LEAVE YOUR MARK: Freshly Brewed Career Advice with Aliza Licht

Careers #229

How do you build your personal brand and succeed in your career? In her bestselling book, LEAVE YOUR MARK, Aliza Licht, award-winning marketer, and personal branding expert, answers these questions and more. On the podcast, Aliza brews fresh career advice every Wednesday with dynamic friends, delivering essential advice and motivation for succeeding in the working world where the most important thing you can have is a strong sense of self. Her new book, ON BRAND: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception. is a comprehensive roadmap to building your personal brand.

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Recent Reviews
  • My Story mom& business owner
    I could listen to Aliza all day long talk to a female entrepreneurs about how they built a business from nothing. I find it fascinating how women are so incredibly resourceful to think outside the box and create something where nothing existed once before! Aliza brings forth, incredible advice, also meshing her experience in the fashion world, which I appreciate as a jewelry, designer with ruction and life advice. I listen to this religiously.
  • Corki F.
    A must-listen no matter where you are in your career journey
    I was so excited to hear LYM was returning!!! I love listening to each guest’s unique story and insights, and always learn something that I can apply not only to my professional life but often my personal life as well. Aliza is such a dynamic and engaging host — she’s been missed! I can’t wait to have her in my ear buds again soon.
  • MB696
    Welcome back!!!
    Missed Aliza Licht’s voice and so excited she is back with new episodes! Re-read On Brand recently and feel like I took away new value; her advice inspires self-confidence and gives you the inspiration to take charge of your brand. Can’t wait to hear all the new content!
  • Joplosu
    A must hear!
    So dynamic and informative! Can’t wait for my college grad to listen to this!
  • AxelJude
    A worthwhile listen in a sea of podcasts
    I've been listening to Aliza's Podcast since it launched and find it educational and fun. As a host, she knows how to draw the most compelling information out of her guests. What makes this show even more of a must-listen, though, is Aliza's own professional experience and point of view, which she infuses into each episode. It's a great listen for anyone at any stage of their career.
  • okay pkay
    I listen every day and am constantly inspired
    Wish this existed 20 years when I was first starting in my career. Inspiring to hear so many successful women share their stories.
  • Ceasefirenowwww
    A typical Zionist/genocide supporter
    This woman is a pure evil, so obsessed with spreading lies and hateful/fake narratives against Arabs and muslims. Big shame on you and those who follow you and believe your lies🤢🤮🤮Free Palestine from the terrorist state of Israel 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
  • thatlollygirl
    genocidal ideologies
    Aliza has genocidal ideologies and exhibits Islamophobia, contributing to division and hatred in this country. It is imperative for us, as a global community, to actively condemn such beliefs and work towards creating an inclusive environment where diversity is embraced. By fostering empathy and challenging prejudiced perspectives, we can strive for a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or beliefs. Promoting tolerance and understanding is crucial in fostering a compassionate society, a trait which Aliza does not display.
  • Dani from NY
    Waste of time
    Poorly produced show, lacking in clarity and intent. Find another podcast, this is not worth your time.
  • MEGGY12099823
    Racist and evil person
    Aliza is a disgusting racist who supports genocide and ethnic cleansing. She is dangerous for humanity!
  • nooooo nicknameeee
    Aliza supports genocide. Boycott!!
    Aliza attended a fundraiser for the IDF as they are committing genocide in Gaza Do NOT listen to this!!
  • MaddzTaddz
    I had the pleasure of being at an event with Aliza recently which put me in her orbit and I’m so glad that it did because she IS IT! There’s no one I KNOW LIKE AND TRUST more when it comes to personal branding and shaping your narrative than her because she has been doing it for so long. Aliza is truly an EXPERT and I love her advice and value her digital mentorship so much!
  • stacypeace
    Incredible flow
    Thank you for having me on Aliza. What I love about our conversation is the the seamless flow . We touch on many topics and that’s because you know how to share others stories . Thank you xo Stacy Igel
  • hdsihdushd
    Love this podcast
    Wow love this podcast, I listen to this podcast and enjoy this.
  • Linda Ugelow
    Great energy and content
    The paths to a successful career are many. I love how this podcast gives us a close up view into each guest’s journey. I felt as though the host has me, the listener in mind, asking the questions that I’d want to know and hear about. I’ll be coming back again and again.
