Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News


The Townhall Review is a one-stop-shop for relevant news and intelligent analysis from the leading talk show hosts in the nation: Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Mike Gallagher,  Sebastian Gorka, and Charlie Kirk.

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Recent Reviews
  • NickPT
    No self-awareness
    For someone who has been in the broadcast business as long as Hugh, he has an astonishing lack of self-awareness. His incessant table-thumping while speaking is a constant distraction. But even worse, he seems to have no idea how to use a mute function to cover his wet, gurgly throat-clearing coughs. This is a routine on the show, even when his guests are speaking! I’ve tried to listen to his show many times over the years, but for these reasons it is unlistenable.
  • Skateboard RN
    Episode/ show unavailable
    Apple podcast has sent flag saying show unavailable for several weeks , same with Hugh Hewitt show. I wish they would fix this
  • cappanetti
    What kind of idiots?
  • WeatheredPoolBug
    Mr. Hewitt, I really enjoy the totality encompassing story telling of this Broadcast. Part of the Soundtrack of my work day. Thank you for your hard work, Sir!
  • BillBlaster1
    Straight Talk, No Chaser Here
    Great summary of conservative tall radio interviews during the week. Highly recommended if you enjoy facts and accurate political reporting.
    Thank you for your podcast informative and thoughtful always Ann Colter had stated Trump did nothing did not keep campaign promises. OH Contraire, federal judges including SCOTUS is a huge accomplishment . BAM MI. UP
  • DoubleFacePalm
    Great Podcast
    I love this podcast. I listen to it all the time. Hugh Hewitt is one of the smartest, most intelligent conservatives in all of media.
  • cdavis211
    informative conservative perspectives
    it's a wonderful podcast but is becoming ever more monetized. at first you would get the "sponsored by..." message at the end. then a sponsor spot at the begining and at the end. then the occasional sponsor during a transition during the show. now you get random ads in the beginning; sometimes by junk food purveyors, car sales, etc. and the sponsor bump during almost every transition, and a related podcast promotion toward the end. Tip: bump the skip button 4x when the podcast starts to ease the pain.
  • texanichael Disabled VETERAN
    Smart funny. Great content
    I listen everyday Smart funny. Great content great American
  • VIP 114
    This is not an interview. It’s thinly vailed propaganda. There are plenty of inspiring stories about legal citizens too. Ask tough questions to this x president. I have lost respect for this podcast. Sincerely AM
  • cberg04
    Decent Analysis
    I think some very good points are made in the podcasts, but are there any conservative policy based podcasts that don’t spend the majority of their time saying why conservatives are so much better than liberals? I would like to spend more time learning and less time being persuaded as to why my worldview makes me a better person than someone holding a different worldview.
  • bradc40
    Losing support
    Ben Sasse, Chirs Christie.... is this The Lincoln Project podcast??....
  • zajylopm?.wqat
    Hi, Love the podcast. However, I get sick to my stomach when I see Chris Christie. A spineless, loser & two faced, to say the least. President Trump runs circles around this jerk, Christie. President Trump, one of our greatest presidents, through absolutely no help from Christie,, MOF, rose in spite of Christie. Encourage this guy NOT to run for President. Tell him to stay home & eat. He’s good at that. President Trump, thank you for fighting in the name of freedom. America loves President Trump🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • Lgbtqa+ Rights
    Incorrect Information
    These schools(including mine) are making sure that everyone is in a safe place and can explore and figure out who they are, it also makes sure they are comfortable. And STOP misgendering me and the other boys you mention in this podcast, we ARE boys not girls, and the reason why we are so suicidal is because we are not comfortable with who we were, when we come out and everyone accepts us it gives us happiness, i used to be really suicidal because i knew i am a boy, and it was mentally and physically painful for me and even a living hell. We are not influenced to be transgender because of social media, we are being informed that we are not alone and we get to hear the stories of other people who went through the same things, giving us courage to be ourselves. And once again the "girls" you speak of are actually boys.
  • ModernNinja98
    Great podcast
    Good information presented by pleasant voices.
