Huberman Lab


Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

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Recent Reviews
  • Lu Hart
    Best medical podcast
    I cannot miss an episode! Technical but so well done anyone can follow.
  • deedeel129
    Thank You for sharing Your absolute gold.
    The way you ask questions - the style in which you interview…all of it is so so incredible. Thank you for what you do Dr. Huberman !
  • Penguinita30
    Thorough Research
    I’m really impressed with the variety of guests speaking on many aspects of health. I truly respect Huberman’s dedication to sharing knowledge.
  • Pete3312
    Dr Casey Mean and metabolic health
    Great discussion, would love to hear more about the fueling of CrossFit which is highly intense and demands carbohydrates and recommendations for utilizing more refined carbs for this to increase performance and intensity versus fruits and vegetables which can be more slowly spiking glucose . Is there a time and place for more refined fasting carbs versus ones slower and Highly dense in micronutrients?
  • Julie Bockey
    Excellent discussion with Dr. Sims
    Could not be organized in a better way to encourage women to tackle one strategy at a time- or jump right in 👊🏻
  • Kwame Yebo
    I love huberman for his monologues but this particular conversation on emotional intelligence wasn't one of those. He's over-talking the guest and injecting himself into the conversation unnecessarily. If you bring an expert into the room, let them speak. Resist the temptation to always direct the guest. Let us flow. The Diary of a CEO podcast host does a great job at this.
  • michaeljk86
    This podcast is amazing. If you haven’t been listening, I highly recommend. Every episode I’ve listened to has been fantastic.
  • The Bern's Mom
    Stacy Sims
    This was a great discussion for all women to listen to. This pod is not always my favorite but this episode will pull me back in. Stacy Sims is extremely knowledgeable and I appreciate you having her discuss.
  • NumberOneFan1234567
    Never have I come across a podcast with scientific facts and insights that affect all dimensions of human behavior and quality of life. What a blessing to live in the age of time when this type of knowledge is made free to everyone willing to invest on the topics. Thank you!
  • breakdown medicine
    You’re always there
    This podcast has for me been a wonderful resource. It seems every time I say to myself, I want to know more about ——-, there’s a Huberman Lab podcast about it. I just listened to the episode on salt and now feel like an expert. Thank you.
  • coolcucumber1234
    Highly recommend
    I’ve learned so much from this podcast and I’m so thankful that I stumbled upon it. all of the information is so valuable and I love how it’s broken down into a very organized way in terms that are easy to understand.
  • dnvrbb
    Conversation ratio
    Love the show and Andrew, but I’m listening to Dr Beck’s episode and you are barely letting her speak. You ask a question with 5 questions in a row that get so specific there is barely any room for range in the answer. Just one man’s opinion!
  • Syrahhh24
    This is an amazing podcast! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!
  • mdavisg
    Love your show
    Can you do a show on osteoporosis and NASA training for bone loss??
  • Rman 2012
    Optimal Protocols for Studying and Learning
    Very helpful information to retain information and prevent forgetting which was presented in a most useful way. Sharing this with my sons!
  • 6085mc
    Aesthetician for a cosmetic Dermatologist
    I just found your Podcast and it is truly amazing! I just listened to the one about skin and talk about educational!! I am saving this to listen to it over and over. I love learning new facts about the skin to pass on to my patients! Thank you!
  • 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕒
    Insane content for free!
    I can't believe we have access to the information and experts like this for free. All information is shared in an easy and understandable wow way, while including the Science and data behind virtually every statement. I find it to be agenda, free and informative. Thank You!
  • Streetlength
    Quality content
    Dr. Huberman does a great job of explaining things in terms a non scientist can understand and makes quality research information available to the public. Definitely give it a listen.
  • Maureenveterinarian
    This podcast is full of clear, effective and actionable protocols. I teach medical students and recommend they listen every semester. Thank you!!
  • ndority
    Dr Nicole Dority
    As a physical therapist, I see a vast array of patients with Cervical, lumbar, and pelvic pain. This podcast is an invaluable resource for both me, as a clinician, as well as my patients. I am beginning to use somatic therapy (and breathwork) and biomechanics and postural correction, with my patients facing chronic pain to help support the SNS upregulation, as well as to help support the patient with gaining back agency. Pain does NOT have to define them. Thank you, Dr Huberman ps: my favorite all time episode has been with Dr Martha Beck, who is my absolute hero - her work can help every, single one of us.
