Complex PTSD Recovery: We Are Traumatized M***********s


Part of the Traumatized Motherfuckers' Research Project: What you need to know about CPTSD, in bitesized summaries of our in-depth research efforts. Peer-reviewed research and irreverent dark humor meet trauma recovery, without the "bright sides." Let's talk about the complicated experience of rectifying a life built on trauma, relearning how to have relationships, and re-imagining your future... in micro chunks. (When you're ready, jump into the deep end, detailed below.)

You aren't alone, damaged, doomed, or dead yet. But with all the grit and gumption necessary to keep growing, you might be a real MF.

For the full project (400+ "research meets real life" episodes, hour+ deep dives & multipart series, videos, transcripts, workbooks, private community, and beyond go to: Not ready yet? Subscribe to get all recent releases right on Spotify: Complex PTSD Recovery: We Are Traumatized Motherfuckers on Spotify. For more info on the project go to:

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Recent Reviews
  • Kristin1986!
    Instant 5 stars
    Thank you - I can digest this info and the humor is appreciated.
  • TheMindyN
    Grateful Partner
    The most direct and thorough deep dive into what people that have experienced trauma (and us current / former partners) face so we can try to wrap our heads around what is going on. Grateful for the insights.
  • Trying hard but Not today
    Monotone voice left me uninspired despite great topics
    Topic is great but the monotone production like she’s reading a script and is bored out of her mind caused me to unfollow
  • ani jo
    A review, gratitude, and appreciation
    I found this podcast about a year ago while searching for answers on a term a friend had casually thrown out. I listened to a few episodes and found so much relief in the humor, the relatability, and the education. I subscribed, worked on myself, and stepped away feeling nice and healed. Cut forward to a year later, I was in complete despair and apathy and I found myself back seeing a new therapist who just wasn’t getting it. I tuned in again and wouldn’t you know - I’m finding that sense of community again in your words. Thank you for not only guiding my search for a therapist who understands trauma and CPTSD but also for shedding light on something not many people understand. It’s been a true beacon of light while I shed my old self and find ways to cope with building a new self and healing my relationship with myself above all. I ESPECIALLY appreciate the tone and the dark humor - it provides such needed breaks in the dark. I’m sharing as often as I can. Thanks for all your work. Much love and respect.
  • Sam Ferguson 1
    Very helpful, with one gripe
    This is a great resource with tons of useful information. I really appreciate that this exists. My one complaint is that the host has a constant sarcastic/gallows humor tone with everything she says. That style is great entertainment, but combined with how densely packed with information this is, I find the tone to kind of throw me off and make it hard to absorb it all. Like, her tone isn’t offensive, it’s just that my brain has a hard time literally understanding the information when it’s presented that way. Hard to explain.
  • mikegrilli
    Just got diagnosed
    Just wanted to thank you for creating this space. I’m hoping to getting involved with this community. Again, thank you.
  • Ice Wall Warrior
    Thank you for making me feel like I’m not alone.
    I’m 51 years old and I have felt out of place my entire life. Turning to drugs and alcohol to cope. Your first podcast made me understand that I’m not the only person that feels this way. Even though I’ve accomplished a lot in life I’ve always felt like an impostor and then I’m lost. Now I feel like I have hope for the first time. So please keep it up.
  • Wm5455
    I’m 64 and CPTSD has disrupted my entire life - an entire lifetime of decades. Mental hospitals, rests, therapy, religion, pills - and little relief. I’m 64 and my health is declining and I have made little progress with dim outlook on my future. I have no friends - I tried and they find out and leave - I’m so very tired. I found this podcast a few nights ago and it speaks to me. It helps. I feel for anyone with this terrible disease and the stigma that accompanies it.
  • FloweringofLife
    Excellent Insider CPTSD Guide!
    Jess so beautifully and vulnerably shares her healing journey, her learnings, as they are arising moment to moment for her. All the gorgeous, messy leaps forward and two steps back. She has helped me to have so much compassion for my own messy, complex healing journey. I’d recommend joining her discord group as well, as there is a lot of wisdom and support in the TMFR community. If you are trying to understand and heal from your own CPTSD and developmental/relational trauma, this podcast is a fantastic companion 💕✨
    Love your realness
    Great trauma education/ strategies to overcome!
  • NeptuneMartian
    This is keeping me sane.
    I cannot lie, she feels like the type of friend I need. I struggle with C-PTSD & listening to this podcast makes me feel seen & heard. I’m deeply grateful to have found this podcast. She says everything you need to hear & her radical way of just stating the truth, I applaud her authenticity .
