The Morgan Housel Podcast

Business #71

The Morgan Housel Podcast -- timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness.

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Recent Reviews
  • SMahnaz
    Inspiring, brief and full of wisdom
    His podcasting style is almost similar to his writing style- Inspiring, precise and full of wisdom.
  • The Sam8877393615
    I listen to most podcasts while doing other things, but I actually stopped to give Morgan my full attention. Excellent podcast with unignorable wisdom.
  • Goforthmin
    Excellent podcast!
    What a great podcast. Informative and well put together. Financial information is excellent and vey practical. Thank you for you hard work in putting this on ITunes. Thank you!!
  • M Chase
    Somehow timely and evergreen at the same time
    Every time I listen to the latest episode, I am struck by the uncomplicated poignancy of Morgan’s musings. It always feels like I’m hearing it at exactly the right time, no matter what time it is.
  • lelik_n
    Not able to play on Apple podcast
    Smh this podcast is not able to play on my Apple podcast app.
  • Mark4424357
    The best podcast
    Great job Morgan, keep the podcast coming. Thank you very much.
  • -c peters
    Scratches my itch every episode.
    From your last episode, how to engage in history – you are a fantastic blend of understanding the old history, but being a modern-day philosopher. Thanks for tying it together in a way we can all benefit from Episode 41 may be the single best podcast I’ve ever listened to. Kind of a downer because I run 2 of my own! Great timing, fantastic message. Thanks man You’re on my, “People that have changed my life despite having never met them.” List
  • Aaaaannnddddd
    Thankful that Morgan Housel finally did a podcast. I used to search his name and listen to interviews he’d do. Now I’ve got a highly insightful and thought provoking podcast to listen to on my drive to work. Keep up the good work!
  • Jon Who66
    Thank you Sir
    Mr. Housel has an amazing knack for distilling complex subject matter down to a few key points. He explains things in a way that even everyday folks like me can understand. And episodes are short, which is wonderful. I really enjoy his podcast!
  • Joseph Nally
    the Mo Ho pod
    mo’ Mo Ho is mo’ betta. the mo’ Mo Ho the merrier.
  • Bmb2610
    New favorite podcast
  • Yoyorosie
    Very cool and nodding "YES!"
    I heard Morgan Housel on "The Next Big Idea" podcast recently, one of my faves and he is so wise and articulate that now I'm a big fan of the podcast! Big picture thinking and long perspective always lift my mood and life feels less chaotic and this podcast helps!
  • Dr RG
    Great podcast
    Excellent just like his books.
  • Goin'Mobile
    Enjoyable, thought-provoking wisdom
    Listening to Morgan’s podcasts you may wonder: How can someone so young have collected and synthesized so much wisdom? He is equal parts personal finance sage, astute student of human behavior, thoughtful writer, and engaging bard. Housel understands the greatest use of wealth (and your best path to growing happier) is the freedom it provides to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want. His books Psychology of Money and Same as Ever are essential reading.
  • Pavpak
    Awesome podcast
    I look forward every week for this podcast. Awesome content as always.
  • LA mom 88
    Great storyteller tho he doesn’t seem to think so
    Morgan said at Tim Ferris’s podcast that he is a better writer than a speaker. I disagree. I think Morgan is a highly effective speaker in his own down-to-earth, unpretentious way. So happy that I heard about this podcast through Tim’s. Morgan’s ability to put together a variety of obscure anecdotes to explain human behavior is unparalleled! Please carry on!
  • GSWfandom
    Bring back the intro music :)
    I love the podcast and Morgan shares insights on finances and investing that mirrors the Bogleheads philosophy. But I miss the intro music. Could you bring it back Morgan?
  • Bob5499
    Steady and Consistent
    I read The Psychology of Money a few years ago. After completing the book, I started searching for Morgan Housel so I could get more. This podcast meets that need. For me, thinking clearly about money is a challenge. The ups and downs of income as a business owner, the constant marketing to buy more and do more…I need a steady and consistent way to keep my emotional response to money in check. This is a big help!
  • Hawaiiankt
    Golden Nuggets in every episode
    I’m so glad I stumbled across this podcast. I loved Morgan’s book “The Psychology of Money” and found this podcast when he was 3 episodes in. I’m so glad he kept this going, as it sounded like an experiment early on. He has 24 episodes as of today and I’ve listened to (and saved) ALL OF THEM. There’s always a “Golden Nugget” in every episode. The only improvement I would suggest is the opening music. It is better than the original first few episodes, but still needs work. I’m still giving it 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ since it’s about the content, not the opening music. I can’t wait for his new book “Same as Ever” to come out. I’ve already pre-ordered and am anxiously awaiting the 11/07/2023 release date.
  • Flynfoto
    The Worst Thing
    The worst thing about Morgan’s podcast is that they end too soon. Morgan is such a thought provoking podcaster that he always leave me yearning for more. Please Morgan, never quit this podcast as I need my fix.
  • Nkcic
