Club Random with Bill Maher

Comedy #32All Genres #219

Bill Maher rewrites the rules of podcasting the way he did in television in this series of one on one, hour long conversations with a wide variety of unexpected guests in the undisclosed location called Club Random. There’s a whole big world out there that isn’t about politics and Bill and his guests talk about all of it.For advertising opportunities please email   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:  Privacy Policy:

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  • RJPlumer
    Interesting but Bill needs to listen more.
    He has some interesting guests. More relaxed than his TV show. I liked Julian Lennon and Cameron Crow. For most interviews Bill seems alright but after listening to about 10 minutes of lecturing John Fogerty on 60’s rock and roll, John Fogerty. I wanted to read through my and slap Bill and tell him to shut up. I couldn’t even finish listening to it. Could be the worst interview I’ve ever heard. Update: 6/3/24 - Bill has learned nothing. Kara Swisher does an admirable job verbally countering Bill’s inaccuracies. Again Bill seems to mansplain about tech bros against Swisher who literally wrote a book on it yet Bill want’s to show off how smart he is. Like I said before Bill, more listening and less bragging about how smart you think you are. Other people know stuff too. Update: I was listen to the Henry Winkler and you get into listening skills. You do have a listening problem at times. On some subjects you think you’re the expert and therefore don’t want to listen to criticism or other points of view. Sad you don’t see it. Great interview otherwise.
  • JRHassan59
    Billy Joel
    Bill’s funniest stuff is when he talks about how much he likes Billy Joel. OMG. 🤣🤣
  • TONY3z2
    TDS podcast
    Bill lives in a Liberal bubble. Clearly suffering from TDS. Perfect example of Stupid Smart people
  • caroline's gma
    Love him and his movies. Was not surprised that both of you don’t care what the dem platform and policies are and will vote for Kamala regardless if she talks . Your elitism is showing
  • Good mapping
    Surprised. Not.
    Today’s podcast with kids shows that Bill can talk to anyone anytime anywhere about any topic. There was a wide range of ages for the guests yet Bill engaged each guest. I am certain that Bill needed chemical assistance to detox afterwards.
  • DeploraBull
    Loved the kids episode
    Bill did great with all those kids - what are the best shows Bill has done in the last couple months!
  • txmt6079
    He is who he is
    Mostly like the podcast up until the 21 yo Hawk Tuah girl. Had to quit listening. He came across as a condescending creeper.
  • Dontdrinkbleach
    Thank you.
    Bill, thank you for the podcast.
  • Theteener
    Ugh. Bobby Lee.
    He could be so funny but he’s just sandpaper. Abrasive and harsh. He looks for reasons to beef with whoever. Even big dumb oafs like Bert. Or simple morons like schaub. He is fingernails on the chalkboard of podcasting. But some folks love him and I don’t hate them for it. He is better than hawk tuah girl. He’s done things and offers the world something more than spit tips
  • blaineduncan
    Guests Matter
    It can be hard to rate interview podcasts as the guests can dictate how good the show is. When Maher has a guest with interesting viewpoints, it’s a great podcast. When he doesn’t — which is rare, luckily — it’s easy to skip that particular episode. The lack of structure is also a boon, yet it can be frustrating as a listener when Maher and his guests forget to come back to a topic.
  • Adam Hutchison
    Hawk Tuah
    Was a fan of the show before she came on. She had nothing to say it was pretty pointless. Stained the reputation of the show imo.
  • bbFAN28
    Behind the times
    The name “Club Random” is so corny and the whole show is just embarrassingly dated thinking. blow job girl ?? Really !?? Pathetic.
  • nurse kathy
    Malcolm McDowell
    I have been a fan of Malcolm McDowell since 1972 when I saw a Clockwork Orange in Brussels Belgium. I was spellbound the first time I saw it. I love Beethoven, I don’t love violence, but this movie With the colorful sets, the music, the brilliant acting made a positive impression at a young age. This interview with Bill Maher was very interesting. It showed the vast knowledge that Malcolm has as a cinephile which outmatched Maher’s knowledge. I saw them see anyone to outmatch Maher, who is very knowledgeable, but Malcolm outshined him. The interview was very interesting and the two men teased each other mercilessly. I love Malcolm McDowell.
  • bplune
    Armie Hammer interview was stellar
    Amazingly honest and entertaining
  • 1nst1nct
    Woman Listener 5 Stars
    Always enjoy the conversations. The Amie Hammer episode was really interesting. Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson episodes were amazing.
  • Skallawagg
    Love the casual convo
    Bill Maher can have an interesting conversation with anyone! It’s like listening to him catch up with an old friend. Both he and his guests don’t shy away from asking and answering personal questions. There’s not a lot of political discourse if that’s what you’re expecting. As usual, he doesn’t pull any punches and he has guests who are cool enough to go with it! Great podcast.