  • jhevers
    I love this podcast!
    Aliza provides such value on Leave Your Mark. I LOVE the accomplished guests she brings on and the conversations they have on business advice, failure, success and more. There is not an episode I have not enjoyed.
  • AnnaDsays
    Everyone no matter your career field can find advice that is applicable to your life, career, and/or job search. This is not just for-fashion people. It's for everyone. Aliza is a fantastic interviewer and her guests have real pearls of wisdom combined with some good laughs as well. Highly recommend!
  • APDuke
    Every Single Episode is Exquisite!
    Every time I listen, even if I think the episode might not pertain to me, at the end of the show I think, “WOW!” Aliza’s such a thoughtful interviewer, and her guests come from such diverse backgrounds that your mind is truly opened to perspectives and experiences you never would have heard before. I end up following someone new on Instagram every time I listen. Thank you, Aliza and team!
  • SocialLover
    Best Career Advise Podcast
    Aliza always has industry game changers on her show. It's something I look forward to every Sunday!
  • Nancy0707
    Aliza is fantastic!
    Great host and great guests! I enjoy these chats between very smart women who are changing the world!
  • Sklarra
    Great, actionable career podcast
    I always enjoy this podcast - great guests, with great questions from host Aliza Licht to bring out their stories and many useful takeaways for the listener. Highly recommended!
  • Tamikj
    How to Nail that Audition (or Interview)
    Loved this episode with Barbara Barna Abel! Aliza and Barbara give tons of insight into ways to stand out in any career. All of which I can easily translate to my real estate business! Standout, but most of all, be delightful! Thank you for all your Leave Your Mark podcasts Aliza!!
  • christinemjasper
    Super inspiring!
    All of these episodes are superb; it’s hard to single just one out. That said, the episode with Ara Katz really resonated with me. It has great, concrete advice, plus big picture ideas that are totally up my alley. Also, the one with Kristy Hurt indirectly led me to her networking group, The Co-lab, of which I am a founding member. The group is amazingly helpful, informative, and supportive. Thank you Aliza Licht for these amazing podcasts!!
  • Ariel Alexis
    Informative & Inspiring
    Ever since I came across Aliza’s book “Leave Your Mark” on Audibles, I have been addicted to her content. After finishing the book, I needed more from her so I searched looking to see if she had a podcast and of course she did! I have been listening to her podcast ever since. I love hearing about others’ stories within their career life. I find it to be inspiring and I take down plenty of tips that I can bring to my own career.
  • G Gretchko
    Green or seasoned, this podcast is for you
    I’ve been following Aliza since her days at DKNY and many of her tweets have stuck with me throughout my career. It’s only natural that she’d evolve to spoken word and continue to share her no-nonsense, firecracker wisdom. 💥 Whether you’re just starting out, breaking barriers, or simply in need of a bit of inspiration, Leave Your Mark is for you. Aliza and friends do not disappoint! 💪🏼 Subscribe, grab a coffee/tea/matcha, tell a friend, and tune-in. 💋
  • TamaraBehan
    Leave Your Mark
    Aliza you could teach a class on what everyone needs to know to succeed at just about anything! Your guest list rivals a who’s who of who is killing it within the industry. Love your old school method of tell me how you figured it out and love your interview style- laughter is the best medicine always- so glad you decided to skip med school 💜😘
  • JaimeNapoli
    Looking for career intel? You need this podcast in your life!
    Listened to the episode with Career Contessa founder Lauren McGoodwin while catching up on my podcasts while doing some data entry work...and it is absolute 🔥🔥🔥. If you aren’t already listening to Aliza and Lauren, get it together!! I love, love, love what Career Contessa is doing for women in the workplace. If you enjoy the Leave Your Mark podcast, you need to pick up Aliza’s book Leave Your Mark. Can’t recommend either enough, the book was exactly what I wish I had 20 years ago. Better late then never! ❤️ Had the honor of meeting her at an event in NYC, and she was so gracious and somehow relatable. That experience lead me to her book and ultimately here. Some nuggets of wisdom from this particular episode...Don’t compare and despair — Comparison really is the thief of joy. Ever suffered from an expectation hangover? Haven’t we all? Learn how Lauren dealt with that herself. And have y’all heard of a whisper network? I hadn’t, but we all need one!
