The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast


12-step recovery for those of us who love alcoholics or addicts. We share our experience, strength, and hope as we use the principles of the Al-Anon program in our lives. We talk openly and honestly about the problems and challenges as we face alcoholism and addiction in our friends and relatives. We share the tools and solutions we have found that let us live a life that is serene, happy, and free, even when the alcoholic or addict is still drinking or using.

Recent Episodes
  • Creating a Personal Higher Power in Recovery – 417
    Sep 9, 2024 – 40:49
  • Letting Go and Trusting: Exploring Step Three – 416
    Sep 1, 2024 – 1:07:29
  • Finding Hope and Sanity: Exploring Step Two – 415
    Aug 20, 2024 – 55:02
  • Surviving Alex: A Mother’s Story of Love, Loss, and Addiction – 414
    Aug 8, 2024 – 1:13:14
  • Step One: Finding Strength in Surrender – 413
    Jul 4, 2024 – 1:05:44
  • Breaking Through Denial: Honesty is Essential – 412
    Jun 24, 2024 – 1:13:07
  • Growth and Challenges in Al-Anon Service – 411
    Jun 7, 2024 –
  • Walking the Path to Recovery – Working the 12 Steps – 410
    May 27, 2024 –
  • Finding Strength in Mutual Aid: Insights from Al-Anon’s Third Tradition – 409
    Apr 2, 2024 – 40:34
  • A Deep Dive into Sharing in Meetings – 408
    Mar 12, 2024 – 1:12:39
  • Spencer T talk at 71st Greeley AA Stampede
    Mar 1, 2024 – 1:09:15
  • Listening to you – 406
    Feb 11, 2024 – 1:20:35
  • Working the Steps – 405
    Jan 11, 2024 – 1:18:58
  • Experience, Strength and Hope from the 2023 Al-Anon International Convention – 404
    Dec 28, 2023 – 22:38
  • Inaction and Reaction: Navigating the Path to Meaningful Action – 403
    Dec 8, 2023 – 1:26:01
  • Finding Freedom from Gossip and Creating Positive Relationships in Recovery – 402
    Nov 9, 2023 – 1:28:20
  • What is my Motive? – 401
    Sep 2, 2023 – 19:22
  • Milestones – 400
    Aug 17, 2023 – 1:26:15
  • Finding Al-Anon Lessons in Classic Novels — 399
    Jun 28, 2023 – 1:08:17
  • What we learned in 2022 — 398
    Jun 19, 2023 – 41:27
  • From Wounded to Empowered: Misti B’s Path to Forgiveness — 397
    May 24, 2023 – 1:36:23
  • Boundaries Revisited – 396
    Mar 29, 2023 – 1:24:55
  • The Relationship between Mother and Son – 395
    Mar 5, 2023 – 1:44:10
  • People of Color in Recovery – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging – 394
    Feb 14, 2023 – 1:15:26
  • Take What You Like and Leave the Rest — 393
    Jan 31, 2023 – 56:01
  • Step 12 – 392
    Jan 18, 2023 – 1:40:02
  • The power of stories – 391
    Jan 4, 2023 – 1:48:01
  • Gratitude 2022 – 390
    Nov 21, 2022 – 31:23
  • Four Primary Ideas – 389
    Nov 2, 2022 – 31:21
  • Recovery in the TV/Film Industry – 388
    Sep 26, 2022 – 1:33:13
  • Co-Crazy – 387
    Sep 7, 2022 – 1:37:46
  • Loss and Grief – 386
    Aug 19, 2022 – 1:28:39
  • Worry Less — 385
    Jul 27, 2022 – 1:45:13
  • Leaning into Faith – 384
    Jul 6, 2022 – 1:23:53
  • Laurel S — Alcoholism Ended her Marriage — 383
    Jun 24, 2022 – 1:27:36
  • Remembrance — 382
    May 30, 2022 – 1:10:59
  • Acceptance is a Gift of Recovery – 381
    May 7, 2022 – 29:12
  • Awareness and Acceptance – 380
    Mar 30, 2022 – 52:48
  • Letting Go – 379
    Mar 23, 2022 – 1:30:38
  • Fireflies – Recovery of a Marriage – 378
    Mar 13, 2022 – 1:16:56
  • Whether the Alcoholic is Still Drinking or Not – 377
    Mar 2, 2022 – 1:12:36
  • My Husband – 376
    Feb 23, 2022 – 26:24
  • Feeling new in recovery – 375
    Feb 18, 2022 – 27:30
  • My Recovery is not Conditional on Yours – 374
    Feb 14, 2022 – 1:42:31
  • Gratitude 2021 – 373
    Jan 16, 2022 – 17:21
  • Embracing Risk – 372
    Jan 5, 2022 – 1:29:26
  • Reflection on a loss, December 19, 2021
    Dec 20, 2021 – 8:31
  • A Teacher in Recovery – 371
    Dec 11, 2021 – 1:20:35
  • Gentleness with Myself – 370
    Nov 19, 2021 – 1:32:21
  • Healing through Writing – 369
    Nov 3, 2021 – 1:38:31
Recent Reviews
  • Nerd62
    Excellent Resource for Recovery!
