Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Business #160

A conversation designed to help leaders go further, faster. Rooted in providing practical advice for both emerging and veteran leaders, the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast equips leaders with the necessary tools for continuous improvement and lasting impact. One of Forbes' 6 Leadership Podcasts To Listen To and recognized as one of the Best Leadership Podcasts To Stay in the Know for CEOs by Industry Leader Magazine. Andy Stanley is a pastor, communicator, author, and the founder of North Point Ministries in Alpharetta, Georgia. For additional information, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • Brooke Strauss
    Amazing podcast for those in leadership!
    If you’re in a position of leadership, this podcast is a no brainer and a must listen! Andy and his guests provide practical and valuable advice and cover so many topics from leadership transitions to mastering difficult conversations to how to deal with challenges. Andy is consistently thought provoking and insightful. Don’t think about it - subscribe now.
  • JH03!
    Not worth your time
    Stanley—don’t believe the hype.
  • Rgm326
    Be Careful People
    Be careful what you allow into your life… After 20 years of listening and now I am looking for truth from other pastors…Not hat’n but things that appear on the outside to be healthy can sometimes be sick on the inside…
  • Ami1919
    The best of the best!
    Andy is an incredible human being. He has so much insight and is a master communicator. Listening to his podcast fills my cup and inspires me!
  • BP Writer
    Fabulous Podcast! Fantastic host, great content
    Came across the Andy Stanley Leadership podcast and am loving it! Especially loved the episode with Angela Ahrendts. This conversation was so amazing! The candid discussion about moral leadership had so many great takeaways! Can’t wait to listen to more episodes! Thank you!
  • dklc
    Long time listener, first time reviewer
    This podcast has been so valuable for leadership content. I continually walk away energized, having more clarity and language around instincts. I only wish there was more content, more often!
  • Jwip2017
    Look forward to it every month
    Perfect length & great content! Thanks Andy and team!
  • PTPounders
    Incredible Information with Powerful Application
    I’ve been following Andy and North Point since 2009. The first time I heard him speak, it was on leadership. Before Andy, my go to was John Maxwell. It was no surprise to me that these two often team up to inspire others to lead with excellence. The North Point model and ministry strategy split my small 150 member church right down the middle - predictably, just like Andy said it might. But over the years we are reaching more people far from God and our little church that dwindled to about 75 when we started this journey, began to grow exponentially. Today over 1200 people call CrossPointe their home church. And we are hanging in there, learning all we can to rebound in this post-COVID culture. I appreciate Andy being open and providing so much direction for organizations like ours. It’s been a fun journey and a very fulfilling one. Once I got my head on straight, flushed the legalistic mindset out of my system and started leaning into sound biblical teaching I began to focus on sharing it with people who are hungry for a better life here and the promise of one on the other side. Thanks for letting us old guys hang out with the cool kids. I’ve learned a lot. PT CrossPointe Church Fayetteville, NC
  • Music Download Master
    My #1 podcast
    I've been listening to this podcast since the very inception many years ago. I've listened to every episode at least 5 times. I've also shared some episodes with the Executive team in my workplace. The content is relevant for those working outside of the church or volunteering in a myriad of community organizations. It has helped me develop in my leadership abilities. I've also gotten great book recommendations out of it, which I often use to lead small groups in discussion at work. Andy is a great communicator, able to boil ideas down into simple, practical steps. I highly recommend it.
  • zoverflow
    Andy’s podcast packs a punch!
    I so appreciate that Andy’s podcast is super concise, but also each episode is densely packed with applicable leadership strategies that can be turned around and implemented immediately! It is so clear that Andy is an incredible leader and communicator, but his conversations with his guests are always engaging as well, and I love feeling like I too am part of the conversation!
  • callmepercival
    Always practical
    Andy’s best gift in the leadership space isn’t brand new ideas, although he has those, it’s his ability to make leadership practical. It’s not quite a “3 simple steps to leadership” but it is “here are 3 ways you can be a better leader now.” My favorite episodes to date are “Self-leadership,” “Enneagram with Ian Cron” and this latest one with Adam Grant.
  • Hotrod364
    Great Topic…. But
    Andy has a great guest and the topics are very helpful. The only negative is that Andy ask his guest a question but he never lets the answer without interjecting. He has great guest so I would like to hear them answer the question fully.
  • @MichaelUnbroken
    A Must Listen🔥🔥
    I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
  • @BeautyJamBySam
    God Bless!