  • kristenkaps
    Perfect for career and life advice
    This podcast has truly brough me so much motivation, drive, and happiness. Aliza has amazing guests with so much great information to offer. I always recommend this podcast to all my friends.
  • jazzyfayy!
    I read Aliza’s book at the beginning of 2019 after moving across the country (jobless) to chase a dream (job). The book provides SO MUCH relevant information for women on the workplace and the podcast dives even deeper with industry professionals to give a new perspective. Each podcast feels like a conversation with the coworker you look up to the most- it’s conversational, fun, and light-hearted while diving into a variety of topics. Thank you, Aliza!
  • justcallmemurray
    Aliza Licht Leaves More Than A Mark
    Aliza Licht leaves more than a mark ... She leads by example, inspires all around her, motivates you to think bigger, better, and outside of the box. Aliza is the genuine mentor that helps build your confidence to make things happen. I LOVE every one of her podcasts. When I think it can’t get any better ... she releases another incredible one!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👏🙌
  • JfromMiami
    Love this podcast!
    I just stumbled upon this podcast and am already hooked! I absolutely love hearing from different inspiring and successful women the ACTION that they took to get them to where they are! Thank you for sharing this information with us!!!
  • OhSophiesWorld
    My favorite podcast & companion for long walks
    The gold standard for career development advice for young women (and men) in the digital era! It’s my favorite thing to put on while going for a walk after a long day at work. It feels like I’m eavesdropping on the experienced friends and mentors I might never ever have yet they are still have at my fingertips thanks to Aliza. I’ve learned so many lessons, from the importance of having sponsors to boost your voice to the illusion of life-work balance as a young woman trying to build a home while making a career for herself. Most of all, I’ve felt inspired and encouraged to find a way to leave my mark. I was actually just put in charge of producing and launching a podcast for my company and I will be modeling a lot of my best practices after Leave Your Mark. Thank you again for being a constant inspiration and walking partner for this fellow redhead 💖
  • Alzar965
    One of my favorite podcast
    The advice that is shared and discussed throughout each episode is advice that would be an expensive monetary investment to learn and obtain really anywhere else. Aliza and the variety of guests on the show provide a wide spectrum of knowledge and expertise that can be applied to nearly any field of interest. Investing my time into listening weekly has been one of my most pleasurable and impactful investments to date!
  • Cmmnyc
    What we all need to listen to!
    Love this podcast and the selection of guests - they are all so insightful and refreshingly honest. All guests truly give a strong perspective of their industry while providing excellent advice to follow.
  • AAdores
    Business 101 from the ultimate Boss Lady
    I love this podcast! You get insightful, honest feedback from top business professionals who’ve been through the ups and downs of the ever changing technical & financial climate & knows what works. The “real talk” Aliza Licht artfully doesn’t hold back as she guides you through the personal and professional experiences that have made her a top author and ultimate Boss Lady. Her ease with guests makes for a fascinating listen while learning a ton! #FanGirl
  • gabikoshgarian
    Refreshing, Honest, Inspiring. Love this podcast!
    Love “Leave Your Mark” - the conversation around building your business and growing in your career no matter what it is is refreshing, honest and inspiring. No fluff or pretense, and always leaves me with tangible takeaways and deeper questions to ask myself that I can actually use to better myself and my business.
  • Karen Ortiz Esq.
    So many gems in every episode!
    I’m loving the Leave Your Mark podcast! Host Aliza Licht really extracts the best career (and life!) advice from her guests. Even when I think that a guest’s experience is not necessarily relevant to me, she proves me wrong by eliciting insightful, great career tips and mantras from her esteemed guest roster. Super duper content which flows like a coffee klatch!
  • jamieenyc
    Love love love Aliza!
    Aliza’s podcasts are simply fabulous - she is on point and brings a needed resource to help mentor and develop - in the most fun and inspiring way.
    Fun, Inspiring, relatable and applicable info in every podcast!
