At Last She Said It


At Last She Said It is a podcast that seeks to amplify and explore a variety of voices, stories, ideas and experiences of Mormon women.

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Recent Reviews
  • Nicole H🍄
    I have intended to write this review for over a year now, but I keep putting it off because I don’t know how to put into words how life-changing At Last She Said it has been for me. It is my favorite podcast of all time - it feeds my soul in a way I did not know was possible, and I cannot wait for new episodes to come out. Cynthia and Susan have put words to feelings I have never been able to articulate and have made me feel supported and validated and like there is a place for me. My faith has expanded so much, and I realized I actually can be a spiritual person and have a relationship with God in a way that works for me. The latest season on women’s spirituality has been especially transformative and is exactly what I have been thirsting for. My husband is also an avid listener and so much of your content has resonated with and inspired him too. Cynthia and Susan (and guests) have helped us navigate our expanding faith together and created a welcoming space for complicated feelings. I cannot thank you enough for the work you do!!
  • wackywaltons
    Encouraging and Empowering
    My friend introduced me to the ALSSI podcast a few years ago (thanks Jeralee!) and I am a big fan of the content and conversations. Cynthia and Susan are strong examples of women who think deeply and live their lives with authenticity. I feel more personal peace and confidence as I’ve embraced the beauty of every person being unique and that we can celebrate dancing to the beat of our own drums.
  • dancingcow7
    Great Perspectives
    Susan and Cynthia are two sides to one coin and I am always so glad to hear their diverse perspectives on all the topics they discuss. I appreciate how different of personalities they have because I feel like I get to relate and gain some empathy for those who aren’t like me all at once. They are so good at broadening their perspectives with each conversation and I truly feel seen and understood in their discussions. I learn a ton and I have loved the community aspect that has grown with this podcast as well. I can’t seem to get enough of ALSSI.
  • Monica LPM
    The community you’ve been searching for
    This podcast and the community that goes with it feels like home. Thanks for making space for people like me ♥️
    I found my people!
    When I heard my first episode of ALSSI over a year ago, I cried in relief that I was no longer alone. I was no longer the only one who felt the way I felt about So. Many. Things. Hearing their wise, intelligent, kind, and humorous voices discussing issues that have caused hurt for so many years was the balm I never knew I needed! Their guests are women I will most likely never meet, but I adore! Thank you, Cynthia and Susan, for creating space for so many. This is truly a society of relief!
  • stace411
    Not alone
    So many episodes where I cry because someone is saying it out loud. Thank you ❤️
  • CaliRadoFun
    Drop it like it’s hot
    I look forward every week to a new episode dropping and I’ve learned I have to be doing something active while I listen—because each episode gets me fired up. These women put words to my emotions, validation to my pain, and an infusion to my otherwise anemic religious experience. I know first hand saying these things comes with a cost—be it social capital within your congregation, risk or threat of retaliation and backlash, loss of friendships, and the emotional drain of always sitting in complexity. Thank you for this labor of love. May the rewards of finally “saying it” outweigh the price you both pay to provide us this content.
  • mjaoprW
    At last, at last, at last
    Cynthia and Susan’s conversations give me hope, insight, inspiration and bravery.
  • noeyp21
    My favorite podcast!
    I love hearing these faithful women discuss the issues within the Church of Jesus Christ. Their insights are thoughtful and relevant and help me process my own thoughts and emotions. I highly recommend!
  • Flygirlkrissy
    Favorite podcast
    This podcast has allowed me to find my voice knowing that there are so many women who feel these things deeply. My favorite way to wake up, is a new episode waiting.
  • Pri-s
    Thank you Cynthia and Susan!
    Listening to the diverse range of women’s perspectives and life experiences on At Last She Said It has been incredibly meaningful to me—like a spiritual lifeline. I eagerly anticipate each new episode of this podcast. Over the past six months I’ve listened to just about every episode. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking enriching insights and inspiration in their spiritual growth journey. —P
  • cantelope.
    My saving grace
    Going through a faith deconstruction or “crisis” is not easy. Specifically coming from a high-demand religion like the LDS church, it feels very unnatural to embrace personal autonomy and expression. It’s easy to feel isolated, trodden down, and confused. Susan and Cynthia make me feel seen, understood, and human in every episode. They find words for what I feel inside and help me feel like I can breathe. They speak with so much love and so much Jesus. Thank you ladies for finally giving voice to things we’ve felt and thought for so long but haven’t felt like we could share. I love you both!
  • Seggers156
    Free therapy
    Absolutely love this podcast!! They are each incredible women and have great guests on. I feel seen when I listen to this podcast as much as I do in therapy… and this is free! Thanks so much Cynthia and Susan!
  • genna with a g
    One of the best parts of my week
    I look forward to every episode. This podcast is such a balm to my soul and a place where I can feel seen .
  • stephinut
    A balm for my weary soul
    This podcast feels like having two brilliant best friends who validate my spiritual frustrations and heartache and offer thoughts and ideas for moving into a more expansive and meaningful way of meeting God and interacting with the LDS church. I look forward to every single episode.
