The Ramsey Show

Business #1Investing #1All Genres #18

The Ramsey Show believes you can build wealth and take control of your life—no matter what stupid mistakes you've made with money. Join as Dave Ramsey and his team of experts answer your questions on the top problems holding you back. Listen now or ask your question live by calling 888.825.5225 weekdays from 2–5 p.m. ET. Learn more at

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  • Rain 2 Va
    I very much enjoy Rachel Cruz as she is a compassionate listener. John Deloney cuts people off, at times does not speak coherently, tries too hard to be relatable with self deprecating humor. I am listening to an episode in which a couple does not want to get married. That is becoming a common choice and JD as a licensed therapist should be aware that not everyone makes the choices he does. There is more than one way to live and to imply it is damaging to children is unprofessional. Dave makes false statements about Tariffs. I appreciate Ken’s viewpoint as his viewpoint isn’t skewed by Dave’s love of Trump and capitalism. Thank you Ken for standing even though Dave clearly was bullying you into changing your stance. If you are looking for a budgeting app. Try YNAB!
  • A Great Man!
    I Miss Dave Ramsey!
    I am a big fan of Dave Ramsey and his daughter, but George Kamel and Ken Coleman are really annoying and overly emotional.
  • Dr NDF
    Dave or George
    Used to be my favorite daily listen, but any episode without Dave or George is unbearable to listen to. The advice is great, but the delivery has become often subpar
  • fizzyangelica
    Not the same without Dave
    I have been an avid listener and completely agree that the show is not the same without Dave. I also agree that the new hosts do not resonate with me. I have stopped listening as often as I used to and no longer listen to any episodes without Dave.
  • MN mee
    Need Dave back
    We pretty much only listen to episodes with Dave, even if it’s an old episode we’ve already heard. He just gives better advice and cuts to the core of the issue(s). He knows when to dish out the tough love and/or compassion as needed and doesn’t let anyone off the hook including himself.
  • rfs250exc
    Where’s Dave?
    Where’s Dave? While the other personalities are great, it’s not the same without Dave. And I feel like the show has became more advertisement than advice. I’ve been a die hard listener for over 10 years and live the Ramsey way, but find myself listening to other podcasts more. Again, where’s Dave?
  • Shootrrr McGee
    Really bad advice since Dave stepped back
    I used to listen to Dave Ramsey back in the day and he generally gave really good advice. He isn’t always technically correct from a purely financial sense but his principles help regular everyday people get out and stay out of debt. The destination is more important than the journey. I just listened to 5 shows and the advice given was terrible because it’s obvious the hosts don’t attempt to understand the issues and they just want to hit the talking points. They give completely conflicting advice from show to show. They told a spouse that they shouldn’t complain to the in laws about their estate planning and then the next show they told a spouse she had every right to complain to in laws about their estate planning. Also they never have truly broke people on the show anymore. Dave often dealt with people that were destitute and he would say the creditors can pound sand, you’re litigation proof. These people would tell them to sign payment agreements. Bad bad advice.
  • 0,&;!;@3!
    Dave is the OG and the show is not the same without him. I like the other co-hosts but only listen when Dave is on. He said he’s never retiring, so get back on the air and don’t take so much time off lol.
  • bighoemoanin
    Come back Dave
    How is this the Ramsey show without Dave ? I know you don’t care if you lose another long time listener, “turn the channel” as you say. Really sad that you lost your roots. You’ve made yours. Your welcome.
  • A reviewer 🦋
    Love, but one thing
    I love the show. But PLEASE bring back the full episodes. That change was very annoying. And also BRING DAVE BACK
  • SoonerCW
    Right wing grifter
    Seriously, he isn’t breaking any new ground. Spend less than you earn.
  • esidewand
    Declining rapidly
    The Ramsey Show used to be one of my favorite podcasts and go to on a daily basis with its information on financial freedom how to get out of debt and just overall being responsible with money. The newer personalities that Ramsey has employed such as John Delony, are very frustrating to listen to. The show is also being run by ads. It seems like after every caller there’s a 2 to 3 minute ad for some financial tool, there’s more ads than content on this podcast.
  • KJRillema
    Almost 5 stars
    The segment I just heard with Jade and George absolutely broke my heart. The man with Parkinson’s, really needed some better advice and a little more of your time. I wish you would have held him over to the next segment because he’s literally dying. It seemed so insensitive to cut him off, give him a quick answer, and move on to joking around. Dr. John would have handled this call better. And I hope Wade finds someone he can call that will actually give him the time he deserves. 💔
  • VivaLaEthan
    Great content!