  • Love these Gifs
    Master Class
    I learned so much regarding the mind, spirituality, honesty, addiction, self compassion, kindness, co-dependency to name a few human navigational items that are covered in this podcast. Both Huberman and Beck are so willing to explore and explain their understanding of themselves and the human experience. Loved this podcast!!!
  • Atled7735
    From Obesity to Optimal Health: How Andrew Huberman's Podcast Transformed My Life
    I can’t recommend the Andrew Huberman podcast enough! As someone who recently turned 41 and was struggling with obesity, low energy, and unhealthy habits, discovering his podcast has been nothing short of life-changing. Andrew dives deep into topics about the human body and health, breaking down complex subjects in a way that’s both informative and easy to understand. Since I started listening, I’ve experienced a complete transformation. I’ve lost 20 lbs and am on track to lose 20 more. My sleep has improved significantly, and I now have the energy and focus to train every day. His insights have helped me quit drinking, eat healthier, and adopt habits that have made me feel better than I have in years. Whether I’m driving to work or just need some motivation, Andrew’s podcast keeps me informed and inspired. I can’t thank him enough for the impact he’s had on my health and life. Highly recommended for anyone looking to take control of their health!
  • JoyfulWisdomandLove
    Lovely conversation with Martha Beck
    This was such a good discussion between the two of you. I really enjoyed hearing a man's perspective on her work and teachings. As she says (paraphrasing here), if we can follow our integrity and shed the cultural expectations that don't work for us, we can be whole.
  • phobeeeee
    Dr. Beck
    Not my favorite. All I heard was me, me, me, it’s all about my authenticity, my happiness. For being so open minded, I felt she was quite judgmental in a passive aggressive way if you disagreed. Very typical these days in academia, which is unfortunate.
  • thetinibop
    Enjoy the guest speaker episodes
    The episodes with guest speakers are by far my favorite. I’m not sure I love the endorsement of all these products and Im scared someone left a review asking Hubberman to endorse Harris for president when Trump is the logical choice.
  • Critically happy
    While the actual podcast is interesting and informative, the “sponsors” mentioned are invasive and annoying. Inside tracker did not have sufficient info on their FAQ so I sent them an inquiry which they did not answer, however my email now is being targeted with their marketing emails which I never agreed to. I simply asked them a question. Of course now I wonder how they would handle my private information If they cannot even respect my email.
  • Persistent Gra
    BEST podcast EVER!!!
    An amazing and consequential podcast. I’m half through “The Way of Integrity”. I learned a lot about both Martha Beck and Andrew.
  • turtllgurll
    A gift
    To us all, for free. So helpful!
  • Ek.r
    Ketamine Episode #136
    My daughter is considering Ketamine Therapy and I was looking for something to help me understand it. This was wonderful and knowing about it and how it works has given me alot of hope for my child. Thank you
  • MissiBfit
    Huberman & Beck 🫶🏼
    The podcast episode with Martha Beck was hands-down one of my favorite episodes. The depth of personal experience you both shared, and the vulnerability and strength that came through your conversation was absolutely life-giving. Each one of you brings so much beauty and truth to the world and together you are an immense force for goodness. Loved Loved Loved!!!!
  • SMiqdadi
    Such an uplifting pass of excellence
    Love your show- particularly loved the Dr Martha Beck episode- what a gem - thank you both ❣️
  • Julia- NM
    I’ve loved all of the female focused and longevity episodes. I take notes and truly have started to practice what you preach. Please endorse Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, your platform is huge and your endorsement could swing people’s minds. I know it’s risky but use your power for positive change. Thank you! I share your episodes with all of my loved ones. J
  • tipotheiceberg
    Martha Beck episode WOW
    I’ve listened to weekly episodes for over 2 years now and the episode with Dr. Martha Beck is the best one yet. I love the content and the spirit behind what you do!
  • LP4881
    The Best.
    Your conversation with Martha Beck was everything. Two incredible humans sharing an INCREDIBLE discussion.
  • Lanaelk
    Martha Beck
    I’m so much in Ah with this conversation. Please keep doing these types of episodes because I’d very informative and helps a great deal to listen to
  • The wizard of our Brain
    Having interest in Science
    So far , love all the episodes that I have listened to. I am very interested in learning about the science of Human’s body and mind., especially the brain and the nervous systems. It just amazes me so much. I’m so grateful to Dr Andrew and admire him for having this Free Podcast. I shared the information and the site with a few good friends of mine. Many many thanks to you.