  • Sandrare
    Fair, concise, informative
    I love to hear from Hugh and catch up on the latest goings on without all the fake liberal rhetoric spewing narrative. REFRESHING! Ignore the obvious trolls posting comments on here. They’re scared. And they should be 😊
  • Luke K Ivey Jr
    Townhall Review
    Clear concise and informative presentation of news with integrity.
  • A Traveller
    Hate to argue with Hugh, but –
    The John Batchelor Show was on the problems in Wuhan since January 6th. Having said that, this podcast is a don’t miss. Thanks, Hugh!
  • ShorePort
    Listen to a great weekly review on news
    Townhall Review another great way to learn and review what’s current in the news with conservative world view
  • benniesdad
    Focused on the right topics
    Great podcast. Addresses to most important topics of the day in an informative manner without the spin the hype. Please don’t change anything about it.
  • Jim from Wellesley
    Smart, well produced
    Interesting, thoughtful, and well researched topics.
  • willBGone
    Same rant no evidence.
    I’m still looking for an in-depth discussion of current events from a conservative perspective. No help here. Just feels like the same rant.
  • Iammonsteryeahyeah
    Although I am a conservative and found this show to be quite informative I could not get passed all the horrible typing noises in the background!
  • SarahPaxton416
    Typically Well-Balanced Conservative Reporting
    I’ve been listening for a couple of years, and think the majority of the stories are fairly objective from the conservative point of view. Lately one of the contributors appears to be on a more forward than normal, relatively inflammatory anti-left crusade, otherwise the program is very well made and informative.
  • KimInWA
    I look forward to listening every week. Sometimes i agree, other times i don’t. But i don’t feel like I’m in an echo chamber. Keep up the good work.
  • Robert Bliss
    Concise and pragmatic
    Concise and pragmatic political thought and opinion presented in a manner that doesn’t aim to pontificate to or inflame it’s audience. Well researched and masterfully produced.
  • ShakeyLSO
    Good weekly review of current issues. Many thought provoking viewpoints. Would have been five stars, but the one minute editorial episodes are a huge pain. They could easily be combined into longer episodes for listener convenience & continuity. I understand they want numbers of downloads/listeners for ratings, but terribly inconvenient for subscribers. PLEASE stop the one minute episodes.
  • Radio Bill Frank
    Political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts
    I rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news.
  • Gccboss
    A must listen
    I think the most concise and well presented review of news topics from a very knowledgeable group of people. Great interviews and well edited.
  • a4theroad
    Solid weekly recap from a conservative viewpoint
    The stable of radio hosts in Townhall are a lively bunch. Hugh Hewitt has gotten the most attention as his calmer and non-bombastic manner has gained him a spot in this year's TV debates in the GOP primary. Some of the other hosts can at times be a bit over the top. Nonetheless, the podcast is a must visit to get interviews from some of the more articulate voices on the conservative side which you may not get on NPR or the TV news. Keep up the good work.
  • vdj451
    The BEST political podcast for Conservative commentary and analysis
    The Townhall Review podcast is BY FAR the BEST political podcast for Conservative commentary and analysis. Like you, I'm incredibly busy - I work, I run a small business, I'm a full-time husband and a full-time dad. There aren't enough hours in the day to listen to all the great commentary by the leading lights of conservative / libertarian political thought. Host Hugh Hewitt essentially recreates the "ESPN Top 10" format, bringing the highlights & standouts of that week's programming, distilling them down to the MUST-HEAR, MUST-KNOW developing narrative in a coherent, substantive and informative way. Absolutely brilliant.
  • JacksonBlossom
    Conservative, but not Ridiculous
    Hugh Hewitt is perhaps one of the only current examples of a clearly conservative media personality who doesn’t embody all of the ludicrous nuances of a capital-P Pundit. He’s meditative, informed and knows how to make a clear argument for the things he believes in. Yes, his agenda is evident, but he doesn’t seem preoccupied with furthering along a political polarity, like most people on his side of the aisle. Granted, many of his frequent contributors engage in the typical conservative critical tactics— disqualifying anybody who doesn’t agree with them, cherrypicking data and screening guests whose ideologies most resemble theirs. Honestly, it’s nothing the left doesn’t do in the exact same manner, so you have to take these podcasts with a grain of non-partisan salt. All in all though, I think it’s an engaging show, and if you’re interested in hearing the conservative point of view, this would be a wise place to examine.
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