Sleep Wave - Sleep Meditations & Stories


Relax and fall asleep with Guided Sleep Meditation and Sleepy Stories, hosted by me Karissa Vacker, an award-winning voice and meditation guide. We'll bring you an original Sleep Meditation and Sleepy Story every week. Become a Premium member of Sleep Wave for access to over 100 bonus episodes and ad free listening via: are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hanners11:)
    Been listening every night for over 3 years
    Hi! I’m Hannah and I’ve been listening to Sleep Wave every night for over 3 years. Im 27, divorced, and living in LA. I now fall asleep within 15 minutes of listening and feel that the positive, creative, mindful, and motivational content has my mind thinking in healthy directions before I sleep creating a deeper, happier sleep. I recommend Sleep Wave to everyone. It’s something I cherish each night. Thank you Sleep Wave for staying consistent in releasing new content. I’ve listened to every single one of them (I listen through the Sleep Wave App). Karissa, I feel like I’ve come to know you and your life from the tiny nuggets of life stories you share throughout. In the last episode you mentioned breast cancer, and I am so sorry you’re experiencing any kind of health troubles - in a weird way, you’ve been come almost family to me having listened to you for so long, and my thoughts and prayers are with you! We’ve actually experienced some similarities in life paths and your perspective has been really helpful and wildly relevant to me. Thank you!! :)
  • pacbasina
    I used to love this podcast .
    Too much talk about your son . yes , we all love our kids but you are speaking to a diverse audience. I would suggest broadening your content . Just would make a better podcast …that’s all .
  • Dheggei
    You guys are the best experience! I was really tired so I went to be with your podcast and I fell asleep with in 5 minutes! You you can put people like me to sleep. Even though I’m young I love your content!👍😴👍
  • TheJessicaWyatt
    Sleep Wave has me sleeping like a baby again :)
    What a wonderful podcast! Thank you for the work you do! Over the last few years I have been tracking my sleep and implementing actions to increase the quality of it. I utilize this app daily to assist me in falling sleep and staying asleep in the night. I love the variety on the content and how calming each podcast is, a true gem! Thank you again and keep up the great work :)
  • Hot puppy 37584844
    This is my favorite podcast
    I love this podcast it makes me fall asleep in 10 minutes Cassie Age14
  • dj5417690
    This one is different. There is something about this woman’s voice that is absolutely captivating… I believe I heard her say that she either used to be or is a actress and maybe that experience shines through in her delivery and cadence. Or maybe she is naturally this way and it is just the sound of her voice. But wow she is perfect for this. I really appreciate her voice and, honestly to me it wouldn’t matter what she was talking about I would want to hear her voice.. But getting into sleep podcast and capitalizing on the soothing quality of her voice was incredibly smart and I really am glad to just listen I wouldn’t say it’s groundbreaking or epic or anything like that. But it is soothing and I like it
  • cinci user
    Exceptional podcast
    The sessions are thoughtful, helping you focus and direct your attention away from the “noise” that can occupy the mind at night. The narratives are very well written (by Billy Gill) and beautifully rendered by Karissa Valek. Personally, I find this to be an exceptionally good approach to this genre of guided meditation.
  • Edie1514
    75 year old checks in
    Hello, I’d like to thank Abbie, Karissa and Goeffrey for helping me handle Covid, the Flu, and pneumonia these last few years. I listen each night, have learned how to meditate, and been able to crack my 70 year old insomnia habit!
  • Me be there
    First time
    Hi I’m Lexi I’m just a 11 year old girl and I have a hard time to fall asleep and I have been going though lots of podcasts to try and fall asleep and found this podcast and I have been falling asleep a lot faster and thank you for helping me fall asleep P.S love that the ads are related to the podcast and not just very energetic ads/ some of them
  • unicorn🦄🦄lover🦄🦄
    I love sleep wave mor than anything! It helps me sleep every night! I use to have nightmares but now I don't! Thank you so much for helping people sleep, you do something amazing for people, and I hope you are happy! Thanks for reading! And I would really like a shout out!
