For You From Eve


For You From Eve is a self love, wellness podcast brought to you weekly by Olivia Eve Shabo. When clicking onto this podcast, you are entering a safe space where topics such as health, fitness, self love, relationships, motivation, and more is discussed. For You From Eve is like being on Facetime with your best friend; tough love advice, and someone to listen and respond to anything you are struggling with. Between entertainment, hard truth's, and life advice; this podcast will help you to become a better version of your yesterday self without unrealistic expectations.

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Recent Reviews
  • Me+one direction=perf:*
    Love this podcast
    Finding this podcast has been such a blessing to me. It is so refreshing to hear Olivia’s tough love, hard truths, and Godly point of view on growing and self love. Thank you Olivia for adding to my morning routine, and for calling me out in ways I need and encouraging me with ways to correct my habits and behavior. Keep doing your thing girl!!!!!!
  • brit.howa202
    Thank you!
    Your show was so inspiring and filling. Keep being amazing! ❤️🥹
  • kenna carpenter
    Wellness Queen 👑🧖🏼‍♀️
    I stumbled upon her show trying to find one based on wellness and overall life tips for young people in their 20’s and I’m SO HAPPY I DID! Feels like I’m just chatting with a friend everytime I listen.
  • livfiit fan
    Love the content🫶
    I was in search of Nikki Font podcasts and found yours. After listening to that episode and loving it, I decided to binge listen to many more of yours. I have trouble falling asleep so I tend to fall asleep to podcasts. You have such a soothing voice and the podcast itself is so good. I do have to say that I would love the episodes to be longer but other than that, I love the topics. Now I find myself always waiting for a new one.
  • Sondy I
    Love the content!
    Love her content and delivery!! Sometimes she can start talking reallyy fast which can stress me out while listening. Other than that LOVE!
  • AnimalWhisperer❤️
    This is my absolute favorite podcast. This has helped me so much with my anxiety. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! ❤️
  • Cindy Lou:)2983
    The best podcast for women.
    She is absolutely incredible and what she has to say is extremely influential. Her podcast is the only one I listen to along with being one of the only influencers I can proudly say I am a fan of. She’s someone every girl needs in their life!! I 1000% recommend her to anyone who wants to a “big sister” who can give them great advice.
  • Get rockin
    Feels Misleading
    I followed this podcast because I am interested in topics such as self love, wellness, fitness, and more. When I read the description I saw this fit most of the themes I was looking for. I wish that it was more obvious that this is a very religious leaning podcast. One can argue you can gather that from the name, but I don’t automatically think of Adam and Eve when I see Eve. I listened to one episode, and she talks a little aggressively, which can happen, but then she kept going on about how Jesus loves me in this aggressive tone. I am not a religious person and have a lot of religious trauma and try to avoid religious publications such as this. I wish this was more apparent than a “Jesus Loves You” thrown at the bottom of the episode description under the links and legal info that people don’t read down to. You can talk about religion all you want, I just wish it was disclosed anywhere that this is a religious based podcast, as someone who is not religious and does not want to form a relationship with Jesus.
  • evie wilks
    this podcast has truly changed me for the better!!
  • julia's wellness journey
    absolutely love !!!
    Olivia always posts about what God is teaching me! God's timing >>>>>
  • brooke p :)
    I love the new path you are taking by using your platform to spread Gods light! It’s so refreshing to know and see that there are still content creators going in the right direction! I’m so happy for you and I hope you continue on this journey with Him 🩷
  • Carolina. ❤️
    I love this podcast
    You are an amazing speaker and it sounds like your voice is made to be on a podcast. I love listening to your podcasts and they are so encouraging and it motivates me to take care of myself. It also reminds me that our body’s are Gods temple and we need to take care of our self’s for Gods glory. And you help me do that better
  • Shamus1920
    If you’re looking for advice related to going at your own speed, finding motivation, staying consistent in working out, and all around leveling up your life this is the podcast! I absolutely love all of her advice it is the best!
  • tehe🥱977
    I love this podcast
    She’s a big sister but also in a way a motivational speaker bc she has helped me on my self care journey! And helped me to gain confidence and knowledge. This is a hot girl walk podcast 🎀 thank you liv🫶
  • annie 🎀🤍
    new fave!! <3
    love this for inspiration for realistic growth, you recognize that big changes don’t happen over night and it takes small consistent habits that promote self growth, been listening to this on my walks to class every morning, love it!!
