The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

All Genres #67Sports #3

From the Elser Hotel in Downtown Miami, Dan Le Batard, Stugotz and company share their unique perspectives on all-things sports, pop-culture and more. This is the place for original content from Le Batard and Stugotz, including the daily “Local Hour” generally focusing on the South Florida scene, the Big Suey, and a few more surprises along the way.

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Recent Reviews
  • chrisucity
    Just wanted to say great job with the voter registration cast. It was pretty cool of you all to do that. Just wanted to give you all the props you deserve. 5 stars
  • Lolo13419
    Keep animal HATER Amin, 👿👿👿 away from angel Ron Magill!!!
    I can’t stand and take offense to Amin wasting Ron’s time and the listeners time by asking Ron stupid questions and being “anti” animal! No one cares what animal opinion Amin has. His animal opinions don’t matter. Please don’t include Amin in the Ron Magill segments! It takes the fun out of it. I just hope hope hope that there are NO animals in Amins family or within a 20 mile radius.
  • this is michael doleac
    That peacock photo…
    Respectfully, Am I crazy or Did y’all choose the worst possible photo of Dan and Stu for that? Love the show
  • ArtieCee
    On hiatus
    Will be taking a break from the show at least until after the presidential election -- though with Le Batard's obsession with global warming and gun control, perhaps longer. Here's a suggestion: why doesn't Le Batard start a political show that is labeled as such. Then, I wouldn't listen to it either.
  • NM Tenny
    Aggressive Swallower
    Dan - you are an aggressive on-mic swallower
  • Dzo415
    True free dumb!
    Former everyday listener that hasn’t listened to a single episode since pre 24 Super Bowl. God how I don’t miss hearing Stu’s lazy non laugh or anything from worthless Jessica… read a book, f… this show! Tired trash
  • tomsbigfish
    Cody and Stu
    I’ve found I WANT to listen to the PXG ad! Excellent job Chris and Stu! Went to the website. I don’t golf, but have in the past a bit.
  • JBB204
    Tua Show
    This show made me angry. Tua is an adult making his own choices. How about you spend more time on why an adult would make such poor choices regarding his/her health? I myself make those poor choices as a former smoker and an alcohol. When I die or if I get sick I won’t blame camel or miller. I made my own decisions. I also did not appreciate Dan’s Hamlin comment. I did feel that way about hamlin and always will. Don’t put your warped view on the listeners.
  • youcme20
    is it necessary to ONLY talk about tua the local hour and suey ?! also , how much time spent on tyreke hill the other day . why so much ?!
  • Illegal Lawyer
    Stepping on takes.
    I think you guys walked all over weekend observations this week. Shame on you Dan. I know you’re nuts dropped when you lost weight, but YOU especially stepped all over the best bit Stu brings.
  • baliballerz
    Sad decline
    Used to not be able to miss an episode, now its not fun or enjoyable. Filled with egotistical narcissists
  • Neilgod728
    What happened?
    Show was great for 15 years last two years have been a bunch of selling other podcast. Sad.
  • Rustyashley55
    Less and less show
    Every single week this show gets further access further away from giving us the actual show. We get maybe two hours of actual show. When we do get the show all we hear is how stugotz or Lucy gets to travel and spend money unlimited or mike spending money traveling across the country while most of the listeners are out here struggling.
  • Mattamall
    The timing is crazy
    I’ve listened to the show for 10 years. Today’s timing was hilarious. Dan being light hearted serious, Stugotz getting his perfect jabs, Smetty killing it every time, Billy be Billy and Chris running it while being funny. I thought losing Mike would lessen it but it is great different. I miss Mike,he is the funniest because he’s half Dan half Stugotz, but this is funny, informative and captivating. I love the whole rest of the crew, they will get better. Everyone always does. Thank you.
  • SteveRodriquez
    The Iowa thing is tired.
  • Udgoon22
    love this show
  • Integrous
    Bad journalism?
    So…. Dan says bad journalism is coming up with a premise, and then presenting only evidence that supports that premise. Has he ever listened to The Le Betard Show? Can’t imagine he’s a fan.
  • Slvmom
    Too many adds goodness
    It’s gotten so crazy when I have to skip 30 seconds for 5 min of each show at least macfee has like one
  • dhk81
    Great pod
    Unless ahmen is on he wants to be the focus which is a huge mistake. If you and Stu are away have Mike be lead person
  • fdoconnorii
    Is the Pitch Clock good? The Pitch Clock is good! Also, sign Billy to a $100m deal before it’s too late.
  • abcdand
    Grid of Death useless
    Maybe it’s a bit but it’s no fun to listen to at all. I seriously don’t think the fans like it either. Just get rid of it. I don’t know anybody who cares to see you guys dress up. Stupid.
  • IdahoBotato
    Must you keep parading Jessica out there on a Greg Cote Tuesday? Ruining it! More Lucy, more Charlotte, more Diana, and much much much less Jessica...Lessica.
  • Bababa2341
    Bring Hoch Back!!!
    Show really fell off a cliff after Hoch left.
  • Hindsey95
