AppleInsider Podcast


Get the latest iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple news every Friday. Tune in to this weekly podcast for in-depth coverage, product reviews, and analysis of all news surrounding Apple. Since 1997 AppleInsider has been a premier source of Apple news, leaks, and rumors. Hosted by Stephen Robles and the AppleInsider staff.

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Recent Reviews
  • Copperpot000
    Sound Quality
    Please find a way to fix that horrible whistling noise when the British gentleman speaks. It is horrible!!!!!!
  • shark9999!
    Sound Quality
    Horrible sound quality. The intro music is fine but once they start talking the volume is very low.
  • ddausend
    Mike has to go!
    This Mike guy completely ruined the episode. He has such a bad attitude about everything and put me in a bad mood after listening to this. He is even rude to Wes. This guy has no business being on a podcast. Keep them behind the computer, writing articles and criticizing everything.
  • Turnit22times
    Used to love it
    I used to listen to this podcast daily however, since Stephen left, it’s insufferable at times. Wesley tends to talk down to his audience and struggles to objectively depict the products. Even as an ex Apple employee and fanboy, I find his takes on products to be frustrating and at times blatantly wrong.
  • Ahoog69
    Good, but…
    Overall, this podcast is informative and entertaining. However, the audio quality—particularly the levels—is hit or miss. I’ll be listening to a podcast from the BBC (one of the gold standards for audio), and when this podcast follows, the levels drop significantly. I am obliged to turn up the volume…quite a bit. Please work on the outgoing audio quality, especially the consistency of the levels.
  • Josh the review guy
    Great info and entertaining conversation
    Two thumbs up!! I get almost all of my Apple News from podcasts and this is possibly my favorite one to listen to!
  • Redpixel09
    Getting better…
    Another thing: Wesley’s mic is suburb. William’s is… not great. If he’s consider getting a better mic, that’d be great. Even the mic on the apple earbuds (the wired ones) is better than whatever William’s using right now. App Recommendation: Fruit Stand. It’s an Apple Device collection manager for only $5 Update: I’ve revised my opinion. I think that as time goes on, the chemistry will get better. Will it be the same as Stephen and William? No, but it’ll be better than the first episode after Stephen left. It won’t be the same, but maybe that’s ok. Also, thanks for finally using a unique photo for episode art. Original Review: Back before Stephen left, I really enjoyed this podcast. Stephen and William had great chemistry, and Stephen and Wes wasn’t bad either. But William and Wes just has never had the same chemistry. Whenever Stephen couldn’t record an episode for one reason or another, the William+Wes episodes were always not as good, but it was fine in small, very infrequent doses. But now with Stephen gone, it’s slowly getting more and more uninteresting. If Wes would let William talk more, and if they’d lighten up a bit, I think it’d be better, but without much connection between William, Wes, and the listener, it’s getting harder to listen to.
  • cobrsk
    Previously an Incredible show
    I am a longtime listener and Appleinsider fan. Since Stephen left, the quality of the show has dropped dramtically. I adored the weeks that William was on with Stephen and tolerated (at times) “Wes weeks.” Since the change, the chemistry between William and Wes, although sincere, is not there. Wes was always a solid co-host, and gave some tremendous insight and tidbits when partnering with Stephen. However, Wes doesn't have the skill set to be a host. Wes talks incessantly about himself and rarely is quiet when William shares information or is simply sharing a story. I'm going to give it one or two more weeks to see if things improve.
  • tdawgUM
    Good Stuff
    Good information and discussion. I have a number of pods for apple and tech so ApIn was a later subscribe for me personally; but I’ve added this into my rotation more and more.
  • takerfan4
    My Favorite Apple Related Podcast
    As a paid subscriber to the podcast, I can’t recommend it enough. I listen to a handful of podcasts that cover all things Apple. But this one is my favorite, by far. The conversations between William and Wesley are always engaging, and I learn something from every episode. Plus both hosts encourage you to reach out to them, which very few of the other podcasts I enjoy do. (They just want you to listen and keep your mouth shut, I suppose.) It’s part of my Friday morning routine every week without fail.
  • ME43665644
    Missing Stephen
    I’m sorry but when your host says ridiculous stuff like Twitter is dead so where does anyone talk about this stuff, then this show is clearly out of touch. This is the second week I’ve listened and something outrageous in the same category has been said. The show also hasn’t really been that great since Stephen left. I still really like William but him and Stephen are a much better duo. So time to unsubscribe. I’ll check back periodically, but it just isn’t a great show anymore.
  • Mysarona
    I remember when this podcast was good
    Wes full time ruined the podcast. It’s one thing to have opinions about things but he comes off as almighty and if you don’t agree with him you are wrong. It’s now at the point that listening to this show is almost unbearable.
  • Seth (WiiDSmoker)
    Likes the smell of his own farts. Dude is nuts. Says iPad is a naked robotic core. Can’t run millions of apps, can run macOS.
  • JASJeep
    My favorite Apple related Podcast!
    Listened to the show for years, never missing an episode. Enjoy the dynamic duo of Wes and William. Of all the Apple related podcasts out there this is by far my favorite and the one I enjoy most.