    Thank you for sharing wisdom and the love of God! ❤️
  • jimm2020
    So helpful
    Short and simple
  • WritingWhisperer
    Great Content
    I'm loving listening to this podcast. High quality content with actionable takeaways. Andy is leading great discussions with excellent guidance.
  • #WeinTHIS
    Fantastic Leadership Podcast
    I appreciate this podcast and the many guests. Andy helps to make leadership relevant and he’s teaches us how to be intentional. I appreciate what I learn each time I listen.
  • @OntheGeaux
    I drove straight to the bookstore
    When I heard the difference in NASA’s goals and the goal that JFK set ... I knew I had to buy a physical copy of the book! I drove straight to the bookstore and bought the last copy of The 4 Disciplines of Execution. I want to highlight ... I want to turn down page corners!! Thank you for sharing Chris McChesney’s work.
  • kixdeuce
    Every leader should listen
    Practical, insightful, and just simply full of wisdom. This is every show Andy creates. It isn’t fluff either, there are always actionable things you can do to more forward as a leader.
  • pm514v
    🔥 Must-Have-Go-To On Leadership 🔥
    Andy constantly says his way is just “A Way” not “The Way” which says a lot about the heart behind this podcast. He’s open to change, to debate, and being wrong. All the episodes are short, easily digestible, & the conversation flows smoothly. Andy & Lane have fun with it too, so you’ll not only be impacted by insightful content, but also have a laugh or 2 while you’re at it. I believe this is one of the most effective podcasts in terms of application & next steps. Each episode is accompanied by a free — that’s right FREE — application guide which helps you to take the content passed a 20 minute listening experience and into your every day living/leading experience. Each principle/essential/point they teach is reinforced by a practical real-life story/example/interview. After all, if this isn’t changing your leadership then why would you want to listen?
  • Nikilicious86
    The BEST.
    Andy Stanley is my Enneagram #1 spirit animal. His leadership wisdom is incredibly valuable and I’d give about anything to have coffee with him and ask allllllll of the questions. That’s obviously not happening so his monthly podcasts are the next best thing! 😆
  • Jonney09
    Content is okay but I often feel condescended to
    The content of much of what Is produced on this podcast is great. The dilemma I have is, after listening to “generational diversity in the workplace,” I found both moderators to be very condescending toward members of generations who were not invited into the room. It’s ironic these episodes were about generational diversity but ONLY featured 2 men from the same age bracket.
  • Fire Captain Bob
    Like father like son
    As a young married man I listened to Dr.Charles Stanley every day on the job site. His ministry was a true guiding light as a new husband then and through out my life raising children. Today, I listen to Andy using his leadership pod cast in my daily life, and, as a business consultant developing leadership within organizations. I trust Andy and his guests because I know the principles instilled in him and those that he follows. He won’t lead you astray. I look forward to hearing every one - Bob, Las Vegas, NV
  • Glencam
    Great content
    bite-sized and full of amazing content. Can't wait for each new episode. Andy has real wisdom that is applicable to leadership in any industry.
  • B.GE0RGE
    Leadership and Parenting
    I have been listening to Andy Stanley for quite sometime. I enjoyed his conversations up until I listened the podcast regarding the above. Andy and his wife was talking about parenting principle and the first one was "honor your mother". No mention of father. The second was " Thou shall not lie" and the third "Don't worship the devil". I agree with him on the last two principles but not the first. By saying the first principle he broke the other two principles. The first commandment with a promise is, according to "EPHESIANS 6:2 NASB“ HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER. I'm praying for him so that Holy Spirit will reveal him the truth and that he will speak only the truth according to the word of God. Father is the leader of the house and if he takes that responsibility seriously and walk with God, the rest of the things will automatically happen and God will bless the family.
  • dcarlsonch
    Good topics- Too much fluff - Delivery lacking
    I like the topics of most of the shows. I feel like there is often times just too much time spent waiting to get to the meat of the content. The first 8-9 minutes seems to be a slow build up. I recommend making this better by getting to the topic within the first 2 minutes of the podcast. Cut out about 1/3 of the podcast that isn’t driving the narrative. I see strong potential for this Podcast and I still value the content once I finally get to it. Stick with the initial fluff and circling around the main topic and you can find some very good information to take back to your teams.
  • Mark in Jordan
    Informational, transformational and inspirational...every time!
    Andy Stanley is one of the best communicators in America. He understands leadership as well as anyone in any sphere of engagement, and he uses his gift for communication to share those complex ideas in a way that benefits all of us. Every episode is worth the time you will invest.
