SANS Internet Stormcenter Daily Cyber Security Podcast (Stormcast)

Tech News #16

A brief daily summary of what is important in information security. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually 5 minute long, summary of current network security related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Stormcenter. You may submit questions and comments via our contact form at .

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Recent Reviews
  • Awesome2KO
    Great content, no ads, nice and concise
  • snowdeo720
    Invaluable Resource
    Absolutely invaluable resource for anyone in the infosec sphere. Great information in a brief and digestible format. It’s definitely helped me in my professional life!
  • mcox00941
    Best time value
    Only have 5 minutes a day to keep up on cybersecurity news? This is your source. I’m still listening every day.
  • SeñorBubba
    A Must-Hear For All InfoSec Folks!
    Listen to this one! I've subscribed to this podcast feed since shortly after it started. Returning from a hiatus of a year or so from all of them, this was the only one where I listened to all the back issues. Even if the exploits are old, the principles behind them are not, so it was time well spent. Update: The podcast is still wonderful, and it’s honestly one of the best uses of time in my day. Keep up the good work, Johannes!
  • 0C1S3C
    A comforting voice of stability
    I listen to Stormcast every day. It gives me motivation to face new security challenges and confidence that I’m in the know. Johannes Ullrich is the name on my SANS degree and the signature that greeted me when I made Dean’s list. I recently lost my job and fell out of the habit. A week later I pulled up the podcast to catch up and immediately felt reenergized and remembered who I am - who we are. We are defenders of the Internet that formed our generation and we’re proud to serve. Thank you for the constant voice of support that is the drumbeat to my march - phydroxide
  • dangerat
    Great resource
    I start each day by listening to this quick podcast. Very useful summary of the top risks to keep an eye on as well as other useful cybersecurity information from SANS. Thank you for providing this important service!
  • M.Lester
    Daily cyber update - brief and actionable
    This is an outstanding method to get a jump on your cyber day. Six to seven minutes after you start, you’re preparing your team to boost your security posture (or demonstrating to your employer why they hired you. “How do you stay so far ahead of everyone else” they ask.) Clear, concise, & actionable.
  • BondoStrator
    A crucial step in the day of a security professional
    This podcast is crucial for IT Professionals who wish to keep up on the latest emerging threats. Highly recommended for its timely content and well researched information. Thank you SANS and team!!
  • WiseCraig
    Quick, actionable, informative
    I've been listening for a while and it really does help me start the day off feeling like I've been primed with what I needed to know. Really appreciate it!!
  • The Worthless Protoplasm
    Hello and welcome…
    …to the Tuesday November 28, 2023 review of the SANS Internet Storm Center’s Stormcast! Dr. Ullrich provides timely, easy-to-understand, and easily digestible updates that are useful to Infosec folks at all levels (even aspiring). To Dr. Ullrich and ISC: all your work on this podcast is greatly appreciated even if you don’t hear about it often enough. Thank you! Bonus: Dr. Ullrich also active on Mastodon and is a very affable fellow.
  • TNSparky
    Concise and actionable
    I’ve been a listener for several years and this is one of my favorites. Always good information and the frequent Friday interviews with SANS students are a bonus.
  • KGeraldReavis
    Great job
    I always look forward to listening to this podcast. It is always informative and please keep up the good work
  • TJ0322
    Great cybersecurity updates!
    I am a current SANs student and this is a great podcast to consider the concepts I am learning in class in real-world contexts. Cybersecurity can be difficult and complex. This podcast is a good way to keep up with current events, be exposed to new ideas, and gives a sense of community.
  • Sweetwind
    Good Info
    I have been listening Dr. Ulrich present this concise wrap-up of current vulnerabilities and other vital information for quite a while (since 2020, but he was doing it well before that) and it is always useful!
  • pn23
    Excellent daily security wrap up
    Love this show to stay up to date with cyber security. Appreciate the insights from you and your guests.
  • NTCleric
    Best 5min IT security show on Podcasts
    Dr Ulrich provides a concise and effective delivery of the latest compromises and patches, and leverages the work produced by the SANS team to provide mitigation techniques and tools to keep IT folks like us informed.
  • Bhbruce
    My morning routine.
    Johannes presents actionable and accurate information in a timely manner. It’s part of my morning routine to listen to his podcast. There have been times where I’ve called my security team and instructed them to research and act based on the information presented here. Thank you, Sans Institute.
  • Gump4487245
    A Must Listen!!
    Concise, Effective, Timely The perfect podcast, Johannes is amazing. This must take him hours every day to research. The effort is much appreciated!
  • Drewdacai
    Excellent InfoSec Podcast
    Probably the best security podcast out there that helps keep you informed of emerging threats in a short and concise manner. Highly recommended!!!
  • stacytrippe
    Valued listen daily
    Gotta get my daily dose of Ulrich on ISC podcast or my day is blindly wandering…
  • a_rosé
    Y’all I’ve been with ya for a few years now
    you make it easy no matter how busy life gets to stay up to date & learn in the process. I listen religiously can’t recommend enough. Been saved from info learned here myriad times
  • aladin168
    Every security engineer should listen to Stormcast daily!