  • Learning New Paths
    Miss Dave
    Like another review, I miss Dave. I stopped following when Christmas came because I knew Dave would be gone a month or more. I check the contents and look at the hosts. No Dave. That’s the constant. Dave gone. Rachel almost has her father’s spark but the others aren’t Dave and it shows. When Dave goes, the show isn’t good. Rachel and John are pretty good together and spark, as well as Rachel and George. No one clicks with Jade. I cannot stand when she hosts. She so loud and bossy. Ken is like milquetoast. No fire and no chemistry with the audience. I still am not downloading another app. So, the 3rd hour is pfft!
  • jhill9125
    Ramsey for Life
    I was 21 and didn’t know anything about money. I didn’t know how to be a great husband and lead well. Dave taught us from a very young age to do it the hard way which ended up being the easiest way to becoming independently wealthy. If there are any young 21 year old out there listen to this podcast and allow it to change your life. I’m 45 now and my wife and I have been beyond blessed for listening to Dave Ramsey. We’ve been made fun of. We’ve been criticized and we were looked down upon by broke people who did not have a clue how to build wealth. Because we refused to listen to them we became wealthy anyway, and I know you can too!
  • Pam’s plans
    I miss Dave
    This is a program I have listened to for 20 years. Dave isn’t even co-hosting anymore. I scroll through trying to find an episode he is in. The others just don’t have what he does. Deleting the app and not leading anymore of his teachings at church. Sad….
  • high_school_coach
    Never miss a show
    John Deloney is good on his own show, but he’s really fallen off giving financial advice. He isn’t built for that, as most counselors everything is so dark and so overly emotional, it really is a turn off. Giving the woman advice had questions about her expensive homeowners insurance, tell her to get off social media and then use for 30 days is ridiculous. Her thoughts were important and valuable and shall a legitimate question and he just gives the worst advice.
  • Seyah_17
    Show is Interesting
    It is interesting to hear people’s stories. Some people they basically tell them to get two jobs even though they are making good money. They forget that time is valuable and the most common thing people regret at the end of their life is that they regret working so much. Family is more important, making memories is more important. They never really give advice how you can manage that more drill working 80 hours a week so you can pay off any debt right now. Sounds good but while you are young is when you want to have fun and make memories. Also they tell you how to save then try to promote some life policy and promote their products, like bro, if I am listening to this podcast, I sure do not have money to waste on your products. Unless your product is making me money else I am keeping my money and investing.
  • GeniusGirl25
    Love the Show
    Hi Ramsey team! I am 17 and I have listened to your show for several years now and I love it! I have determined that I will go to college and live debt free because of your information. I really love the blunt honesty that will spur people into motion to better themselves. Thank you all so much!
  • Anairb26
    Daily Listener
    Love the show. I listen daily for the past two years and although I may not relate to every situation there is always something to learn. Feelings aside they are helping people get out! Many of us need tough love when necessary. Jade and Dave are my favorite but I enjoy listening to everyone for sure!
  • Hawk tuahs
    Baseball 9
    Im here for baseball nine gems
  • ElizMarks
    Used to Love This Show
    First, I need to say I have learned a lot from Dave over the years. However, as of late I have found Dave really cringeworthy with guests. While he used to be harsh in a way that spurred action, now he just seems harsh and insensitive for no reason. Also, him railing against Fauci is getting old.
  • Jake11144
  • Jimothy Lingus
    Mostly enjoy this show
    I really enjoy the financial advice but not interested in listening to Dave insult people. It also seems like in the episodes where Dave isn’t present, the co-hosts struggle to keep the calls within the time limits and end up rushing through questions, which leads to some unproductive conversations. That being said, when the show is on the rails, there’s a lot of really useful information here. Tldr: I love the baby steps, Dave could be more respectful to callers, and co-hosts could manage the call time limits better.
  • Emmett C.
    Dave is Great!
    Dave and his daughter are wonderful, they are my favorite hosts. Dave is sharp, blunt, insightful on myriad areas of personal finance (even the Bible), and often laugh-out-loud funny. Dave always offers solid advice, I haven’t found anything he has said to be untrue through follow-on research.
  • Emily Faustino
    This show helped us so much
    We paid off 17k dollars in credit card debt in 6 months using the baby steps (when I was a teacher aid and my husband was a massage therapist). You don’t need to spend a bunch of money to learn- they share SO MUCH great FREE advice on this show. Dr John Deloney’s segments have helped my marriage and I really ENJOY listening to Jade Warshaw ( just to counter someone else’s review). Dave’s occasional political comments make it hard to share with my secular and liberal family. I have tried, and while they were open to the financial content, the anti liberal sentiment was too aggressive.