  • Faith Hickory
    Sleep changing
    Hey SleepWave, I’ve always had trouble getting to sleep. Then I started looking into sleep podcasts and saw this one. Been using it for 5 days and already sleeping half way through 😅. Anyways, bye SleepWave! Hope I get a shoutout! (Edit:) Just an update, I’ve been using this podcast since… a while… and I just wanted to say this podcast makes me fall asleep within 10-15 minutes! What sort of sorcery do you use?! I only have few nights when I listen and have trouble sleeping. Then again, these occasions are very rare, but they do occur. In summary, I love this podcast and would’ve never been able to sleep like this unless for you guys at SleepWave! (Edit 2:) It’s been months I’ve been listening to this podcast and I sleep better and better than ever. Podcasts like these also help ease the stress, anxiety, and pain I ever see through meditation. It should be known by these people that this podcast is no joke and relaxing. Truly remarkable 🤗.
  • fAe the sLaY
    This podcast has been my sleep savior!
    Before I get into my experiences with sleep wave, I would just like to thank Karissa for easing my severe condition. Hello, my name is Kaiya and I’m from Australia. I am an adult female suffering from severe depression and anxiety due to PTSD. For many years I didn’t know how to sleep regularly. I never fell into a consistent schedule of sleep. Until I came across this podcast in 2022. I am forever grateful to this podcast, it has always helped me fall into routine and comfort my mind before sleep. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to regain my confidence and continue my studies as a neuropsychologist. Goodbye and thanks again!
  • Corgi lover!
    I love sleep wave I’m eleven as now I don’t fall asleep in class. I can think too! So thank you so much! I love just listening to you every night and immediately fall asleep. 💤 one time me and my dad were camping in our backyard and I turned this on and my cousin “couldn’t sleep” and immediately fell asleep, but she got to scared so she went inside but my dad was snoring. That morning he asked what was the name of this podcast. He said that Karissa’s voice was just hypnotizing. He now listens to it every night.
  • B. F. F
    This podcast is life changing!! 😱
    ‼️⚠️(Please read before listing!)⚠️‼️Hi, I’m Alexa and I’m a 10 year oId girl in Texas who has had many problems with sleep. It used to take me hours just to fall asleep. But when I found this podcast, I started to fall asleep in 10 minutes!! When I first started listening to it, I was still having trouble… But after almost a year of listening to it, I fall asleep easy. I’ve never heard the end of an episode. The only time I have is when I first started listening to it. I highly recommend this podcast. Also, please download the Sleepiest app. I love it! You can listen to this podcast and some others too. You can even make your own ambient music! I love this podcast so much, and you will too!!😄🩵😍🥰
  • Kaila1106
    Can’t sleep without it (I mean I could, but I don’t wanna)
    I’ve been listening to this podcast ever since it came out. The topics are always so relevant to my life and I find it so comforting to hear my experiences validated back to me. I don’t make it through the ends of the episodes, not even close- but I like sleep wave so much I almost wish I didn’t miss it by falling asleep so fast 😂🫶🏻 thank you for helping me calm my mind every night, it has changed the amount of sleep I get and quality of my sleep
  • valiegirl26
    The best meditation podcast!
    This is the best meditation podcast out there. It’s so relaxing and peaceful to listen to and I love the range of topics. I look forward to it before bed each night. Thank you!!
  • Eleanor Ruth Hanson
    I love it except the ads and the talking 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊
  • Draco.Malfoy simp
    @Unhappiest2 Hello, your podcast format is trying to suggest this podcast to you. You can ignore it, and please just don’t go bothering us innocent people
  • Conroyalty1969
    Thank you!
    I have terrible insomnia! I have to admit I have never heard the end of an episode. Thank you for getting me to sleep when nothing else seems to work.
  • Maddie🫶🏼🫶🏼
    I love this podcast because I have many troubles falling asleep. I love their calm soothing voices and their amazing topics! It’s interesting but not to crazy that you won’t be able to sleep. For the past 2 months it has been so much easier to sleep
  • Leaky Shoes
    Thank You
    I am constantly blown away by how well-written these meditations are. Thank you for helping me change my relationship to sleep, to my mind, and to life.
  • Alpine stars
    Amazingly relaxing
    Thank You Karissa and Billy for creating a podcast that truly has helped me relax and fall asleep each night.
  • Kayxoxoxx20
    It works
    This is my nightly podcast. It helps with falling asleep and soothes my anxiety. I cannot recommend this podcast enough.
