The Micah Hanks Program

Science #73

The Micah Hanks Program is a weekly podcast that covers science and the mysteries of our universe. Taking a critically-minded approach to the study of our world, each week Micah presents commentary and discussions with guests on subjects that include mysteries of physics and astronomy, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), UFOs, myths and folklore, archaeology and ancient mysteries, artificial intelligence, futurism, cryptozoology, science fiction, and entertainment. Each week we journey to the boundaries of human knowledge, in search of the most unusual things our world has to offer.

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Recent Reviews
  • Begging couple
    Dear Micah tried listening to your podcast last night so disappointed you seem to describe it the pilots that have seen UPS waiting to see if you realize we out here are waiting for information on UAP. Please try not to discredit all the people for the past 70 years of our life since we’ve been listening to everything that’s been reported can’t listen to you anymore. Please help in the discovery of UAE instead of trying to, thank you and will listen in from time to time. Will try again next week and hope you have changed from seeming to discredit them. Hope I’m wrong over and out funny huh? We’re 80 and we’ve been listening to you for a long time. so long from the left coast.
  • Dewgarr
    Micah Hanks Show
    Great to listen to.
  • jamea2267889098
    Does anything even matter if we all die
    It never ends
  • Chiquis3341
    Thank you!!!!
    Best podcast!!!!
  • KingCarco
    Favorite on subject
    Great podcast
  • SH O'Neal
    Absolutely concerned! I very much appreciate your comments on current events and concerns.
  • Deadman02
    Political review in a political year hiding as a concern
    Mr. Hanks goes on a long rant about the President’s age on the same weekend that former President Trump had made a statement about encouraging Russia to attack an a NATO country if they didn’t pay up and attacked a political rival because her husband is serving in the military. Mr. Hanks never mentions the errors in Mr. Trumps verbal slips. This wouldn’t be an issue if he wasn’t such a false advocate to fair and unbiased reporting
  • angryatthispieceofjunk
    like not love
    Micah is a bit a showman-think Jeremy Corbell without the promise of producing a video. Also, where in the world did he learn to pronounce words? It's like he takes his own direction- Palo Alto, today, is pronounced "PAY-low Alto" I mean, who doesn't know how to say that?
  • NatanGK
    Excellent Pod
    Micah is the man! I love this pod. Very centered in logos. Give it a listen.
  • KSgregerous
    Just not interesting
    Hanks spends half the show trying to make himself relevant by inserting himself into situations he’s obviously not involved with. Listen to George Knapp’s show Weaponized. It’s better content from people actually inside the UAP world.
  • Killahnola
    Best pod on the unexplained
    Micah has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of UFOS and other unexplained phenomenon. Every show is fantastic and even if you know the subject chances are that you will learn something new. Also he has a fantastic lexicon and a natural voice for radio. The production of the pod is very professional too. Each episode is exhaustingly researched.
  • LW Marshall
    Simply the best
    Real scientific inquiry into the unknown, and the best radio has to offer. No one does it better than Mr. Hanks.
  • Pineapple458
    Great Show
    I really appreciate your giving a tribute to Lee Speigel. I had wondered what happened to him. he used to do a lot of guest appearances on UFO podcasts and then he sort of dropped out of the picture. He will be missed.
  • Objective_Listener
    Micah Hanks Podcast - Excellent
    I think Micah does a great job with his podcast. He always provides thorough and really interesting content on the regular. HIGHLY recommend!
  • Eric101775
    Usually Great
    Overall I'm a fan. However your most recent piece that talked about the whistleblowers losing credibility was definitely incorrect. The article you referenced in the notes, talks about how the 3 original videos have all been debunked by Mick West. Mick West recently stated that he hasn't debunked any of theme and the government lists them as unsolved. I'm not going to say you are anything less than 5 stars, but I didn't agree with your latest podcast and ones like that, are what potentially sets us back.
  • Chuckles Big Belt Buckles
    Mr Hanks is the best!
    Excellent show!! I’ve been a fan of your work for a long time now, used to read your articles on MU. I always look forward to the latest episode! Great discussion on a diversity of topics and an even keel perspective on the subject. Keep up the great work my man!!! And if you’re listening to this podcast and are also interested in Bigfoot be sure to check out his other podcast Sasquatch Tracks. Thanks!!!