    Thank you soooo much for this podcast! I have found it to be a perfect addition for my recovery journey. Your podcast was recommended by some of my AL Pals, and I have been listening daily since then. I recently started with episode 1 and have just finished Episode 36. (Because of Swetha’s comment about all reviews being 5 star to that point, I was tempted to select a 4 star because of her comment that she would be wondering “where was the last star”. I just could not do it! I empathized with her anxiety about a possible future 4 star review. I, too, will keep coming back!) Again, thank you all for your service and sharing your experience, strength, and hope!
  • Dottie, Florida
    Frees Me of Shame
    As a child, perfectionism & shame, & a belief that I was responsible for everyone & everything, especially things that go wrong, became deeply ingrained in my unconscious brain. My life & family were crashing & burning. Thank God for AA & Al-Anon! I go to in person meetings & attend online meetings. I got a sponsor & work the steps, meeting with her regularly. I read the literature. I downloaded the Today’s Hope App & this one. By these practices, I gain & maintain hope & clarity, & the freedom to see all of us through loving eyes. My husband & I enjoy this app so much, & especially like listening when on road trips. The other day I played an episode, & by the time it was over, the healing influence of the program was so dramatic. I felt so light, free & energized!!! I realized once again how shame just creeps up & grows invisibly, draining away my hope & a loving view of myself & our family. That’s why I love this show! It helps me heal from Shame & Perfectionism, a Negative View & attitude towards Everyone & Everything. Spencer, thank you for all of your work to help others heal. What a Gift that keeps on giving! With love, Dottie & Scott
  • NYCMasters
    Wonderful Al-Anon resource
    Thank you. Your podcast is incredible. Very powerful. Very healing. I know in Al-Anon we aren’t supposed to strive for perfection but this show comes very close. So very grateful to have found you!
  • hnm1506
    The Recovery Show
    This podcast is fantastic! I am so blessed to have stumbled upon it! A sensitive issue for discussion, and yet, I feel so comfortable listening and sharing. Spencer, Swetha and Kelly have definitely found their calling. They are able to inject humor and can still approach the very difficult subject matter. I will NOT miss one of these! Thank you! And bless you all! Marsha
  • gtcrawford
    This podcast has taught me so much on my journey & I’m forever grateful for showing me a path to serenity. No quick fixes yet hope abounds.
  • Cliffroberts
    Real stories about recovery from the effects of alcohol and addiction
    I found The Recovery Show from a recommendation from someone in one of my Al-Anon meetings It is without question one of the most valuable podcasts of all the ones available The host has a gentle tone, just like someone who has been to many Al-Anon meetings They have guests that tell real stories about real recovery, and how they experienced strength and hope has brought them through to have real lives of serenity I can’t recommend this podcast more - for anyone who is trying to understand how their lives have been affected by addiction, and how to find happiness and answers in their lives
  • MichePie
    This show is absolutely amazing. I’m not sure how I started listening to it. I’m not a recovering alcoholic but I do have some mental health struggles that this podcast helps me with. It’s so relatable and helpful and soothing. I feel like I’m in a therapy. I may have done a general search on a topic I needed help with and this podcast came up as a suggestion. Whatever the reason I am very grateful. Thank you.