  • Unhappiest2
    Can’t delete this stupid show
    This show keeps forcing its way to top of my podcast play list even though I am not subscribed nor following it. It is not in my library and I can’t find a way to delete it
  • Kennypowers_918
    Would be awake without it.
    I’ve had the hardest time falling asleep for as long as I could remember. Especially after I lost my father 6 years ago. My mind never shuts off and at night it kicks into overdrive. But with Sleep wave I can say I never make it even half way through an episode and I even use it when I want to nap and I’m not sleepy. Knocks me smooth out! Thank you guys so much for providing us with your talented services. I’m so grateful. Thank you Kenny
  • mr guder
    Happy and relieved that I stumbled across this podcast. I’ve tried many. This one is effective and very calming .
  • omg im a kitty cat
    Hello! I am echo lotus! Mother of 6, Me, and three of my daughters (Amber, Yena and Lisa)) suffer from insomnia and ADHD. This helps Amber, yena and Lisa to sleep. And I sometimes drift off to this while on the couch! My other three daughters, Maple,Willow and runt, are here just for the stories. Here is all of our rating! Me-5/5 Amber-5/5 Maple-5/5 Willow-5/5 Runt-5/5 Yena-5/5 Lisa-5/5 Love this podcast!- The lotus family, Seoul, South Korea
  • @FrankiEvolved
    Prepare to sleep! This Podcast Changed my life!
    When I say this podcast change my life, you have no idea. I move at about 500 mph each day between the hours of 7 AM and 9 PM. I have a high stress level sales business . By the time I get home at night, I am still wound up for a few hours. Then trying to fall asleep was next to impossible. One day I came across this app because of an ad I saw I think it was on Instagram. I am so glad I decided to try this. Then I upgraded to get the paid subscription. Completely worth it. I actually look forward to turning my TV off at night. I would normally fall asleep to TV. Now I look forward to going to bed and turning this podcast on and letting it play. Karissa Vacker’s voice is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It is the most relaxing, intimate, calming voice I have ever heard. I would never think that listening to a podcast can truly put me to sleep. I fall asleep within the first few sentences sometimes but definitely within the first couple of minutes. It’s hilarious because I never really hear these things all the way through. I would love to tell you that the content is extraordinary, but I really have no idea . I’m sleeping. Im telling you this is totally worth it. You should try it. If I could make one recommendation to the creators: please add new episodes more often. It was nice to have a long library to go through in between new episodes, but there needs to be more new ones per week. I will continue to be a subscriber because this is truly an amazing product. Thank you for making bedtime something to look forward to, and not to dread. BUT HEAR This.. If Karissa stops doing these, I’m gone. Keep up the great work!
  • Anabelle Lee
    Pure Gold for Insomnia Relief
    This podcast is my holy grail when it comes to falling asleep. I have struggled with insomnia for years, and have tried countless meds to help me sleep, but this podcast works better than any of them. Thank you, Karissa, for your soothing voice that lulls me right to sleep!
  • I love sleepwave
    Literal transformation for sleep
    I love this podcast and i listen to it every night and now I don’t have to worry about getting enough sleep each night with sleep wave that and a bit of tea and natural lavender spray the best combination ever😀please read this comment love josh from New York
  • love over everything
    The best sleep method I’ve ever used
    It is like magic every time. This podcast soothes me to sleep every single night. I’ve listened to many before and none have worked as well as this one. I’m so happy I found it 🥲 I look forward to bed with less anxiety now. I’m forever grateful.
  • miles15392628262
    Great podcast
    This was my first time listening to the podcast and karissas voice was so soothing I think this podcast is gonna be a great one to listen too I’ll definitely listen to it more
  • emerson200789
    Helped Me So Much ❤️
    my name is lu and this podcast has help me fall asleep, easier and more efficiently. Karissa is very thoughtful of her to her audience about keeping a calm environment to all the people watching. Thank you so much for providing a free podcast most of the time to help people sleep and relax. - Lu 🩷💗 edit - its my bday! ty for making a esp on my birthday! 💖💖 - lu 💖💜
  • avdrivein
    Thanks Karissa
    I would like to send you a big Thank you, not only am I getting better sleep, but I feel much more calm and relax. As someone who deals with anxiety and depression, meditation is a big help and connecting with my breathing has help me tremendously in staying present and letting go. Thanks again
  • jrod2402
    Love it
    I love this podcast. Finally, a soothing voice and can fall asleep without even finishing. Thank you.