  • Smungo1
    Who’s the guest?
    There’s no doubt that Bill is a bright, insightful, hilarious individual . So are many of his guests I assume, though sometimes it’s hard to tell because Bill talks over guests and often times answers his own questions. Those of us who are Bill Maher fans and listen (and watch) regularly know plenty about Bill, I want to know about his guests.
  • Blegadega
    Unlistenable (if that's a word)
    SUCH interesting guests, if they were only allowed to finish a sentence! I'm unsubscribing, I held out as long as I could...
  • Geoplanter
    Fabio?…Fabio?…Really, Bill? Why not just take the week off if your people can’t find interesting guests?
  • dumbblondy
    Habit Of Interrupting
    The concept of the podcast is intriguing, featuring guests who have interesting stories and insights to share. However, the execution falls short due to Bill’s habit of interrupting the guests. It is clear that he struggles with letting the guests speak without interjection. This constant interruption not only disrupts the flow of the discussion but also prevents the guests from fully expressing their thoughts. Additionally, he tends to dominate the conversation with the same personal anecdotes. It’s a missed opportunity because the guests seemed well-chosen and had a lot to offer if only they had been given the space to do so. I hope future episodes will focus more on the guests and allow their voices to take center stage, because I am a big fan of Bill.
  • AmoricanBorn
    Meh...good guests, terrible interviewing
    Bill most of the time imbibes too much with drink and smoke, and the conversation moves slowly and incoherently. Also, Bill thinks he's a little more intelligent than he is on certain subjects like marriage, raising children, and just life in general. Hard to listen to a man in his 60s who still thinks it's cool to have a stripper pole in his basement. Always loved Politically Incorrect and Real Time. But "hangin" with Bill seems insufferable, and you can tell Bill is a complete dork, for lack of a better word. I find it hard to believe Bill has many friends.
  • ChrisB@@@
    Poor Tony Hawk
    He got the smarmy, douchey Bill Maher.
  • Maverick46920
    Cool guests, awful host
    It really seems like Bill uses his guests purely to provide a jumping off point for him to talk about himself. He rarely asks questions and always turns whatever the guest is saying into an opportunity to talk about himself. Its like being a party with that worst type of person. That person who you tell a story to and you can just see on their face that they are waiting for you to finish because they have the same story but better because it involves them. Great guests, some interesting stuff but it could be so much better if Bill had just a little bit of humility.
  • Stardust252002
    Larry wilmore
    Enjoy this episode so much, thank you.
  • Lasilop
    Old Guy Complains About Doctors
    I used to like Bill Maher, but since he has gone all conspiracy theory on physicians and medicine, I have lost a great deal of respect for him. In every show, he finds a way to bash medicine as though he is an expert on the topic. He can have an opinion, though he’s wrong, and clearly doesn’t understand science and medicine, but this podcast should not be the platform to spread his ignorance and “get off my lawn” position. The Oliver Stone episode is so conspiracy laden, it could’ve been the lead on Newsmax or Fox News. Was a nice concept if he had stuck to interviewing interesting subjects without interjecting Aaron Rodgers-like stupidity.
  • Yetlie
    Too much “locker room” talk
    Too much “locker room” talk. Sometimes rude and insensitive to guests. Often under the influence making stupid remarks. I always look forward to a new episode. I especially enjoy the video version. Camera needs to zoom out some. I love it when he and his guest make each other laugh their heads off.
  • Jason Presagio
    Love Bill, hate the podcast
    The irony is Bill won’t see these or will chalk it up to “the peanut gallery” but man, either this guy has lost his touch when it comes to long-form or he thinks podcasting is some sort of low-tier nonsense. He cuts off guests, makes it about him, etc. Really expected more. Try The Jordan Harbinger Show instead. Great interviewer that actually cares about the guests. Bill- take notes.
  • talarasa
    I usually don’t write reviews…
    but the extant to which you are trying to shove this “Sage Steele” Podcast down my throat is off the charts. unsubscribing to one of my favs. thanks.
  • CapnSuperstar
    Tired of the cross-posting of other shows
    Fine show I guess but tired of receiving stuff I didn’t sign up for.
  • R.P. Rooster
    Intelligent, irreverent, irresistibly funny
    Bill Maher @the top of his game with off the cuff interviews/hang sessions. Definite must hear entertainment for any real fan of comedy.
  • Stohr!
    This podcast should be cool. Bill gets great guests, but then all he does is bring up a topic, the guest starts to discuss it, and Bill then cuts off the guest and talks about himself. Over and over and over. I love Bill, but dude, we get it, you hate kids abd religion and you love Paul McCartney and weed.
  • Makemineaspritzer
    Who is interviewing who?