  • Martinez Point
    Extremely long winded
    You can listen to a 1.5 hour episode and garner about 10 minutes of information. His communication style is really difficult.
  • Pbm52
    Ads and bumper music
    If you like lots of ads and bumper music, this is the show for you
  • Charlie NH
    Throw David Grusch under the bus?
    I like this show and listen weekly, however this week was unsettling. Mikah’s website, The Debrief, works with this person and then releases the story early to get out in front of other reporters. It’s a great scoop and might be the story of the Century. But today Mikah spends most of this episode handwringing and casting shade on David Grusche and his information. High Strangness from Mikah himself….why and to what end?
  • Field Tech USA
    That voice
    Host has good knowledge and insight. However the cadence of his delivery is extremely distracting.Why is he using the radio voice from the 1950s? No need for theatrics you can speak in a regular one on one voice.
  • Charlydsgn
    Ending always cuts out
    Why does the podcast always abruptly end mid word/sentence at the end with about 5-12 minutes left?
  • damdick
    Micah Hanks is a Power Bottom!
  • MA Cty Tiger
    Micah Hanks
    Awesome podcast. Keep up the good work. Look fwd to it every wk.
  • TDGarner
    Miss the Old Style
    We’re going on two, maybe even three years, of each episode being about UAP or UAP adjacent topics and it is tiring. I thought the Bigfoot and Bigfoot related episodes were frequent and repetitive but this is to a whole new level. I miss the stories of ancient mysteries and discoveries, missing persons and quirky conspiracies. I also miss hearing Race Hobbs and his take on various stories in his gloriously deep voice. I also miss hearing Red Pill Junkie as a guest on the show. Now if I don’t want to hear about aliens and the department of defense each week I have to turn to other podcasts. Still an X subscriber for now but strongly reconsidering.
  • drj3141
    Good Show
    Micah is a very pleasant person to listen to. I appreciate that he’s about 66% skeptic and the remaining 33% “I want to believe”. Too many paranormal podcasters believe/report everything they hear without ever considering if it’s real. Not Micah. And I appreciate that.
  • Laurelind
    Thoughtful and fascinating
    Micah Hanks strives to offer a rational point of view that doesn’t exclude wonder, mystery, and the possible existence of things as yet unexplained. He succeeds! He also has a great voice for radio and storytelling. Thanks, Micah, for doing what you do.
  • Lucien E G Spelman
    Truly the Best of the Best
    Been listening to Micah a long time. Micah Hanks podcast is honestly one of only a handful of well spoken, intelligently presented podcasts about this subject out there. Intellectual but not dry. A perfect blend. He & Jim Harold are carrying on the mantle of the great Art Bell.
  • oldguy316
    As a truck driver that listens to a lot of content this is the best out there.the production quality alone is reason to listen all of me.hanks podcasts are this way very good thanks for what you do sir
  • patd2foxfire
    Interesting, intelligent and insightful.
    Well researched, entertaining and informative. I look forward to every release of this podcast and Micah Hanks’ insights.
  • teo555
    well researched
    I love this show a very good quality program Mica Hanks delivers a good content every time
  • Medeb
    Just so good!
    High quality, thoroughly researched, well written - Micah Hanks is the real deal.
  • Barbarian at the Gate
    A Lot to Choose From
    If you are like me, you probably have over, at least 50 different Podcasts in your library to choose from. Out of the 50, you probably only listen to 5, or 6 of them at the most consistently, per week. And out of those, you probably only truly look forward to listening to one, or two, because it’s not just what interests you, but also because of the consistent quality and high standards that are adhered to, week in and week out. Yes, Micah has a classic “Radio Voice” and yes, he definitely throws in a “healthy” dose of skepticism, but this serves, not only his platform, but his readers well. Because this is what an authentic, intelligent conversation is like and it only strengthens his credibility, but the general field as well. A lot of credit and hard work has to be mentioned about the research Micah does, because he will find source material, that has long been forgotten, or put aside, but is extremely important to the content and topic being addressed and again brings a high level of authenticity to his platform. All respect and appreciation to you and your Podcast Mr. Hanks
  • Dave (hippie bear)
    Great. Paranormal radio show
    I listen to a lot of paranormal shows, but by far Micah Hanks is the best. He always goes for the facts no matter where they go. Dave S.