  • updateisadowngrade
    Like 10 minutes in and it feels like I’m listening to the inside of my own brain…
  • Autumn Flew
    So helpful
    Jess articulates exactly what I have been living with my whole life. Long ago I was diagnosed with CPTSD but was so focused on the anxiety/panic and weeks and weeks of hiding in my bed or "knocking my self out" so I could sleep away the pain if I had to wake up. Which I always did, despite attempts not to. Jess has brought to light that so many unprocessed traumatic points of my life are the core issue. The anxiety/panic/ADD/depression have been symptoms of the CPTSD. If you have or love someone with CPTSD, this podcast is very helpful. The Patreon has great bonus materials and there is much comfort in knowing that it's not just you in the blanket fort. There's a bunch of us mother fucers. We're in this together and with the world as it is now, I expect more will be joining us.
  • Alpha Anna
    motherF@!$er- THANK YOU!
    I have had so many podcasts explain, in very bland “wiki how to fix ptsd step by step” narrative, what this world looks like through my eyes. I am so grateful to have this snarky, brilliant, truth telling motherFAWKER give me a hard slap across the face reminder that indeed- everyone is damaged. I feel that I stumbled on the chief who is welcoming me- AND YOU- into the mental basket case, of other fawkers in search of validation Thank you so much, Jess!! Keep this going- PLEASE!!
  • Halaforadala
    Jess, thank you. Wishing you the best!
    Jess has made me feel seen and heard. Complex Trauma Recovery; We Are Traumatized M***********s is playing a huge role in my recovery. This is THE podcast for traumatized mofos.
  • jennyfrmtheblock801
    So thankful for this show.
    I’ve listened to the first 5 episodes so far and just cried in validation. I’m so appreciative for a non-religious view point with actual scientific facts instead of bible verses. She snarky and real I’m looking forward to finishing this and joining the patreon
  • carefullistener123
    F’n Amazing
    Love the combo of brain science & psychology. Host is sassy and intelligent. 5 stars!!
  • delsan19
    A motherfxckin movement
    Finally a podcast that shares academic neuroscience in a way that keeps you intrigued and hopeful. And she is real. She’s going through it with us. Thank you Jess. ✌🏼
  • YTim4
    Jess is brilliant
    You have to be a hero basically to continue to strive for your own future as she is doing while simultaneously producing book-worthy academic level content for the good of others like me. May the Lord Jesus be near you and bless you this tough holiday season, Jess.
  • Kkae4
    Why the bad language?
    I mean come on, I’m trying to better myself with these self-help podcasts, not fill my head with bad language. Why the need to ruin something that could be helpful? It’s much easier to leave out the bad words. When a mental health professional uses bad language, it makes me think so less of them, no respect. Also keep in mind that people who are dealing with cptsd may have been abused by people using those same bad words!!!
  • blueTealSquad
    so helpful
    I really like when the concepts are broken down graphically, really aids my understanding
  • catPerson5667
    Love it
    The trauma content is really relevent to people in recovery
  • xOceana
    I liked it…until I heard their opinion on medications.
    I appreciate most of the advice and input the host has given, but I became pretty put off when in an episode she stated in one episode that “medications should only be short term” and “don’t rely on them forever” (paraphrasing). I get that’s her stance on it, but I truly believe that POV is pretty naive. Obviously no one wants to be on these medications forever (or like…at all), but there are individuals that do require these types of medications for either long term or the rest of their lives. It really made me tell “less than”, and those comments I feel like are veiled opinions of how medication isn’t as helpful as you think.
  • vitamindanproductions
    Wow just wow
    Everyone who’s dealing with trauma needs to listen to this. I love how Jess breaks things down, doesn’t over complicate things.. can’t wait to finish the entire series
  • ANE2993
    I’ve never felt so seen
    So relatable and easy to understand. Thank you!
  • mj09387474792
    More analytic than prescriptive
    Majority of the speaking covers an analytic and enlightened perspective. Meaning lots of “you’re messed up”, and nothing really about how to fix your thoughts. I’d like to see more prescriptive thoughts on how to heal and fix yourself.
  • saaaaaangie.
    I was shaking, this is amazing! Had no idea how I was being used by my mother in law and the validation is amazing. I can’t believe how much I relate to all of your podcasts and I’m so happy I found you’re show!
  • olovbolt
    Life changing
    This podcast was what I needed to finally make a move towards saving myself instead of other people who did not want to change. Thanks to Jess and her guests for being brave enough to do this thing!
  • Caity Capra
    My absolute favorite podcast!!
    This podcast has helped me in more ways than I can even explain. Jess provides so much helpful information on trauma recovery and has such a broad education on mental health recovery. Discovering this podcast has not only helped me better understand myself and my journey with trauma but Jess is just an extremely relatable human for myself and I’m sure many other who struggle with complex trauma. This is the perfect podcast to listen to even if you’re just feeling lonely and need a little one sided conversation with a friend. I’ve recommended it to my sister and so many friends. Seriously if you struggle with any kind of trauma I highly recommend 12/10.