  • Heatherhefs
    A Meeting When You need it
    I’ve been listening for a few months. The discussions always come through. It feels genuine and vulnerable. I’m so thankful for this content that’s so easily accessible ❤️
  • k j n otherside
    What an incredible tool and community
    I discovered The Recovery Show through a fellow in my home group as we were talking about Service and resentments with service. Listening to episode 349 as my first dive into your amazing podcast, I find I now listen daily. The episode on chaos (45) spoke to me and my experience, especially the tip to observe instead of participate in the chaos (or really try to fix the chaos because I think I know best). It’s wonderful to have speaker shares available and I just finished episode 18 on Step 4 since I’m about to start mine. The wisdom and experience of the group give me hope that I can also “just do it” and know that it doesn’t have to be perfect and won’t be the only time (hopefully). Thank you Spencer for your service and experience. The podcast is enriching my recovery so much (and I only started listening a week ago). Thank you to all the community contributors for their experience strength and hope. I’m grateful there’s a website with lots of clear organization and resources abound. Wishing you peace and thank you again!
  • Deirdre Tshien
    Great podcast!
    A great companion for those navigating their journey of recovery. Spencer gets to the heart of healing with honesty and understanding. From Deirdre
  • E-z listener
    This show is amazing!
    I stumbled upon the show, started listening, and got hooked… In the best kind of way. I then went back to the beginning, and I’ve been listening in chronological order. I just love it. The depth, the humanity, the recovery, the guests, the topics, all just wonderful. Give it a listen, you will not regret it!
  • Ucbsph
    Spencer’s podcast is awesome! Full disclosure: I was a guest host on the Diversity, People of Color episode. I’m so grateful for this amazing resource that’s available at our fingertips anytime anywhere. A great supplement to going to meetings, working the steps, and reading the literature. Thank you Spencer for your service. Let’s carry the message to all who suffer! Let it begin with me!!!
  • Gjjgdaaaa
    It reminds me to be kind to myself
    Words cannot express my gratitude for this podcast. It has helped me get through some very difficult times and has given me hope and courage. Wish I would have found this during the pandemic. Spencer’s voice is just soothing to me and it helps lessen my anxiety. This podcast has really helped me to put my own feelings into words and feel that I am not alone. I really like how you can choose a topic, but I find that I can take something from every topic and almost all the shares speak to my heart. Thank you Spencer! You are truly inspiring and the world needs more of this.
  • SaltandPepper63
    Who I Am and Am Not
    This show is a bridge over turbulent waters. With wisdom and often humor, it reminds me who I am and who I’m not; clarity I desperately need! It’s a great companion on walks and in the car. It gives me realistic hope. I love it❤️
  • Alliehope18
    Thank you
    I really appreciate this show. It is inspiring. Thanks for keeping it going!
  • Conscious_Marketing_&_PR
    Highly recommended!
    This podcast is amazing for whoever that's going through recovery! It is divinely inspiring and empowering.
  • Maluhia777
    I learned so much from this. Love it!
  • Rachael W, AK
    Support for a newcomer
    I am new to Al-Anon although as a therapist, I’ve often recommended it to clients or even attended meetings with them, secretly checking it out for myself. As a therapist living in a small town, in-person meetings here are often not anonymous and awkward because I’m guaranteed to see clients. This podcast has helped me bridge the gap as I try to work up the courage to attend an online meeting. I am very grateful for this resource (which I have also been recommending to clients!)
  • vicarious friend
    Serenity for the day
    Just discovered this podcast! Since I can only go a meeting 1x a week- this podcast allows a daily contact with the concepts of recovery. Thank you!
  • blergyblerg
    A Great Recovery Tool
    I often fall asleep to this podcast. This is not because it’s boring but Spencer’s voice is very soothing and hearing him and his guests talk about topics that can be taboo is such a relief and helps me feel safe and heard without even having to speak! It gives me serenity and puts me in a better space to rest. Thank you for your service. When I can’t make it to a meeting or can’t sleep or reach a friend to talk, I reach for this podcast.
  • Supsse
    Life changing
    This podcast has been an integral tool in my recovery. I discovered it about 6 months ago. I am grateful to Spencer for his years of work in generating such meaningful episodes. I listen daily.
  • Schmaudy
    Loving this podcast
    The program is so important to me, though I am brand new to it. This podcast has been most helpful to me between meetings and I love the discussions that I’ve heard so far. Thank you so much for your service to all of us, and to the program.