    Week of 8/25 - Hot Garbage
    Show was hot garbage this week. Stop wasting Greg Cote Tuesdays.
  • Fat Matt Monterey
    Best Musical Performance 2024
    Absolutely loved this year’s performances. I needed this and I will keep listening to it over and over again. Taylor is star! Yeti B and Andrew S simply the best year after year.
    Stat Of The Day
    In 2023, all MLB pitchers combined for 30 complete games for the whole season. In 1971, 4 Orioles pitchers, Palmer, McNally, Cuellar, and Dobson won 20 or more games each while combining 70 complete games.
  • Sioux2000
    Love listening from Fargo
    Great show. Dan should go back and listen to the name of the person who provided the stat of the day on Aug. 26. It was Barry something.
  • Igetdashow
    Extreme Hiccups
    Jess for years my wife suffered from extreme hiccups about five years back we found out that a spoon full of condensed milk makes them go away immediately.
  • Beeb0030
    Funniest Things
    Funniest 2 things I heard on this show recently: 1) Greg says he’s not a dolphins homer 2) Mike complain about Nick Sabans interview because they didn’t have a voice from the opposition…while speaking from a huge echo chamber! Love the show guys!
  • Philly Parm
    Don’t listen to these haters.
  • Demon’Tray
    Haven’t missed her one bit. She should just be a corespondent and do her road trips during College Football season
  • Bravo!21
    Shut up Samson! Little troll. Nepotiz takes the obvious management side and his schiick is not very interesting. He bores me and Dan keeps him around to seemingly offer a different perspective, but it not interesting. You want interesting, get Bomani!
  • itsMooseNuckles
    Did you say that you’re better than Ben Affleck?
  • Give me answers:
    Lucy where is she !
    Did Lucy die? Did she move back home to Iowa (or NC)? Is she only doing Rhode trips? Was Dan too mean to her by calling her IOWA?? Who can answer.
  • Joe.... Mama
    Jess is annoying
    Always says idk and always complain
  • woy is a bingo
    Nice job.
    I loved this show so much and it was something I looked forward to daily at work. I miss those days. I haven’t listened to the show in months because of ONLY one reason. Roy. I checked in just to see if there was any hope he’d been fired or finally realized he’s worthless and did everyone a favor and quit. But you still have him on the show and for whatever reason he still “talks” on the show. Roy. You are seriously a drag and bring nothing to the show. Please go away. Maybe do something that doesn’t involve other people, a camer, and definitely not microphone.
  • StatOfTheDaaaaaaaaaaaaay
    Review Observations
    Keep pissing off the Right-Wing MAGA idiots!! Love it!!
  • Vanilla Grits
    Has negative charisma. He doesn’t say anything particularly bad or offensive but he is the murderer of entertainment. Less, not more of him please
  • perspective1
    Aggregate obsession
    Mike and Dan should say aggregate more frequently. I don’t hear them use that word enough.
  • bugout1995
    Long time listener. Love the range of topics and content. From serious topics like grief and the election to silly topics like Top 5 lists.
  • Jdogg_forlife24
    Show fell off
    It’s not a sports show anymore. It’s a left wing program
  • Mr. A. Miles
    Annoying Tony
    Thank you for putting narcissistic Tony’s name in the show notes so I know what shows to Skip listening to. If this guy is so great like he claims he is in every single aspect of his life, why doesn’t he have his own show?
  • dizzyd1977
    Ur cool
  • CaptainChaz
    Jess ruins it
    I only listen for nostalgia. I used to drive an hour to work and have so many road memories with this show playing. Miss when it was Dan, Stugotz, Cote, Billy, Roy, Mike. Now it’s always different combos. Jess is AWFUL. Lucy is annoying. Just not the same anymore. AND STOP PUTTING OUT 8 SEPARATE EPISODES A DAY. JUST PUT OUT ONE CONSOLIDATED EPISODE!!!!
  • MoreOutlaw38
    Minus Jessica And Mike Please
    Jessica and her 37 favorite teams is beyond awful she legit adds nothing to the show, is annoying, and never says anything funny or smart. She is so bad I just skip episodes I know she is on I don’t want to hear her voice. When it’s her and Mike Ryan on it’s even worse. Mike is ok in moderation but he used to be very entertaining from like 09-14 or so but he weighs the show down as well. Makes it a one star show but without Jessica and Mike and all is right with this podcast.
  • gotz army captain
    Take a break until after election
    I had to unsubscribe and start downloading individual episodes based on description. Dan can’t help talking about politics and race. This is one of the places I used to go to so I could laugh and unplug. Dan can’t help it and it’s making the show a buzz kill. On the main feed we are getting force fed Pablo Torre and Billy Corben when it’s not what we subscribed to. Not worth it anymore.
  • pippyboy9
    Either / Or
    If you don’t like, don’t listen. This show keeps me sane and engaged.
  • Montgomery Jackson
    Thank heavens for Jessica
    Because Tony obviously does not understand how math works
  • Thai J
    This show
    Is totally not an echo chamber.
  • Skolbear
    Contract year Danno
    And on this week's episode of July. We get Juju on Trump. Hey Dan. H*ll we doin? Speaking of H*ll. Art Briles.
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