  • goddessofsun7
    One of my essential morning podcasts ✨✨
    I listen to the podcast almost every morning. I consider you kinda like my “girl, be so fr real” podcast. You always discuss topics that make me want to be productive and get hyper-focused on my goals. Listening to you has become one of my essential podcasts 🤩
  • mrs flower girl 🎀🎀🎀
    Thank you
    This has helped me so much with being more productive and positive with my life thank you.
  • that material gurl
    Heyyyy sis
    You have helped me so much I had a toxic friend in my life and whenever she was bored she had someone to take my place and leave me and come back like two or three weeks later. I want to thank you for being the older sister I never had.
  • raleykirby
    i’m obsessed
    been listening for forever, found from tiktok. THE BEST WALKING PODCAST
  • Halesssss1212
    This is the best self care podcast I have ever listened too, I listen to her every morning in the car on my way to work or while getting ready and it is my favorite way to start my day! She is such realistic person which makes you feel like you’re on FaceTime with your best friend all the time, and the advice she gives is so wise and truly helpful!!
  • jayjay <3
    she is amazing
    hands down the best self help podcast i’ve ever came across, literally. she tells you how it is and doesn’t sugar coat anything but still gives you so much validation and support. i love her values and morals i wish i knew olivia in person 🩷 she seems like a long lost friend idk how to describe it
  • Crisszee
    Wise young girl
    I’m a 31 yr old mom. This podcast is one of my favorites and this girl is very wise for her age! She motivates me each time I listen to her when I’m feeling down. Thank you and never stop 💗☺️
  • Sofiakimpark!!!!
    half of each podcast episode feels like fluff, not a lot of substance. could be a good podcast to listen to passively but not really if you actually want something inspiring or motivating.
  • CAK1330
    Love her!!
    I look forward to this podcast every week! She is hands down my favorite podcaster, she gives great advice which everyone can relate too. She also seems like such a sweet, genuine girl and her podcasts are comforting and inspiring in every single way!!!
  • crunchycats
    This seems like ranting on a personal Instagram instead of helping ANYONE? It sounds clueless and like a huge run on sentence. I don’t want to say mean things etc but this is so misleading ? PLEASE go listen to The Phycology of your 20’s. I use it as a tool to learn more about myself and heal- changed so much for me.
  • Mayah7820483
    Not Good
    This seems like a long rant of information. The voice of the podcaster seems very out of touch and not sure if I would recommend. I believe there needs to be more structure in the episodes. Also she sounded really mean on the podcast I listened to when she was describing a situation. Her voice actually makes me anxious!
  • bribriellie
    Feels like a cash grab podcast with typical advice and a bland host.
    Saw this podcast on Apple Podcasts under my recommended and thought I should try it out. The host rambles a whole bunch about pointless topics, gives pretty vanilla advice that could probably be found on google or any typical influencers page and she is always pushing products in almost every one of her episodes. What made me turn off this snooze fest was her episode about self care habits where she or maybe her editor did a horrible job with the ads in that episode. You can hear her cuts where she is repeating words twice or taking a huge sigh before speaking. It’s really off putting to me. Overall it defines the whole theme of this podcast, careless, unoriginal and jumbled.
  • Corrica
    Ableist and harmful mindset
    If the Podcaster wants to grow and improve she should really work on her ableist vocabulary. Weather isn’t ‘bipolar.’ If you can’t use words effectively, you shouldn’t be on such a large platform.
  • ChocolateChipCookie356
    Her podcast is my safe space. She’s helped my anxiety and panic attacks. Listening to her podcast puts me in such a great mood and it is truly amazing! I definitely recommend this podcast!!! 100/10
  • whew_ghetto
    this is such a great podcast. i listen to it when i’m getting ready in the morning. i’ve read some of the bad reviews but honestly, it just seems like those people don’t wanna be held accountable. olivia is not going to sugarcoat things. i love how honest she is and how she doesn’t promote that “victim mindset.” she teaches self love but also taking charge and responsibility for your life. i also really like that she isn’t one of those “toxic positivity, you always have to be happy” people. if you don’t want the honest truth, i wouldn’t listen to this podcast. if you truly want to grow and want to hear honesty (which is the only way you will improve) then highly recommend💕
  • aalainam
    truly a safe space
    love everything about this podcast. love her perspective on all things heath and wellness and her mentality. truly feel like i can trust her advice and apply it to my own life 🤍
  • obacker19
    Inspiring and grounding 👏
    Regardless of where you are in your journey to living an authentic life, this is a must-listen! From honest, self-reflective notes that we’re often thinking about in the background - to the everyday obstacles that challenge us to show up as our whole selves, Olivia’s conversations are critical threads that pull you forward along the way. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Hijessii
    just found this podcast on my recommended list and love all the topics. Thank you for being so open, relatable, and just being yourself. Will be adding on my weekly listens.