  • wildoneforever
    Two Constructive Criticisms:
    I have learned an enormous amount from listening to you & I have made meaningful changes in my life from things I have learned from you. However, that said, I have two constructive criticisms: 1. Please let the person that you're interviewing speak 2. Please assume that your audience is at least of average intelligence (in other words, you don't need to keep giving caveats of what you mean and don't mean). Thank you!
  • Veloking
    Way way too long!
    Who’s got 3hr 53 minutes to listen to a podcast? The brain can only absorb what the butt can endure.
  • DianaAlexa
  • AZ-Kiki
    Casey Means episode
    Seriously made me cry at the end! How we as a society have become so disconnected with the earth, our biology, and nature. Casey, your passion is evident and I hope you do whatever it takes to get this message out and please do not give up! BTW, I bought your book after listening to a podcast your brother was on. Looking very forward to reading it!
  • Brigaman boy
    In it for the longevity
    This was incredibly insightful. I have taken a bunch of notes and sent this to the favorite women in my life. I’m focused on giving my body and mind the best chance to live a long and happy life. As a 48 yo perimenopausal woman who is grasping for answers, this feels like I am unlocking my future and potential. Now I just need to create a plan and work it. Thank you!!
  • kellrunn78
    How do I begin to express my gratitude for this incredible insight and information. I have been looking for this information for the last 4 years since I started peri menopause. None of my doctors know this information. I have been sharing this episode as well as the last with my nurses, doctors, my friends and my family. I literally have tried all the workouts expressed and found the same issues. I would crash so hard. Now I know why. Thank you thank you
  • Jacquelyn J.
    Information that matters!
    I've been listening to the Huberman Lab podcast for a while, and it's pure science, not fluff. What I appreciate about Andrew Huberman is his ability to let experts speak in their scientific terms and then clarify, simplify, or summarize their points. If needed, he asks the guests to do the same. I recently listened to the episode with Stacy Sims, and it was fantastic to hear about scientific studies specifically for women. Andrew asks the precise questions I would, helping to distill complex information into essential insights. I saved that episode and many others and even bought Stacy's book. This is my first opportunity to write a review, so I can finally say: I highly recommend Huberman Lab!
  • Thorno01
    Sir please let her talk
    I was so excited to listen to in the Anna Lambert episode, and I was so interested in what you say, and anytime she gains momentum. He would interrupt her and dominate the conversation.
  • thereviewer25887544
    This is a really good podcast!
    I want to be a psychologist when I’m older and this podcast helps me learn a lot of medical things. So a big thank you to Dr. Huberman for making this podcast and being so consistent with making a lot of episodes. ☺️🥳🤩🙂
  • IamTuttle
    Improvement Needed
    Love the premise of bringing detailed information to the masses. In a recent episode Andrew promised to bringing practical advice for improving the health of your back. After listening for over an hour and another 1.5 hours to go it was so frustrating.. As constructive criticism: please improve interview skills and ways to ask questions. Andrew introduces questions with monologues and clearly loses train of thought. He talks about himself too much and does not allow his guests to bring better information forward. He seems unprepared. Bottom line: quantity does equal quality. Can be so much better.
  • Loving science again
    Love the show
    Great content. I’m grateful for this information being accessible to me as someone who is not in the medical field. I hope doctors are listening! Hoping for an episode on autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease at some point.
  • aawmn
    Heartfelt Thank you
    Thank you so much for educating us with likes of Dr.Stacy Sims! So many pearls of wisdom, history lessons and science based explanations. Really appreciate all the info gleaned on your podcasts.
  • Lil Ms Becky
    My favorite show
    By far and hands down this is my favorite podcast! The level of free information from such a wide variety of topics is by far unparalleled. This podcast is such a wonderful resource that gives us a wealth of knowledge and recommendations from real experts in the medical and health fields, all for free! Please keep doing what your doing and I wish you continued profound success!
  • RLeMert
    Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
    Great episode, thank you! Any chance you would do a show interviewing a “women’s health” endocrinologist on hypothalamic amenorrhea? This is a very common issue, but very under-educated and under-treated. We are struggling to find a provider to do a full lab/genetics/symptoms diagnostics work up and treatment protocol. It seems that a dietician, behavioral cognitive psychologist AND endocrinologist are all needed on the team for differential diagnosis and full recovery as well as prevention of long-term bone, cardiac, and psychological harm. Thank you!!
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