  • JoshFMBama
    Great work on the leadership and parenting segment, especially part two. This was very helpful and made a ton of good points.
  • jmkulick
    Loving Your Work!!
    These episodes are what every aspiring leader or growth oriented professional needs. Keep them coming!
  • MattySam1230
    Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast has been such an impact on my life.
    This podcast has really changed my perspective and has helped me grow as a leader and a person. He provides fresh direction on how to be an influencer.
  • A. Alexander
    Short And Strong
    My favorite thing about this podcast other than the insight is that it not too long. In the life if a leader time is a valuable commodity, Andy understands that.
  • kbmfg2108
    Enjoyable Thinking
    Andy’s podcast allow time for self reflection. Let’s face it leadership is an old topic. Nothing is new if you have studied for a few years. The perspective shared is great....
  • Hisclayjar
    One of the very best leadership podcasts
    Andy Stanley is the real deal—as a non-profit leader I listen to a lot of leadership podcasts. This is engaging, and gives me the best, most effective ideas to apply and to grow our organization. Highly recommend
  • Homerdomer69
    I always take something away
    I try a lot of podcasts that don’t capture me and get deleted after awhile. This one is full of usable content. I listen to episodes multiple times because they are full of gold. I’m not particularly faith-based either; these lessons translate to any team.
  • Contymom
    I look forward to it coming out every month. Wish it was more!
  • FloodGdwizzle
    Better Than Seminary
    This podcast has been better prep for ministry than my biblical education. So grateful for the contribution this podcast has made and the thousands that’ll be impacted just through my ministry as a result.
  • Bryan8580
    Always a powerful leadership truth!
    I’ve been listening for almost a year now. Self-Leadership Part 2 was most recent. I was very convicted to do the activity of writing out what I would want those closest to me to say at my funeral. Then it hit me. It’s not just hoping what I want them to say, but realizing what am I doing NOW to influence them so that what they say is not just my hope, but a reality.
  • TJ McIntosh
    Love this!
    I love anything by Andy Stanley and this is no different. He hits on hard topics and breaks them down into simple terms that anyone can understand. Thankful for his leadership and what he does for the Kingdom of God! This podcast is a must listen to!
  • ShaneMiller3
    My favorite
    My only wish is that there was more than once a month release. Great content, I learn something from every episode. Thanks Andy and team!
  • America1938
    Every Leader Should Listen
    It has been my experience that leaders with a foundation of integrity and spiritual principles excel in organizational life. I am so grateful for this podcast series.
  • otherwhitematt
    5-star content, 1-star delivery
    The content in this podcast is great, but most of the episodes over the past year have been split into multiple parts. That's not a bad thing to do for a weekly podcast, but since this is a monthly podcast, it's a terrible way to deliver content. I'd much rather they leave all the episodes intact and just skip months for releasing them if there's no new content to release.
  • Oceanskater
    Always helpful.
    Always helpful.
  • Flimsy flam
    Good, but not enough of them.
    These are good podcasts with great leaders as guests. But, once a month is not enough I don’t think.
  • NaijaMedia
    Great piece.
    I really dig this one.
  • Yogb
    I have found this podcast to be practical and encouraging.
  • littlebluelandy
    Realistic and encouraging
    Good to hear and learn from Andy’s experiences.
  • B.Marin
    Great content!
    I love the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast because it focuses on business from a biblical perspective. Andy is such an effective, clear communicator and gives very practical advice on very complicated topics.
  • NormaG123
    Faithful Follower
    This podcast has changed my leadership life. I am a faithful follower who does not miss an episode. I teach the new lessons I learn to my leadership team. It means a great deal to me that this content is filtered through the lens of a Christian worldview. However, I never feel “preachy” if I use the material when leading someone not of faith. Thank you for coaching me in an authentic and actionable manner.
  • Nigh7wing50
    Can't get enough!
    I am a huge fan of this podcast! The leadership principles from Andy resonate with me so much as a church leader. I have been motivated on multiple occassions to work the principles discussed on the podcast into my leadership role and my team.
  • Julie Anne Rupp
    Leaders should listen!
    This is my favorite leadership podcast that I listen to, and I am a podcast junkie. Andy Stanley makes complex leadership principles easy to understand, and even brings in guest speakers on a semi-regular basis to give great perspective. My only negative is that I wish it could be broadcast every week because I love it so much.
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