  • Maze11:11
    Love it!!
    I found this podcast when she did Evemas and have been obsessed ever since!! This incredible podcast has really become a guide for me and I know it’s for others to. Olivia is such an inspiration and all her advices really residents with me. Ever time a new episode comes out I swear it’s my favorite. She makes getting the life I want seem so simple and the way she is so real about her own struggles helps see mine in a new light would recommend for anyone who is really stuck in life or just wants a good podcast for a hot girl walk <3
  • Scary story love
    Love u girly keep it up!!❤️❤️😄
  • Jennå King
    I love this podcast! Listening to her speak makes me feel so much better and I feel like I’ve learned and grown so much just by taking her advise and applying it to my life. Do yourself a favor and give it a listen! Your future self will thank you!
  • 4🤼‍♂️
    Pretty great podcast!
    A fine podcast, I enjoy it for the most part, but she can tend to ramble about herself a bit much. Still like the show though :)
  • Giselle Rosencon
    she’s my comfort person!
    this is the best podcast. it motivates me and i love how she relates to everyone and says her struggles she has been going through. i feel any sad emotion and i listen to one of her podcasts and i feel so much better after. her voice and mood is comforting and aesthetically pleasing. she gives you goals and challenges to try before she releases another episode. i love her!!! 5 stars and NO COMPLAINTS. <33
  • Molly Malome
    Love it
    Love this podcast so much
  • samber78
    Older sister vibes
    I’ve been listening to For you from Eve for about six ish months now and every time I click onto an episode, I feel like I’m on FaceTime with a best friend/older sister. Liv discusses motivation and the ever changing challenges that life can throw at us, and reminds us that in order to become the best version of ourselves, we must let go of all expectations and let god guide us. Her guest episodes provide fantastic insight into numerous wellness related topics. As the oldest sister in my family, I am so grateful to be able to listen to Liv’s advice from a place of experienced wisdom.
  • :( would God approve???
    So inspiring !!
    I just started this podcast and really love it. I have listened to a few episodes now and have felt really inspired after.
  • BrieaStClair
    This show is toxic diet and wellness culture wrapped in pretty discourse around growth and self-expansion. I’d stay away if you are sensitive to these topics. Just a heads up for individuals actually looking to heal from that toxicity!
  • alicia2444528364729
    Not a bad podcast just a note
    The host is very defensive and I can’t listen anymore. The “I’m fixing my audio sorry if it sounds bad, I have a scratch in my throat sorry if you can hear that, I know there’s bigger problems in the world than my appearance but that’s what I’m talking about today…” lines, they just got really old. I’ve tried to listen to this podcast for months now but I continually find myself clicking out because the host rambles on and on about things that simply don’t matter and are ruining the format of her show. If you’re reading this, please take this small piece of advice and don’t come from a place of defensiveness. Nobody can notice your audio, nobody cares frankly. Just focus on the topic of the podcast, not saying “sorry about this etc” so much. All love!
  • Yo fav😛😈💕
    Makes me feel so positive and productive❤️‍🔥❤️
    I love this podcast and the way she talks so casually like it’s a conversation makes me feel like we’re friends. After I listen to an episode, I feel so much happier and ready to have a great day.
  • najzjwnjixjenbh
    5 stars I love listening to this!!
    My favorite thing to listen to, I relate so much with what she says. She’s inspiring, wise, and has taught me so much.
  • chelsdr
    Loved this episode
  • olivesallearz
    often tone deaf
    the overall delivery is kind of jumbled and at multiple points, really tone deaf and a truly privileged perspective on most things. it can be nice for background noise or “gossipy” kind of noise.
  • asdftkkgc
    episodes are all super actionable but also realistic and relatable and leave me feeling inspired 🫶
  • saradoane
    great show :)
    love olivia
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