    Listened to Bill ‘s interview on Kara Swisher podcast and liked it enough to come over to his podcast. Delighted to find Ray Romano as latest guest and tried to listen. Gave up not too far in because Bill won’t let Ray speak. He coops every line of discussion so far and it’s so rude and dismissive. Maybe it got better after I gave up but boy was it painful. Wanted to like it and I like Bill. But, yikes.
  • RaeRae8197
    Bill Burr
    Watching Bill Burr masterfully take this odious narcissist apart was glorious
  • bridgetfojut
    Such a great treat
    I love all of these, Bill! Apart from Kara Swisher chirping about how unbelievably wonderful she is, all of these interviews are gold. I really look forward to these episodes. It’s truly the highlight of my week.
  • classical_antiquity
    Kara Swisher episode
    Bill … great episode. One quibble: When you were in school in NJ in 1968, you said you learned about slavery in school. In the South, these lessons weren’t taught. So all the people you and Kara call the “erasers” are folks and descendants of folks who didn’t learn that slavery was wrong. The South taught “The Lost Cause” in schools, and “The War Between the States,” vs “The Civil War.” Talk to some southerners and take a close look at this. When you have millions of people who grew up with parents who denied that slavery was the central cause of the Civil War, you end up with people who vote for Trump.
  • AtlGaDawg
    Shut up!
    Bill. Please shut up and let the guest talk! Some episodes are great but it usually has to be someone willing to knock the host down a notch to get a word in. Thankfully Bill Burr did that and it was a decent episode. Maher generally gets bombed, then he’s some degree of belligerent, and usually ends up grandstanding about his own opinions and ideas. If I want that I’ll watch the TV show. I tried listening to the John Fogerty episode and finally had to turn it off. I adore William Shatner but the interview was unlistenable. He should just do a once week solo podcast and bloviate for 2 hours about what he thinks about someone.
  • Riker37
    Enough of the sage steele show
    Hey guys I love bill but I am very sick of the sage steele show showing up in my queue. It replaces your show before I even have time to finish the episode. I don’t think I finished her episode of your show let alone am I interested in her show.
  • SaulFernie
    Stop promoting Sage Steele
    I didn’t subscribe to your podcast to listen to Sage Steele. Do better Bill
  • Get Off His Lawn
    You’re The OLD guy now
    For someone who detests being call the old man, screaming for kids to get off of their lawn…that’s exactly who Maher has become. He’s a comedian, not a politician or someone who has given their life to public service, yet he believes that being a “pundit” for years makes him a pseudo politician. Again, a comedian…a joke…and old angry man.
  • mantis eats
    Smarmy dimwit
    Bill Burr beat him like the snot nose moron he is. It was comical but well deserved . This is the most disgustig example of dunnig kruger idiocy and he’s so ugly to listen to with his moronic racism and zio talking points . Hateful old white man. If you like that then this is for you
  • Wanger Hilton
    Not funny
  • SplitTwig
    It’s bill maher
    What else must be said.
  • VDJ81
    Bill Burr the Best Yet
    Loved hearing you guys rhetorically spar about clothing decisions and generational differences.
  • fehn88
    Have Bari Weiss on
    You need to have Bari Weiss on for an interview.
  • Huh999?9?
    Mixed bag
    Nobody is like Bill Maher. I appreciate his wit and honesty, and his commitment to bringing civility to conversations about differences. Some of the episodes are home runs and some aren’t. The John Fogerty episode would have been better if Bill didn’t talk over him and disagree with Fogerty’s personal experiences. But hand it to John Fogerty to be kind and patient throughout.
  • Jason122195
    Maher gets 5 stars but…
    I’m a huge Bill Maher fan and love the pod! I can’t give the podcast 5 stars though for one simple fact: Why do I get Sage Steele in my feed? No interest. No thanks! I’m sure she’s fantastic but I didn’t subscribe to that pod, get it out of here! Otherwise, great! Love it!
  • kyliedannii
    The Butt-kissing and the LIP-SMACKING!!!!
    Even though I mostly enjoy this podcast, I cannot give 5 stars due to the egregious amount of butt-kissing on the guests part, and the maddening number of lip smacks on Bill’s part.
  • Louie K-E
    Let the guests talk!
    Bill, love ya, please let your guests talk and get a thought in. You barely let Dana white speak.
  • monomynous
    Hit or miss depending on how high Bill is
    I like a lot of the guest pick but bill gets so out of it he asks questions and then interrupts the answer leaving the audience with the curiosity of the guest answer! Very frustrating, but on the other hand bill is a smart thoughtful guy usually, and he seems to be helping the wackos on the far L&R of the isle see their faults
  • blackfrog
    Bill. Please. Let your guests talk.
    Thank you.
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