    Mind blowing
    So many relevant stories to our daily live! Excellent content!
  • Kashyg
    Incredibly refreshing!
    I am so happy to have found this podcast and equally happy that Morgan has not stopped producing it as he keeps threatening 😉 What makes you happy is an episode that I will listen to periodically to keep things in check. Much appreciated Morgan. Please keep up the great work. Cheers to you.
  • Rockytopman77
    Definitely worth the listen
    Often insightful in ways I don’t expect it to be.
  • kcbob
    Morgan is awesome
    Sometimes funny, sometime sad, always insightful.
  • LGAllen08
    Great Podcast
    Love this podcast! I excitedly wait for each new episode. Please keep going!
  • ShyNom
    Phenomenal podcast!
    Thank you for this incredible podcast full of brilliant insights. I look forward to every episode
  • Huzee66
    My FAVORITE podcast by far.
    Great insights that I wish I could articulate to everyone I know… please keep this show going Morgan… so valuable. Buying your books after listening to the podcast.
  • Mike W in AZ
    Great podcasts
    Very well done and insightful. Keep up the good work!
  • msac99
    Much needed financial advice!
    Love the podcast and it’s so helpful! Please keep making more episodes!
  • Peter_in_Santa_Monica
    Outstanding insights delivered concisely
    Morgan Housel’s podcast isn’t like other money podcasts. It’s about what money means psychologically to most of us. Like his book. lol. It’s great. Highly recommended.
  • TN Investor
    Morgan Housel is top-shelf
    Love Morgan’s philosophy on money, and how he masterfully breaks down human behavior when it comes to finances. I’ve read many books on finance and behavioral economics, and I always come back to Morgan’s words. The subject of finance can be dull and boring for many readers, but Morgan incorporates the gift of storytelling to keep the audience’s attention. Such a bright guy who views the world a little bit differently than most. Practical financial advice that allows you to sleep well at night.
  • DMCer
    I never save or replay podcasts
    …except this one
  • ScooterP82
    Love it!
    Level-headed, yet enthusiastic. Thought-provoking and intelligent. They are also not intimidating to listen to since they aren’t like an hour long. Look forward to each one that comes out! Also, loved reading Psychology Of Money (did it twice through!)
  • QM3021
    Great podcast
    Practical, funny and informative. Loved the book too!
  • Corey J Cummings
    Great podcast
    Morgan is very careful in the information he shares and is very knowledgeable in many areas. I appreciate this podcast and I listen to some episodes multiple times.
  • COapptation
    Knowledge Bombs
    So nice to have this podcast! Morgan is a fantastic author; and this podcast is full of knowledge bombs. I download every episode and hit rewind 50% of the time just to hear the pearls again.
  • jvw2452
    The Best
    Morgan Housel was the best person I discovered at Motley Fool.
  • jjt1412
    I listen to a lot of financial podcasts. This is one of the best! Please continue!!!
  • Kmont2020
    Fresh insights - inspiring - interesting - thought provoking
    Morgan’s pod cast is exceptional, inspiring, interesting and thought provoking. I’m glad I found - I find myself listening more than once to let some of his ideas sink in.
  • Update please
    One of the best.
    How do I know? Friends of all stripes and backgrounds share episodes back and forth. Leads to great conversations. Thanks Morgan Housel. Now back to compounding.
  • RB12281
    Great start.
    Lots of insight, he has a lot to offer.
  • vti_lover
    So many life lessons in this show!
    I have been a fan of Morgan’s book and blog fir a long time. Loving listening to him, he packs so many life lessons in these episodes. Each lesson leaves me something to ponder about. Please don’t stop.
  • Andrew40001
    Money podcast ?
    Morgan I think this is a life podcast. Keep it up please , I find you very comforting thx
  • Anabolic Mind
    Very insightful!
    I read the book and discovered the podcast after I finished the psychology of money book. Morgan offers a new perspective and different ideas on how to view finances. This podcast has great episodes. I look forward to more podcasts.
  • Manny in California
    A Must Listen
    I look forward to this weekly podcast. Morgan offers a great point of view. I can listen to this man speak for hours. Highly recommend it!
  • War W.
    This podcast rocks!
    I love the insight and wisdom Morgan shares on here. He has a deep wealth of knowledge that spans far beyond investing. Grateful for this podcast!
  • TeacherReviewer_21
    Morgan is the real deal
    I’ve enjoyed listening to Morgan House during the past few weeks. He is down to Earth and understands that one size does not fit all when it comes to personal finance. A wonderful podcast!
  • Jerry from Wyo
    Really Good!
    Really enjoying listing to Morgan dive deeper into some of his thoughts and ideas from his book The Psychology of Money. Great book and podcast! Can’t wait for more episodes.
  • Dave in Scranton, Pa
    Morgan’s podcast is as wonderful as his writing. He explores the the true depth of being financially independent.
  • HoagieCat16
    Unlike any other Financial Podcast
    The way this approaches wealth and spending is unique and unlike most. The perspective is similar to Malcom Gladwell and makes you really think. Great listen!
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