    For the past 10 years, I've been an ardent listener of Stormcast podcast, and it has become one of my favorite podcasts. It has greatly benefited my clients and my cybersecurity team, keeping us up-to-date with the latest cyber threats, detection, prevention, and recovery techniques. The detailed threat intelligence has been instrumental in prioritizing vulnerability remediation efforts. I can't thank the Stormcast team enough for their dedication to producing such valuable content. I wholeheartedly recommend this podcast to every cybersecurity team I work with. Your contributions to the cybersecurity community are truly appreciated, and I hope you continue the fantastic work! - Kyle Lai
  • EP- fan and musician
    Hard to keep up in this industry ==> THIS HELPS
    As a cybersecurity professional, it is very hard to keep up with the latest news, vulnerabilities, patches and other threats. This 5 minute podcast is a lifesaver for me. I listen each morning on my commuter train, and by the time I reach the office, I feel that I am much better informed for the upcoming day. THANK YOU!!
  • strezztechnoid
    One of SANS Useful Offerings
    As a long time SANS attendee and student, Johannes cuts through the hype and delivers simple but timely information for those concerned with systems integrity and functionality. Have followed him via the SANS podcast for nearly a decade. Johannes is always keeping it real.
  • bquad
    Good trustworthy information
    I have helped my peers with information from this podcast to help protect themselves and their organizations.
  • MonkeyMan2550
    Must Listen
    This is a must listen podcast if you’re in the infosec world.
  • ChibaPet
    Worth its weight in gold
    …maybe even more given that electrons are light. Been listening and recommending this podcast for years. It’s the best way to stay on top of what’s happening in this part of our world, and the links to additional details are useful.
  • InfoSec Professional
    Should be required
    Johannes Ullrich’s podcast is exceptionally done. The information is critical, actionable, and relevant.
  • Rags154
    Should be part of your core Infosec learning for the day
    One of the daily Infosec podcasts I use to learn about challenges I might face that day and gain an initial perspective on how to handle them.
  • Chris Mc.38
    Five minute start to your infosec day!
    Quick and technical summary of the interesting vulns and exploits you need to know.
  • MoreJesusPlease
    Required daily listening for cyber professionals
    Dr. Ullrich professionally blends cyber content with personality in an efficient, factual way. The team he draws upon always provides interesting perspectives and reports spanning many aspects of cybersecurity. Keep it up!
  • nick toncheff
    Required listening for any infosec professional
    The firehose of information flows and doesn’t stop - this podcast helps with sorting out the signal from the noise. Perfect way to start the day.
  • Mikebeater
    Easily best security podcast
    I love how he goes into the technical details of the latest exploits
  • m1cromanaged
    Informative. Succicnt.
    Lead architect turned me on to this a few years back. Part of my pre workday routine ever since. Brief. Relevant. Consistent - Y’all are the best. Thanks!
  • ChasBaer
    First Stop
    Internet Storm Center with Johannes Ulrich is my first source for infosec news every day that it’s available. The depth of knowledge and experience that Johannes brings is invaluable, and the SANS network is huge. Most highly valued.
  • fkadrv
    Quick and concise
    Quick 5 minute status on security items of concern
  • ThreatHuntress
    Love this!
    Johannes is awesome! These daily podcasts are my go to every morning! It was shared with me by my director and now I share it with everybody!
    a good review
    Brief daily podcast with great content .
  • Shakaboy07
    Necessary daily listen
    Great podcast for staying up to date on what is happening in cybersecurity. Listen to it daily. It’s only about 5 minutes long.
  • MS-DEN
    Finally a great cybersecurity podcast
    Thanks Johannes. I don’t always listen to podcasts, but when I do I listen to Stormcast.
  • Catastrophized22
    How I start my mornings
    The only podcast I never miss an episode of.
  • CyberSecPodFan
    Perfect Security Podcast
    This podcast is concise, accurate and informative. There is no better way to start the day for an information security professional. Thank you Johannes!
  • DanL-P
    Start your day with this podcast!!!
    Very good information security brief!
  • seattleskyeyes
    Excellent daily security briefing
    It is part of my regular routine, even on days off, to get the latest on what’s top of mind for the InfoSec world. It’s presented well, even if I wish some of the stories were a little longer it’s a fantastic way to stay connected to the security news cycles.
  • sheramist
    My daily dose of quick key security news
    I always start my day by listening to the ISC podcast by SANS (by Dr. Johannes Ulrich) to get a quick rundown of key security news that might have brewed overnight. Thank you Dr. Ulrich for keeping at this and creating new episodes helping us security practitioners in a daily basis. We appreciate it.
  • LegoZ81
    Nice quick briefing to start your day with.
    Good quick briefing to keep abreast of current info sec events.
  • z00cchini
    Daily Dose of Cyber Awareness
    This is a great way of getting a digestible chunk of the latest cybersecurity news from a trusted source. Thanks, Johannes!
  • Paddyqd
    Great briefing
    Thank you for producing this podcast! It’s a great way to stay current on my drive. Always good content!
  • redcat73
    Great show!
    I look forward to hearing your show every day!
  • treet007
    Excellent information and cyber security briefings
    Listened to Dr. Ullrich and his SANS guests for many years, and these briefings have been instrumental in dealing with security incident responses and early detection to threats. Please keep up the excellent work!
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