Money Confidential

Investing #242

Money Confidential, a new podcast from Real Simple, explores the many aspects of money: making it, saving it, investing it, giving it, spending it and—sometimes, hardest of all—talking about it. Each week, Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez, a nationally recognized money expert, delves into your (confidential) money problems and delivers smart, practical, and completely doable solutions that will help you work toward your ultimate financial goals. She cuts through the confusion of investing beyond your 401(k), eases the overwhelming pressure of paying off student debt while saving for the future, and even tackles the stress that comes with mixing money and relationships (Is it really OK to keep money secrets from your partner?!). This is the place to come for real talk about money—and real solutions that actually work.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kind Consumer
    Love Stefanie
    I found Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez through her other media accounts and truly enjoy her presentation. A great place to start with confidence on the most basic questions on personal finance.
  • 01AnnieCat01
    Love the content, dislike the “Encore” episodes
    I like this show a lot, but wonder why old content gets recycled as an “Encore” so often? I wish only new content would come up in my feed - if I want to find a old episode again, I can simply search for it.
  • Chelsea G
    My Favorite Money Podcast
    I love that a variety of voices and perspectives are shared. I think that the issues addressed are varied and relatable and the advice is actually practical and usable. On so many money podcasts the host and guests can seem holier than thou but Stefanie is non-judgmental and relatable.
  • annie.m.a
    Great podcast!
    Informative, well-researched, relatable
  • MNLeandro
    Only podcast that I can make my wife listen to 😂
    My wife isn’t a fan of podcasts, she’s also not that big of a fan of listening to them while we drive, but she will listen to Stefanie, express if she agrees and actually pay attention!! I just get to listen about other people in situations like mine, or that I already been in and think about the advice! Great podcast format.
  • cheng3150
    The only podcast I listen to
    I don’t like most podcasts because rambling conversations are a popular format. I love how well produced, concise, and thoughtful this podcast is. I’ve listened to almost all of them and enjoy learning about personal finance from people being vulnerable by sharing relatable money stories.
  • music lover 202
    Actionable and relevant advice
    Very relatable podcast, I’ve really enjoyed the topics covered. There are a lot of personal finance podcasts out there, and I’ve listened to most of them. I really like that this podcast is relatable and actionable. The episodes give clear steps that folks can take to improve their finances.
  • ashfrem
    Love this podcast
    Love listening to money related matters being broken down in ways that so many more of us can understand!
  • KM817718
    A little empathy please
    I understand this is a finance podcast, but the negative way the expert talked about renters unable to pay rent due to the pandemic was upsetting. As someone who experienced job loss last year, let’s try to have a little empathy and understanding for people who are struggling, especially when we’re talking about whether someone is in a position to afford owning -two homes-. There are probably more renters than landlords listening to this podcast.
  • melinaki
    Great Podcast!
    I love this podcast; I always look forward to another episode about how to better manage my money. Keep up the good work!
  • Rockclimber101
    Honest, helpful conversations about money
    Great advice for getting better with your money in all facets of your life.
  • CalGruss
    Give it a listen, you’ll love it!
    Listening to Money Confidential has become a weekly habit that I’m not soon to abandon. From the beginning hook each week with a new guest and pseudonym (or as Stefanie refers “not her real name”) to the professional interviews interwoven into each episode, the podcast flies by. I love the combination of personal financial stories (good or bad) juxtaposed with professional perspectives, guidance, and explanations. Definitely some excellent food for thought for any potential homeowner, parent, retirement planner, bride/groom, etc. Give it whirl!
  • musicluvr97
    Creating a budget
    Thanks to Stefanie, I can finally formulate a reasonable budget and stick to it 🙌🏻
  • pHERsonal Finance Day
    Great podcast about scary money topics
    I love that this podcast shares people’s real often BAD experiences with money, and talks about them in a shame-free way. The episode on if you should keep money secrets from your partner is my favorite one so far. This is the real stuff most people are grappling with!
  • Lila in the Studio
    A realistic approach to money
    I like this podcast because it’s realistic on how to deal with money. They don’t shame you for having debt or having life problems that led to you having debt. I’m so tired of money experts that shame people and are out of touch with how the average person lives. I like that Stefanie brings on different experts to get their perspective and I’ve learned so much from each episode. Thank you and keep up the great work.
  • BootyDontStop
    Real People, Established $ Experts
    If you loved Money Diaries on Refinery, and like to peep into peoples financial lives a la Til Debt Do Us Part, you’ll enjoy these tightly edited segments. Great interview, skills, factual overview, audio quality, and the experts are some of my faves out there (So Money , Budgetinista, You Can Afford Anything, etc) giving advice that’s applicable to the scenario.
  • Shaley1491
    Inspiring and Real!
    I love the structure of this podcast. Stefanie does a great job asking real people the important question and getting to the heart of thier situation and story. I can relate to or know someone who relates to each of the guest stories that are shared. I also love that we get to hear from experts from all different specialities and backgrounds. I learn something new each week! Highly recommend!!
  • DanylPop
    Complex Issues outlined - practical solutions offered
    Stefanie and her team take complex money and workplace issues, break them down succinctly and then offer practical advise while challenging the status quo head on. Looking forward to future episodes.
  • lblattttt
    So helpful!!
    What a great way to get some money tips! These conversations can be so awkward, so this is incredibly helpful!