  • Darin Hurts
    Thank you so much
    So helpful
  • TK Wilcox
    << grateful for you Spencer>>
    Irritable and unreasonable podcast- my favorite so far!! Wow - I got so much insight about myself and hope. Thank you!
  • Savannah Rosner
    Bedtime Ritual
    I have listened to this podcast every night before bed for about two months now and it’s become something that I look forward to as my day comes to an end. As someone who is nearly a year into sobriety, I am grateful to the many resources available to help me along the way, such as meetings, therapy, literature, and these extra special podcasts. I especially enjoy the wide array of content covered, the materials provided to listeners online on the Recovery Show website, and of course, Spencer’s soothing voice. Thank you so much for being my guiding light, one that I so look forward to, each night before bed.
  • Stressica
    Meeting in My Pocket
    A friend in recovery shared this podcast with me and described it as a “meeting in your pocket,” and she was so right! So grateful for this!
  • music&science
    So soothing
    And also so helpful and just helped me when I needed it. Like a good good friend that’s way smarter than me.
  • minlern
    Love the honesty
    This is deep, and healing. I love this post cast. Helping me grow. Thank you !min
  • Elbe 1987
    Life and serenity saving
    I’m sure lots of folks have left eloquent, and thoughtful reviews. My share is simple, if you find yourself here, there’s a reason. Give this podcast a listen to the shared experience, strength, and hope, you’ll find something here that speaks to you. I know I have. There are many episodes. You can start at episode 1, or let go and let god. Thank you for the folks that contribute to this podcast 💜
  • Snowmom17
    Tip toeing into Al-Anon
    I want to thank you for continuing to put out this amazing podcast. To be honest I should definitely be in Al-Anon! Probably since birth!! my fear and perfectionist personally persuade me to believe I’m FINE! Haha jokes on me! I plan on attending an in-person meeting in the near future. Without this podcast I would have never even consider searching for one in my area! I’m so grateful!
  • whyme2345
    Thank You!
    Your podcast has been my go to ever since I discovered it! I have learned so much and found such comfort in your episodes and cannot express how much I appreciate the time and effort you give to this project. You really make a difference in my journey to understand and survive my two qualifiers as well as understand myself and why I reacted as I did. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  • bsayw10
    Thank you!
    Thank you for this podcast. I’ve been to a couple meetings but didn’t feel comfortable due to social anxiety. This has been a wonderful stepping stone for my healing journey. I’m starting from the first episode and working my way through. Take care, Britt
  • Dudenhoeffer
    Thank you Spencer!
    Thank you Spencer for this podcast. I’m a long time Alanon member and listener. I just never got the courage up to write. This podcast is my daily meditation. I try and listen to it everyday. I do listen to it on my work day. It is a great podcast!!
  • SerenaMariePowell
    I’m so grateful
    I’m so grateful for this podcast. It keeps me in recovery in between sponsor call and meetings. I’m very very grateful.
  • noodlesims
    Editor/producer help please
    I just came across this podcast, and was interested in episode 377, but the opening remarks repeated 4-5 times before I couldn’t take it anymore.
  • kcinbloom
    Excellent step/tradition/concept discussion group
    I can’t thank Stuart and all his guest cohosts for all their bravery in sharing what real recovery is like from the perspective of the non-using family/friends of alcohol and substance abuse. Also covers some codependency topics. Well worth listening to.
  • KBP-app-review
    With gratitude
    I came across this show while in a recent low moment with my alcoholic-dysfunctional family of origin, and boy am I glad that I did. I recently moved across many time zones and have not yet found an ACoA meeting to replace the one I was previously attending. The Recovery Show is helping to fill that gap and has been of immense comfort to me in my time of need. With every episode, I’m reminded that I’m not alone and that all of us who are affected by this disease are relatives. Thank you beyond words to Spencer and to everyone who makes The Recovery Show possible ❤️‍🩹 Please keep up this good and immensely important work!
  • süsüser
    Warmth and understanding
    Facing fears Taking responsibility for our lives Redirecting our energies way more productively Stopping trying to control the impossible to control Setting examples of listening Being present showing up Have learned so much already in my first few weeks of bingeing on this life saving /sanity saving clarifying podcast Spencer shows us his strength, emotional intelligence and integrity by putting his heart and soul (and sweat, time and energy ) into this show and opening his heart to all who are lucky enough to get to listen on our healing journeys. Great co-hosts great contributions from listeners. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
  • Arsenia Barias
    This show came as my Saving Grace!
