightvale. It gets funnier the more I listen to it. From the condescending and apologetic aI, to the janitor with a freaky ability to blend into the background, I find myself getting wrapped up in the drama of average idiots trying to stay alive when it seems like everything and everyone is out to get them. Haven’t we all felt like that? Thanks for the great podcast!
  • Jjeellyy
    I also quit listening halfway through the first episode due to the very annoying alarm.
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