The Band: A History

Music #59Music History #10

Exploring the history of Canadian-American roots rock group, The Band.

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Recent Reviews
  • Powpowsteamy
    Fantastic podcast
    My dad introduced me to The Band when I was in middle school. I’ve always been fascinated with their music and history ever since. This podcast relives one of the greatest bands of all time and I’m really glad I stumble upon this informative show. I’ve only had time to listen to a few select episodes but can’t wait to dive in more. Thanks for the time and effort put in to each episode!
  • RocknRollGary
    Last Waltz
    Really enjoyed your recent Last Waltz podcast. It was very insightful. One thing, I think you should have compared the film to the concert film getting all the attention this year, Stop Making Sense which came out about 10 years later. I think the director of that one, the late Jonathan Demme, was definitely influenced by The Last Waltz. Notice though that he had no interviews in the film, just the music.
  • UncleMosely
    Love this podcast. Listen to the episodes over and over!
  • boatrocker37
    Define Dearth
    Define dearth.
  • swiftxcut
    Great pod, I’ve listened to certain episodes multiple times. One thing I will say is the audio could be a bit louder at times (my job is loud)
  • Paul from Kentucky
    Honey Boy
    Thanks for this episode on Garth Hudson. Sometime in the late 70’s or very early 80’s my wife and caught Hudson playing keyboards with Don Melean ( of American Pie fame) at a little club here in Lexington KY. As I recall that McLean tour lasted a month or 2 Years later I caught Garth as part of Burrito Deluxe band with sneaky Pete. Hudson is a musical treasure. Thanks for featuring him
  • Hillsboro
    Enjoying this Podcast
    This deep dive into the details of The Band has been a joy for me. I've enjoyed The Band since my parents bought a copy of the brown album in 1969 (I was age 7). Over the years I've played their music and read all the biographies. But this podcast is a special windo. Thank you.
  • CJBDallas
    Fun to listen to, but…
    Fun, but the interviewer’s biases impact its credibility. Those who love ALL that is The Band have to filter out those biases, which takes away from overall enjoyment.
  • Losmick
    Can’t get enough. Really well researched, and presented. Great interviews!
  • erikrocks!
    If you love The Band…
    This is the pod for you. The host is extremely knowledgeable and well researched, and his guests are fantastic. Give it a listen.
  • Nodbran
    Great deep dive…
    This is an awesome deep dive history of The Band, even for a longtime fan. However, the poor editing, incongruent background music, monotone narration, repetitive phrases, and inconsistent or just way-off pronunciations can really take a listener out of the exciting story that’s being told here. No disrespect intended, truly. I love that this podcast exists. I think some script supervision could go a long way. Please keep the episodes coming either way!
  • aehunter66
    Everything about how the topic is handled as a podcast is perfect here. Start at the beginning and just gobble it up.
  • southern dragon
    History made entertaining
    I’ve known bits and pieces of the Band’s history and of course the member’s names and some of their back stories but this is a fantastic way to fill in the loose ends of the path they took and the way they walked it. Highly recommended podcast listening in my humble opinion.
  • nickname to be named later
    Interesting and enjoyable
    I have been intrigued by The Band and have been reading and listening to everything I’ve found on them during the pandemic. Why wasn’t I into them in high school??!! I would have loved to hear them, specifically Levon, in person. Regardless, this podcast has been excellent and I’ve listened to nearly all of it now. One minor error unrelated to The Band—in one episode it was explained that Janis Joplin died 8/24/70 and that’s incorrect (10/4/70). Keep up the great work, it’s been fun so far. Many thanks!
  • la cheesery
    Talk a bit faster
    Only complaint is the narrator is just speaking a little too slowly. Tried at 1 1/2 speed but then everyone else sounds like chipmunks lol
  • susan2021
    Great podcast
    But I’m so confused - who is making this podcast? I can’t find any kind of introduction, bio or info about the creator or the narrator. Who am I listening to???
  • old jawbone
    Awesome but do me a favor..
    If you are a devoted fan of the Band or someone just discovering them, you will find much to like about this podcast. They go deep on the history of the group with lots of details about recording, the group members, and song by song breakdown of every album. My only complaint- please ditch that background music - it’s repetitive and distracting to the narration, it’s not needed at all. Otherwise, looking forward to the upcoming episodes.
  • cookie2354423
