Black Box - A Science Fiction Horror Podcast


The Homing Box of the U.N.S.E.A. exploratory vessel Bly has returned to Earth after twenty-four years of silence. An investigation has been launched into uncovering what happened to the ship and her missing crew.

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Recent Reviews
  • The_SouthernGentleman
    Story/plot seems to be fantastic. Quality of acting leaves much to be desired. I am most curious why the characters have the personalities of teenagers. Sounds like it was recorded on a phone using free sound bites for the FX.
  • MagnetarMadda
    Intriguing, Engaging, Original
    Black Box presents a scifi mystery from found footage, where we as the audience know Something Bad Happens, and we have to watch it play out each episode, waiting to find out what went wrong. It’s an engaging story with endless mystery and delightful, well-round, and exceptionally voiced characters. The story it seeks to tell and how it’s presented to us as the audience is original, and I’m intrigued more each episode. I love this podcast and highly recommend it to anyone who loves spooky mysteries!
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