Wooden Overcoats

Fiction #149Comedy Fiction #14

Award Winning Sitcom || Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business…

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Recent Reviews
  • Zylktastic
    Very fun to listen. Which to have known what could have happened in the feature with Eric and Antagonie, with her brother in it as well. Could have been hilarious. Definitely two thumbs up and totally recommend it. Love each one of the characters and the storyline. Just a masterpiece.
  • forrrestfae
    just a really wonderful show :)
  • OldEarthling
    I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode of this show! good work guys. congratulations on five years and more. Wish you all the very best.
  • I’m still Evo Terra
    Now look here!
    There's a reason this show is included in many "Best of" lists. Because it is! Writing, acting, storylines, ridiculousness... everything is fabulous!
  • Lou2407
    Really enjoyed this. One of the funniest I’ve ever heard. Hoping there will be more someday.
  • KaKickbush
    Please make more!!!
  • Tante143
    My most favourite podcast EVER! ♥️
    I just listened to the Season 4 Finale. I had to stop CRYING before I could write my review 😂😂😂‼️ I loved these characters like I knew them. Each one of the Characters had their own quirky & fun personality…even RUDYARD. When I got towards the end of S4, I started listening once a week to really drag it out because I DID NOT WANT IT TO END. (I am happy that I can purchase the 3 Holiday Episodes. ) I laughed out loud 99% of the time and cried for Georgie in one episode. THERE’S SOME GREAT WRITING if you can make me cry for a Podcast Character! The Stories for each season are so over the top hilarious and I was invested in all of them. I will miss these people. Now I need to go and find these actors and David K Barnes to see what else he has written. The man is a genius. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU AT WOODEN OVERCOATS ♥️
  • Boatcast
    The fiction story pod you need
    I can't tell you how many times I've searched for a story pod like this that listens as a movie. It has quick, hilarious, adorable and masterfully written easy dark themes.
  • Tanasi Honey Company
    Was great but then
    They had to turn the mayor and the preacher gay to appease the woke crowd. The alphabet people will be happy.
  • Mssng Vwls...
    Such a Funn show!
    Wooden Overcoats will be forever one of my favorite shows. The scoring is absolutely beautiful. The acting makes me feel like I really know the characters, and want to know them that much more. The story is hilarious but touching as well. I am tempted to not finish the show because I would hate for it all to come to an end, but I couldn’t let myself die without knowing how it does.
  • oldladyterry
    So so sad
    Best show come back I can’t imagine life without you all!!!
  • Cow from cow creek
    Absolutely incredible
    As an unpublished writer myself, I relate to Madeline and hopes to get my book out one day, but until then I will be listening to this amazing podcast
  • ‘Teph
    The BEST
  • Adam...?
    Since finishing this show I have tried to find another to feel the void. Nothing has worked so far. Acting, writing, humour, tone...this show has ruined other shows for me now.
  • Jon DH the annexor of cheese
    The gold standard
    Perhaps the best podcast of this type in existence.
  • Groomer2022
    A Joy to listen to. ♥️♥️♥️
    I absolutely LOVE this podcast. I somehow found it late in 2022 and just finished it. 💔The humor is on point, the music is great, the characters are so well devoped and the actors do an amazing job. I'm so sad it's finished, but can't wait to tell my friends and listen to it again. Thanks you guys. ♥️♥️
  • Redpanda345
    Worth it!
    I must say, I am deeply invested in this story (and I’m only just now on season two!) if you like comedy podcasts, dark humor, and British people, this is the podcast for you. Treat yourself to the first episode! Enjoy yourself!
  • Miss me 2000
    Definitely entertaining
    I was looking for some good fictional podcast and Wooden Coats was recommended on a website. I am so glad I started listening because it is charming and funny. The actors and the writers a very talented. Love it!
  • xpyxd
    Funn is much better than the Captain of Edict Zero FIS at the Nononononono.
  • Puppyluv1031
    Incredible acting
    One of my favorite comedy podcasts of all time, I come back to it again and again. Absolutely hilarious & incredible acting all around!
  • sassybigmom
    Wooden Overcoats
    This was one of the BEST podcasts I’ve ever listened to!!!!! And I’ve listened to a few, believe me…. I wanted it to last forever!!!!!! Each and every character was absolutely wonderful!!! So incredibly “laugh out loud” hilarious and moving, all at the same time!!! Oh and….“Enjoy yourself”!! I sure did!!!!!