    The Band
    If you’re a fan of The Band like I am, this podcast is a must listen. It’s filled with a lot of cool information and interviews. It’s actually an amazing history lesson on the subject. 5 stars.
  • Jeffmarkre
    What Fun
    Each episode bring a step back to music you grew up with and to introduce a new generation to this group. I love discovering long lost music which is included in episodes. It is very well done and now I am off to join this podcasts Facebook group. Many thanks!
  • Notabro
    Disappointing and painful to listen to
    I was excited about this podcast. I had a long drive ahead of me so I was going to binge all of Season 1. After episode 2 ended I was done. The narrator has an odd sense of timing-lots long pauses at weird places and it sounds like everything he says is read off of a script. But the worst is the script, it needs major editing. There are anecdotes that seem to end in the middle without finishing, statements presented without any examples. It sounds like a bunch of random sentences cut and pasted into a doc. I love The Band, but this was a painful, sophomoric waste of time.
  • SouthwestDude
    Despite Narration Flaws a MUST LISTEN.
    This is a treasure for fans of The Band. Wonderful resources, interviews, and insights. I am absolutely enthralled. The narrator will occasionally make a monstrous gaffe (conflating the Summer of Love with Woodstock for example) and pronouncing things like Los Feliz as “Laws Faleez” which are excruciating but his obvious love for the music transcends these things - it’s one of the very best music podcasts - period.
  • dr memory 62
    Not bad
    Frequent mispronunciations and poor sound levels (usually too soft but sometimes the music or interviews are too loud). Also the usual background music has become tiresome and is not appropriate for a podcast about the Band.
  • JahDad22
    A MUST for Band fans
    Album by album, this podcast walks you thru the Band’s output with great insight and fascinating back stories. The host is engaging and excited to share the material. I’ve loved revisiting each album in turn! Highly recommended.
  • mndoggi68
    Great fun to her all the old Band stories
    Great podcast. Admittedly, the host says it not for the aficionados but for those looking to get to know The Band. I would disagree, while much of what I hear on the podcast is not new news to me, every once and a while a new tidbit is revealed (or remembered). Regardless, it is great just to hear all the old stories again and go back and follow the path of one of the greatest rock bands in American history.
  • Papa Pillpopper
    A history well researched and well told
    I usually don't like to hear writers and critics effuse about The Band because they invariably put this complicated group of characters on a pedestal, and burden the music with words like, "essential", "important", and "seminal". I am finding this podcast however to be a wonderful exception. The historian/host clearly loves his subjects deeply, but sticks to the story for the most part. He occasionally waxes rhapsodically about a song, track, or performance but always in the context of the larger story and never suggesting hagiography. Highly recommended. Five stars!
  • New Haven Pat
    A Band Nerd Loves This 🤓
    I’m a full on Band nerd. I discovered them around 1975 through my brothers record collection. I was 9. The interest in them started almost immediately. Who was singing what? Why don’t more people talk about them etc. I was hooked on them. I’ve read and listened to everything Band related and this podcast is a must listen. It’s so important that their work be curated and passed along to as many as possible. They are an important piece of our music culture and the podcast is very clearly showing that in its detail. Well done
  • SSueSor
    ❤️ The Band!
    If you ❤️ The Band like I do you will love this podcast!
  • Jim Ohio1
    Insightful and informative recounting of The Band’s history and recording process. Highly recommended.
  • JAStanz
    I just heard the episode on the Band's Second Album through the Rock and Roll Pantheon feed, and I was so impressed. Even though I've read Robbie Robertson's bio and consider myself a fan, I learned a lot from this show and loved the track-by-track analysis and the effort to tell the story in the voices of the musicians where possible...marvelous!
  • CrispinW
    Can’t stop listening
    As a super-fan of both The Band and Dylan, I love your podcast and can’t stop listening. Really informative and hooked me from episode one. One thing I have to mention is that there were two errors that were very distracting. First, Roger McGuinn is pronounced Magwinn, not Maginn. Second, Hank Williams’ song is I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry, NOT I’m So Lonely I Could Cry. The details are important but still a really great podcast. Hope there is going to be a Season Two!
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