Afterlife TV with Bob Olson


Searching for Evidence of Life After Death

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Recent Reviews
  • Lexiebeechler
    One of my fave podcasts has shifted my view on life and death
  • MelissaM1313
    Terrific Podcast
    I have enjoyed listening to every episode of this podcast. I have also enjoyed both of Bob’s books, especially his book Answers about the Afterlife. I hope he resumes this podcast. I really would love to listen to new episodes.
  • Edina the Hungarian
    Please come back!!!!
    Where did you go? Are you going to have new episodes??? Love your show Edina.
  • M. D. Meyers
    Interview with Dr. Allan Botkin
    I truly love your show, Bob, and I want to thank you for all that you have done for us, your listeners!! Your interview with Dr. Allan Botkin is an excellent example of your work! I am very intrigued by his discoveries and am impressed with the originality of them! Thank you, again, for another exciting time spent listening to your show!
  • Jra4776
    I love this podcast. I recently lost someone & I can’t tell you how much it’s helped. Thank you.
  • Dadrill
    Another add on to my spirit journey
    I’ve been learning about spiritual journeys for 3-4 years ago. I am familiar with Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Michael a Newton, Eckert Tolle, and many other spiritualist that gave me so much insight in my own spiritual path. If you like Bob Olson, I would highly recommend also a podcast call The Past life, as Simon is the host who does similar work. I’m trying to look and see if Simon and Bob had done any work together or interview. I’d love to hear that.
  • continue;
    Thank you
    I can’t tell you how much your podcasts help me get through the minutes .. And days ... I’m alone and and instead of going out or shopping I look forward to listening to you ... you have helped me have some clarity in the chaos and how to cope better with my grief ... your a true blessing !
  • kallymama
    Informative , comforting and real
    I love this man. He is grounded and intuitive. He comes with facts and has wonderful guests. This podcast got me through the death of my beloved mother and bob also provides tremendous resources as well. I’m so thankful for this podcast
  • Susan5687
    The Missing Puzzle Piece...
    Thank you, Bob, for your recent episode, The Missing Puzzle Piece.... I have been researching the afterlife for the past 3 years since my daughter passed, and this has finally helped me to understand the difference between a soul and spirit and the relationship to reincarnation. I loved the metaphor of the ocean being our soul and the waves each being a spirit experiencing the shore. Thank you!
  • Dr. Longfellow
    Bob is fantastic!
    I love Bobs interviews and other content on his podcast. He has helped many with his interviews and information he has helped pass on.
  • Nkay666
    After losing my brother a few weeks ago
    This show has brought me soo much comfort! I am soo grateful for these episodes. It has helped me realize that this life is not all there is. Of course it can’t be proven but this show sure has made me a believer, Thank you soo much for providing this free podcast, it’s truly given me peace 🙏❤️👁
  • Tx queen bee
    We want more- you are THE BEST!
    You have one of the best speaking voices and your content is priceless for anyone, but especially those going through grief. Your podcast helped me tremendously (and your books) my first year of grief after losing my brother tragically at the age of 35. Thank you for all you do! Please come back and do more episodes.
  • Madcaesar
    This podcast is amazing
    I wish more episodes were delivered. This is one of the best NDE podcasts out there. I listen to the available episodes over and over. Every episode is professionally produced and the content is rich with all aspects of the afterlife and NDE’s.
  • BakerReader
    Awaiting Bob's Return to Podcast❗️
    It's been 6 months and I am slowly going insane without "HEY Bob Olson here, and you're listening to...." Please come back❗️ Alice / Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • uhjytre
    Too many commercials. Yak yak yak, can’t seem to get to the subject.
    You can get bored real quick.
  • רָחֵל 武
    This is awesome
    I absolutely love this podcast. Please continue making more.
  • Yo yo ti
    love it
    awesome podcast!!! very informative and well-researched. this has really comforted me in times of need and has soothed many of my fears about my loved ones passing on. thank you, bob and melissa! ❤️
  • Jay_12X
    Love it but...
    The interviewer interrupts too often, let the story flow, less interruptions please, he seems so in a hurry.