    There’s nothing better than feeling that somebody has read your business journal and is helping you find the answers to your everyday questions . I find Aliza’s podcast full of inspiring stories and amazing business advice which are told through fun and eloquent conversations with very relevant guests. I find myself taking lots of notes of every chapter ! 100% recommended !
  • Jakeemilymom
    Cate Nuzio is an inspiration
    I loved the Cate Nuzio episode. As a life coach and entrepreneur this really resonated with me. Super inspirational, great questions and so relevant. Thank you for sharing this!
  • jsstrays
    Girlfriends Guide to your career
    Most fun way to be mentored! It’s the girlfriends guide to career advice from some of the most influential, interesting and inspiring women (and some men) of our time.
  • KinseydRoberts
    Tim Dessaint Episode 🔥🔥
    I’m already a fan of Aliza and Leave Your Mark but the episode with Tim Dessaint was INCREDIBLE! I hope you’ll continue to bring on hustlers like Tim who provide super actionable tips and advice!
  • Gugjyfytdxuj
    This podcast is great!
    I love listening to Aliza and her fabulous guests. Aliza provides insight and inspiration that is much needed, and offers an awesome glimpse into fashion and public relations.
  • Gilbert71
    Love this Podcast!!!
    I’ve just started listening and this advice is amazing. I love that the podcasts are succinct and everything is very relatable. It’s great advice without feeling guilt!!! Highly recommend!!! I’ve already told my friends to get on it! Each episode is better than the last! The Stacy London episode was incredible!!!
  • mar belo
    Just wonderful!
    Refreshing! Aliza is a fantastic interviewer. Each episode has provided many resourceful take-aways from inspiring guests as well as the host herself. I look forward to each new episode, thank you Aliza!
  • Oh So Lelo
    Love love love this podcast
    I’m so happy I came across this podcast from @khurtconsulting! After listening to just one episode I was hooked! I heard almost all of Leave Your Mark’s episodes and keep finding myself wanting more. When she says it’s actionable advice, it’s exactly that! From the people interviewed and the stories they share to her the questions asked, I’ve learned so much already and can not wait for more episodes. Highly recommend for anyone thats looking for great advice of working in the fashion industry from boss women that are killing it! Every time I hear an episode it reminds me of why I started and inspires me to apply the advice in my life and career.
  • miller0242
    Great podcast!!
    Great guests, tips, advice, and stories!! As a college student this podcast has so many practical tips!
  • Lesley-Crews
    Inpsiration for EVERYONE
    Whether you're deep into a career you're unhappy in or you're just a college student wondering what your next step is going to be, this is the podcast for you. Aliza talks with some of the most prominent voices in the industry who share their success stories based on where they've been and how they've grinded to get to where they are. A MUST LISTEN if you're looking for quality inspiration to push you forward in your professional life!
  • Mari Behovitz
    Advice and Inspiration- A Must Listen!
    The LEAVE YOUR MARK podcast is a resource to anyone looking for career motivation and inspiration. I love that this podcast focuses on career advice, finding your passion, and building a personal brand aka leaving your mark. I love listening to LEAVE YOUR MARK on my way to work, it gets me motivated for the workday! I would highly recommend the LEAVE YOUR MARK podcast!
  • coffee&care
    The perfect extension of her incredible book.
    I remember when my admin and event planner, Micheala, and I both discovered your book. We discussed it like others discuss “The Hunger Games” or a Harry Potter book- passionately and excitedly. It encompassed so much of what we had been sharing in our D4LC (Disciplines 4 Leadership Communities) Conference sessions with high schoolers and in our various workshops. It kind of became our Bible when it came to interview/first impressions education. Then we found ourselves giving it to every intern at their hiring as required reading. While it could be that we covet your NYC life and fashion access, it is your voice we enjoy and respect. You gave a voice and relevance to much of what we were frustrated with when it came to applicants, their applications, and their lack of ALL. THE. THINGS. Now that your podcast is out, I am hooked. Literally every episode I find myself sending it to someone or many because they need it. I had often wondered if you’d write another book, but honestly, this medium is perfect. I love that you are bringing in your fabulous friends to address relevant topics backed by incredible stories and experiences that truly embodies the depth needed to truly be successful. Thank you. Keep putting out your incredible message. This world needs your shine and epic relentless desire to help everyone leave their mark. Thank you, Maile
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