  • King Deadlock
    Best podcast ever
    I’m addicted to this podcast. I’ve probably listened to the episodes more than is healthy. Love the writing, the storylines, the quirky characters, the setting, and the acting! Thank you to Wooden Overcoats.
  • Jeynonymouse
    I used to love this show. Now I’m just sad
    I had been looking forward to this show coming back for the longest time, I had loved the earlier seasons but, while there were some good episodes, the one with the flashback to the Funn’s childhood was just hateful. To act as though it’s funny for two children to be that mistreated by badly behaving adults who blamed the children for the adults own issues was really not okay. What makes it worse is that it isn’t hard to view either of those characters as being on the autism spectrum and, as someone who is and was mistreated by adults for being ‘different’, well, I sure didn’t find it funny to say the least. If that episode didn’t exist I still haven’t loved every one of the new episodes but there were some very very good ones. But, as that episode does exist and they’ve made it clear what I might end up hearing again, I won’t be listening to any more. And frankly, I’m just sad about it. I really loved this show.
  • Xercs127
    Amazingly funny
    Truly one of the best stories you could listen to. It may be one of the funniest and yet most touching stories you could listen to. This may be my favorite audio play ever. And the acting is kind of amazing. And by kind of, I mean truly amazing. Please listen to this show it’s beautiful.
  • am i me?
    Masterful sound design in unpredictable dark comedy
    Love this show
  • berzrker
    It kept me hooked from the beginning
    Wooden Overcoats might be audio-only, but I could “see” every moment. The voices are so artfully done, they beg the brain to conjure up images of these characters. And the sound design is masterful. It brings you in to the moment, as if you’re watching things unfold in front of you, from the point of view of a funeral house mouse! 😄 Congratulations to the writers, the production team, and all of the voice actors for creating such an amazing show. It’s been an inspiring experience to realize radio programs are alive. Thank you.
  • Jamianessa
    Simply the best!
    I started listening a few years ago and then got into other podcasts after finishing the first 2 seasons. But I recently found Wooden Overcoats on my saved podcasts and decided to start from the beginning again. I was instantly transported back to that quirky little village and invested in the odd characters. Through the beautifully written hilariously dry British humor, the scripts come alive. When I got to the end, I was really sad, but it’s nice to know I listen again.
  • liz12345678987654321
    Enjoy Yourself!
    Simply the best. So entertaining, amazing character development, just so enjoyable!
  • Rainbowfish523
    Funn Funerals Forever <3
    🎵Why aren't you listening to Piffling FM radiooo?🎵 I haven’t enjoyed a fictional world like this in a long time. Each episode has made my year so much brighter, connected me with friends, and inspired me to create in a playful way (this incredibly written and produced show was made independently on excellent writing, crowdfunding, and magic—a huge feat and accomplishment. As an audio drama, it evades rigid storytelling conventions while remaining hilarious, delightfully morbid, and heartfelt throughout). Definitely give it a listen if you like hanging out in mortuaries and/or shenanigans with lovably eccentric characters. Enjoy yourselves!
  • sebey henry cohen
  • skooi88
    ⭐️x ♾ simply put:EXTRAORDINARY
    This is the best podcast, ever! Stop reading the amazing reviews and START LISTENING… and “Enjoy yourselves!”
  • Elizabeth Brz.
    a show (still) worth every minute of your time
    A few weeks ago, a relative suggested listening to Wooden Overcoats, and I’m so glad I did. I’m only sorry I didn’t know about it sooner. Everything about it is absolutely brilliant, and it’s been a welcome escape from our current reality. I will continue to recommend it to everyone I know (and even to people I don’t; it’s that good). To everyone who works on the show: thank you for creating such a gem! **Had to come back and edit my review from a couple of years ago just to once again say thank you, thank you, thank you for this podcast. I’ve listened to the entire series multiple times already, and both laughed and cried my way through the finale. What a beautiful end to the story of Piffling. Other people are all there is. 💚
  • StaceyS68
    Thank you all so much!
