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jkirk1626Some good analysisThe down side is Steve's idolatry to the Synagogue of Satan. He's Israel first. The upside is he alerts patriots to and calls out RINO backstabbing traitors.
Bigmountain1969Paul AlexanderI can’t stand that guy.
JaneswtDaniel HorowitzHey Dease … you debating Daniel reveals who you truly are.
KBJanzWe know what time it isDo not miss this show. They bring honest analysis to the political and cultural events of our day. They promote a biblical worldview.
Keno pupReal BiblicalLove this show, I am a renewed Catholic and never got it. THIS is a repeat of Ancient History!!
CPGen13Happy New Year!Fantastic Biblical worldview podcast, especially the Romans study! Keep up the very good Biblical world view! THANKS and God bless y’all!
_yourlocalwhiteboyGreat podcasting/interviewingThank you for bringing opposing perspectives and differing opinions and possibilities to the table for the listener to consider, rather than trying to coax us into thinking a certain way. 10/10!!
AndrewTM85On a scale of 1-10…How much do you just listen for Lindsay Graham jokes? It’s a 10 for me
BigDaddyKapowHow the mighty have fallenI have listened to them pretty consistently for a few years. This year the show has gone into the gutter. Can’t listen anymore
Ali9373626283Merry ChristmasI love this show! I’m one of the few that loved it from the first episode. I usually listen to audio only but recently have been watching the video. I love Todd even more on the video. Aaron is so smart and Steve I’m so thankful for the biblical world view. Why do you pronounce Mara-lago, mare lago? 🤔🤔
Dan Bowden Fine ArtDan BowdenMy a daily listener. Awesome presentation of news for the times we live in.
coastaltamBlaze needs to fix URLIf Glenn wonders why iTunes subscriptions for Blaze programs are dropping through the floor, he needs to talk to his tech guys. ALL Blaze podcasts haven't downloaded since Nov 6. FIX THE URL please. And when you tinker with tech, please test it before walking away for a month. Thanks.
DiveDeeper50Billie JeanBobby Riggs beat Billie Jean. Fact check!
skilaxdadSherman’s March to the SeaI like Steve’s reference to post election being analogous to post Gettysburg. I’m wondering if we will actually see an allegorical replay of Sherman’s march to the sea also.
Vezna31De-Platformed??I can't get any more podcasts from Steve or Glenn anymore since 11/6/24. Was The Blaze de-platformed??
TexasIceManStill my #1 Don’t miss show everyday!Got an Ask Deace Anything question in this one. Aside from the um... fortification efforts, the mail in ballots. I think I had heard that in some precincts if the number of mail in ballots on hand cannot make a difference in the results they don't necessarily take time to open and process those ballots. If that is true, how would that affect the popular vote totals. I know that's not how we elect a president but it might be important to "leave no doubt" as was immortalized in the documentary Remember The Titans.
Mickels7Attending public school is idolatry?I was sad to hear on today’s show Todd Urzen equated sending your kids to public school with idolatry. He was saying that if you walk into a conservative church that some will say that their school is just fine and there are “some idols that we will not smash”. There are serious problems with a lot of public schools, but you can’t throw out all schools with one critique. Don’t equate idolatry, sin, and holiness with things that can be neutral. This was a misstep from Todd. He sounds like a bible thumper.
fpackwoodTechnically SpeakingEnough guys I like your young producer but it’s time to get someone in there who can get it done, I have never heard of a nationally recognized show with soooo many production errors,,,
MorpheusVoiceThe only show with a Biblical worldview. It’s always amazing and worth there watch or listen.The only show with a Biblical worldview. It’s always amazing and worth there watch or listen.
LLdmart1Smart1Scott Presslor, follow him. He has done the Amish registry.
Janice FahyI actually think Donnie Tee Tee does have to lie -He doesn’t seem able to traffic in truth. You used to dig that about him - what happened?
BeachandbeadsAmish for TrumpYou asked if the Amish are voting for Trump. Yes, they are. I have seen two billboards, one electronic, stating in huge letters “Amish for Trump”. One of the big issues for them, I have heard, has been the Amos Miller “raw milk” FDA raid on his farm. It’s one of my issues, too, but it’s really close to home for the Amish now.
CSMamaAMA QuestionWhat happens if DJT successfully wins the election, but “something” tragic happens to him prior to the inauguration? What’s are the scenarios and most likely process?
bapsmsTruth Be Told…Thank You!!!Love the variety of subjects: politics, pop culture, Bible study all from a biblical worldview.
AlaskanangelaNever miss an episodeLove these guys. This is my absolutely favorite podcast, only excepting their sports talk. 😂
Ajedwards83ReviewI like the show.
Avx32Love the montage.Aaron’s montage is the best! Love three way conversations and perspectives.