  • Rollin_20s
    This is a fantastic resource, and I feel Bob really cares about this subject. Thank you for taking the time to do this. 🙏☮️
  • reimar1004
    Bite-sized episodes are great!
    Hi Bob, As always, I'm appreciative that you share these investigations with us. Sometimes it's easier to find the time for a quick episode--a bite-sized episode while I stop for a bite to eat! I get busy and forget that I'm a spiritual being at times. Listening to these quick, informative, INTERESTING reminders helps me through this human experience. Kelly's NDE story was a great comfort. My mother always said that her mother used to tell her (a Grandmother I never met, born circa 1890, Poland) that our human life is a "drop in the bucket." We're brief travelers here to explore and learn, and then we return home. So I have a solid background and knowledge of our spiritual selves, but still need these reminders that you provide to bring my heart and mind back around to our spirit realm.
  • Novocosmos.lisa
    Sincere, informative and helpful
    I've watched all of Bob Olson's YouTube interviews and enjoyed every one of them. Great energy and perspective on the subject of "the afterlife."
  • Drew Williams - Wright
    After Life TV with Bob Olson - April 15, 2017
    Stop your hectic life for a moment, think for a moment, what is the number 1 thing we all will have done, have questions about but scared to ask and who do you ask? Death. Will it hurt, where do we go when it happens and what do we expect? Total blackness, Heaven or Hell? Those of you that may have questions or worries, phobia's need to listen to this Podcast just one time and you will be hooked.I have been listening to Bob since he has been on iTunes. I never miss a show. Bob has guest or authors that discuss the afterlife with credible and well known authors and speakers. He is very professional in the questions he asks of his guest. He has information or fact about everything that is discussed. His topics vary but stay focused on the afterlife. Listening to this show will leave people thinking and an open mind answered that we do move on after we pass. I can't recommend this Podcast more. Listen and see if you don't agree. There are a lot of Podcast out there now but give Bob's show a chance just one time, you will be back for more, guaranteed! You do such an incredible job Bob , keep up the great work. Drew Williams
  • Monimomnas
    Dream Visit and Spirit Visit validation
    Love the show really good info and insight! There are so many non believers that if someone shares their experience with 1 or 2 it's easy to doubt it actually happened. I had a friend who was murdered and visited me by dream then came to me when I awoke. After I awoke I almost dismissed the dream until I felt his presence and he started telepathically sending me hints for validation. It was too real to dismiss. Searching for answers or someone with a similar experience I found the show with Hello from Heaven and all this has peaked my interest even more about the afterlife and if I could speak to some of my other loved ones who passed. Anywho Bob, this is a good show and Thank you for doing it!
  • Dechbr 20
    Highly recommend it!!
    I really enjoy the insightful interviews! I'm hooked!!
  • fn2bfit
    I'm so inspired and nourished with the amazing information, insight and guidance from so many spirituality experts on such a wide variety of topics. I'm an avid listener and look forward to what's ahead...
  • thatswhatisay
    Thanks for bringing the afterlife to LIFE!
    I'm loving the new format! I also appreciate the purity of the messages that come forth from the guests. Bob's heart and motivation to neutralize a subject that isn't readily talked about from this angle is fascinating!
  • Audra York
    Bob rocks my world!
    Bob, you are amazing. You have consistently provided fantastic interviews over the years. The information you share has been enlightening. Thank you for all your work. You help more people than you realize. Keep it up! Don’t stop! You rock! (just thought I’d be your cheerleader for a moment) I love every episode you post. The information is fascinating and eye opening. If anyone is questioning whether to subscribe…. SUBSCRIBE!
  • werockcweeeee
    spirit vs. soul
    super Bob!
  • Lunatica777
    Thank you is not enough!
    Bob is a super talented and intuitive interviewer and investigator. I am thankful he decided to do this meaningful work. I have enjoyed all the shows and always looked forward to more. The knowledge is invaluable! It has sparked more meaning in my life and a search of my own. Also, strongly recommend reading his book!
  • Marooned in AZ
    Very interesting
    I just found this podcast and I really enjoy it! Very interesting guests and Bob sounds passionate and genuine about the topic.
  • grandslam
    great presentations
    Really enjoy this podcast. Sincere, informative and entertaining!
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