  • Vinnie2388
    Great show!
    Amazing show, he always delivers a quality program. Listen!!
  • CousinEddie
    Fantastic content - well written and very well presented. Micah provides an amazingly objective viewpoint on many fringe topics, delivered through a charming personality (which is an excellent mix of both Mulder and Scully). All of his shows are (and have been) very well produced. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to so many desperate studies!
  • thomasbuilt
    Great Show, Old Episodes
    I really like this show!! I enjoy the topics and conversations. Was listening to old episodes from podchaser but can't seem to access them anymore. Are there any avenues to hearing old episodes that isn't expensive?
  • Deedle0365
    Love this show!
    I listen to every episode. I love the content and the way he delivers it.
  • The Thinking Woodsman
    Reasonable and Well-Researched
    Lots of sensationalism and wishful thinking out there in the world of the anomalous, but Micah’s show stands alone as reasonable and well-researched. Definitely worth a sub!
  • Xayton
  • Ballsagna4Head
    Terrible and Pointless
    If you want to listen to a podcast about a guy practicing his radio voice and eloquent sentences that lead to absolutely zero information, then this is the perfect one. Endless rambling.
  • piclklypoo
    Lame podcast
    Nothing new, nothing to add to the old. The show seems to mainly be an ad for itself. Boring and uninspired. Podcasting isn’t for everyone and it’s certainly not for Mr Hanks.
  • santosdave
    Probe boy
    You can like Micah or not, but you don’t have to be mean. I suspect you are very tough, just tough enough to say mean things while hiding. Why don’t you look me up. I’m Dave Santos. Maybe we can find out how tough are.
  • Billy1790
    Have tried to listen to the podcast a number of times.... just boring. Blathers on & on. Never seems to get to the point Good podcast to put you to sleep!! He believes then doesn’t. A one hour show could be 30 minutes if you cut out all the nonsense filler. UNSUBSCRIBED. I’m done, won’t waste my time again.
  • Flyrn66
    Great broadcast
    Thanks for an informative, thought- provoking show!
  • fetticini09
    One of the most polished podcasts on this subject. Plus Micah has the voice of an angel. I LOVE YOUR AUDIOBOOKS!!!
  • Othellocop
    Critical thinking on unusual events in our small world
    UFOs (UAPs currently), Cryptids, various phenomenon, this show covers them all with intelligent investigation involving critical thinking and known documented events. Micah brings on great guests to address various topics considered taboo by some for fear of public reaction brought on by years of counter indoctrination. Bring an open mind with a dose of healthy skepticism to find your way to the truth that stands in front of us all.
  • blam blammer
    Too much filler
    Why do you take breaks when you dont have sponsors? Micah goes to break so he can play crappy techno.
  • Haters gotta Hate.
    N = C
    Sorry. Micah is a Hack. If your profession is talking to people please understand the proper use of I vs Me, and I’s isn’t a word (Nor a conjunction). 2022 and you are coving the Hopkinsville Goblins, please. It’s almost as if Micah listens to podcasts and then does his podcast about said podcast. How do I say? Plagiarize much? Well, what ever. It’s your time to waste, or if you need something to put you to sleep, his droning mouth will do the trick. One star is generous.
  • PT 29
    Way too much rambling
    Micah has a great voice but starts off every episode with a lot of rambling and news bits that are totally unrelated to the subject matter of the episode. Makes it super annoying to try to find the start of the episode and what he’s actually talking about and whether it’s something worth listening to in the first place. I’ve now unsubscribed from this show … I want to know what each episode is about and have it actually be focused on that subject and not have to wade through a lot of rambling to get to it.
  • photos, kc, pb, dc, mb, Lucy
    I just can’t wait till it’s my bed time to embrace my PODCASTS. All night long I keep my phone on, rather than my beautiful Television. Now, if you would please get my order to me as fast as possible. Please Kathy @ 562-3550908
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