  • JoinedTheCult
    These guys are dinosaurs
    It was unpleasant to hear how Dave and George unloaded on guy with ADHD who failed to pass a math exam in college and was now looking for a financial advice on how to move on without a college degree. They just assumed that he was boozing and partying and grilled him for that. Just because ADHD was not a thing in the 60s doesn’t mean it’s not a real neurologic condition. Plaque was considered to be a witchcraft curse and not a disease a few centuries ago, but the virus turned out to be real later on, who knew!
  • The MAGA times
    Shows solutions, not a free handout
    Funny, conservative, and intelligent, and even better, getting yelled at by libs!
  • fgfvhvvv
    Please let jade go
    Love all the hosts but I can’t stand jade warshaw she just comes across rude and arrogant I skip all episodes with her in it
  • hayden wesa
    All of these raging liberals give this show a 1 star rating because they’re mad that they’re poor and don’t want to work and rely on government handouts for an income. Dave is a great teacher and gives people a much needed wake up call.
  • TateCreative
    Sadly had to leave
    I was a long time listener of this show and sadly had to leave when Dave interviewed Trump. He does not have guests on his show and does not do political interviews. Why now? The politics and religious bullying just got too much for me and it breaks my heart because the content could be very helpful to people if it was presented in another way. For people who feel the same I suggest checking out ‘financial feminism’ podcast.. similar concepts, less bullying, misogyny, and guilt!
  • ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
    👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻
  • matpears
    Incredibly entertaining!
    Very fun podcast to listen to. Thank you Ramsey team!!
  • UHitMeInTheEar
    scammer Dave Ramsey
    Dave makes millions offering very simplistic info on money management to idiots. If your church is offering his materials run away before they rob you blind.
  • RJ Bo
    The Ramsey Show
    The premise of the show is that it will help you improve your financial condition. The reality is that they are just trying to sell subscriptions, books and other products. The subscriptions/products are not good and they make it nearly impossible to unsubscribe.
  • Pilotjett
    A regular listener
    I listened to this show for years, but this year they stop the show midway and out the second half on their proprietary website. What a pain, I’ve basically stopped listening since then.
  • amankows
    I’m Done
    I’ve appreciated the advice provided on the show, and have paid off $300K in debt in 5 years. But Dave’s politics are over the top. Yesterday he referred to federal employees as non-humans. How does this guy tout himself as Christian and sleep at night? He loves to insult people! Two stars are for George—he’s great and really does not need the Ramsey Network to be successful.
  • Mc. Ashley
    I love this show. I’m so grateful! I’m on track to changing my life and getting financially free!
  • crappycakes
    Would be better without Dave
    All the other hosts are great though!
  • JohnM3917
    Investing MalPractice
    Dave advising individuals in their 70s to invest in 100% equities with a 8% safe withdrawal rate is borderline malpractice.
  • Badadvise
    Good advise for simpletons
    They give some decent advice until you get non-house debt paid. It goes downhill after that.
  • BudgetQueenNC
    The best show ever!!
    Love it lol
  • GiantWorm18
    W Show
    This is a great show that can advise you with all of your money problems. I like Dave the most but the other people on the team aren’t bad. Overall this is a 100/100 show and I really like listening to this whenever I have time. This show has helped me learn how valuable it is to save money and not to go in debt (boo credit cards!) So to conclude from what I’ve learned from this fantastic podcast is listen to this show all the time and in the end if you follow the baby steps it will lead you to a lot of money (💵💵💵)and a happy life.
  • Poddddddddddd
    The not so Ramsey show
    No Dave no listen.
  • Dan Los
    Going downhill
    This podcast has started to go downhill and is not the same without Dave Ramsey. All of his “co-hosts” are not able to keep up the kind of advice and energy Dave gave. Nor are they as knowledgeable. Since I can’t find many podcasts that Dave is on anymore, I just stopped listening.
  • pinacoloda
    I’d rather go to the dentist and get root canal without Novacaine then listen to this moron.
  • LoganRamshackle
    Love yall
    Keep having good work you guys are doing. I appreciate it. I love your show. I enjoyed the trump interview and wish u could have interviewed Kamala so I could compare and see which candidate is more moral in my opinion anyways I really love the show and I highly recommend it
  • Joe Goldbergg
    I really enjoyed the show when Dave went on vacation a couple of months ago and it was just the Ramsey personalities. He doesn’t give the callers room to speak. He seems to belittle the callers and even the personalities at times. Not for me anymore. Dave seems like a big baby.
  • Rodrigo M*
    Awesome show!
    Great show and awesome content! Dave and his team provide practical advice for life and finances. Through their advice, these guys have single-handedly helped more families and created more millionaires than any private or public organization in this country. They continuously generate excellent and relevant content. Top-notch organization!
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