DrewwebLove this show!Steve,Todd and Aaron deliver straight truth, no chaser every day. Always ahead of the curve and tell you what you need to hear. I don’t miss an episode!
archive_60Take the “L”It’s like listening to someone with an inability to focus, talk about complex issues. I guess what we’re doing now is giving a platform to people who are out of their mind.
farmernotjoeSolid showKeep up the good work!
Matt B in VAAMA: Real Estate adviceWhich is more likely before the next presidential inauguration? Civil War or WWIII? Location, location, location! Matt in Virginia
Slash505Unhinged 9/18/24Steve has a “biblical world view” but enjoys the cheating to win the “natty” and will unleash with the hells and damns in the justification and end the show with a verse from Romans. You are what’s wrong with the Church
Zr2corvettesThe Steve Deace showI love this show and tune in every day if possible excellent content.
FollowerFromOregonUnafraidSnarky conservatism?!? You gotta love that. No mincing words here. These guys are willing to call men to be men.
JakeSteeleOutstanding PodcastI began listening to this show for its biblical world view and stance on COVID. So glad I did! 1 of 3 podcasts I never miss. Keep up the good work.
GettingOlderEveryDayDiscernment AGAIN, Steve!Mark Driscoll as a semi-regular guest? Do you even discern? That man should not be back in a pulpit. Please, Steve. Do better!
jaaaacccckkkkkYou are doing great!I want all of us to do what we can.
everlymamaMy single most listened to podcastIf I only have time to listen to one podcast in a day, this one is it.
541GodfatherLove you guys!Only one of a few shows I listen to anymore!
tulips76Love the show.Great Christian guys doing current event daily.
small"l"libertarianExcellent showYou have become my #3 podcast
SMKIFrom On Fire To Just Luke WarmFrom the early COVID era through early this year this was my go-to show. This show was on fire. Steve, Todd & Aaron were quick to call out the grifters in the cultural & political arenas. These were my kind of guys. Through the short-lived 2024 primary they continued with their take downs of the grifters, until . . . the Cheeto idol and his promise of nice stuff took center stage. Then there was the Twitter critic they invited on the show that completely obliterated Steve on his move to go orange. These changes also exposed Steve's most annoying trait - his inability to make a succinct argument. Then there was Steve's short-lived proclamation that they were not going to constantly talk about the election on the show. It wasn't too long before the election became "the most important election of our lifetime." The "penalty" for talking about the polls soon went away (remember, "look at polls!"?). Then came the assassination attempt on DJT, which really changed nothing, including DJT, but it did become the new catalyst to join the chorus of apologists for the Cheeto Jesus. For me personally-and this is a personal review-this has effectively rendered the show as unlistenable and now wholly unremarkable. For thirty pieces of silver (really much less) you get this show. Oh, I know they won't miss me and I really won’t miss the show either. I do wish them well personally because, as a fellow brother in Christ, I do appreciate the theological work that they do. But the magic of the past few years has been lost. My guess is that Steve will likely turn back to his anti-grifter persona post election. For me, at least, that will be much too little, and much too late. From on fire to luke warm. That is this shows new standard.
D4RE2DV8Ask me AnythingAMA submission: would Steve still enjoy pumpkin spice and pecan streusel if Kamala was underneath it? 🤣
Alfred of WessexSteve Deace ShowSteve Deace is the best conservative commentator since Rush Limbaugh. He has a good handle on scripture, understands the Church, and the impact it has, both positively and negatively, on our culture, which of course impacts politics.
Ransomed and FreedDaily Dose of DeaceI always look forward to my “daily dose of Deace”, Monday through Friday each week! Thank you Steve, Todd, and Aaron for standing on the truths found in scripture, and the inerrancy of God’s word! You tell it like it is, without apologizing or wavering. Thank you for your honesty and candor. Please keep “fighting the good fight”, and being the voice of reason in the midst of chaos. Praying God’s protection over you and your families as you come against the spirit of the age in this godless culture. May Jesus Christ be known, and God the Father be glorified in your lives and with this show!! Thanks again! -Heather Claude
Ohio ChuckBuy, sell or holdTim Walz has more Lyndsay Graham vibes than Dennis Hastert vibes. Chuck Culver
lorilynsNever miss your shows!Keep up the good work. Todd: new product line I think you’ll like. XXXY apparel. Riley G did a spot for the company. I think you’ll like their mission. The sportswear looks awesome too. I bet Ansley will love it.
Dominion DadSkillet’s John CooperGreat interview of John Cooper of Skillet. Great respect for John Cooper and his love of Jesus. Many good points covered in this Evergreen conversation.
olivetree 528My Go-To PodcastReally enjoyed this last conversation with John Cooper! Keep up the good work!
Sttude89Watchmen on the WallIf you want the truth, you’ll find it here. All things are filtered through a biblical lens . Steve, Todd and Aaron balance that truth…good, bad, ugly, really bad and unprecedented (bing!) with a unique style and humor.
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