  • msr0
    ignores the relevant political landscape
    Telling people to budget so they can pay off their student loans while ignoring the full picture of the student loan crisis is not helpful
  • kceh6ka
    Practical information that is easy to digest and easy to apply!
    Love this podcast! I am one of those people who, when they lack information, is easily overwhelmed and quick to throw in the towel. This 100% applies to my knowledge gap as to finance, with the added hurdle of navigating stigmas associated with acknowledging and seeking help to resolve financial struggles! Stefanie is sooo good at getting to the root of her guests’ financial struggles in a way that is honest, compassionate, and safe. She and approachable expert guests provide information and solutions that are really easy to digest and immediately apply! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Can’t wait for the next episode!
  • ChrisHutchins
    Love the honesty
    Definitely need more podcasts like this where we can openly talk about money. Thanks!
  • ClaudiaP2
    Relatable stories, practical advice
    Stefanie’s empathic way of eliciting relatable stories from her guests makes this show a must-listen. Just about anyone listening will be able to relate to the concerns her guests have, which combined with practical expert advice, won’t leave you hanging wondering what to do next with your finances.
  • mkjoines
    We needed this podcast!
    I’m not someone that typically writes reviews, but this podcast is THAT good! I’m thankful for the information, advice, and perspective offered in this podcast.
  • JessLehry
    Love the candid money talk
    So drawn to conversations that help reduce stigma and shame around money, and this show delivers. Stefanie is a great host and poses thoughtful questions. Looking forward to more episodes!
  • Royal Steward
    Great, insightful, and thought-provoking stories and advice. Been following Ms. O’Connell for years. Will be back for more. Two thumbs up 👍🏼👍🏼
  • Gudzik11
    Love the frankness and honesty
    From the very beginning this sounds genuine. No hype no overnight successes .. looking forward to an open down to earth discussion.
  • Wakemaggieup
    Looking forward to this!
    As a money coach myself, I love talking about money. I think communication around money is so important for so many of us. And bonus: Stefanie O’Connell is the host! Can’t wait to listen.
  • DearDebt
    Real talk about money
    So important to have candid convos around money. Love Stefanie and excited to hear these important stories.
  • inthezoom
    I’ve been following Stefanie’s work and am looking forward to this podcast!
  • Gymslip Who
    Much needed right now
    I’m so excited to keep listening to this podcast. I feel it is so necessary, especially right now!
  • Dr. Brad Klontz
    Shame around money
    We’ve all made mistakes around money. A great podcast to inspire, motivate, and make us all feel a little less crazy.
  • Designersrule
    Looking Forward to this Podcast! Much Needed!
    I am so excited for this podcast! Can’t wait to listen each week!
  • Abbie_h1018
    Can’t wait to hear this great content!
    Really looking forward to learning from these money conversations.
  • CortReese
    Can’t wait!
    I adore this host and hearing her insight into money struggles and dealing with them. Especially excited to hear other peoples’ stories and her advice! Will def be a regular listener
  • Tjdolan85
    So Smart
    Stefanie always has smart, insightful, and practical money advice and knowledge, so I'm beyond excited to follow along on this podcast journey with her!
  • Nashville HLTH
    A much needed conversation about personal finance
    This is a much needed conversation about personal finance. Money touches everything yet we rarely talk about it. I am very grateful for this podcast!
  • Dr_Nadia
    Money Made Real!
    Such a refreshing take on discussing money. This podcast creates a comfortable space to talk about all of the challenges that come with managing money that everyone’s afraid to talk about. Can’t wait to hear more!
  • Steen Lippert
    So helpful and grounding
    I’ve been a huge fan of Stefanie’s work and I’m so excited to continue to hear more of her insights and expertise in this podcast! It’s so refreshing to hear real stories about such tough topics that we don’t talk enough about!
  • AntoinetteDiP
    Real talk about money is always powerful!
    Stefanie has been a game changer with opening up and talking about my finances. When you are truthful about your mistakes in money you always rebound stronger. So excited to hear more from this podcast!
  • Stefanie O'Connell
    Money talk from real people!
  • maraleoco
    Refreshing Money Talk
    Love hearing people speaking openly and honestly about their money experiences. Great to hear real people talk about things that feel so hard to talk about - debt, not making enough, not knowing what steps to take or where to begin. Looking forward to what is coming this season.
  • Jennifer Kessel-White
    Finally! An honest podcast about $$ that I can relate to!
    Stefanie has been an authentic source of money matters for me for a long time. I cannot wait to keep listening. I know she’ll continue to keep it real and keep it valuable!
  • KCinPHX
    Refreshing take!
    Excited about this non-judgmental approach to money topics.
  • dumpster doggy
    Host is the real deal!
    Very excited for this pod. Stefanie is extremely knowledgeable and tackles every topic with nuance. No money shame or blame, no blanket assumptions, always retaining clarity!
  • grumchum
    A trusted voice on money matters
    As an author and thought leader, Stefanie is no stranger to money conversations, and we’re lucky to listen in as she shares candid, thoughtful and warm responses to some of the biggest money questions facing us today!
  • jackiro_privato
    Looking forward to this podcast
    Big fan of this host, looking forward to these very important money conversations
  • MoneyBlogger34
    What a great concept!
    Love the idea of this podcast – real money stories from real people. So much of personal finance is advice from experts who are so far removed from what it means to manage your money in the real world. Let’s hear from real people, please! I’ve also been following Stefanie’s work for years and can’t think of a better person to host this series.
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