  • can you be my mom
    Love it
    This pod is awesome
  • pmariet
    Enjoying your show
    I enjoy the passion and knowledge for Apple you both share. You two make a good podcast team.
  • dukemeiser
    Not the same
    Stephen was great, William is splendid. The two of them had such a great dynamic. Wes was always my least favorite host and now that he’s full time I had to unsubscribe. He has this weird obsession with Elon Musk and keeps throwing his far left political views into the show. I couldn’t tell you what Stephen’s political views were and that’s how it should be. I might come back when Wes is gone. 2 stars for William.
  • Some other Dad took "Dad"
    William is great. Wes cut the political commentary.
    Can’t continue to subscribe with Wes as host. Wes stick to writing where you can be free to comment on politics but I listen to learn about Apple and not listen to your bloody dribble.
  • clintf777
    Apple Fanboys only need apply
    This was one of the better podcasts on all things Apple with Robles but since he’s departed, it’s gone downhill quite a bit. I always enjoyed the shows w/Robles and Gallagher and much less the ones w/Hilliard and Robles. Now that it always Hilliard and Gallagher its more irritating than entertaining to listen to. The biggest problem being Hilliard’s ability to project the 800LB gorilla that Apple is as the 90lb weakling on the beach that’s always getting sand kicked in his face. Hilliard is, unfortunately, that host that just can’t seem to grasp the reality of the situation that Apple really is the monopolistic bully that always and forever does what’s best for Apple at the expense of everyone else and will only do the right thing in many cases when forced to by legislation. Hilliard just can’t see that and so almost always come across as a defender and apologist for Apple. That gets tiresome and is why I’ll be moving on from Apple Insider
  • GIS Adm
    I like the show, but I’m not loving the audio quality. I’m not sure if it’s the mic’s or the mixing, but sometimes the audio quality forces me to turn it off.
  • DJD 11
    Mostly great.
    Latest episode’s editing was HORRIBLE. Lots of dead space, hosts were edited to be talking over each other and couldn’t understand what either was saying. Seems like the show is going down hill content wise and quality of the editing since Stephen Robles left for his own things. You guys are supposed to be a show about tech so expectations of a high quality show are still there.
  • tardis7229
    No longer worth listening to
    I originally didn’t think I listened to the show just because of Stephen but now that he is gone it is difficult to make it through an episode. Wes is ok at best in small doses every other week but now that he is on every episode he never stops talking. Wes and William do not seem to have have kind of connection and at times it is very painful to listen to. If the show finds a new host I might give it another try but until then I will be looking for a new Apple podcast.
  • BBenton
    Keep your politics out of the show
    I get it. You don’t like Elon Musk. I hear it in all you off side comments. I want to listen to the show for Apple News not your political views.
  • markbakerprague
    No chemistry between the hosts
    I like both of the hosts, but there doesn’t seem to be much chemistry between them now without Stephen. Wes is knowledgeable but talks too much and hijacks every topic. He doesn’t seem to enjoy the fun stuff about Apple, like indulging in some of the more interesting rumors or speculation. Honestly, that’s why a lot of us are here — to have a fun talk about Apple. When I listen, I feel like I’m getting a lecture. Please lighten it up.
  • Suzanne4c
    Best Apple Podcast
    Love this podcast. The hosts are very knowledgeable and informative and I enjoy their camaraderie. Wes is excellent at explaining technology to the average user. Keep up the great work. I’ll be listening.
  • RR1152
    Great Podcast
    Very informative
  • googull
    Ep 517
    Sour Puss Mike only thinks he can see new paradigms. Clearly just a dinosaur keyboard guy that is married to his old school habits. I was shocked that he can’t envision the new opportunities the VP platform enables. Not worth listening to.
  • DarthCorey
    I am done
    Well…I am unfollowing. This show used to be one of my favorites. Now, it is the vehicle for Wes Hilliard to condescend his audience, his cohost, and all technophiles. I honestly can’t believe how many times we had to listen to the fact that he was writing the review for the Apple Vision Pro. If I was him, I would be proud to be selected by Apple Insider, but as a listener, I could care less…and it just came across as a not-so-humble brag…over and over. There are a lot of great Apple Podcasts, so I am moving on. Even though I am a long time listener, it is just a mess of a show, and no longer a healthy discussion on Apple products and news…it is just the Wes Hilliard show…and that leaves me no motivation to keep listening.
  • romeroeli
    Wesley is stupid.
    Everyone is taught in elementary school that only women menstruate, yet he says “people who menstruate”. Y’all have a room temperature IQ host.
  • Johnthunder
    Great Podcast
    Wes & William are 2 of my favorite people to listen to on podcasts. I was sad when Stephen left, but was excited when I found out they were taking over. I was afraid the show would go away entirely, which would be a shame. I’m not sure why so many are complaining about Wes, he does a great job, he just likes to talk…. Which is the point of a podcast… Also, I would say if you don’t like him “defending” Apple so much maybe don’t listen to a podcast called “Apple” Insider… just saying. I think Wes & William have a good dynamic and if the show runs longer because of it, that’s fine with me!