  • jowrites
    Essential listening for Mormon women
    This podcast has become essential listening for me. Without it, I think I would’ve given up on the church entirely. Cynthia and Susan give me hope that there are people like me out there, and they make me feel like I’m not crazy for feeling the way I feel and that it’s ok to be a Mormon woman who has LOTS of problems with the church as it is. I’m so grateful for this podcast!
  • chowdownwithal
    My favorite podcast ever
    This podcast is a balm to my soul. Susan and Cynthia repeatedly say exactly what I need to hear.
  • Kvjcjdjdkjsy
    Literally my light in a dark room
    Susan and Cynthia make me feel less alone in the dark tunnel that is deconstruction. I deeply enjoy their honest dialogue and I so wish I could talk with a group of like minded individuals as often as I listen to these two women. Never stop saying “it”!!
  • James8097
    I am thankful for the opportunity to hear so many of my thoughts processed here. Thank you for being bold and for giving us voice!
  • Sunny86543
    Thank you for speaking your truth!
    Sometimes I feel like a cynic, a doubter, and a questioner with no place among the faithful, but your podcast has helped me to see that my winding path is just all part of the journey. I know there are others like me and I don’t feel so alone or weird! I even feel proud of my questioning.
  • Rvsheffer
    Speaking my thoughts!
    Could it be there are other women like me?? Thank you, thank you for your willingness to speak out and speak up about the truth of our experiences.
  • Maria LSWr
    Love, love, love.
    Listening to this podcast helps me feel ok being me. I’m shy, and I think outwardly I come off as fairly orthodox, inwardly I’m quite nuanced. Susan and Cynthia make room for everyone at the table. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
  • KClay40
    Love Love Love these conversations!!!
    Cynthia and Susan are so great to give everyone’s stories a turn and a space
  • here_early
    My favorite podcast ever
    This podcast has done sooo much for me
  • orange rainbow
    Really thoughtful and considerate content
    This podcast really helped me to feel understood in so many of my thoughts and feelings about the LDS faith. The first episode I ever listened to was all about garments and it helped me feel like I wasn’t bad or letting Satan get a hold of my thoughts for feeling complicated about that issue. I had actually already left the church but hearing these hosts talk in such an understanding and kind way made me feel like I was getting a hug. So much of the struggle with the church is that they teach it’s bad to question or have doubts, so it can make you feel like a bad person for just having a normal human response to bizarre rules and norms common in the church. I have made the best choice for my life and future by not participating in church, but if I went to the same ward as the hosts I’d prob still go sometimes just for the community aspect! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings, vulnerability, and kindness with the world!
  • 4cutegirls
    Articulate and Thoughtful Provoking
    When someone first told me about this podcast they said they liked it because they are active members but they refuse to wear rose colored glasses and act like things are perfect in the church. I agree! They put a lot of effort into each episode and you can tell. Highly recommend!
  • Mbfoster68
    From a supportive husband
    Thank you for your podcast. I’m a husband and father to 2 sons and a queer daughter. I’ve always thought of myself as a feminist. However after listening to your podcasts, I realize I have a lot of work to do. I’m currently in a stake presidency and have been in bishoprics but lately have been hanging on by a thread. In addition to helping me expand my feminist perspective, your podcast has been great in that it gives me insight that it’s ok to be a cafeteria mormon. I mean we are all cafeteria Mormons , we just opt to take different items from the buffet. Your podcast also gives my wife and I an opening to deeper doctrinal questions and topics. It’s quickly replacing the very vanilla “come follow me” manual as our new study guide. Thank you for your dialogue and showing my a different perspective to expand my faith with!!!
  • Onedirection76
    What something you know today?
    I know this is truth. I know Heavenly Mother is real and she speaks to me through this podcast. ❤️
  • Morning_Owl17
    I Feel Seen
    This is my go-to podcast to bask in belonging and to stretch my nuanced muscles and make space. Thanks for helping me feel seen. đź’›
  • Lyricart
    They put MY thoughts into words.
    I’ve fought through the struggle of being a woman in a patriarchal organization my entire adult life but didn’t have time, social capital, or the will to face these things head on. When I found this podcast I binged EVERYTHING because AT LAST - someone was saying what I’ve always felt and thought. Just knowing I’m not the only one thinking this has been so important. When I speak up during lessons at church, providing more Christlike views than what is being taught, I am amazed at how many other women will say “I’m so glad you said that.” If we had the freedom to speak what we thought things might be different. Because of their courage I’ve gained courage and I can now appreciate the many GOOD things about the church and let go of, or speak up about, the harmful things. All I can say is, my heartfelt thanks!
  • katerich
    Liberating to know I’m not alone
    Gosh, it’s so easy to feel alone at church when your views are different. Susan & Cynthia are incredible, thoughtful, fun, sensitive, inclusive and everything I feel I’m missing at church. They say the quiet part out loud and it has helped me so much over the years. Thank you for your solidarity!
  • healing testimony
    The courage is contagious!
    I love this podcast so much! It’s so liberating. Thank you for giving me so much HOPE in what seems like a hopeless space. ❤️
  • notutahmormon
    Some facts not accurate
    Thought provoking but be sure to fact check. Some things they say are not correct. They may be their experience but not church policy.