  • SilverChart
    This podcast has helped greatly as I continue to heal my own childhood trauma. It is great that everyone talks so openly and honestly about their experiences. It took me decades to uncover and give voice to the traumatized and terrorized child inside and my healing continues to this day. Thanks so much for doing this podcast and for being so straight forward in breaking the silence of childhood trauma. It truly is s gift that will help millions.
  • LanaMeow
    Best CPTSD resource
    Jess’ podcast is the first place I have found that talks about all the stuff I never knew how to verbalize. I see that my experience was real and that others also understand. Jess’ vulnerability plus data driven approach really helps me on the healing journey. Thank you
  • jsupercutie
    So Happy I Found This Podcast!! New Fave!
    I found this podcast and I absolutely love the down-to-earth approach. I like the way she tells things like it is instead of a glossed over, dull, old school way to talk about mental health I hear on so many other podcasts. Sometimes you need it by the book and other times you just want to listen to another person talk about the struggle of how it hard it can feel to be human. She does this perfectly. I absolutely adore her untraditional approach of talking about such emotional subjects. It makes me feel like I called up a supportive friend in a time of need. I highly recommend this for someone who wants a podcast to talk about those sensitive topics with a bit of human touch and flare.
  • thespark93
    I’m so thankful to know that I’m not alone and that there are others who experience the same thoughts. Thank you so much for making this podcast.
  • yankee fannn <3333333
    Best analysis of CPTSD I’ve ever heard
    my (ex) fiancé and her 3 kids suffer from CPTSD from prior spousal and child abuse. The ran away from me in the most extreme ways. CPTSD has cost me my family. Ever since I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about this horribly destructive condition that affects the victims and their supporters yet the abuser walks free. THIS REDUX PODCAST is more than all the experts I’ve talked to. Thank you so much!!!
  • -willc
    Beautifully broken and honest
    I just finished listening to complex trauma andInsecure attachments. I am a guy and, wow, I felt like you were inside my head eloquently yet viscerally describing who I am. Thank you for your raw honesty. I’ve been on the path to healing over the last couple years and listening to you today contributed another step in my healing journey. Thank you again.
  • CC_in_the_CV
    Love this podcast, but not sure about the music
    I love this show and find it so helpful for learning about CPTSD. The only thing is, I wonder if maybe the music is too intense? It makes me jump whenever I hear it and I scramble to turn it down. As we know, a lot of people with CPTSD have amped-up nervous systems that can be easily overwhelmed by loud sounds. I will continue to listen to this podcast because I appreciate the content a lot, and I’ll just turn down the music, but I did want to mention that if I find it intense, other listeners might as well. Keep up the good work! Thanks.
  • Rschmid9
    Helpful and hopeful
    Was intentionally searching for a podcast focused on PTSD (for my partner, and no they didn’t ask me to do that) and found that the discussion around C-PTSD and shame to be very helpful to me personally, given my own upbringing in an authoritarian household with a mom who was pretty verbally and emotionally abusive and a dad who was physically violent and abusive during my youngest years. Also the whole martyr complex and inability to care for my own basic needs while being hyper focused on other people’s needs, and how that creates a very debilitating feedback loop in my closest’s all good stuff, painful but good.
  • ekho314
    Oh, so other people have that too?
    Oh dang. Super relatable and informative, and on such a broad and relevant range of subject matter. Thank you thank you for your work and for your authenticity and vulnerability... but, like, maybe get out of my brain?! It’s spooky. 🖤🙃
  • matchamochi93
    I really appreciate how vulnerable and relatable this podcast is! As someone who is about to start writing about complex PTSD for a job in this conversational, honest way, I know I’m on the right track and feel reassured about sharing my own experiences ~ this podcast shows me how powerful that form of sharing can be. I feel less alone and more at peace listening in. The balance between being super conversational with a hint of scholarly is really cool, I haven’t listened to an episode I don’t like, so whatever intuitive format is going on is really working.
  • mariizzy
    From the moment I listened to my first episode I knew I had stumbled upon something that would be life changing. This podcast and the community it represents are helping me develop a deeper understanding of my life.
  • Perfume Garden
    Episode on Trauma Loops is So SPOT ON
    I'm a 32 year old woman with CTPSD, ADHD symptoms and anxiety. The host's delivery in a semi-flat voice is literally everything. Most relatable Podcast on CPTSD I've ever listened to.
  • fgds77
    Very Insightful
    As a veteran with C-PTSD, I’ve learned much more about recovery from those who have “been through it” than trained clinicians.
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