    When my world seemed to be shattering all around me, I discovered this show and it eased me into reclaiming my sanity and learning different points of views relating to Al-Anon. Thank you!
  • wright85
    Every Episode is Helpful
    Just started listening a few weeks ago from the beginning. The hosts have a great balance of personal shares, practical information, how Al-Anon has improved so many ares of their lives. Thank you for being there for us.
  • MoPodcast4Me
    Great Cure for Stinking Thinking!
    This podcast is amazing. It’s been so helpful in my recovery. I love to be able to listen while I commute to work and I just play episodes over and over again. Great cure for Stinking Thinking.
  • vahevalarain
    Grateful. Grateful. Grateful!!
    This podcast is truly heaven sent. I am so grateful that I discovered it at the very beginning of my journey through the program. It has helped me on some seriously tough days, when meetings aren’t available, and when I need to just pause and listen. It is an incredible resource of experience, strength, and hope through a wide variety of topics. Their website ( is also extremely helpful for searching topic themes and finding one that fits to where you are in life at the present moment. I have listened to at least 2 dozen episodes now, both new and past, and have found peace and perspective in each one. Highly recommend!! 10/10. 5 stars! Thank you, Spencer and friends, for your service. You are truly a blessing and I am so blessed to have found you and this program. Cheers to many more years!
  • Blessed CSR
    My Husband Episode 376
    This Episode was the most powerful, articulate, thoughtful share I have yet to hear. Her calm and loving expression of her marriage to her loving husband, who silently battled his disease, was such a profound story of love and loss at the same time. I felt God’s loving presence and compassion in her story and her brave resolve in the end because of God, her deep love for her husband, and the angels that carried her through. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart. God bless you. Thank you for this Podcast.
  • MarileneRoder
    Forever grateful for the wisdom and invaluable insights into life and recovery
    Dear Spencer, your podcast has been an invaluable source of wisdom, strength and hope not only when dealing with a loved ones’s addiction, but to pretty much everything in life. Work, friends, our children, you name it. It’s honest and heartfelt. There are no quick fixes to the curve balls life throws at us, but your podcast offers new light and perspective, with gentleness. Thank you.
  • shapmasa
    Grateful listener
    The first episode I heard was 370. Before I listened, I had been experiencing sleep disturbances with intense nightmares. Because of that episode I started reading the thought for tonight before bed and meditating with it. Ever since I implemented this routine, I have not had nightmares and I have slept much more peacefully. I find that listening to your podcast is the perfect start to my day on my way to work and I am so grateful to you. Thank you for enriching my life and helping me continue to work on myself.
  • Kelly, FL
    The Recovery Show
    I am not even sure how long I have been listening to The Recovery Show, but it has probably been about 2 years. I am so grateful to Spencer and the various co-hosts for sharing your experiences, strength and hope. Listening to the show has helped keep me grounded in my recovery, encouraged me and reminded me of tools to stay healthy. I have referred The Recovery Show to many people. It is great to listen to on my morning walks. Thank you!
  • brdpudn04
    So grateful
    I found your podcast during Covid when my gym shutdown and I started running at home I can’t begin to tell you how much this podcast has helped me to not feel alone and to get some understanding about this disease I am so grateful for you and for every speaker that is on hear
  • Peaceful Laura
    Medicine for My Soul
    I’ve been attending Alanon for 4 months now. With three qualifiers in my life, I did not know how much I needed the program AND this podcast. I listen to your podcast most every morning along with time in my Bible and in Alanon daily readings. “My word” for 2021 is PEACEFUL, and this podcast gives me a peaceful start to my day. Thank you for your service. P.S. I’m in West Michigan, so hello to my Ann Arbor friends!
  • ithinkthis is rigged
    Wonderful. Refreshing.
    Thank you for your service.
  • xebec_lady
    Life saver!
    I discovered this podcast during COVID lock down while my loved was experiencing a relapse. I had been away from Al-anon for many years, and this has been a wonderful refresher course! Also a great meeting substitute! Thanks Spencer, co-hosts and guests!
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