  • JaiBhagti
    I've never been really into podcasts. I've tried a couple and usually enjoy an episode or two before losing interest. This podcast blew my mind every single episode! It's not that anything here was new. Very little of it is new. I've thought most of these things myself many times. But it's bold, brave, funny, spiritual, and embodies a sisterhood I've always sought. One where it's safe to talk about anything. Where it's safe to finally peel off that fake smile and declare that women deserve better! I listened to every episode back to back, tearing through multiple episodes in a single day.
  • azstaciiiiii
    My favorite podcast
    I turn to this podcast often when I feel alone or unseen at church. Cynthia and Susan are fantastic hosts. I appreciate the knowledge they share and also that they back up so much of their topics by research/reliable sources. The guest speakers are great too. I’m glad to have found a space of community and commonality.
  • TamaraKay42
    Beautiful podcast
    This podcast articulates all the feelings, concerns, and hopes I have around the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is such a comfort to know that these two wise women see the world like it do and that I am not alone. Thank you and keep the podcasts coming!
  • AlyssaKay95
    This show is quickly becoming my favorite podcast. It makes me feel heard and like there’s a space for me at church when so many think you have to be all in or all out.
  • hecallsmeshell
    So grateful for these women
    It’s difficult to feel all the things I feel about my complicated relationship with the church, and feel alone in all of it. Finding Cynthia and Susan and this community was a breath of air when it felt like my religious life was crushing me. I love you ladies so, so dearly. Also, this has been helpful for my husband to listen to. Hearing the personal experiences of other women he would not otherwise have heard helps him see my struggles in a wider context. There are thousands of women who strive to be kind, who love God, and who also feel stifled by their own church. At last, someone said it. 💛 Thank you!
  • 19283jd
    Room for me
    At last she said it makes me feel less alone. Comforts me that there are some women and men who are willing to talk about tricky things in Christian church systems, specifically the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The podcasts helps me feel like there is still room for me and my evolving beliefs.
  • rklarsen
    Cannot begin to thank you
    Your ministry has been pivotal, mind, and heart-expanding for me. I’ve dug deeper into my relationships with heaven and my fellow humans because of the topics you bring up, and create space to consider from any angle. Thank you for shattering the false sense of security we sometimes create for ourselves, and thank you for lovingly welcoming us into real security, the kind that comes with autonomy and honesty. I love this space and the work you do here.
  • cute stylish kearl
    Pure gold!
    One of my very favorite podcasts! So many ideas and insights that have been valuable to me. Susan and Cynthia are pure gold. ❤️
  • reddish22
    Thanks for creating this space for women!
    I love every episode! Thanks you!!
  • Motherspy
    Believing pieces
    Cynthia and Susan, thank you so much for your bravery, your insightful thoughts, and your faith in God. You have helped me discover that I can be faithful to all the things that feel true to me, while still allowing space for questions and even parts of church that I can no longer accept (like polygamy, ug!). When I started my deep dive into the questions on my shelf, I was so scared. I found your podcast about a year ago and learned that I could examine each piece and choose what to keep and what to leave behind. I didn’t know it didn’t have to be all or nothing. You saved me from a chaotic spin out. I am still at church and believing in beautiful pieces of it, largely because of what I have learned and felt while listening to ALSSI.
  • Bobof5
    This podcast brings me so much hope and peace. I’m so glad these ladies are saying the things I’ve been feeling and thinking for so long.
  • amydlady6
    So insightful!!
    So grateful to have found this podcast! Especially found episode #111 to be particularly eye-opening to me, especially the part about passing a durable relationship with God on to my children. I wish I would have known this when I was raising my kids at home! So grateful to see the importance of this now!
  • Karamiree
    I ❤️ALSSI
    Cynthia and Susan have been my port in the storm of faith crisis. They’ve encouraged me to trust myself and find the spiritual path that belongs wholly to me, whether that’s in or out of the LDS church. While their podcast is geared specifically toward LDS women, I think women of any traditional, patriarchal faith will recognize themselves here, and find belonging and acceptance and a voice.
  • Kaela U.
    Spiritual solace
    I can’t even put into words the comfort, strength, peace, and hope this podcast brings to my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • k.oaks
    Highlight of my week!
    I look forward to ALSSI each and every Tuesday. I’m so appreciative of the time and research that Susan and Cynthia put into each episode. They have truly created a caring community for women who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as those who have stepped away from the institution. Susan and Cynthia freely share their thoughts and opinions while acknowledging that listeners may have different lived experiences. Their weekly topics will lure you in, their insight and humor will keep you coming back!
  • mmmmmmmmmmmort
    Excellent discussions
    This podcast should be mandatory listening for anyone in the LDS church, whether your faith is more orthodox or more progressive. The topics they discuss are so important, whether you are listening to increase your empathy and understanding for those who struggle or whether you struggle yourself and need to know you’re not alone. They put a lot of thought and research into each discussion, and do so through a lens of grace and compassion.
  • Texas Tall TALES
    Dealers of hope and grace
    I appreciate Cynthia and Susan’s honest exploration of difficult topics. They have given voice to many of my internal struggles.
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