  • gfjgdggxeevv V czz344
    Good, but…
    This podcast is very interesting but it would be nice if Wes would let the second person talk more but overall great pod!!
  • Spankynewman
    We miss you already Stephen
    I used to listen every Friday like clockwork when Stephen was host. Now it is Tuesday and I was like “oh yeah, I might as well put that on.” I am sorry I did. Wes has some good technical knowledge and was always opinionated but held somewhat in check by Stephen, but no more. Now it is unbridled opinions and dismissiveness towards anyone who doesn’t use Apple devices the same way he does, and doesn’t give the other guests enough time to speak. There was even a diatribe in today’s episode toward the folks who have “Obama phones”. I think I have had enough.
  • JCB_56
    One of the best Apple Podcasts
    I’ve been listening to AppleInsiders for years and look forward to listening each week! Sorry to hear that Stephen has moved on but Wes and William did a great job this week!
  • boo-bus
    Going to miss you Stephen
    You just convinced me to relent and buy the MacBook Pro you bought and cancelled so many times. I know the feeling. Sorry to hear your going, you’ll be missed. Blessings on you future endeavors!
  • DylanHarker
    Missing Steven
    Love the show sad Steven is leaving! He keeps William grounded with his calming voice haha
  • 2youngbloods
    Totally enjoyable
    Stephen and William are really great together in reporting Apple news. They both have very clear voices and enjoyable repartee.
  • tymepilot84
    Scary Fast recap
    Fantastic work on Apple products
  • did V K g do K C
    Amazing podcast
    A very good podcast if you like apple
  • a rodgers
    The only podcast I listen to
    Apple insider is the only podcast I listen to having tried many I’ve only ever come back to Apple Insider. Being a tech loving Brit who now lives in North Carolina I love the British / American twist, my terrible British humo(u)r is mirrored by William and Stephen broadcast from my now home state North Carolina last episode! Keep up the great work guys and keep up the GB Vs USA banter!
  • Jackthetoolboy
    Best Apple Podcast by far.
    Gives a great overview of the latest on Apple, and gives a perspective of other people and their tech.
  • idkAtom
    Informative yet fun
    One of the very few podcasts with actual chapters with dedicated album art for each chapter. Thanks for the attention to detail! The podcast is informative, but more importantly, fun. I love the chemistry between William and Stephan.
  • Minjun17
    This has been THE show to listen to
    Adjusted to 5 star. The 4 star was a mistake 🙏🏻 I listen to the show from Honolulu, Hawaii! Love this show and have been listening for years. It has been a constant in my rotation of shows I gather all my apple tech info from. Really happy that Stephen got his Lasso biscuits.
  • Amishpriest
    Favorite Apple Focused Podcast
    This review is a 5/5 when William is on, but a 1/5 without him. That’s it…that’s the review. Ok, joking ;). The show is always informative and entertaining, and the hosts all have a great rapport (though I really enjoy William’s sense of humor). Makes this my go-to Apple podcast.
  • brewertxn
    Listening since day 1
    What can I say, I don’t believe I’ve ever missed an episode and as a result, you’ve made me the defacto “Apple” guy in my family, including my inlaws and extended family… and yes, even at work. Thanks for keeping me so informed and able to add value to the people in my life. If I ever run into one of you in an airport, I’m buying you a drink. And William really should watch Ted Lasso, Season One at the very least.
  • MikeAck
    Finally leaving a review…
    I’ve been a listener for years now and I’m finally leaving my review. The latest episode mentioned Lakeland, FL (where I lived when I was very young while my dad went to college there) and Virginia Beach, VA (where I’ve spent most of my life and grew up).
  • padartha
    A bloated bore fest. Fast-forward is your friend
    I hate to be mean and granted, there is the occasional nugget of worthwhile information but a majority of this podcast is endless conjecture-based droning on about things that are neither informative, funny or interesting. I mean I am a total Mac nerd but this podcast bores me to tears. Robles, spends an inordinate amount of time with feeble attempts at comedy (dude, you are NOT funny) and reading commercials which is annoying to the nth degree (yes I know there is a subscription based ad free version but I’m not paying to hear this garbage) William Gallagher is the only halfway redeeming co-host. The chap is charming and contributes somewhat interesting opinions. He is a welcome respite from dunce cap Wesley Hilliard who makes Steven Robles sound interesting. Mental note to self: fast forward whenever he opens his mouth. Hint: shorten this podcast to 20 minutes max. File under: “Ugh” Do your own research online - it’s infinitely faster. Nothing to glean from this train wreck of a pod.
  • Djc1976
    Best Apple podcast out there
    You guys are amazing, the podcast is really informative and doesn’t fall down the trap of trashing all the products that so many Apple related tech podcasts or YouTube shows seem to fall into while they try to get the clicks or follows. Keep up the great work
  • ChickenG1ttr
    Awesome Podcast!
    You guys should collab with MKBHD In ChickenG1ttr, the 1 is an “I”
  • shimit1000
    Love the podcast
  • AceNet-AA
    Sir William Gallagher
    …nay… LORD William Gallagher, OBE (as deserving) is the leading torch through the alpha-botic forest to Newton’s source!
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