    This is, no doubt, my all time favorite podcast! The writing is AMAZING, and the cast is just perfect, never missing a beat! From rolling on the floor laughing to wiping tears from my eyes, this has been an amazing ride. How you go to all those places in a podcast about funeral directors just has to be experienced, can’t be explained. I only have one question… did they REALLY sit on the Simon Templar ‘saint’ joke for 5 years?!? Talk about a delayed payoff, but worth every second. Try it, really! Maybe we can, in the words of Al Pacino, ‘pull them back in!’ Farewell, Funns, and thank you so much for everything!
  • damefox
    Best fiction podcast ever
    Really, it is. Also my favorite podcast of all time. It is so funny and so heartfelt, and if you’ve never listened before I highly recommend going back to the beginning and treating yourself to these four hilarious seasons (plus some bonus content!). If you have listened before, listen again! I know I will, probably many times.
  • catterfly18
    The greatest of podcasts!
    Funny, smart, occasionally silly and full of wonderful characters - this podcast is a joy to listen too and I’m sad that it’s come to an end. I hope this creative team stays together and does something new. We need more like this!
  • addict3d2music
    Great Funn
    Excuse the terrible pun, but do not let that deter you from an amazing podcast! I came late in to the game but have thoroughly enjoyed the plot and character development. Generally very lighthearted stuff in a not so lighthearted world. I would second the review that said this was in the vein of Faulty Towers. Great job to the cast, writers, musicians, producers etc etc who have created a masterpiece.
  • Asklie
    The best!
    I have been listening since the beginning of this podcast (or close) and it’s one of my favorites. The voice actors, the writing, and the humor are outstanding. I wish you could make 1000 seasons. Great work everyone!
  • Basketti
    One of the best.
    My wife just got me into listening but I have to say I absolutely love this podcast. It’s funny, unique, and fun to listen to. Hands down one of the best podcasts I’ve listened to.
  • MAC8878
    “The Office” of podcasts
    Wooden Overcoats is The Office of podcasts. I hope that I’ll ever be able to find another that comes close to the humor and quality. I love a smart, well written comedy, which is difficult to find. This podcast has also been a wonderful way to connect with my daughter whose preparing to finish high school and move out for college. We discovered it together and it’s been a great way to connect. It’s one of the few things she’s excited to talk to me about.
  • Charmp620
    I first got into podcasts 6 years ago, and when I stumbled onto Wooden Overcoats I hadn’t heard anything like it. I’ve looked for others like it, and while I’ve found entertainment, it hasn’t been the same. It’s hard to find a story (especially a comedy) where each and every character feels like a real person. Don’t even get me started on how much I love Antigone. This show is a gift, and it needs to be treated as such
    I’m in love with all the characters- you really latch onto them as the episodes continue on. it’s comfort food.
  • dnlatte
    Haha - lovin’ it
    Great for road trip binge listening!
  • abbycat8
    Thank you, W.O.
    This has been one of my top favorite podcasts since I first heard about it back in 2015. I’m so sad it’s coming to and end, but I’m just thankful for the whole team that put this story together. I’ve loved every minute of it. Thank you, Wooden Overcoats. It’s been lovely 💜
  • BrokenChristian
    Final season going out with a bang
    I just listened to the pirate episode and I just have to say I am truly moved. It was one of the best episodes I’ve listened to. I wish I lived in the UK so I could go in person. It’s just a wonderful and beautiful experience. Thank you to the staff and actors. You all make the world a little better.
  • Jay L.D.
    absolutely delightful
    this is probably my favorite podcast ever. the voice acting is phenomenal and the sound design is so immersive. i find myself coming back to relisten to episodes over and over again.
  • Eversweet22
    Absolute Favorite Comedy Podcast
    I love this podcast. It’s quirky, hilarious, wholesome, and full of heart. I’ve listened to the episodes many times, and so excited for the new content.
  • bbb292
    British humor at its finest. Reminds me of Faulty Towers.
  • Autumn Flew
    One of the best
    *Highly recommend starting at S1 Ep1. to understand the big, if not disturbing, story only a very wise and clever mouse could tell. Listen cuz: ***Brilliant writing. ***Impeccable sound design. ***Unusual characters. ***Top Notch voice actors breathe life, and death, to the Towne of Piffling. Stay for: The perfect blend of mystery creepy and laughter twisty.
  • Whatever sarah121
    Chapman x Antigone
    Team Chapman and Antigone. Open your heart eric!
  • Accesette
    Love it!
    Love the characters! Love the writing! Love the actors! Just the best!
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