  • emm_esss
    i don’t think i made it to the end of a single episode for the past 5 months i’ve been listening. Brillant work.
  • KZT34257486921
    This works better than any sleep aid I've tried. I haven't once made it to the end of a story, and I've never seen so grateful for that!
  • Jpr_xcv02
    Five stars
    Simply put, I always fall asleep before an episode ends 💤
  • Jen rame
    Off to slumber
    Very good Podcast. I used to lay awake a lot. Now I go to Sleep wave or Sleep Magic and get my mind distracted so I can relax and fall asleep.
  • hi my name isdasha
    Good 😊 job!
    I was listening 👂🏼 to another podcast and then I hear 👂🏼 a commercial about sleep 🛌 wave 🌊! When you said most listeners don’t hear 👂🏼 the end of a episode I was like 👍 NO WAY! I listened to it and I realized in the morning I “listened” to 5 episodes! But I only actually heard 👂🏼 almost 😅 15 mins. Keep up ⬆️ the good 👍 work!
  • eyrydyeydurueufu
    From a piano teacher in Minnesota
    I have 50+ students and 10 pets to take care of at home, along with tuning pianos, taking care of an elderly friend, and going to college all at the same time at the age of 22. I have always had a busy schedule, but no matter how tired I am, I could never fall asleep, even as a kid. I started discovering sleep podcasts, and this one is definitely in my top 3 favs. Thank you for telling my brain that’s always singing a song to calm down and sing a lullaby to lull me to sleep. It’s a beautiful symphony of relaxation I desperately needed my whole life. Thank you!!!
  • playpley
    Thank you for helping me fall asleep better!!!!!!! School
  • LC Piazza
    Can’t sleep without it
    I used to have to take melatonin in order to fall asleep. When I got pregnant, you can’t take melatonin. So, I found this podcast. I haven’t had a problem falling asleep since I started listening to this!
  • Tommy Tuba
    Grateful to have found this…
    My sleep habits are terrible. I play games or watch videos into the night until my brain finally shuts down. I can be physically exhausted yet staring at the ceiling forcing myself to not get the phone and check the socials. I’ve always been like this and I have no idea why. Your work is amazing. I think I made it to the end of an episode once, but I can’t be sure. The relaxation exercises, self-care and meditations are all working. I’ve never really considered meditation before, and I’m starting to think I should have started long ago. You’re making a difference. Thank you!
  • Poppy my cat
    Great sleep
    You help me get great sleep for testing and so calm
  • MaajIIk
    Can’t imagine sleeping without! Thank you!
  • Adriana reviews!✨
    Thank you! 💤🌊✨❤️😊
    I love Sleep wave karissa’s voice is so calming and I’ve been having insomnia for so long and it’s so annoying but now I’ve been improving so much on my sleep since I found sleep wave. sleep wave is so amazing!!! and whoever is having trouble to sleep I suggest to try sleep wave your doing so good!!! Karissa V :)✨❤️and thank you! 😊 I’m Adriana I’m 10 years old :)
  • Animal lover 🐶🐻‍❄️
    I can’t sleep after track meets and this helped so much I love it lots. It also helped me learn some new things which can help later in life
  • Terry’s girl
    GAL is sleeping better
    I have had years of insomnia as a Critical Care Nurse for over 50 years. Recently retired when Covid came, , usually slept 4 hrs night now for the past 6 weeks I listen to Sleep wave/ Karissa and usually don’t hear the end of the episode. Thank you, thank you I’m feeling relaxed and happy to get 7 1/2-8 hrs most night. You’re the best ever , thank you Georgia Lambert
  • dv in Virginia
    Long time Listener
    This has changed my life. I have always been a horrible sleeper. Finding these meditations have not only helped my sleep but also helped in my day to day. Such good vibes. Always something to pull from when going through a stressful time. Breathe. I am so so thankful for you and Billy! 🥰 if you need to sleep, tune in. If you need to find your own inner peace after a long day, tune it. Thank you!
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